Bradbury Hill – Part 1 [M][f][oral]

Bradbury Manor, the sign on the gate read. The gate guarded a long, winding driveway with small trees on either side. The driveway lead to a large wooden house at the top of a hill. It was an old house. All alone at the top of the hill, surrounded by the forest below, it looked like a it had emerged from mother nature herself. Far from the rest of the population, far from the buzzing city, this place felt stuck in a time long forgotten.

Peter looked down at his note. Bradbury Manor, it confirmed. This must be it. He swung the gate open and started walking along the driveway. The gate creaked in agony as it swung back in place. A gentle breeze made the leaves shake about Peters head. To him it sounded like chatter, like the trees were talking to each other. He listened carefully as he got ever closer to the house. It looked even more majestic close up. Peter admired the front porch, the windows and the slanted roof. He reached the door and instinctively reached for the doorbell. But he could not find one, so he knocked on the door instead. The hard wood of the door propagated the sound of his fist like he had never experienced before. It was empowering. After a moments waiting the door slowly opened inwards. Behind it stood a tall woman. Her long, blond hair fell down shoulders and onto her chest. She was wearing a long dark dress that perfectly accentuated her figure. There was something very warm about her, like a mother. Her blue eyes portrayed experience, wisdom, years of knowledge, much like the house that contained her. It was obvious, but Peter asked as a way to start a conversation. “Are you Ms. Bradbury?” The woman smiled. “You must be Peter. Come in, come in.” She stepped out of the way and let him enter the house. The first thing that struck him was the smell of the house. Unlike the exterior of the house, worn and rugged, the smell was incredibly fresh. Not a clinic, sterile fresh, like after cleaning, but a warm, reinvigorating fresh, like a field of grass in the morning. “Let me show you the room.” said Ms. Bradbury. Peter nodded and followed her up the stairs to the second floor. The house was even bigger on the inside than it had looked on the outside. From the stairs lead a long hallway with doors on either side. Ms. Bradbury stopped at the third door on the right and unlocked it. “Here it is.” she said and raised her left arm as a gesture for Peter to enter. The room was big as a living room. There was a couch, a bed, a drawer and a desk. Everything he needed. Peter turned around to face Ms. Bradbury. “This looks great.” he said. Ms. Bradbury just smiled. If felt like she was studying him. “How much was it again?” Peter continued. He knew exactly what the price was, but he found no other way of bringing it up. “50 dollars a week.” she replied. “That's a really good price.” “Oh, we don't really need the money. It's just nice to have some company.” Peter put his briefcase and coat on the bed. “Would you like me to show you around?” Ms. Bradbury asked. “That would be great.” Peter replied. Ms. Bradbury lit up.

Together they walked back down to the first floor. From the hall they took a right and Peter found himself in the kitchen. Ms. Bradbury explained that the room came with a complementary breakfast. From the kitchen they entered the living room and from there they entered the ballroom. Peter had never seen anything like it. The ceiling must have been three stories high, the floor was shining and the room, being a room for dancing, was completely empty which made it look even bigger. After the ballroom they came to a small library. Ms. Bradbury lead Peter back to the hall and up the staircase. She showed him all the rooms of the second floor, most of which looked very similar to his own. It was clear that Ms. Bradbury enjoyed showing Peter around. She spoke with passion about the rooms and what used to occur in them. But Peter got a sense that Ms. Bradbury always talked in a past tense. As if all the things she was talking about were simply memories. “Do you get many visitors?” Peter asked. “Oh. Not at all.” Ms. Bradbury replied. “Not like before. But that's a long story.” “I've got time.” Peter was intrigued. “Alright then. This house used to belong to my father and his father before him. When me and my husband got married, my father promised us the house and a few years later we moved in here.” Ms. Bradbury cleared her throat. “He loved throwing parties, my husband. There were always people here. Even after he had our three daughters, there were still people visiting. My husband managed to be a father, a worker and a party host all at the same time. But all this took its toll on him. A few years ago he…” Peter noticed that she found it hard to continue. “I'm so sorry.” he interjected. Ms. Bradbury laughed awkwardly. “Anyways, I still have my daughters. They mean the world to me.” “So you live here the four of you?” Peter asked. “That's right. Jenny, my oldest daughter, is studying to be a lawyer. So we decided it would be cheaper for her to live at home. Judy, my second oldest one, is a an artist. She is always going around taking photos of things, or writing about things. Alexia, the youngest one, just graduated high school. She doesn't do much of anything. Sometimes I don't think she even knows what she wants to do.” “Sounds like you have a pretty good life here.” Peter replied. “Oh it's almost perfect. Except, it gets a bit lonely sometimes. Which is why it's so nice when we have visitors like you.” “I'd love to meet your daughters some time.” “You'll meet them at breakfast tomorrow. You do want breakfast don't you?” “I would love some.” Without Peter realizing it, they had entered his room. He looked at his wristwatch. It was almost midnight. “Well, it's getting late.” said Ms. Bradbury. “I should go to bed.” Had she planned this? “See you tomorrow.” she continued. “Goodnight.” Peter replied as she closed the door to his room.

