The Food Lover’s Guide to Exercise [MF, Fdom, FMG]

Kendra coughed and gagged as she rubbed her throat, trying to force the two terrible tasting pills down her throat. They were fat, gritty, yellow horse pills from a nondescript white container. It had taken several deep swigs of her soda drink, and even then Kendra practically gagged trying to get it down. "Ugh, that was rough. Just where in the hell did Ashli get these things?" She might not have even risked trying the pills if it hadn't been for the convincing email that a fan named Ashli had sent her.

FFAshli was a regular reader and subscriber of Kendra's blog: "The Riverside Gourmand". The blog had originally started as a hobby for Kendra while she reviewed dishes at various restaurants in her local area. Since then, however, it had exploded into a full time job and very popular food review blog that expanded to include subscribers and readership from all across the country. She now reviewed new dishes from popular chain restaurants as well as traveled twice a year on a food review pilgrimage that took her to all sorts of new restaurants across the United States' food landscape. Her blog was popular, and people enjoyed her witty writing and clever insights on even commonly ordered meals. People also relished in the occasional insights she shared about her travels and her personal life. Over the years her dedication to the blog and the high standards of her written presentation had earned her a large core group of gracious and dedicated fans. FFAshli, or 'Formerly Fat Ashli' as she had later identified herself, had clued in on the brief and subtle hints that Kendra was having problems in her home life.

That problem was named Dustin Cabrera, and he was Kendra's boyfriend of the last five years whom she shared a home with. Dustin was a successful businessman. He owned and operated three different restaurants in Riverside, and was in the process of negotiating the plans for a fourth to be constructed and opened close to Riverside's sprawling downtown district. Kendra had met him after writing a favorable review of his arguably most successful restaurant, 'Pizarro's Pizzeria and Italian Bistro'. Early in their relationship they had clicked nicely. The synergistic combination of food critic and restauranteur had given Kendra access to all sorts of special deals and chances to meet chefs from notable restaurants all across the state. Yet, in recent days, Dustin had begun to develop a critical attitude towards Kendra's fondness for food, and most notably her growing weight.

Kendra didn't think of it as much of an issue. She wasn't morbidly obese. Sure, she had slowly packed on a few extra rolls of fat, and her originally average frame was now slightly pudgy. She couldn't help that she was passionate about food. She had, after all, turned dining into a career for herself. It wasn't an issue that had come up overnight. It crept into their relationship slowly. One evening, Kendra waited in their shared bedroom with candles lit, and slipped into a slinky negligee in hopes that it would be a treat for Dustin after a stressful day trying to get the permits for his new restaurant in order. He had come into the room, taken one look at Kendra and said, simply, "You look bloated," before he disappeared into the restroom to shower, and crawled into bed without much more than a 'goodnight'.

There were other examples of the dynamics of their relationships changing. During the less and less frequent moments of intimacy between them, Dustin would insist on sex with the lights out, and would occasionally let slip comments about Kendra's belly 'being in his way' or even comment on how she needed to do more around the house, since she was working from home, and had more 'time' to be the woman in the relationship. All of the undercutting demands and passive aggressive criticism had begun to bring her to place where Kendra simply wasn't as happy as she used to be. This, of course, only drove her to find comfort in her passion for food, which consequently led to the problem growing worse.

She must have subconsciously dropped hints in her blog about how certain meals she reviewed would 'comfort her' during stressful days. The frequency of such mentions purportedly led FFAshli to email Kendra with messages of concern, empathy, and eventually a very special offer.

Ashli had explained in great and convincing detail how she had, at one time, been working at a pharmaceutical corporation that dealt with weight loss vitamins. According to her lengthy message, she had access to an extremely effective weight loss supplement that proved incredibly successful, but was turned down for public distribution by the FDA due to a controversy involving the way one of the ingredients was extracted. She didn't go into much more detail than that, but Ashli insisted that the wonder drug was perfectly safe, and was what allowed her to drop over 100 lbs of weight over the course of 6 months, as well as grow healthier and stronger too. She offered to send a small bottle of the experimental drug through a courier service. Kendra hadn't thought much of it until the day that the package containing the white bottle of yellow pills had arrived.

And they, apparently, were awful tasting and too large to easily swallow.

I'll have to make sure I break the pill into smaller pieces next time, thought Kendra, finally washing down the pill, and wondering how long it might be before she saw the results, if any. In addition to trying out the pill, Kendra also had signed up at the 24-Hour gym near the neighborhood where she and Dustin lived. She had planned to go there after she had finished working on her current blog entry, and tidied up around the house. As frustrating as some of Dustin's comments had been, Kendra really did want this relationship to work. She cared for Dustin a great deal, and didn't want to abandon a 5 year relationship over what could possibly just be a rough patch.

