[serial nc MF str8 oral timestop] Jake Part XXII – Unexpected Enchantments

The wedding guests were filing out toward their parked cars, so Jake started walking in the opposite direction down the path further into the park. He hadn’t gone far when a familiar voice stopped him.
“Hey, Jake! Jake Stevens, is that you?”
Jake stopped and turned around. He blinked in surprise at the owner of the voice.
“Lauren?” he asked, taking a step toward her. “Wow, is that you?”
Lauren smiled. It was definitely her. Lauren, Jake’s old college girlfriend. He’d fallen in love with that smile and gone through a lot of really memorable experiences with her. But back then she’d been a shy, awkward girl with no real fashion sense. She seemed to have fixed much of that. She’d gotten rid of her glasses, showing the world her dark eyes, eyes that were narrowed by the push of soft, rosy cheeks as she smiled with her entire face.
She’d straightened her hair into a long flow of black that framed her face, spilling over her shoulders and down to the curve of her breasts. And that was where the eye tended to linger, because they were gorgeous: round and very large, enough so they would sag a little if they were hanging free. Right now they most certainly were not doing that; Lauren had donned one of those strapless “lift and separate” bras under a red spaghetti strap cocktail dress that generously advertised her assets.
“I was just here for my cousin Jenny’s wedding,” she said. “And then I saw you… what are you doing here?”
Jake shrugged. “I work near here. I needed to clear my head from some… problems. So I took a walk, and I happened by you folks so I watched the vows from across the path there.” He found himself smiling back at her. “That was pretty intense, huh?”
Lauren giggled. “They’re so in love. Could you see the look on their faces from back there? I would swear they’d just come back from a quickie.”
Jake nodded. “I saw a little. So, you’re off to the reception I assume.”
Lauren sighed. “Yep. Gonna put in my appearance.”
Jake tilted his head a little. “Something wrong?”
“No, it’s just that you know how I hate being alone in a crowd. And my husband couldn’t make it.”
“Oh, yeah. I know the feeling,” Jake said. “Well, you can always hook up with a groomsman, right?”
“Hah!” Lauren punched Jake in the shoulder. “I don’t think so. So I heard you got married. How’s that treating you?”
Jake looked down at his wedding ring. “Actually,” he admitted, “things are not great there.”
“Oh wow,” Lauren said, taking his hand. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize.”
“It’s alright,” Jake replied. “I found out today that she’s seeing some guy.”
“Well then,” Lauren said, pulling his arm into her own. “let’s go.”
“Come on. You’ve already got a suit on. You’ll be my plus one, and we’re going to drink your troubles away.”
Jake chuckled. “Well, if you insist,” he said, “but no taking advantage of me in my compromised state.”
“Scout’s honor,” Lauren said with a laugh.

“So you got pretty buff huh?” Lauren said as she drove them toward the banquet hall.
“Yeah a bit,” Jake replied. “I kinda got my shit together a while back. It’s helped a lot, all the old aches are gone.”
“Well you look great. Oh, here’s the place.”
The reception hall was simple on the outside, an older brick building that was often rented out for private functions, but on the inside it was alive with music and lights and colorful flowers and decorations. Some guests were helping themselves to a buffet dinner, while others were already on the dance floor.
Jake raised a brow. “No symbolic first dance?”
Lauren smirked. “I may have circled a few blocks to get out of that crap. Jenny’s my friend, but there are limits.”

Laden with plates of food, Jake and Lauren took their seats at one of the tables. There were three other chairs at the table: two empty and one occupied by a bored-looking man in his twenties who gave them a friendly smile as they arrived.
“Hey,” he said, waving in greeting. “I’m Dave. Julie’s husband.”
“Julie?” Jake asked.
Dave nodded toward the head table. “Jenny’s sister. The cute one.”
Jake smiled, looking up at the bridesmaids. “Julie” was the shorted girl, the one who he’d worn like a cocksleeve less than an hour ago. “Ah, yeah. She certainly is that.”
Dave waved to his wife, then turned to Jake and Lauren again, offering his hand. “And who has my sister-in-law seated me with? Aside from the Brownings. They’re dancing, or something.”
Lauren shook his hand. “I’m Lauren. Jenny and I go way back. And this is Jake.”
Dave shook Jake’s hand as well. “Guess we both did well pairing off, huh?” he quipped with a wink.
