Mind F–k. One of the best I’ve every read.

The Journey

An Adventure into the Erotica of the Mind


Missy Heatherwood

Copyright June, 2015

The Journey

My clit still pulsed involuntarily while I nestled into his shoulder and chest. As with all of our times together recently, the lovemaking was extremely intense and noisy. J.T. and I have been together eighteen months, much of that time apart because his job keeps him on the road. Still, during the times that we get together, there is more to it than mere desperation to fuck, simply because we haven't done so for a while. We have a connection to each others body that goes beyond the imagination of most couples. J.T. is an incredibly sensitive lover and he seems to always put my needs before his own. When he finally lets himself go, his body goes through a tension and release that I've never known or witnessed with another man. That usually happens several times during our marathon sex sessions. We seem to be made for each other, physically and mentally, in the bedroom and out of it. This time, I found myself settling into him more, relaxing in his warmth, comforted by the steady rhythm of his breathing. He often lays a soft towel on his shoulder to make our quiet time more comfortable for my cheek and absorb humidity and sweat. My body still tingled, exhausted by our all night session. The thought of doing anything but laying in bed with him the rest of the day was beyond my comprehension. My mind, however, was still in full operation. I thought back through the night and marveled at how he knew just when to touch my erect nipple to send me into another mind-blowing orgasm, or how he figured out just the right amount of suction from his lips on my clit to keep me on the threshold of release for what seemed an eternity. I lose all track of time when I'm with him. All of my muscles felt heavy, too heavy to move. I whispered to him in a soft voice, actually the only voice that I could muster at the time. "I'm so tired, but I can't turn off my mind." I found myself having flashbacks to my orgasm triggers throughout the night . . . his voice, the look in his eyes at just the right moment, the subtle stroke of a single finger on the side of my breast after telling me for the previous ten minutes that it was going to happen. Wow! The man has talent in the sex department. "You just relax babe, settle into my shoulder and listen to your breathing and me." His voice was nearly a whisper, but still firm in it's resolve to communicate clearly to me. "Be aware of your breathing. Soft . . . slow . . . relaxed. Let your body relax more." Instantly the muscles in my shoulders and chest give up more tension. I felt like my body was almost melding into his own. I trusted him implicitly and was willing to follow his suggestions without hesitation. I could feel the heaviness of my limbs joining my torso, aware of the folds in the sheets and the warmth of the mattress beneath them. What a strange sensation. Heightened awareness, yet extreme relaxation of my muscles. He began to speak once more. "Let your body lean into my own. Feel the heat from our skin blend together, mixing, spreading out and releasing to the air around us. Imagine a light from my body spreading out and wrapping around yours. Let it take you in, hold you, keep you safe . . . so safe and secure." I heard my voice emit a small moan of satisfaction while his essence held me, caressed me. The moment was perfect. Little did I know that it was about to get better. "Let your body rest deeply in my arm," he said. J.T. has a way with words, a delivery of just the right phrase at the right time. "Let all your thoughts drift upward," he continued. "Imagine nothing but blue sky overhead with a few wispy clouds in the distance. The sun is shining warmly, but not hot. It's so warm and safe." I felt as if I could drift to sleep and be very satisfied by this time, but J.T. had other plans. I had no clue what would come from his lips and inventive mind next, but I knew enough to go with it and let him lead me down a new path. J.T. spoke again. "Let the light surrounding us take away all the weight and heaviness. We can drift upward. You can no longer feel the sheets. Leave them behind and let me lift you toward the blue. See it. Feel the warm breeze caress your skin." He reached over with his free hand and gently held my own. It was so weird. It's like I was in two places at once, yet never really gone from the bedroom. I was totally aware of him, his voice, the imaginary scene he painted, and on a lesser plane of existence, the bedroom. "Take my hand and fly with me, let me hold you while we drift in the sky. Look down. See the green of the fields and grassy areas where we've made love. Remember the sun on your skin during those times. Feel that warmth now. Hold my hand and fly. Roll in the sunlight. Let it warm your naked breasts. Let it shine on your pussy and reflect off the moisture coming from deep within." Instantly I felt my pussy gush, although I wasn't aware of any muscles tightening to cause the expulsion. Oh my! What this guy does to me. I listened again, hanging on his every word. "Let your body turn over any way you want. Let