After finishing her responsibilities, Kendra climbed into her car, a compact but fuel-efficient Kia Rio, and drove to the nearby gym. When she got there she felt immediately overwhelmed. There were just so many machines and exercise options. Not knowing what else to work on, she decided to start with the exercise cycles.

She chose one of the cycles, and after messing with some of the options, she managed to work out how to adjust the settings on the bike. There was even a setting to add resistance to her cycling. She started it off at the default and began to pump her legs sending the pedals spinning around and around. It was tiring exercise, but as she worked out, she felt a building endurance. The longer she pumped those pedals, the easier it seemed to get. I guess I'm just getting used to it; building up muscle memory and all that.

She spent nearly three hours working out at various stations around the gym. She pumped weights, ran the treadmill, did some pull-ups, and even found a corner where she could wedge her feet under a bar in order to do sit-ups by herself. Every exercise she chose seemed easier by the end of it. After three hours, she realized Dustin would be on his way home, and she wanted to be there to greet him and show him just how hard she had been working to make changes to her life in order to help facilitate the lacking aspects of their relationship that he had hinted at.

On the drive home, however, she felt unbelievably hungry. It wasn't just her run of the mill hungry. She had been hungry before, but this was different. This was a dire 'need' to sate a craving for protein. Unable to halt her urges, she pulled over to the nearest fast food location on her route home. There was a hint of embarrassment in her voice as she tremulously ordered a quadruple quarter-pound cheese burger and an extra large shake. She didn't even wait to get home to eat it, partly because she was so hungry, but also in part because she was fearful of Dustin coming home and seeing her pigging out. Instead, she lingered in the parking lot outside of the burger restaurant and ate in her car. "I guess this negates all that exercise I just did," sighed Kendra as she hungrily devoured the colossal stack of cheesy beef patties and washed it down with a larger shake than any person had business ordering for themselves.

Finishing the meal, she covertly threw it out into the nearest trashcan and drove home with her windows open to air out the tell-tale aroma of fast food to help hide the evidence of her meal. Dustin was just pulling into the driveway when Kendra got there. Kendra made it obvious that she had just come back from the gym, trying to show Dustin that she was really making an effort to be more for him. Dustin greeted her with a kiss on the cheek, and showed off the bag of meals he had brought from one of his restaurants. The two sat down to a dinner.

Even though she had eaten just before returning home, Kendra hungrily ate the extra meal that Dustin had brought her. "How was the workout?" he asked as Kendra ate.

"It went well," admitted Kendra. "I'm planning on going several times a week."

"Good. You could use it," added Dustin before he wandered off. "I've got an early day tomorrow, so I'm going to get ready for bed. Are you going to come to bed too, or did you have more work to do?"

Kendra shook her head. Although she had several blog entries she could have worked on before retiring, the thought of rest suddenly sounded very appealing. She followed Dustin to the bedroom, changed into her sleepwear and crawled into bed beside him.

"You smell nice," she murmured drowsily as she curled up beside Dustin, cuddling closer. She was tired, but her body buzzed contentedly. It had been a good day, and for some reason, the smell of Dustin's natural masculine musk was very appealing to her.

There was an annoying buzzing alarm going off. Kendra cracked an eyelid just in time to see Dustin standing at the side of the bed, dressed in his usual work attire. "I'll see you tonight, Kendra," whispered Dustin, waking Kendra from her sleep. She was usually the one to wake first, but even in her drowsy, recently awakened state, she could feel the full-body ache that crippled her body.

"Mhm," she murmured, watching through barely open eyes as Dustin left to supervise his restaurants. She tried to sit up, but her abs burned with pain. Her arms ached. Her legs ached. It seemed as though nearly every muscle in her body was sore. Even her eyelids hurt a little when she blinked. Did I really overdo it that much yesterday at the gym? Am I really this out of shape?

She rolled over and ended up sleeping for another 4 hours. It was excessive for her to sleep this much, but she felt as though her body truly needed the rest. After sleeping in for the extra duration of time, she felt much better. As she got up to get dressed and ready herself for the day, she decided to check her weight on the scale. She was shocked and dismayed to discover that she was almost a full five pounds heavier than she had been yesterday. Is it even possible to gain five pounds in a day!? This discovery disappointed her.

She spent the rest of the morning and afternoon working on the Riverside Gourmand. By the time she was finished, her muscle aches seemed to have faded. She was feeling much better, and she decided she would make good use of her gym membership and spend the evening working out again.

Again, she worked out, finding the exercises to be both satisfying and fulfilling. By the time she had finished her three hour workout, she felt both invigorated and starving. On her way home, she stopped at a new beef bowl restaurant that had opened in her local area. She had been meaning to review it for her blog. She ended up ordering 2 separate kinds of meat bowls for herself, justifying that it was all in the interest of the review she would be writing tomorrow. In truth, though, she was simply that hungry. She ended up consuming every last morsel of savory meat and granule of rice before she felt satisfied.

