The Product Tester – Part I [MF]*

The ad in the back of the local weekly paper said only "Volunteers needed for product testing." There was a website address at the bottom of the ad, so Lindsay thought "why not?" and typed the address into her smartphone.

At 34 years of age, happily married with two children and a good but not great career in HR, Lindsay was, even so, bored with her life. As a teen, she'd been popular with the "goody goody" crowd, hanging out at church youth events and thinking about which boys she'd be willing to go "almost" all the way with.

The boys were pretty interested in her, too — still interested for that matter. Her good-girl-next-door looks and a cute, curvy figure were darn near as fresh at 34 as they were at 18, even after two children. She took care of herself, unlike some of her friends who just let themselves go after the first baby.

With the kids in bed, and her husband Bobby watching sports on TV, Lindsay looked at the website trying to figure out what kind of products they were offering. The design was a little bit hip, a little bit girly, with pastel colors and stock photos of flowers and sunshine. "Aha," she thought, "there's the link to find out what this is all about."

She opened the link and filled in the form. It asked for basic stuff: age, sex, marital status, children, occupation, hobbies, and so on. These seemed like reasonable questions for market research or whatever this was. It asked for an email address, and Lindsay thought for a minute.

She had a family email account that she and Bobby shared, but she also had an old Yahoo address that she hadn't used in a long time that he didn't know about. "Yahoo it is," she decided, and submitted the form.

"Hun?" she heard from the living room. "Whatcha doin', babe?" She had a pretty good idea what Bobby wanted. His needs were simple: some kissing and groping on the couch, some sexy talk, then upstairs for some more serious fondling, then off with the clothes and into the sack for some good old fashioned missionary sex.

She sat next to him on the couch and snuggled in. Bobby put his arm around her and stroked her breast through her thin, close-fitting t-shirt. He found her nipple and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Lindsay snuggled closer and kissed him on the neck. He smelled faintly of outdoors and man-sweat, something that always turned her on even though (or maybe even because) it seemed a bit nasty. Bobby turned towards her and kissed her, flicking his tongue around the inside of her lips. She could feel her pussy warming up and getting wet.

Both his hands were on her now, lifting and pushing and moving each soft, heavy breast. Lindsay closed her eyes and breathed deeply, begging him in her mind to squeeze and pull on her nipples. She moaned a little, and squirmed.

"Let's go upstairs," Bobby whispered in her ear.

"Not yet," she said. She ran her hands over his chest and gave his nipples a playful pinch, not quite enough to hurt, but definitely enough to get his attention.

"Oh yeah?" he said, and did the same to her. She squirmed again and moaned a little more. Yes, this was exactly what she wanted, but not quite enough. She nuzzled his neck some more, then bit him — not too hard. He moaned this time, and gave her nipples a hard squeeze.

"Now. Upstairs," he said hoarsely, and stood up. She could see his hard cock under his sweatpants, and her pussy throbbed. She followed him up to their bedroom.

With the door safely closed and locked, he undressed himself, then took her clothes off too, gently. First, the t-shirt. No bra — that always came off as soon as she got home from work and changed into comfortable clothes. He sat her on the edge of the bed and took a nipple into his mouth, rolling his tongue around it and sucking just a little, then harder, then hard enough to make her jump.

He pushed her back onto the bed and removed her pants — slim-fitting stretchy knit Capris that accentuated her round butt and shapely legs. Finally, the panties, the comfy, practical cotton bikinis now slick with moisture.

She wiggled to the middle of the bed and lay back, with Bobby kneeling over her, his hard cock inches from her face. She inhaled deeply, catching his musky scent and feeling just a little dirty. She could see a drop of precum oozing from the tip, and touched it with her finger.

Lindsay looked into his eyes as she licked his juice from her finger, and this seemed to drive him wild. He shoved her legs open with his knee, then drove his cock into her hot, slick pussy.

One push, another push, then all the way in. Lindsay bit her lip as she felt herself stretched open. Even after two children, she was still nice and tight; she was both ashamed and proud of that.

Next came the stroking. In, out, in, out, a little gasp every time he bottomed out, then a sigh as he pulled almost all the way back. In, out, in, out, stretching and pounding and filling her mind with only one thought, the sensation of taking and being taken, giving, and receiving, until finally, like a row of dominos collapsing, orgasm overwhelmed her mind and body.

In, out, in, out, and now the rhythmic contraction of her pussy was more than Bobby could withstand and he let go, burying himself deep inside as he pumped and pumped his cum into her.

She remembered the first time they "did it". He wasn't her first, but he didn't know that. She was definitely the first girl he'd gone all the way with, and she let him take the lead while he figured out what to do. It was over quickly, a little too quickly, but left him feeling amazed and astonished and ready to try again.

And again, and again. In his room, in his parents' room, in the car, in a tent at a church campout, in her parents' room, almost getting caught a dozen times. A pregnancy scare, which turned out to be a false alarm, and then a proposal, an engagement ring, a wedding, and lots, and lots of sex before, during, and after.

Sex all day, a baby, sex a couple times a day, a house, another baby, sex a few times a week, sex in the kitchen, in front of the fireplace (oh, those rug burns), on an air mattress next to the pool in the back yard during a meteor shower. Sex in hotel rooms, sex in a Laundromat (once), sex in a rowboat, but mostly sex in bed, in their bedroom, not as often any more, but just as good in its own way.

Bobby rolled off, spent and limp, and went into the en-suite bathroom to shower. Lindsay thought about joining him to see if she could get him riled up again, but it was late, they were both tired, and it was a weeknight. "Maybe this weekend," she thought, as she drifted off to sleep.

More to cum if you like it!