The following morning a bang on the door woke Peter up. He sat up in his bed. “I'm coming.” he yelled after the second bang on the door. Peter put his jeans on, then his t-shirt and finally his socks. There was a third bang on the door. Peter got up and opened the door. For the second day in a row he was met by a tall, blonde woman. But it was not Ms. Bradbury. This woman had short hair, barely touching her shoulders. Peter could not help but to check her out. She looked young and naive, but still intelligent. Her eyes were blue, her lips small but soft. Over her pale, almost white, skin she wore a purple tank top and jeans. It looked like big breasts were trying to escape their confinement, which resulted in a wonderful cleavage. “Um, breakfast is ready.” she said. “Right, um, thank you…” Peter replied. “Jenny.” “Thank you Jenny.” Jenny lead the way through the corridor, down the stairs and into the kitchen. She did not say a single word on the way. But it was not awkward, it was confident and dignified. Her ass pressed against her jeans as she walked. It was hypnotic. “Ah! There you are. Good morning Mr. Thompson.” said Ms. Bradbury as Jenny and Peter entered the room. “Good morning Ms. Bradbury.” he replied. Ms. Bradbury was sitting at one of the short ends of the table. Jenny lead Peter to the long end opposite the kitchen door. He sat down and Jenny sat down between him and her mother. “Where are your sisters?” Ms. Bradbury asked. “The wanted to sleep in.” Jenny replied indifferently. “That's a shame. I had promised Mr. Thompson that he would get to meet them.” “Don't worry, he can meet them later. Plus, I'll take good care of him.” Jenny looked up and smiled at Peter. They started eating of the breakfast. There was eggs, bacon, bread, cheese, sausage and a rainbow of different flavors of juice. Whenever Peter complimented Ms. Bradbury on her efforts she shrugged it off as if to say that it was her duty as a mother and a hostess. As they ate, they talked about all matter of things from work to personal life. “How long will you be staying with us?” Jenny asked. “Well, I'm commissioned to write 4000 pages so it will probably be a while.” Peter replied. “What about your girlfriend, won't she miss you?” Ms. Bradbury asked. Peter was confused. Presuming that someone has a girlfriend or boyfriend is an old tactic for finding out whether or not do in fact have a girlfriend or boyfriend. But the question was coming from Ms. Bradbury, not Jenny. He looked up and found the two women waiting for him to respond. “Oh, I don't have a girlfriend.” he replied. As if nothing, the conversation steered onto other topics. But Peter really wanted to ask Jenny the same thing. Was it too late? Had the topic changed to much? “So, do you have a boyfriend Jenny?” he asked and felt like an idiot. It was not smooth at all. Maybe if he left now, he could pretend that this never happened. “Oh no! No boys allowed in the house. That's my only rule.” Ms. Bradbury had just saved him. Jenny laughed. “But mom, I'm an adult. Surely I can have boys over if I want to?” she asked. “Not in this house!” Ms. Bradbury stood up, effectively ending the conversation. Without another word she started clearing the table. Peter hurried to finish the last of his breakfast while Jenny just sat there. “I best be going. Will you help Mr. Thompson get settled in?” Ms. Bradbury asked. Without waiting for confirmation, she left the kitchen. Jenny and Peter were now all alone with each other. This sudden realization startled Peter. Luckily Jenny took initiative. “Unfortunately one of the showers on the second floor is broken. So we have to take turns on the other one. Would you like to go first?” she asked him. “Oh, not at all. You go first.” he replied. “A gentleman huh?” she teased him.

Jenny took him by the hand and lead him to the second floor. She showed him were he could get fresh towels and where to put his dirty laundry. Then she took a towel and went to bathroom. Peter grabbed a towel and idly waited for his turn. Not to seem creepy, he stood a few feet away from the door to the bathroom. After not too long the door opened and Jenny walked out. She had her towel wrapped around her body, covering just enough to not be inappropriate. Peter admired her glossy legs. “Your turn.” she said and walked off. Peter enter the bathroom with newly acquired towel. It was probably the smallest room in the house. It contained a toilet, a sink and a shower. The drapes were just inches away from the toilet seat. Peter turned the hot water on and let himself relax in the warm embrace of the water. When he was done, he turned the shower off and got out. He grabbed his towel, dried his short hair and then wrapped it around himself, just like Jenny had done. With his clothes in his hands he walked back to his room. He opened the door gently and was surprised to see Jenny. She stood in the middle of the room, still wrapped in her towel, looking right at him. She didn't say a word, neither did he. With her index finger, Jenny gestured for him to come closer. Peter complied. When he was close enough, she extended her hands and placed them on his chest, stopping him. She grabbed the ends of the towel and opened it up, revealing his wet, naked body. Still silent, Jenny looked him in the eyes as she knelt down on the floor. On her way down, her hands gently caressed his chest, his abs and his waist before finally landing on his ass, one hand on each cheek. Without breaking eye contact, without saying anything, Jenny opened her mouth and embraced his dick. With the wet, warm sensation around it, his dick grew bigger and firmer until it was throbbing in her mouth. She used her tongue to play with the head for a while. Then she started sucking on it. Her head moved back and forth and she took more and more of his dick into her mouth and down her throat. Not in a single instance did she ever break eye contact. Even when she took his dick so far down her throat that her eyes started rolling back, she still looked up at him. Peter felt her hands on his ass as she pushed him toward her. It all became too much for him to manage. Peter closed his eyes and let his body explode. He could feel his seed shooting out of his dick and into her. Even now, she did not take his dick out of her mouth. When he was done, he opened his eyes and found Jenny still sucking his dick, trying to get every last drop of cum out of it. Finally she let his dick slip out of her mouth. She was smiling. Still no word, she stood up, kissed him lightly and walked out the room.

