strange opportunities (first time plz b kind)

Life in a gated community can be challenging. Designing and building said communities is even more so. Let's take a stroll down Suburban Ave. On the right we have: Upper Creak followed by Asher Lake. On the left we have: Willow Terrace followed by la Sequoya. Row after row, on and on they go; houses, apartments, condo's each community walled in by 10 foot stucco fences. I designed each with: 60 units, a pool, community center, basketball, tennis, BBQ, running track and more. Inside each pocket neighborhood there are no fences. They have conjoined yards. You might think that this is strange, how do you know what is yours and what is not. What grass do I mow? Not to worry your HOA pays for this. All landscaping, pool, security, maintenance and other necessities are only a phone call away. Your children play in complete safety on the playgrounds, the pool has a full time lifeguard and if something breaks they have a full time facilities manager. Apartments are the least expensive with houses being the most expensive. The smallest unit is 2 bed 2 bath. Apartments range up to 4 bed 3 bath, the Condo's up to 4 bed 4 ½ bath and houses are up to 5 bed 6 bath. Apartments and condo's have parking structures the houses have either a 2 car or 3 car garage. When friends or family come to visit they can park in the visitor parking lot. The visitors do not need to worry about getting lost, the road is an oval. If you live in Upper Creak the road would be named Upper Creak Circle. The units on the outside of the oval number 1 to 35, units on the inside of the oval number 36 -60. So if you live in 2-D your unit would be the second one on the outside of the oval. You would live on the left-hand side after unit B. This is providing that they come in on the correct side of the oval. If they come on the wrong side the second unit on the outside of the oval would be unit 34. Every unit has a nice open air design; freely flowing from front door to living room, kitchen, dining room and flowing to the backdoor and out to the patio. The superintendent decided that since I designed and built the communities it would be a great idea for me to be the facilities manager. I have a team of maintenance techs that maintain each neighborhood. When a tech cannot be found I fix the problem. The superintendent also decided that I needed to be centrally located and offered me a 3 bed 2 bath house. My wife and I could not have children so we convinced her that a 2 bed 2 bath would be fine. Together we finally decided the house and utilities free for life plus a monthly stipend. I attend all HOA meetings in each neighborhood. My work is not limited to only household problems; any problem, anywhere, comes through my desk first. To say that I am well known would be an understatement. We are a city unto ourselves totaling 600 units. Apartments and condo's have either 8 or 12 'houses' in each unit. Some owners or renters think that I am the superintendent. They send me e-mail or talk to me about their financial troubles. I can only give them the business card for their HOA. I have only seen the superintendent once, when I was hired. From what I hear she spends her time in Hawaii or Fiji or some other island somewhere. This past year has been tough. My wife was diagnosed with cancer and within a few weeks she was gone. After that I became obsessed with work. Anything to keep my mind busy. I moved all her personal effects to the spare bedroom or gave them to her family. I keep people at arms length. Always friendly but merely an acquaintance at the same time. The HOA noticed, called me in for a meeting. After that I got a call from the superintendent. In the mail I got plane tickets to Guam courtesy of the superintendent. I gave my house key to my brother-in-law, advised him to take everything that belonged to his sister out of the house. Promptly on the day I was to leave a car showed up and took me to the airport. The driver escorted me all the way to my first class seat. I was in Guam three days before I saw her. I was having dinner when she came. She was dressed in a tiny bikini, wrapped at the waist with a sarong, flip flops and of course huge sunglasses and diamonds on her fingers. She waltzed in toting a daiquiri, smiling at the staff and practically flopped into a chair at my table almost knocking it over. Without a word staff was at the table making everything look fine. She sat quietly studying me before her dinner order and another daiquiri was brought. For my second time meeting this woman I was not impressed. She studied her meal and then looked at me. Her first slurred words to me: “I hear someone has been very naughty”. I got my wallet, paid my bill, said “Ma'am” and walked out. I heard her mumble something but I didn't care what. I went to my room and slept. The following morning when I opened the door to my beach cottage a young woman greeted me. She said her name was Tasi Talina and that she was an executive assistant to the superintendent Brandy Green. Tasi advised me that my bank account had been reimbursed for all expenditures that I had made while in Guam. The cottages, condo's and restaurant all belong to Brandy. Tasi also said that Brandy had left early this morning for Yap and she had made reservations for me to go to there. To which I declined: “I am not island hopping with Brandy.” Tasi: “What do I say to her then?” “I only want to go home, I'm a working man. I want to go back to work.” Tasi: “I am so sorry sir, Brandy has made it impossible for you to buy airfare back to the U.S.” “Ghad that woman. I'm going to breakfast.” Tasi: “Thank you sir.” Breakfast was a strange endeavor now that everyone knew I worked for Brandy. Staff