the breeze kiss your legs, your toes, your fingers, your neck. Feel the coolness on your earlobes, kissing and nibbling them gently the way you like it. Your skin is tingling from all the attention." I let my mind go, twisting and turning in the fanciful world of his creation. I don't know how long he let me play in the atmosphere, but once again his voice called me back to him. I looked at him in my mind's eyes. He was there holding me, supporting me, yet his form was surreal. I guess that I still don't have the proper words to describe the sensation. "I'm going to wrap my light around you again. Come in close and let me carry you," he said. I was momentarily disappointed, thinking that this unique time was about to end. Then I realized that I trusted this man with all other aspects of our sexuality, so I should trust him to end it, or not, at the appropriate time. I gave in to him once again. "Look up," he said. "Look into the sky and let me carry you there. Go higher. I've got you. You're safe and warm. We can begin to see the curvature of the earth and look there . . . a few stars are beginning to twinkle. Your body is so light, weightless. Yet this place is so safe and warm." I could see it all in my mind's eye. The blue below, the fuzzy edge of the the atmosphere, the dark sky overhead with a few stars pushing through the endless canopy of empty space. "Let's go higher," he invited. "Look at all the stars in the distance. There's a brilliant one there. It's for us. Feel my hand. We're moving toward it. It's brighter, and brighter as we get closer. There's warmth coming from it, calling us closer. It's not a star. It's a brightly lit room in the middle of space. It's made just for us. Let me carry you in. Feel the warmth of the light and the safety inside. Look around. The stars are still there, outside the walls of our private room of light." I could see it in my mind. It was almost like a tent in the desert, only one that you could see through, exposing the pulsing, flickering stars in the distance. The very air inside our private oasis was brilliant with light. There was an energy present, an air of anticipation. "Look around," J.T. said. "The air is filling with colors, all the colors of the rainbow. It's a ribbon of light moving around the walls, filling the room with light pastels as well as deep hues. Feel the rainbow wrap around us, surrounding the two of us in color and kisses to our skin. Hold my hand now and drift slightly away. Your body is weightless. Let the rainbow flow over you, envelope you like a gift that needs special wrapping. Let it caress your legs, your arms, your neck, your eyelids." I felt my eyelids involuntarily blink, even though they were closed. The ribbon of light danced over me, under me, between my legs, over my fingers, circling my breasts, leaving a glow of color and warmth behind every inch of my body. I clung to each passing second, wondering where he would lead me next. "Let the rainbow trail pass between your legs, lightly grazing your clit, sending a pulse inside you up to your nipples. Let it drag more over your pussy, tugging at your clit." I was about to go nuts. I wanted to climax in the worst way, but instinctively I knew that I wouldn't be able to until he allowed the story to take me there. "The colors are so warm and safe . . . so safe. Let them pass through your body, filling every inch of it with the need to cum. You're so close. Keep filling up. The colors are there to fill you full before you let it go. Soak it up . . . absorb it . . . let it pulse inside your clit, ready to explode with heat and passion." I was more aware of my surroundings now, but still unwilling to move out of my mental refuge. I wanted to spend an eternity there, carried by my fantastic lover, caressed by a rainbow of good thoughts from the universe . . . my universe . . . our universe. "Fill your clit. Fill it now . . . more . . . more. When it gets too full, send some of that orgasm up to your nipples. Feel them tingle. They're so hard and full of orgasm ready to be released. Keep it going. Take in as much as you can." Mentally I was ready to scream. Physically I couldn't cum because he hadn't told me to . . . yet. It was a place that I'd never known, a place that I never imagined could exist in my head. J.T.'s voice became a bit more forceful, but still trustworthy and comforting. "I'm going to count down from three, then you will cum for me. When you release, it will spread out of your clit and nipples at the speed of light. It will fill the room, then re-enter your body and start the cycle over again until I tell it to stop. Move your little finger if you understand." I felt my finger move, more of a twitch, but I don't know whether is was a conscious or sub-conscience reaction. I know that it moved within the palm of his hand. That's all I cared to know at that moment in time. "Three . . . keep packing it into your clit and nipples. They get so hard. Let them pulse and throb to make more room. Two . . . the hood over your clit is so tight from being engorged for so long. It's almost painful, so full. It's so intense . . . and full . . . so full. One . . . your body can't hold it . . . it's leaking out . . . try to hold it . . . it's so full, packed so full." Indeed I was ready to scream, yet I knew that at this point in time, he would take me to places unknown. I gave in to his words, let his voice guide my feelings and physical sensations. I gave complete control of my orgasm over to him. "Now!" His voice was firm, yet safe. The tone was somewhere between a command and a pleading request. "Let it go now babe." Instantly I exploded. I felt my pussy gush again. I could feel my limbs shake uncontrollably yet I could only see it in my mind's eye. My clit pulsed over and over again, even though his hand wasn't anywhere near it. My nipples tightened, hard. They were almost painful as the orgasms escaped them again and again. I envisioned the rainbow in our special room, trailing over my hips and shoulders and thighs again and again, evoking one full body orgasm after another. "Keep cumming dear. Let them drift through you, pass over and under, then back inside again, playing with every part of you. When you can't hold it all, give up the extra to the stars, to our room, to the universe." Once again I shuddered and came like there was no tomorrow. He'd given me permission to take as many orgasms as I wanted, yet allowed me a place to send the overflow. I let them run through me, becoming a willing conduit for their passage from one place to another, letting the rainbow fill me and release me time after time. "I'm going to let you wash in it for a moment. Let go of my hand and let the colors carry you. Trust me. You're safe. I'm right here beside you." I slowly let my grip on his hand go. It was somewhat like letting go of your lifeline in an unknown ocean, but he said that he'd be right beside me. I trusted him and let go, allowing the room and the weightlessness and the lights to hold me, ravish me, fill me and relieve me of continuous orgasms. I allowed my mind to let go again, give myself over to him and the room he'd created for us. I'm not sure how long I was in that place and time, but I also knew that J.T. would bring me back when he knew that I was ready. "Take my hand," came the whisper. I felt his fingers in my palm, yet the action seemed to take place in a far off land. "Take some colors from the rainbow and keep them glowing inside you. Bring them with you and let me take you into my light again. Let me carry you." It was time to leave. I knew it, but still, I didn't want to go. I tried to mouth the word no, but I'm not sure that any sound escaped my lips. Yet, I felt my body drift inside his light again, that safe haven. J.T. must have known what I was thinking. "Shhh . . . it's okay. We'll come back often. This is our place in the universe. We'll come back whenever we want to." He took a long, slow breath. I felt my body sink into his once more, letting myself be carried, cared for, loved. I felt a gentle squeeze on my fingers before he began to speak again. "Feel my warmth. It's so safe and secure. Let me carry you. Back down into the blue sky once more. Look up at the stars. See our bright room up there? It's there for us the next time." I could picture it. I thought back to the rainbow, the part that I still had inside me, the lingering sensations that the universe placed within me. "Let me carry you down, gently. My arm will hold you. We're drifting down . . . lower . . . slowly . . . gently onto the bed. Feel the warmth, the sheets, my body next you yours. Keep that rainbow glow inside you. We'll use it another time . . . when you least expect it. For now . . . relax . . . sleep . . . drift. It's safe and warm. Sleep." I felt his hand gently stroke my forehead and cheeks. I'm sure that it was only seconds until I went to sleep. My dreams were vivid, exploratory, anticipatory, and downright erotic. *********************************** I emerged from the bedroom and walked to the kitchen, the top sheet wrapped around me and tucked in like I just came in from a toga party. J.T. was standing in the kitchen, buck naked, the island hiding half his manhood. The kitchen island was no stranger to his magnificent cock, of course, with me between him and the granite. That's a story for another time. "Good afternoon sunshine," he said, then sipped on his orange juice. He had one prepared for me and set it on the counter within my reach. "Afternoon?" I asked. "What time is it?" "Nearly one-thirty," he replied. "Wow!" I answered. "I didn't hear you get up, or anything." "I know," he said. "I figured that you needed the sleep after such a long trip . . . and so many orgasms." He laughed. I laughed. "I'll take that trip any day of the week." I nearly came at the thought of another extended trip into deep space, but didn't. After all, it's much more fun to share the journey with a well qualified tour guide. 

The end.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3fabxm/mind_fk_one_of_the_best_ive_every_read


  1. You’re going to want to fix your formatting. It’s pasted as code right now, which means that none of us are able to read past the first few lines.

  2. Remove the four spaces in front of each of the paragraphs to fix the formatting.

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