Jake chuckled. “Oh no, we’re not married. I mean, we are, just not to each other. We used to date.”
Dave leaned closer. “I’m sure there’s a story there, huh?”
Jake grinned. “Oh yeah,” he said suggestively, earning another punch in the arm from Lauren.
“No story,” Lauren replied. “I invited Jake because my husband can’t make it, and it seemed like a fun time.”
Dave shrugged. “That’s alright. A few more drinks and I’ll just make up my own stories.” He gestured toward the bar. “Open bar, so I’m not holding back.”
“Good idea,” Jake said. “After the day I’ve had, a drink would be nice. Lauren?”
“Hm? Oh, you probably remember what I like.”
Jake smiled. “Sure do. Be right back.”

Lauren’s drinks of choice had always been a screwdriver, which Jake brought her along with a rum and coke for himself. A double rum and coke. Midway through their plates, Lauren got up to refill them both, and Dave leaned toward Jake once more.
“Hey man,” he said, “so are you makin’ a move on her?”Jake chuckled. “On Lauren? Hadn’t planned on it.”
“You should! She’s obviously into you, the way she keeps smiling at things you say and touching your arm.”
Jake thought back for a moment. “I hadn’t noticed. Dave, you’re clearly pretty drunk, how did you even notice?”
“Man, okay, I fucking love the hell out of my girl, yeah? But when a babe like yours sits across from me in a low-cut thing like that, well, I tend to watch closely.”
Jake laughed. “Ah, that’s a fair point.”
“What’s so funny?” Lauren asked, returning with their drinks and sitting next to Jake again.
“Oh, Dave was just telling me about how he used to try to pick up girls at weddings before he was married.”
“Yeah. It was a trip. Happy with my Julie, but memories are fun.”
Lauren looked at Jake and smiled. “They certainly are, aren’t they.”
Jake smiled back, and the music and voices cut out as he stopped time.
“Lauren, you’re right,” he said, “But there are things even more fun than remembering. Things like seeing.” As he spoke, he reached over and slid the straps of her dress down off her shoulders. He unzipped her in the back and unclasped the strapless bra she wore, pulling down both garments to reveal her ample breasts.
Jake drew in an appreciative breath as Lauren was revealed to him. Her skin was smooth and creamy, and the curve of her tits crowned by those perky little nipples made him question why they had ever broken up to begin with. Then he remembered. “You always were a little frigid,” he said, standing and moving behind her chair to cup and slowly caress her breasts. “I suppose it wouldn’t have worked out. Still, these were fun on the occasions you warmed up…” he leaned in close and pinched her nipples gently, inhaling the sweet scent of her. She was still using the same perfume that she had when they were together, and his cock twitched in appreciation.
Jake pulled back again and chuckled as his mind started working with the situation. He took Lauren’s glass over to the bar and topped it up with vodka, then returned it to her hand. Then he pulled down her bra and pushed her breasts up and in, giving them a squeeze. Finally, he replaced her dress and shoulder straps, carefully arranging the fabric where it had been, and took his place at the table once more.
Jake watched Lauren closely as he started time again. Her breasts, pressed in by his touch, bounced out and down against the front of her dress, causing her to jump slightly in her seat.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Yeah,” she replied with a smile. “Hiccups, I guess.”
Jake nodded, glancing at Dave, who in turn was pretty clearly staring at Lauren’s breasts. With just cause, too; freed of the confinement of her bra, they had shifted and now hung more obviously, with two very prominent points where her nipples had pressed against the fabric.
Jake stopped time once more and lifted Lauren’s left breast, then started it again. Again she twitched at the sudden sensation, and Dave’s eyes widened to see her somehow bouncing only on one side. “Oh!” She said. “Excuse me.”
“Have a drink,” Jake suggested. “That always helps me.”
Before Lauren could reply, he stopped time once more and bounced her on the right side. It took a lot of control not to laugh at Dave’s reaction to Lauren’s apparently magical tits. Did he think she had really strong pecs or something?
Lauren took a long swallow from her drink, then grimaced. “Ooh, I think I found the vodka,” she said. At that moment, she felt a sudden warm chill as between moments Jake first sucked on her nipples, then applied ice to them, making them stand out more against her dress.
She shivered, and faked a cough, putting a hand to her chest. It was a fairly clever way to hide the fact she was checking to adjust her bra, and again Jake had to suppress the urge to laugh at the look on her face when she realized her bra was missing. “Uh, I’ll be right back,” she said, standing. “I have to use the washroom.”
