The Maiden-Mothers of Haverach, Part 2 [ff] [anal] [oral] [preg] [monster] [weird] [fantasy]

Kate woke to an urgent tug on her arm. She stared at the stone ceiling in disbelief; it felt impossible that she would find herself still in the alcove and not wrapped up in bed. The red girl looked down at at her wide-eyed, wearing an expression of concern. “Come. Come,” she said. “The rings are heating.”

True enough, the concentric metal rings beneath her were warm to the touch. “They will be red hot in a moment,” said Yewet. “That would burn even me. We must retreat to the Mating Hall until the heat subsides. Kate–it is rare for the Father to force us out of hiding like this.”

Kate felt cold terror run from her throat to somewhere in her belly as they stumbled out of the gap and into the vastness of the hall. “Is it because of me?”

“Nothing excites the Father like a new arrival,” said Yewet, “but there must be something unusual in your perfume. I admit I was drawn to it myself.” She kissed her neck, gently. “He is going to ravage you, Kate,” she whispered. “He is going to take your kala-shem, and fill you with his grismeth until you think you will burst. But I will do what I can to tire our great Husband first, my new love. Rub yourself over me. It may confuse him.” Yewet pressed herself against Kate, running a hand between her legs and spreading whatever unique puissance Kate exuded over her own belly and chest. Kate felt herself flush again at the thought of Yewet’s amazing tongue. “That’s it,” said Yewet. “Get wet for me.” She knelt and pressed her face into Kate’s crotch, rolling in it, luxuriating in it. She kissed Kate’s clitoris and ran her fingers over her secret lips. She rubbed Kate’s wetness over her hair and preened it back. Then she stood with a resolute look on her face, turned, and walked into the light of the censers, waving her arms.

From somewhere there came a howl like a hurricane rushing through a tear in space itself. The floor began to shake. Swarms of dust-motes rose into the air around Yewet’s feet. She turned to Kate with a finger over her mouth, and smiled. A huge hunched shadow filled the space behind her, throbbing like a beating heart, and something long and pink and wetly-glistening snaked towards her from between the pillars, easily as wide as one of the girl’s legs. It moved on many pairs of stubby pink centipede-legs, all writhing and moving in waves. It crept around her and she reached out to pet it; it curled around her waist, pawing at her with those centipede-legs, and with a snap snatched her away into the dark. Kate stifled a scream.

“I see you have met young Yewet-Najar,” said the masked man, who had apparently been a few feet away all along. Kate sprang back from him, hand clasped over her mouth. “She has a fire within her like no other. She has yet to bear us children, of course, but time will tell.”

“Children?” said Kate.

“Why, of course. He is the Father. Making children is what he does. He was in a frenzy today at the thought of putting his children in you.”

She heard Yewet cry out from the darkness, then heard naught but fast, wet schlicking sounds. Yewet yelped and panted in one orgasmic crescendo followed by another.

“It has been an age since he was last so enthusiastic,” said the masked man. “Yewet will not have known him like this before. He has been so slow and gentle with his wives of late. But your scent has taken aeons off him.”

The sounds became dominated by a series of fast wet slaps. Yewet cried out, her wail muffled by something hideous and unseen.

“He’s hurting her,” said Kate. “Stop this. Stop this now.”

“It’s not up to me to stop it,” said the masked man. “She’s doing this for you.” He reached a hand towards the shadows, unfurling the fingers with deliberate slowness. “To make it stop, simply take her place. I dare say you might be able to accommodate it better than her once you get going. The males of her people are, shall we say, less blessed than yours.”

“I’m afraid,” said Kate. She took a halting step towards the dark.

Yewet called her name, stuttering over it. “Stay away,” she cried. “Oh Prismus, oh Jhanothep, stay away! He can smell you!” Kate watched as a wet pink limb snaked around the pillar nearest to her; it reared up, sniffing the air. The sounds of wet slapping increased in fury. Yewet wailed. “Husband! Oh, Husband!”

“I’m here,” shouted Kate. “It’s me that you want!” The wet slapping slowed. The crawling limb snaked towards Kate, sniffing and feeling for her. She went to meet it, peeling her sweat-damp singlet over her head and discarding it by her feet.

“Very good,” said the masked man, stalking off into the darkness once more. “That is the spirit.”