What had just happened? Had it really happened? Was this all a dream? So many questions were floating around in Peters head. But in a way, as is customary after release, he did not really care. He found some new clothes and put them on. Peter spent most of the day in his room and Jenny stayed in hers. It was not until late in the evening that he saw her again.

Peter was so focused on his work that the bang on his door startled him. For a split second he felt his fight or flight instincts tingle. He got up and opened the door. Jenny smiled at him. She was wearing a long blue casual dress with the top button undone, hinting at her cleavage. Jenny leaned forward and kissed him quickly, as if to make sure no one else saw. “Mom made supper, if you'd care to join us?” she whispered. Peter smiled and nodded. Jenny took his hands and lead him down the stairs. Just outside the kitchen she let go of his hand and acted rigid and formal. Just like this morning Ms. Bradbury was seated alone at the short end of the table. “So nice of you to join us Mr. Thompson.” she exclaimed, almost ecstatic. She got up and pulled out a chair for Jenny and one for Peter. Same places as this morning. “Are they coming?” Ms. Bradbury asked Jenny. “Yeah they should be here any minute.” she replied. “Let's just wait 'til…” started Ms. Bradbury. But before she could finish her sentence the kitchen door swung open and her other two daughters walked in. They were in a heated argument about something. To Peter it was all unintelligible. When the two girls noticed him, they stopped talking abruptly and just looked at him. “Alexia, Judy, this is Mr. Thompson.” said Ms. Bradbury. Peter stood up and extended his hand. Without saying a word the girls took turn to shake his hand. “Nice to meet you.” said Peter, but no reply. They all sat down and the two girls were soon in another heated argument. Peter looked to his right and Jenny met his gaze. She just smiled and shook her head. Ms. Bradbury initiated the meal by taking the lid off of pots and pans, revealing the wonderful food that she had cooked for them. During supper, the two girls kept to themselves while Ms. Bradbury, Jenny and Peter talked. “How are you getting settled in?” asked Ms. Bradbury. “I feel just like home.” Peter replied. “I hope Jenny's been nice to you.” she continued. Before Peter had the chance to answer, Jenny subtly put her left hand on his right thigh. Peter had to swallow. “Uh, yeah Jenny is great.” he answered awkwardly. Jenny moved her hand to his crotch. She let it move in circle, massaging his dick through his jeans. “So what did you two do today?” Ms. Bradbury casually inquired. Jenny started pressing harder against his dick. She loved to see him squirm. “We, um… well not much really. She showed me around the house, but then I had to do some work.” Peter replied. Like a complete idiot, he looked over at Jenny as if he wanted her to confirm his story. “Yeah that's right.” she said in a formal voice, as if they did not know each other. She removed her hand, looked at Peter and grinned. Such a tease.

After the supper, they all went their separate ways. Ms. Bradbury started cleaning the kitchen, Alexia and Judy went into the living room, Jenny went to her room. Peter decided to go to his room, maybe get some work done. As he walked up the stairs to the second floor he knew that there was no point. It was hard to focus on work when all he could think of was Jenny. Her short blond hair, her striking blue eyes, her dimples, her pale skin and her wonderful, small red lips. Peter spent hours in his room, unable to get anything done, just thinking about her. When the clock turned to midnight he decided to give up. Maybe a good nights sleep would clear his head. Peter got undressed and laid down in his bed. The thin covers embraced him and he turned to his side, looking into the wall. With eyes closed he realized his mistake. It was now even harder to think of anything other than Jenny. Peter was so frustrated and absentminded that he did not hear the door opening. He did not hear the sound of gentle feet against the wooden floor. It was not until she spoke that he noticed her. “Peter?” He turned around. Jenny stood before him in a white bra and panties. Unlike before, she did not look confident. More shy and fragile. Peter made room in the bed for her and lifted the cover. Jenny got into bed, right next to him. She pressed her body against his, her breasts against his chest, her panties against his boxers. She wrapped her leg around his, holding him close, and then she kissed him. It was deep and passionate, it meant something. Peter kissed her back, embraced her with his arms and held her close. All his frustration was gone. All his thoughts and fantasies were blow away. No longer did he feel that raw desire to take her, he just wanted to hold her. For the first time in years, Peter felt comfort. True, genuine, undeniable comfort. With Jenny in his arms, with the smell of her hair and the touch of her skin, it did not take long for Peter to fall asleep.


1 comment

  1. I have enjoyed this story the most of your work, hope you continue on this one!

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