Jake watched her go, waiting until she was almost out of sight before pausing and replacing her bra where it had been. He spent a minute chatting with Dave about his work, some sort of handyman engineering Lab gig, until Lauren returned. Standing to pull out her chair, Jake smiled.
“Everything come out okay?” he asked.
“I got a system,” she shot back with a wink, not even noticing that Jake had secretly pulled her bra back down around her waist again.
Jake stopped time once more, just as Lauren was taking a drink from her spiked screwdriver. He was hoping a little extra alcohol would make her less prone to wondering about the cause of his harmless mischief. He pulled down the straps and the front of her dress, slowly circling each of her nipples with an ice cube from his now-empty drink. The ice left a ring of moisture frozen on her skin.
Jake glanced at Dave. Clearly, he had realized that the “show” was going to continue, and was looking in the right direction. So, without replacing the front of Lauren’s dress, he started time.
Dave’s eyes almost fell out of the sockets in surprise at the sudden full view of Lauren’s assets. Jake pretended not to notice, watching the man struggle with whether to call attention to the wardrobe mishap.
Jake froze things and righted the dress again as Lauren shivered and lowered her drink. Even with the fabric back in place, her nipples were bullets, straining to break free. “Brr,” she said. “I keep getting a chill.”
Jake cocked his head sympathetically. “I guess women have it rough, with the bare shoulders and all. Want to use my jacket?”
“No thanks,” she said. “I’ll be alright.”
“Okay then,” Jake said, standing again. “I need another drink. I’ll be right back.”
It wasn’t a lie; Jake did need another drink. But he also needed to be away from the table. Dave’s reaction when Jake pulled him out of time was a familiar confusion and fear, but when he read the note in his hand, he calmed considerably.
Jake stood very still, watching Dave from far enough away not to be too noticeable. He could always stop and start him to move as well. He’d felt a little guilty being the one to have all the fun with Lauren, and wondered what someone else might do in his position. Of course, part of it might be the two doubles he’d already drank, but hell, it was a party, right?
Dave dropped the note and stood up. He looked around and chuckled. “Hello?” he asked, loud enough for his voice to echo in the silent hall. When there was no answer, he walked around to Lauren’s side of the table. Then he kept walking past her, straight up to the head table.
He walked up to his wife, Julie, and waved his hand in front of her eyes. Julie didn’t respond; she just kept holding her fork in front of her open mouth. Dave smiled, then moved on, stepping behind Jenny. Leaning in close, he closed his eyes. It looked like he was smelling her hair while he reached around her, groping her breasts through the strapless wedding dress.
Jake chuckled, both at how specific Dave’s secret desires were and at how quickly he’d succumbed to them. Still, what was a little groping to someone who would never know better?
A little groping quickly escalated, as Dave unzipped Jenny’s dress and pulled down the front, exposing her chest. He pulled her chair back, removing the glass of wine from her hand and kneeling to squeeze her with both hands.
He laughed, tracing his finger over the handprints he’d created in her soft flesh. He leaned in and sucked her nipples, stretching Jenny’s breasts out forward in a more cone-like shape, then cupped his hands and reshaped them into roughly the spheres they’d been.
Grabbing her by the hips, Dave pulled Jenny to her feet. He gathered up the fabric of her dress, pushing it up until her hips were exposed. Her bare hips, Jake remembered, as he’d already stolen her panties during the ceremony.
Jake moved, getting a better view and closing in so he could hear Dave as he whistled and muttered “God damn.” Jake smiled, remembering how nice the view was from that angle. Dave knelt down, leaning in closer, and pressed his face between Jenny’s legs.
Jake stopped Dave’s time and walked over to investigate. Sure enough, he was down there tongue-deep in his wife’s sister’s pussy. “Damn, Dave,” Jake said, “it took me like a week before I got that far.”
Moving to a new hiding place, Jake pulled Dave out of time again and watched. He was curious how far the man would go. Dave licked and sucked at Jenny’s sex, rubbing at his own crotch through his pants. Eventually he unzipped and took his cock out, stroking slowly and looking up at her.
Dave was not a big guy, which went a long way toward explaining how tight Julie had been. Jake considered stopping him before he went too far, but considering the occasion, he didn't really see much harm in anything Dave was doing. It’s not like he was ripping up the dress or beating on the girl, after all.