By the time she got home, she wasn't surprised to find that Dustin was still running late. She ended up showering and heading to bed.

The weeks went by quickly. Kendra kept up with her routine, and was amazed by the results. Everyday was another mysterious pill swallowed. Each workout led to substantially more difficult sets of lifting weights and utilizing the machines, followed by a hearty meal. The morning after each workout was always filled with intense ache, but the pain usually faded by noon. By the end of the first week, she was amazed at how the pounds of fat had dissolved away. Her weight, however, continued to increase considerably. Every pound of fat was seemingly replaced by several pounds of muscle. Her thighs and arms were encircled by well defined bulges of taught, sleek, musculature.

The other major effect was an increasingly nagging libido. She came home from every workout with a lingering sexual arousal. It was minor at first, but each workout only served to intensify the desire she felt. Dustin was late in coming home every night during these weeks, so Kendra resorted to spending a portion of her after-workout shower pleasuring herself to orgasm, drying off, and crawling into bed. Dustin would come home late, and leave early the net morning. It frustrated Kendra a little, since he had yet to be home and available to see the dramatic change in her body. Still, the thought that with each day he missed Kendra's transformation, encouraged her that the eventual reveal of the surprise would be that much more satisfying,

It was the weekend of the second week, and Kendra arrived at the gym, excited to push her limits even further. By this time, she was comfortable in her routine, and it felt only natural to spend the morning working on her blog, and the early evening at the gym, hitting up a new restaurant on the way home. The food always tasted so much better after her workout, and she always felt the need to devour so much of it, that she was a little worried that her food blog was starting to become a little biased and wholly pro-food of all ilks and makes. Still, no one had complained yet, though Kendra noticed that there hadn't been any comments from FFAshli on the last several blog posts of hers. She didn't let those details bog down her thoughts for long, though. She had a workout to attend to, after all.

With long strokes, Kendra pumped the bar of the exercise machine. It resisted firmly, but with a huff Kendra pushed back, harder this time. The bar began to move. She pushed with more force, inching the heavy bar slowly forward, with more and more confidence. I can't fucking believe it… I'm lifting well over a hundred pounds! Kendra relaxed a little, letting the bar reset. With a grunt she pushed again, faster this time. The bar moved more easily. "Ngh, Yes!" she shouted, slowly building up a rhythm with her arms, back and forth, pumping the burdensome bar faster and faster. Her breathing quickened and she could feel the pronounced forms of her newly defined musculature beginning to stand out as she flexed her newfound power more and more. Each pump of the weighted bar seemed to grow easier and easier, and she could see the veins stand out around her slowly bulging muscle groups. This feels incredible!

She completed more sets than she had during the previous workout; nearly twice as many. Even after increasing the weight on each bar, she felt invigorated, as though her body was pulling energy from mysterious places to fuel her workout and feed her expanding muscles. As she finished her rounds in the gym, her mood was electric; flush with adrenaline from the intensity of the workout and a deep seeded arousal in her loins from the yellow horse-pill's side effects.

Kendra came home from her workout, practically rubbing her thighs together in anticipation of the relief she was to gain from her customary after-workout shower. What she was surprised to find instead, was that Dustin was home early for the first time in weeks.

"Dustin! You're home early!" smiled Kendra excitedly, using the opportunity to plop down her workout bag and pose playfully, showing off her new body for her boyfriend. She was immensely proud of her newly acquired physique and eager to see his reaction to all the effort she had put into getting this way.

Dustin was stunned, to say the least. "Wow, Kendra, you look… different. How did you…?" He struggled to find the words to say as his gaze slid over her body with as much surprise as delight. Kendra had gone from a chubby, cute mouse of a woman to a powerful, slim, muscled Amazon.

"Do you like my new look? I took your advice and have been working out." His reaction was just what she wanted to see, and the way his eyes were glued to her new body stirred the passion she felt in her loins even harder. She flexed a little to show off and seductively kissed one of her pronounced biceps. "Did you… maybe want to take it for a spin?" she asked, gesturing towards the bedroom.

Dustin nodded. Kendra looked radiant, even having just come from a hearty workout. Her breasts even seemed larger. They were becoming proud, full orbs that rode high and tight against her chest. Despite how large and ripe they looked, they still implied strength in the chest muscles behind them.

The two made their way to the bedroom, and their lips locked in a passionate embrace beside their bed. Dustin began guiding Kendra over to the bed and pulled his arms around her as he had many times before. Where love handles had once been on her body, he could now feel dense, rippled muscles. As he attempted to push her to the bed and crawl over her, she grabbed him suddenly by the shoulders, spun him around effortlessly and pushed him to the bed instead.