practically fell over themselves to help me and no one would take my money, not even a tip. After breakfast I went back to my cottage to change into swimming trunks. When I opened the door to my beach cottage there was a young girl lying naked on my bed. I walked out slamming the door. Finding Tasi standing there: “Sir is she not to your satisfaction?” “Tell that…, tell Brandy…, oh Christmas” I sat down rubbing my temples Tasi: “Sir she is a virgin …” “That girl can't possibly be old enough.” Tasi: “Oh sir she most certainty is 18” “She doesn't look 18?” Tasi: “Sir, please. I can guarantee that she is 18. Not to mention that if you do not go, into that cottage, that girl will be in the red-light district this evening. Brandy will make sure of it. I'm so sorry sir but it is true. You chose to stay here rather than go to Yap and for that Brandy did this” “That b****” Tasi: “Yes sir.” Rubbing my temples I look at the cottage Tasi: “Oh and sir, she will be checked. There is a pill in there that will help you” “Brandy is the one that needs help, mental help” Tasi: “Yes sir” Pro 30: 18 & 19d: There are three things that amaze me–no, four things that I don't understand:… and the way of a man with a virgin Sometime after 6pm we emerge from the cottage. The girl kisses me and just as fast disappears. Tasi greats me with tickets to Yap. This time I accept. Dinner was uneventful and Tasi showed me where I would stay. I had a restless night. The next morning Tasi greats me wearing only a Pohnpeian skirt. I try not to stare at the small perky breasts of the young Tasi. Tasi explains: “This is how most women dress here on Yap. Shall we have breakfast?” “Oh we're together today? Where is Brandy?” Tasi: “She left for Fiji but wanted us to do a few things here on Yap.” “I see.” Tasi was right most females wear only skirts on Yap. I have never seen so many breasts of all shapes and sizes in my life. There was something about Tasi that held my attention. Maybe her golden brown skin tone, maybe her eyes, I don't know. I mean I’m a man surrounded by topless females of every age, shape and size, but I only had eyes for Tasi. I couldn’t explain it. We took a tour of Yap after breakfast. After a light lunch we took a boat out to a remote Atoll. When the boat left I knew I was in trouble. When the boat was almost out of sight Tasi yelled: “Come swim with me.” She dropped her Pohnpeian skirt showing that she wore nothing under it and ran into the ocean. I forgot about the boat leaving, undressed and dove into the warm, pristine blue waters. I haven’t had so much fun with a woman in so long; laughing, swimming and playing in the waters of a remote Atoll. After a while I noticed a shark not far from us. I showed Tasi and we quickly got out. Tasi was in no hurry to get her skirt. “Tasi what's going on?” Tasi: “Come let's talk” Still nude we walked to a small clearing where she got a container of food and drinks. I hadn't seen this before so I had even more questions. You know, women are intuitive. She walked close to me, placed a finger on my lips, took my hand and led me to a blanket where she sat. Without looking at me she got the things out of the container and set about preparing the meal. I watched and then finally sat. Without a word we ate and drank wine. After the wine was empty Tasi stretched her arms over her head, with a slight shake she stretched her back and then leaned back resting lightly on her forearms arching her back and raising her chest. Tasi: “You are a good man. We are naked and alone on this Island. Am I not to your satisfaction?” “I've heard this question before and I don’t like where it goes.” “You might like it this time” “Indulge me” “Did you know that there is a corporation above Brandy? They've been watching.” “I see” “I had to tell a few fibs” “Go on” She bites her lower lip. “The girl that was in your cottage is my little sister” “Wait, what? Little sister?” “Hold on. What I said was true, she would have gone to the red-light district. It wouldn’t be Brandy that put her there. The customs of these islands are different. Giving a virgin to an executive is common and customary. If the executive turns the girl away she is seen as unworthy and therefor has no future. Her family would disown her. She cannot get a job nor can she marry. Her only option would be prostitution.” “I see” “My sister told me about her time with you in great detail” “Did she now?” “Yes she did She told me how gentle and kind you were. About the shower you had together. About your hands and kisses. About…” She blushes. “She is quite fond of you.” “I see” “Brandy was on her way to Fiji by boat. She could not be found on-board this morning. We believe that sometime last night she went missing. All her jewelry and belongings were in her room. Search parties have been sent but they have not found her. The company is interested in hiring a new superintendent. As you saw from Brandy's lifestyle there are perks in being the superintendent. The boat is here lets get dressed.” Without another word we got dressed bored the boat and went back to Yap. Tasi:”Think about the offer but don’t take too long” “OK” I spent more time with Tasi. She showed me the properties that the company held. I was quite impressed. Yap, Chuuk, Pohnpei, Fiji, Hawaii, Guam, and the ones in the States. The company is in process of building more. Tasi and I had lunch and I gave her my answer, “Yes” Tasi: “Thank you sir.” She went to make a call. I went to my cottage to change into swimming trunks. When I opened the door to my beach cottage there was Tasi and her sister lying nude on the bed. Tasi: “I did say that there were perks to this job?” “Indeed you did and you are both to my satisfaction” I walked in and closed the door.