Dave stood up, looking thoughtfully at Jenny for a moment. Then he cleared some of the plates away from the table, lifting her and moving her up against it. From behind, he bent her over – a little roughly, but not hard enough to do damage – and started pulling up at the back of her dress.
Again, Jake thought about stopping him, but it would have been hypocritical, given that he himself had pretty much fucked the hell out of Jenny mid-ceremony. And besides, the girl was going to have a vicious orgasm when he started her time regardless of whatever else might happen to her. So he stood by, playing statue, as he watched Dave grab Jenny’s exposed hips and thrust his cock hard inside her.
“Ohh fuck,” Dave moaned, wasting no time at all. He started immediately pumping into Jenny, hips slapping against her as over and over again. Her thighs were pressed hard against the table, so much so that Jake froze Dave for a moment and moved them both back an inch or two to keep her from bruising. Dave didn’t seem to notice.
He reached around under her and squeezed her tits in his hands, groaning as he bucked into her faster. “That’s right, you slut,” he growled, “take it on your wedding day!”
Before long, Jenny had widened enough that Dave wasn’t feeling it anymore. Jake got ready to stop him; he didn’t want to give the poor girl a torn-up ass on her big day. But instead, Dave pulled back and examined his work. “Cool,” he said, poking a couple fingers into the tunnel of Jenny’s vagina. Then he pulled her down off the table and onto her knees.
Dave spent a minute or two trying to stroke himself on Jenny’s tongue, but Jake knew from experience that unless you were willing to go down the throat it was difficult to get much from a frozen mouth without the girl’s teeth rubbing you raw. So instead he leaned her back and laid his cock between her breasts, squeezing them around himself and pumping his hips again.
Moaning, Dave fucked Jenny’s tits hard and fast, apparently caring little for how she would feel after the act. Then he stepped back, standing over her and stroking his cock furiously. In moments he was cumming, shooting his seed into the air over Jenny’s face and tits.
He was disappointed when the semen froze in mid-air, less than an inch from Jenny’s skin. Jake breathed a sigh of relief. It was still a problem; if time started like this, Jenny would be splattered in the face with ghost-cum. But it was much easier to remove airborne semen than the same load in a girl’s hair or on her dress.
Dave looked around, grumbling to himself. then he grinned. Taking a napkin from the table, he scooped the load out of the air and walked over to the dance floor, where several couples were locked still while bouncing to some cheesy pop music. He stepped up to a girl who looked about nineteen and pulled down the front of her dress, then smeared his cum all over her breasts. Why he chose that girl in particular was anyone’s guess, but he must have had a pretty good reason, because he left her dress unzipped with the shoulders down off her arms; when time started, she would experience a sudden “wardrobe malfunction” that would leave her dancing in nothing but shoes, panties, and a probably short-lived smile.
Returning to the head table, Dave put the plates back where they’d been. He gave Jenny a sloppy open-mouthed kiss and groped her breasts one last time, then fixed her dress and put her back in her seat where she’d been. He forgot the wine glass, but Jake fixed that after he walked away.
Dave made his way back to his own seat, stopping along the way to check down a couple dresses and look up one woman’s skirt, then began to sit in his chair again. At the last moment, he stopped, looking across at Lauren.
With a wicked smirk on his face, he leaned over the table and pulled down Lauren’s dress in the front to expose her breasts. He spent a long moment staring at them, then moved closer to her, reaching to pinch and tweak her nipples with his fingertips. He planted a kiss on each one, and then started to pull up her dress again, but left it partway down, just enough that the well-attended nubs were clearly visible.
Jake stopped Dave’s time again as he sat at his place. He walked to the head table, making sure nothing was too terribly out-of-place. Realizing that Jenny was likely to spill wine on herself when she reacted to Dave’s manhandling, Jake took the precaution of drinking most of the wine in her glass. He considered righting things for the dancing girl; as far as he knew, she’d done nothing to deserve being smeared with cum and stripped on the dance floor. But it was an awful lot of effort, and with how much Dave had seemed to dislike her it seemed likely that she was deserving in some way, so he settled on a compromise, partially zipping up her dress so it would most likely stop falling at the waist and only expose her upper body.
Returning to his own table, he gave Lauren some consideration. She was a really beautiful girl. It was a shame she’d let all that potential go to waste by being so lukewarm about sex. Sliding her chair back, he pulled up her skirt in the front to get a better look at her.