She came face-to-tip with the horrible limb, and trembling put her hands around it, stroking the strange cluster of snuffling nostrils at its tip. She pulled it to her, pushing it into her pubic mound to declare herself to it. She felt an icy breeze rush between her legs as it inhaled. The thousand legs of the limb thrummed in excited unison. The sounds of sex stopped; she heard Yewet panting in the dark, exhausted. A second limb shot from the dark to find Kate, curling around her waist and sucking at the fold beneath her breast. The first limb slid between her legs and wrapped around her thigh, pressed its nostrils firmly against her perineum, then lifted her effortlessly into the air. The pulsing silhouette ahead moved into a pool of light to meet her halfway, and Kate let out a scream.

The lit portion of the Father looked like a long, leathery brain the size of a large car, and running along the juncture between its undulating hemispheres was a row of huge, glistening phalluses, all covered in ribs and bumps and veins, the smallest the size of her forefinger, the largest as long and wide as her arm. From somewhere below its bulk grew eight more long limbs that matched the tentacles that held her aloft. Two had Yewet grasped by the legs, holding her down on one of its long, many-ribbed cocks while she writhed on it, her small muscular back tensing and untensing. A third had clasped to her front, kneading her small breasts, and in return she was licking it with her long tongue. Kate could not see an end to the Father, for it seemed to grow into the shadows to join a fleshy mountain behind the nearest pillars, and for all she knew it filled the entirety of the room but for the tiny corner she had thus far explored.

Pale veins ran all over it, carrying a bubbling white ichor to muscular bags clustered below each of its terrible penises. Yewet let out a yelp as the bags nearest her began to twitch and pulse, the white ichor spurting from between her stretched petals. She arched her back as the bags emptied themselves into her. The phallus beneath her began to shrink and relax. With her head tilted back she saw Kate, and met her eyes with a weak smile. Kate saw that the girl’s belly was distended with the creature’s cum, her well-developed abdominal muscles stretched and parted like the useless shell of a fat queen ant. She fell from the penis and the Father’s tentacles let her go. She turned slowly and ran her hand along the length of the spent member, holding the petals of her crotch closed. She curled herself in a dent on its leathery hide, cooing happily.

“He never worked me like that,” said Yewet. The white fluid leaked between her fingers. “It was your smell on me. Perhaps now I will bear him a child. Here, my newest, sweetest love.” her hand found the next phallus along, a few inches longer again than hers had been, and girthier, standing like a thing of iron with its cum-sacks full to bursting. “This one is for you.” The Father’s limbs lowered Kate towards it as if in obedience, and she felt small tendrils on the limb between her legs probe at her labia, gripping and separating them to ready her. She reached down to stop them, but Yewet caught her foot and hauled herself up with her free arm, rolling her hot cheek against Kate’s thigh, licking at the intertriginous fold between her inner thigh and her crotch, and holding Kate’s arm aside. Kate felt a now-familiar abandon come over her, and she realised that she wanted desperately to take on the monster’s great cock, if only to impress Yewet.

She reached down to stroke Yewet’s hair, and the girl looked up with a shaking, enamoured grin. The creature was clumsily pressing Kate against its huge penis, and she reached down at full stretch to touch the thick head while Yewet wrapped her tongue around it. The head alone filled her palm; her stomach sank as she imagined it filling her virgin hole. Something in Yewet’s enthusiasm reassured her; if the tiny girl could handle it, then so could she. The head was dripping wet with some glistening lubricant, rendering it all but frictionless to the touch, and it slipped to and fro as Kate inexpertly guided it towards herself.

“Let me,” said Yewet, grasping the shaft and guiding it home. Kate felt an impossible pressure against her, an impossible hugeness threatening her. “It won’t fit,” she whispered. “It won’t fit!”

“You are a Maiden-Mother of Haverach,” said Yewet. “We shall both accommodate bigger than this in the years ahead, and we shall be glad of it.” The limbs that grasped her waist and legs began to tremble. “That’s it, good Husband,” said Yewet. The girl put her tongue against Kate’s clitoris and began to slide its long roughness back and forth. Kate shuddered. A second pair of limbs came to run up the length of Kate’s arms, gripping her with their legs, and a fifth limb came to insinuate itself against her belly and chest, working her nipples with its nimble tendrils. Yewet moved around Kate’s suspended body until she was behind her, and Kate let out a pleasured yelp when she felt Yewet’s tongue once more at her anus while a nest of tentacles worked her clitoris.

Then she saw it, a great shrug that began in the shadows and ran along the Father’s middle, thrusting each penis upwards in turn until it reached hers, and with an explosion she was at once penetrated and filled to what she imagined was absolute capacity. She let out a wail of pleasure and pain as the creature kneaded her breasts and belly and a second stroke came rolling out of the dark, this time reaching deeper, spreading her wider. The Father’s limbs lifted her legs up and aside for the third stroke, which filled her again, rubbing against surfaces that had long been secret even to her. The tip seemed to widen like a bulb within her, a terrible plunger that threatened to suck her insides out before each successive ramming stroke.

