Anybody up for a CYOA (choose your own adventure) with a /r/sexystories twist?

So I had an idea which I have no idea if it will work out well on Reddit. I believe it should? I thought, "Why not start a /r/sexystories community CYOA adventure?" Needless to say I had to have an idea in mind of how to go about this project because it can either completely bust or take off to Saturn.

Here is the premise of my idea, for each thread I make, depending on the choice made, I would write a little story of what happened to the character each round. Every thread is a round and at the very end I would have around four to five and maybe six or three options you guys could choose from also with an added "Community choice" option where you would submit an idea of what the character would do aside from the options I gave you and the rest of you guys would have to agree on it.

Here's an example of my idea in progress, note that the story I make up here will NOT be the one my CYOA project will center on.

Artan shifted around in his sleep, it was common to not have a restful sleep when camping in a forest. Yet this was not the exact reason why his body moved. The sweet songs of beautiful nymphs and lovely sirens invaded his dreams which brought a rosy expression to his sleeping face.

As Artan had always dreamed of one day finding a nymph and making beautiful love to her, stealing the virtue of one protected by the Goddess of the Forest and Hunt, Numexia.

Still, like all good dreams, they must end with the coming dawn. Yet when Artan opened his eyes, it was not dawn, but several hours beforehand. Yes, the alarm spell he set in place had woke him up signaling that there was an intruder within his vicinity. Only those with hostile intent would trigger the alarm.

So as to not frighten the intruder, Artan slowly pushed his arm to his side where a dagger lay, he never went to sleep without a weapon nearby, and carefully wrapped his fingers around the hilt.

A long minute passed with Artan dutifully probing his surrounds with his senses until finally the intruder made their move. The swishing of legs gave away the intruder's location and Artan instantly sprung into action.

Artan flicked his wrist, sending the dagger flying towards the intruder, though not at a body part. The dagger pierced a green leaf which pinned the intruder to a nearby tree trunk.

Although he was dressed in light clothing, Artan rushed towards the intruder with a second dagger in his offhand, ready to stab his opponent should they do anything to indicate harm.

It was fairly dark out, so Artan could not make out what the intruder looked like, but when he braced his arm under the intruder's neck, pinning them to the tree trunk, he soon found the identity of the intruder to be one of the legendary forest nymphs.

"Y-you must leave this place! My sisters and I do not look kindly to strangers to our home!"

Though the nymph said this, it was worth noting that her expression was fearful, especially now that her life laid in Artan hands. She didn't even get the chance to attack or resist.

What does Artan do?

A. Kill the nymph

B. Tie her up with her vines

C. Attempt to rape the nymph

D. Release her to peacefully negotiate

E. Interrogate her

F. Community choice

I would then tally up the votes, or skip that if one decision seems to be the most popular, and announce the winning choice. When I get the chance I would write the next portion of the story using that choice. If A was chosen, Artan would then most likely have to fight off a horde of angry nymphs and would unlikely survive (he still could though). If B was chosen, Artan would try to tie up the nymph with her vines, but note that nymphs in essence control the plants they are connected to and he would soon find himself in a precarious position, perhaps he would get "used" so to speak. If option C was chosen, well the results would culminate in a heartwarming scene reminiscent of a wedding night(not) and probably deal with the same angry horde in option A, but the nymph in the future may want revenge if Artan survives. If D was chosen, Artan, depending on future actions, could probably have sex with the nymph (or more), have the nymph fall in love with him, end up forcing the nymph to abandon her home, or deal with the angry horde aforementioned. If option E was taken, Artan would be more aggressive, but that doesn't necessarily mean he would be fighting a nymph horde (maybe) but it would be harder to be more peaceful with the nymphs. If option F was taken… Well mercy be thy name.

In essence, the story could go anywhere dictated by the choices made. So if people are interested, I will start my official CYOA adventure which would choose the setting and create the character taking about two threads at minimum until the story takes hold.



  1. There’s a site for this kind of stuff that I like (although a lot of the stories are weird)

  2. Well, alrighty then. I’ll write up the first part tomorrow and have it uploaded in the morning ideally (8am pacific for me) It’ll basically be on how to set up the story such as choosing a male or female character and the overall setting

  3. My idea is slightly different where that once a choice is made by everyone there no going back and seeing what the other options are.

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