She definitely had a nice figure. The dress had made that much obvious. Her skin was smooth and without flaws, and her ass was a perfect cushion or double-handhold. Ah, the things he could do to her…
But then, she didn’t deserve abuse. She was being a good friend, taking him here when his own marriage was crumbling. Kneeling down, Jake decided to thank her for it. He slid down the red lacey thong she wore and spread her legs, gently rubbing at her slit.
She was unshaven down there, but not unruly. Still, it was obvious that the thong was an aesthetic choice. She was not looking for action tonight, which was unsurprising for a married woman. Jake planted a kiss on her clit, sucking very lightly on it. He’d always suspected that part of her problem with sex was that she was a little too sensitive, but she’d never been willing to talk it out with him when they were together and was unlikely to want to get into it now. Still, he tried to keep gentle, sliding a fingertip just barely inside her to stroke and tease.
His cock ached with desire, with the need to mount her, to fuck Lauren the way Dave had Jenny, right there in her chair, but he resisted. Instead he ran his tongue slowly up and down both sides of her slit, leaving a shiny coating of his saliva behind.
Jake stood up and contemplated the woman in front of him. Ordinarily he would just slip her panties in his pocket, but something made him change his mind about that. The collection could wait. He slid them back onto her, caressing her calves and thighs as he went, then slipped her skirt back down on her legs.
Jake considered her nipples. Then he just looked at them for a while. Then he put a hand on the table to steady himself as the hypnotic combination of Lauren’s tits and the copious amount of alcohol in his system made him a little dizzy.
He almost started time right there, but then remembered that he’d been away from the table when he stopped it. Retrieving his fresh drink, he moved to a position that might suggest he was just getting back and started things up again.
Jake had to frameskip back a few times to fully appreciate the Jake/Dave teamwork. First, he watched Lauren. She didn’t just shiver this time; her eyelids fluttered and she let out a long, quiet moan. It was almost a sigh. From the quiver in her thigh, Jake guessed that he’d given her the little orgasm he’d been aiming for.
The girl on the dancefloor didn’t notice her situation at first. She looked to have been drinking. After a couple bounces, however, she wondered what her dance partner was staring at. Realizing that her dress had become a skirt, she crossed her arms over her chest with a startled yelp. This in turn drew her attention to the sticky cum all over her tits, making her go pale with embarrassment. She gathered her dress up over her defiled chest and sprinted for the ladies’.
And then there was Jenny. Jake had worried about her, given how roughly Dave had used her body, but she managed to get a hand over her mouth to stifle the moan before it came out. Her other hand dropped the wine glass as Jake had expected, snapping over to grasp at her husband’s forearm.
Brian, concerned with his wife’s apparent seizure, leaned in close to see what was the matter. Watching his lips, Jake was pretty sure that he said something like “It’s happening again, isn’t it,” to which Jenny only nodded and squirmed. She looked to be in the throes of a pretty killer climax.
After she calmed down, Jenny leaned over and whispered something in Brian’s ear. He nodded, and she left. A few seconds later, Brian left too, following her path out of the hall, perhaps to a manager’s office or a janitor’s closet. It was pretty obvious what was going on with those two, and Jake smiled in satisfaction. That marriage was going to last, thanks to him.
Just for fun, Jake wound things back again and slightly turned Lauren’s head. He made sure she was looking him in the eyes as she came, and he returned her look with a smile the moment time started. There was no particular reason; he wasn’t trying to seduce Lauren. He just liked the idea of her thinking that looking at him made her get off.
“Everything alright here?” he asked, taking his seat.
“Oh yeah,” Lauren said with a little sigh. “It’s great.”