Yewet thrust the fullness of her tongue into Kate’s ass while she murmured happily in her strange language. Kate could feel them both inside her, Yewet and the Father, and gave herself over utterly to the pair, whispering shuddering oaths to them as the strokes came and came and came. The tip was pressing against something inside her at the top of each stroke now, and it ached dully, but the pleasure of the stroke paid for that pain with interest. She reached for the next penis along–one bigger and longer still, with odd nodules running up its length–and began to stroke it with her hands. She felt the creature twitch in response.

Yewet withdrew from her ass, kissing the small of her back. “Do you want it to put that one in you?” asked Yewet. “That’s what you’re asking for by touching it like that.”

“No, I…I don’t know,” said Kate, panting as a new thrust filled her. “I…oh…just fill me with it…fill me…”

Yewet reached over and began to stroke the penis, running her tongue along its length. The nodules pulsed rhythmically as she moved over them. After another few thrusts the Father withdrew his phallus from Kate, leaving her feeling more empty than she’d ever felt in her life. It hoisted her above this second, even more terrible thing, and Yewet guided it home again.

The thrust came and every one of those nodules thrummed against the opening of her vagina on the way in, expanding as they did, battering her tender g-spot. She was stretched near breaking-point and the dull ache from what she supposed was her cervix became even worse, but the pleasure of the stroke had been redoubled. “Faster,” she said. “More!” She bore down on the shaft with all her might and it throbbed in return. The waves came at her harder and faster and deeper until the great cum-sacs were slapping the cheeks of her ass. As the colossal fucking reached its crescendo she felt something new and narrow and snakelike grow from the end of the member within her, and her eyes widened as it found her cervix and began to work it open, remaining in place even as the full length of the great cock slid in and out of her.

“Wha-what-what,” is all she could say. “What–”

“He's getting ready to fill you,” said Yewet. With the help of one of the Father’s limbs she raised herself up Kate’s front to kiss her, long and hot and deep. “Can you feel it in your womb? Isn’t it wonderful?” The thing thrashed, pulsing and widening in some tight pocket within her, and she started a scream that Yewet silenced with another long kiss. More thrusts came. Harder, faster. Her body spasmed as she was wracked by an orgasm like the birth of the universe itself, and the Father worked her still, faster and faster, the second-cock now sliding expertly around the lining of her womb, preparing her.

Then with one final thrust the Father pinned Kate down and filled her while Yewet kissed her deeply and thrust her small breasts in her face to be sucked upon. It felt like she was being filled by liquid fire at first, hot and impossible, an expansion that should take months happening in seconds, but the sheer joy of it made her weep. She felt great spurts of the white ichor gush from the seal between herself and her eternal partner, but most of it stayed inside her, inflating her until her belly was taut and distended like a woman five months pregnant. Yewet pressed her round belly against Kate’s and sucked on her breasts in return.

The creature shrank within her, and she felt its second penis withdraw from her overfilled womb, knitting her cervix closed with a single spot of some eldritch glue. The whole thing fell from her then, spent and exhausted, shrinking. She felt cool air rush in to take its place, like the sensitive socket left by a fresh-pulled tooth.

“I’ve never seen the like,” said Yewet. “You are something special, my sister. Fat with grismeth on your first try!” The Father’s limb reached across to Kate’s belly, exploring it with its legs. Once satisfied it set Kate down on the mosaic floor, wet and dripping and covered in twenty different kinds of sticky juices. It took one last deep draught of her as it left her, and she laughed as the air tickled her. Yewet joined her on the floor and the beast withdrew into the dark, most of its cocks still erect and glistening, off to fill strange wombs elsewhere in the Mating Hall.

The masked man appeared from the shadows, clapping slowly. “Extraordinary,” he said. “Yewet, expertly done as always. I am sure his holy seed is making short work of those stubborn young ovipods of yours as we speak.” Yewet bowed with a smile, tapping her small toe-claws on the floor. “And Kate, you are a revelation. Oh, the things you both shall bear into the worlds! You do great credit to your creators. I am Mathemus, Obstetrician of Haverach, and you may call on me at any time. You must summon me when you feel the slightest twitch of life!”

Yewet took Kate’s hand and led her along a winding path between the pillars to her own sweet-smelling alcove, where she had earned a small feather bed, and the pair laid together and made gentle love for hours, their private parts tender but thoroughly satisfied, their bellies full of puissant new life.