  1. Part II *** Although employees technically weren’t supposed to use the internet at work unless it was for business, Lindsay knew the company didn’t really monitor usage unless there was a complaint. After wrapping up a morning of candidate interviews for a customer service opening, Lindsay got her lunch from the break room fridge and ate at her desk. Most of the staff usually went out for lunch, leaving the place pretty quiet for an hour or so. Lindsay logged onto her Yahoo mail to see if the product testing company had responded. Nothing so far. She typed in the web address again from memory to see if she could find out a little more about the company and its products. To her surprise, instead of the website coming up, she got a page that said "Access Denied – Adult Content." She quickly shut down her web browser, glad that there was nobody watching. She checked her Yahoo mail again. Still nothing. Her phone buzzed: the next interviewee was waiting at the reception desk. She introduced herself to the young man, shook his hand, and walked him to the conference room. He’d done well in the phone interview: well spoken, courteous, and sincere. His work history was a bit spotty, but they hadn’t had many good candidates so far. Maybe this one will be good enough, she hoped. He looked young, but his resume suggested he was in his mid-twenties, with a degree in business and a few summer jobs working in construction. A couple of retail jobs after college, a long gap she’d have to remember to ask him about, then a restaurant job of all things. Still, this was an entry level position, so there was no reason to set her sights too high. Lindsay wondered how long the customer service manager would keep them waiting. She knew the lady had gone to lunch with a couple other managers, and she hoped they’d be back at a reasonable time. She snuck a glance at the young man, who was seated across the conference table from him. "Not bad looking," she thought, as she gave him a quick visual inventory. Medium brown hair, freshly barbered. Blue eyes. Clean-shaven. "Is his ear pierced?" she wondered — she didn’t see any jewelry, but there was a dimple in his left earlobe. Pale blue dress shirt, navy blue knitted tie ("interesting", she noted). Lean, somewhat muscular build. The conference room door opened, and the young man stood up. Here was Debbie, the customer service manager, looking well fed and a bit sweaty. Introductions again, everyone seated, then on with the interview. Debbie gave an overview of the company, and the position, and asked the young man to talk about himself and why he wanted to work there. Lindsay looked through his resume while they talked. Josh Dayton. If they hired him, he’d be the third kid named "Josh" working there. She watched him as he talked to Debbie. Although young, he had a confident demeanor, even a bit of charisma. He definitely wasn’t bad looking. Not bad at all. They both stopped talking and turned to look at her. Lindsay realized she’d been daydreaming, and looked up as she shuffled her papers. "Any questions, before we give you a tour of the office?" she asked. "None right now," he said, and smiled. A warm, genuine, captivating smile. "He’d fit in well here," Lindsay thought. She watched Debbie and Josh as they walked around the office, making introductions and shaking hands. She went back to her office and checked her Yahoo mail again. The tour was complete, and there they were, back at Lindsay’s office. "Well, that’s it. Think you’d like to give it a try?" Debbie asked Josh. "Yes I would, yes, thank you!" Josh replied. "Well I’ll just leave you here with Lindsay and you can work out all the details," Debbie said, winking as she walked back to her desk. "Please sit down," Lindsay said, motioning to a chair next to her desk. They made eye contact, and he flashed a quick smile. Lindsay suddenly felt warm. "Back to business," she thought. She snuck another look at him and found him looking directly back at her. She was suddenly tonguetied. "Clo … could you close the door please?" she asked. "What am I doing?" she wondered, her heart pounding. She stood up and walked to the file cabinet, then went back to her desk and sat down. "Is there anything you’d like to ask about us … uh, the company?" she asked, aware that she was sweating. "Oh, just the usual. Pay, benefits, when can I start, where do I park," he said. Lindsay imagined the two of them naked, embracing, feeling his hard cock between them. "Oh, uh. Yes, well." She stood up again. "We’ll let you know. We have a few more candidates to interview," she said, and reached out to shake his hand. "I’m the one you want," he said, and squeezed her hand, and then squeezed again, harder before letting go. Lindsay met his eyes, then looked down, embarrassed. She got a glimpse of a hard cock straining against the fabric of his dress pants, and her eyes widened. "I’ll, uh, walk you to the elevator," she said, opening her office door and taking a quick look around. The elevator bell rang, and the doors slid open. Lindsay followed Josh into the elevator. Josh pressed the button for the lobby, then looked Lindsay in the eye as the car started to move, and then pressed the "Stop" button. Josh took her hand, and rubbed it against his swollen cock. She fumbled for the zipper and opened it. Somehow she got his dick out and dropped to her knees, kissing and licking it. Josh groaned and leaned back, holding the handrail with both hands to steady himself as Lindsay went to work on his dick. Her first boyfriend taught her how to give blowjobs. For some reason her husband Bobby didn’t care for them, but now and then he’d let her finish him off. And now here she was, a happily married woman, blowing a stranger in an elevator. At work, no less. She licked from the bottom of his shaft to the top, over and over, digging her tongue into the piss-hole at the tip. Then she took the swollen cock head in her mouth, then as far back as she could in her throat. In, out, lick, suck, pump with a free hand until she felt his cock swelling even more, then pulsing his load into her mouth. Just as she swallowed, the elevator started to move. Josh smiled, tucked himself back into his pants, zipped up, and walked out of the lobby. Lindsay ran for the ladies’ room, aroused and appalled at what she had just done. *** More? Just say so!

  2. Yeah. Definitely interested in where this is heading….you’re a pretty damn good writer.

  3. Arrgh, seems the automoderator didn’t like me including a link back to this thread in Part III. Sorry folks, I need to wait six more minutes to post it again without the link. "You’re doing that too often", says Reddit. This is /r/sexystories — it’s not possible to do "that" too often, am I right?

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