Dave grinned, trying and failing to hide the way he was staring at Lauren’s exposed nipples. “Yep,” he said. “Really just a magical evening all around.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3gj5r5/serial_nc_mf_str8_oral_timestop_jake_part_xxii


  1. **CONTINUED** “Have a drink,” Jake suggested. “That always helps me.” Before Lauren could reply, he stopped time once more and bounced her on the right side. It took a lot of control not to laugh at Dave’s reaction to Lauren’s apparently magical tits. Did he think she had really strong pecs or something? Lauren took a long swallow from her drink, then grimaced. “Ooh, I think I found the vodka,” she said. At that moment, she felt a sudden warm chill as between moments Jake first sucked on her nipples, then applied ice to them, making them stand out more against her dress. She shivered, and faked a cough, putting a hand to her chest. It was a fairly clever way to hide the fact she was checking to adjust her bra, and again Jake had to suppress the urge to laugh at the look on her face when she realized her bra was missing. “Uh, I’ll be right back,” she said, standing. “I have to use the washroom.” Jake watched her go, waiting until she was almost out of sight before pausing and replacing her bra where it had been. He spent a minute chatting with Dave about his work, some sort of handyman engineering Lab gig, until Lauren returned. Standing to pull out her chair, Jake smiled. “Everything come out okay?” he asked. “I got a system,” she shot back with a wink, not even noticing that Jake had secretly pulled her bra back down around her waist again. Jake stopped time once more, just as Lauren was taking a drink from her spiked screwdriver. He was hoping a little extra alcohol would make her less prone to wondering about the cause of his harmless mischief. He pulled down the straps and the front of her dress, slowly circling each of her nipples with an ice cube from his now-empty drink. The ice left a ring of moisture frozen on her skin. Jake glanced at Dave. Clearly, he had realized that the “show” was going to continue, and was looking in the right direction. So, without replacing the front of Lauren’s dress, he started time. Dave’s eyes almost fell out of the sockets in surprise at the sudden full view of Lauren’s assets. Jake pretended not to notice, watching the man struggle with whether to call attention to the wardrobe mishap. Jake froze things and righted the dress again as Lauren shivered and lowered her drink. Even with the fabric back in place, her nipples were bullets, straining to break free. “Brr,” she said. “I keep getting a chill.” Jake cocked his head sympathetically. “I guess women have it rough, with the bare shoulders and all. Want to use my jacket?” “No thanks,” she said. “I’ll be alright.” “Okay then,” Jake said, standing again. “I need another drink. I’ll be right back.” It wasn’t a lie; Jake did need another drink. But he also needed to be away from the table. Dave’s reaction when Jake pulled him out of time was a familiar confusion and fear, but when he read the note in his hand, he calmed considerably. “TIME HAS STOPPED. STAND UP. IT WILL RESUME WHEN YOU SIT IN YOUR CHAIR AGAIN.” Jake stood very still, watching Dave from far enough away not to be too noticeable. He could always stop and start him to move as well. He’d felt a little guilty being the one to have all the fun with Lauren, and wondered what someone else might do in his position. Of course, part of it might be the two doubles he’d already drank, but hell, it was a party, right? Dave dropped the note and stood up. He looked around and chuckled. “Hello?” he asked, loud enough for his voice to echo in the silent hall. When there was no answer, he walked around to Lauren’s side of the table. Then he kept walking past her, straight up to the head table. He walked up to his wife, Julie, and waved his hand in front of her eyes. Julie didn’t respond; she just kept holding her fork in front of her open mouth. Dave smiled, then moved on, stepping behind Jenny. Leaning in close, he closed his eyes. It looked like he was smelling her hair while he reached around her, groping her breasts through the strapless wedding dress. Jake chuckled, both at how specific Dave’s secret desires were and at how quickly he’d succumbed to them. Still, what was a little groping to someone who would never know better? A little groping quickly escalated, as Dave unzipped Jenny’s dress and pulled down the front, exposing her chest. He pulled her chair back, removing the glass of wine from her hand and kneeling to squeeze her with both hands. He laughed, tracing his finger over the handprints he’d created in her soft flesh. He leaned in and sucked her nipples, stretching Jenny’s breasts out forward in a more cone-like shape, then cupped his hands and reshaped them into roughly the spheres they’d been. Grabbing her by the hips, Dave pulled Jenny to her feet. He gathered up the fabric of her dress, pushing it up until her hips were exposed. Her bare hips, Jake remembered, as he’d already stolen her panties during the ceremony. Jake moved, getting a better view and closing in so he could hear Dave as he whistled and muttered “God damn.” Jake smiled, remembering how nice the view was from that angle. Dave knelt down, leaning in closer, and pressed his face between Jenny’s legs. Jake stopped Dave’s time and walked over to investigate. Sure enough, he was down there tongue-deep in his wife’s sister’s pussy. “Damn, Dave,” Jake said, “it took me like a week before I got that far.” Moving to a new hiding place, Jake pulled Dave out of time again and watched. He was curious how far the man would go. Dave licked and sucked at Jenny’s sex, rubbing at his own crotch through his pants. Eventually he unzipped and took his cock out, stroking slowly and looking up at her. Dave was not a big guy, which went a long way toward explaining how tight Julie had been. Jake considered stopping him before he went too far, but considering the occasion, he didn’t really see much harm in anything Dave was doing. It’s not like he was ripping up the dress or beating on the girl, after all. Dave stood up, looking thoughtfully at Jenny for a moment. Then he cleared some of the plates away from the table, lifting her and moving her up against it. From behind, he bent her over – a little roughly, but not hard enough to do damage – and started pulling up at the back of her dress. Again, Jake thought about stopping him, but it would have been hypocritical, given that he himself had pretty much fucked the hell out of Jenny mid-ceremony. And besides, the girl was going to have a vicious orgasm when he started her time regardless of whatever else might happen to her. So he stood by, playing statue, as he watched Dave grab Jenny’s exposed hips and thrust his cock hard inside her. “Ohh fuck,” Dave moaned, wasting no time at all. He started immediately pumping into Jenny, hips slapping against her as over and over again. Her thighs were pressed hard against the table, so much so that Jake froze Dave for a moment and moved them both back an inch or two to keep her from bruising. Dave didn’t seem to notice. He reached around under her and squeezed her tits in his hands, groaning as he bucked into her faster. “That’s right, you slut,” he growled, “take it on your wedding day!” Before long, Jenny had widened enough that Dave wasn’t feeling it anymore. Jake got ready to stop him; he didn’t want to give the poor girl a torn-up ass on her big day. But instead, Dave pulled back and examined his work. “Cool,” he said, poking a couple fingers into the tunnel of Jenny’s vagina. Then he pulled her down off the table and onto her knees. Dave spent a minute or two trying to stroke himself on Jenny’s tongue, but Jake knew from experience that unless you were willing to go down the throat it was difficult to get much from a frozen mouth without the girl’s teeth rubbing you raw. So instead he leaned her back and laid his cock between her breasts, squeezing them around himself and pumping his hips again. Moaning, Dave fucked Jenny’s tits hard and fast, apparently caring little for how she would feel after the act. Then he stepped back, standing over her and stroking his cock furiously. In moments he was cumming, shooting his seed into the air over Jenny’s face and tits. He was disappointed when the semen froze in mid-air, less than an inch from Jenny’s skin. Jake breathed a sigh of relief. It was still a problem; if time started like this, Jenny would be splattered in the face with ghost-cum. But it was much easier to remove airborne semen than the same load in a girl’s hair or on her dress. **CONTINUES BELOW**

  2. **CONTINUES. NOTE: minor changes were made after this was posted.** Dave looked around, grumbling to himself. then he grinned. Taking a napkin from the table, he scooped the load out of the air and walked over to the dance floor, where several couples were locked still while bouncing to some cheesy pop music. He stepped up to a girl who looked about nineteen and pulled down the front of her dress, then smeared his cum all over her breasts. Why he chose that girl in particular was anyone’s guess, but he must have had a pretty good reason, because he left her dress unzipped with the shoulders down off her arms; when time started, she would experience a sudden “wardrobe malfunction” that would leave her dancing in nothing but shoes, panties, and a probably short-lived smile. Returning to the head table, Dave put the plates back where they’d been. He gave Jenny a sloppy open-mouthed kiss and groped her breasts one last time, then fixed her dress and put her back in her seat where she’d been. He forgot the wine glass, but Jake fixed that after he walked away. Dave made his way back to his own seat, stopping along the way to check down a couple dresses and look up one woman’s skirt, then began to sit in his chair again. At the last moment, he stopped, looking across at Lauren. With a wicked smirk on his face, he leaned over the table and pulled down Lauren’s dress in the front to expose her breasts. He spent a long moment staring at them, then moved closer to her, reaching to pinch and tweak her nipples with his fingertips. He planted a kiss on each one, and then started to pull up her dress again, but left it partway down, just enough that the well-attended nubs were clearly visible. Jake stopped Dave’s time again as he sat at his place. He walked to the head table, making sure nothing was too terribly out-of-place. Realizing that Jenny was likely to spill wine on herself when she reacted to Dave’s manhandling, Jake took the precaution of drinking most of the wine in her glass. He considered righting things for the dancing girl; as far as he knew, she’d done nothing to deserve being smeared with cum and stripped on the dance floor. But it was an awful lot of effort, and with how much Dave had seemed to dislike her it seemed likely that she was deserving in some way, so he settled on a compromise, partially zipping up her dress so it would most likely stop falling at the waist and only expose her upper body. Returning to his own table, he gave Lauren some consideration. She was a really beautiful girl. It was a shame she’d let all that potential go to waste by being so lukewarm about sex. Maybe he should work on that. Jake had to frameskip back a few times to fully appreciate the Jake/Dave teamwork after starting time. Lauren winced in response to the nipple-play. She looked down and gasped as she realized she was actively flashing Dave. Dave tried to look innocent, but Lauren gave him an icy glare for not telling her. The girl on the dancefloor didn’t notice her situation at first. She looked to have been drinking. After a couple bounces, however, she wondered what her dance partner was staring at. Realizing that her dress had become a skirt, she crossed her arms over her chest with a startled yelp. This in turn drew her attention to the sticky cum all over her tits, making her go pale with embarrassment. She gathered her dress up over her defiled chest and sprinted for the ladies’. Some of the other girls Dave had “inspected” reacted as if a strange breeze had blown past or turned around expecting to see a phantom groper. And then there was Jenny. Jake had worried about her, given how roughly Dave had used her body, but she managed to get a hand over her mouth to stifle the moan before it came out. Her other hand dropped the wine glass as Jake had expected, snapping over to grasp at her husband’s forearm. Brian, concerned with his wife’s apparent seizure, leaned in close to see what was the matter. Watching his lips, Jake was pretty sure that he said something like “It’s happening again, isn’t it,” to which Jenny only nodded and squirmed. She looked to be in the throes of a pretty killer climax. After she calmed down, Jenny leaned over and whispered something in Brian’s ear. He nodded, and she left. A few seconds later, Brian left too, following her path out of the hall, perhaps to a manager’s office or a janitor’s closet. It was pretty obvious what was going on with those two, and Jake smiled in satisfaction. That marriage was going to last, thanks to him. Starting time once more, Jake took his seat at the table. He glanced up toward Jenny and Brian, getting Lauren’s attention. “Those two should get a room,” he said. “In fact, there they go.” Lauren giggled. Just for fun, Jake paused time again. There was no particular reason; he wasn’t trying to seduce Lauren. He just liked the idea of her thinking that laughing with him made her get off. Sliding her chair back, he pulled up her dress in the front to get a better look at her. She definitely had a nice figure. The dress had made that much obvious. Her skin was smooth and without flaws, and her ass was a perfect cushion or double-handhold. Ah, the things he could do to her… But then, she didn’t deserve abuse. She was being a good friend, taking him here when his own marriage was crumbling. Kneeling down, Jake decided to thank her for it. He slid down the red lacy thong she wore and spread her legs, gently rubbing at her slit. She was unshaven down there, but not unruly. Still, it was obvious that the thong was an aesthetic choice. She was not looking for action tonight, which was unsurprising for a married woman. Jake planted a kiss on her clit, sucking very lightly on it. He’d always suspected that part of her problem with sex was that she was a little too sensitive, but she’d never been willing to talk it out with him when they were together and was unlikely to want to get into it now. Still, he tried to keep gentle, sliding a fingertip just barely inside her to stroke and tease. His cock ached with desire, with the need to mount her, to fuck Lauren the way Dave had Jenny, right there in her chair, but he resisted. Instead he ran his tongue slowly up and down both sides of her slit, leaving a shiny coating of his saliva behind. Jake stood up and contemplated the woman in front of him. Ordinarily he would just slip her panties in his pocket, but something made him change his mind about that. The collection could wait. He slid them back onto her, caressing her calves and thighs as he went, then slipped her dress back down on her legs. Jake pulled the front of Lauren’s dress down a little and considered her exposed nipples. Then he just looked at them for a while. Then he put a hand on the table to steady himself as the hypnotic combination of Lauren’s tits and the copious amount of alcohol in his system made him a little dizzy. He watched Lauren when time started once more. She didn’t just shiver this time; her eyelids fluttered and she let out a long, quiet moan. It was almost a sigh. From the quiver in her thigh, Jake guessed that he’d given her the little orgasm he’d been aiming for. “Everything alright?” he asked. “Oh yeah,” Lauren said with a little sigh. “It’s great.” Dave grinned, trying and failing to hide the way he was staring at Lauren’s exposed nipples. “Yep,” he said. “Really just a magical evening all around.” **END PART TWENTY-TWO**

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