"This time, I want to be on top, for once," she laughed gleefully as she pounced, pinning his arms off to his sides and clamping her thick thighs around his waist. With a kinky growl, she took two fistfuls of Dustin's shirt and ripped it away, rending the fabric easily and sending buttons flying and scattering across the room.

"Kendra!?" protested Dustin, "That was a new shirt!" But when he tried to sit up, Kendra held him down. She was so much stronger than before, and her muscles flexed and forced Dustin to stay still until he gave up trying to squirm. Once he had calmed down and accepted that this was going to happen, she forcefully unzipped his pants and whipped his belt from their loops, squirreling the slacks he usually wore down around his knees. Kendra squeezed her thighs together and took Dustin's hardening member into her grip, freeing it from his cotton boxers. She swiftly slid the turgid shaft in her hand, up and down, quicker and quicker while Dustin squirmed and made faces of pleasurable agony.

"You make the cutest faces when you're enjoying something," opined Kendra, delighting in the position of power she felt. She hadn't considered it until now, but… was Dustin shorter? Seeing him lying there like that, helpless under her grip and strength, it began to dawn on Kendra that her height had increased somewhat. Maybe not a lot, but she was maybe an inch or two taller.

Already at peak arousal from her workout and from the realization that she could keep her boyfriend pinned with her strength alone, Kendra pulled down the yoga pants she had begun wearing to her workouts, and eagerly tugging down her already drenched panties. With a groan of delight, she lowered herself down on her boyfriend's rigid manhood. Even as she did, her concentrated weight caused Dustin to suck in air when she plopped her full body down on Dustin's groin, shoving his rod deep inside her burning, tight wet hole.

It felt so good to be on top; to be this dominating force. Dustin writhed helplessly as Kendra pressed her palms against his chest for leverage while she worked her well toned thighs up and down, pistoning her waist up and down over Dustin's member. She licked her lips with focused contentment as Dustin helplessly submitted to her sweeping groinal movements.

"Kendra… I'm…. I'm….," gasped Dustin. Immediately Kendra pushed her hands down on Dustin's chest.

"DO NOT DARE!" she cried out, half in a commanding shout, and half in the desperation of being so close to orgasm herself. "I'm just so close, stay hard for me baby…" Dustin felt the wind knocked out of him as Kendra shoved his chest, but he managed a meek nod and gritted his teeth while he struggled to hold out until his girlfriend could finish.

"Yesssss!" cried out Kendra, closing her eyes throwing her head back, and flexing her newly muscled arms like butterfly wings, resting her hands on the back of her neck while she grinded her crotch against Dustin's beleaguered member. This was enough for Dustin, who climaxed with the slight change of position. Kendra continued her groinal ministrations for a few moments longer, riding the best orgasm of her life. The rush of power she felt; the tables turned on Dustin, who so often took all the control in the bedroom, all of it stirred a blossoming satisfaction deep in Kendra's core.

She tustled Dustin's hair for a moment, and gave him a wink as she slid her well defined Amazonian body off of Dustin's comparatively stringy body. "Mm. Thank you, sweetie. That was really nice."

"Uhh, yeah…" responded Dustin, still lying on his back, staring at the ceiling and trying to process what had just happened. There was a confusing mix of thoughts, feelings and emotions; a swirl of both pleasure from the orgasm, and disconcerted by the sudden physical role reversal that had just occurred. Kendra slipped into the bathroom to shower off.

Panting from the intensity of her almost super-heroic workout, Kendra stopped to admire herself in the mirror. Her workout shorts hugged her massive thighs and waist tightly, practically ready to rip from her rippled frame, and her sports bra barely contained the round, basket-ball sized globes of perfectly tight, round tits, so well supported by her new powerful frame that they almost appeared bolted on to her chest. Despite her clearly massive power, there was no denying how utterly sexy and feminine she looked. She was a sculpted female warrior-goddess in proportions; her body chiseled to perfect form. She glanced at her workout bench and saw that her weights had been set to a total of 275 pounds, and she had found it easier and easier with every lift. Just a few weeks ago, I could barely lift 80 pounds. Whatever is happening to me, I don't want it to stop!

Kendra had come home from the gym, squeezing her broad, rippled body through the doorway and greeting Dustin who simply looked tiny by comparison now. Kendra was taller than him by almost half a foot now, and her limbs were corded masses of rounded muscles. Her workout shirt was stretched around a body that was dense with chiseled, well defined abs, and huge, rounded breasts that gave her a goddess-like figure. Dustin had become used to Kendra's new size and strength, and was busy cooking a dinner for the two of them. As usual, it was Kendra's second dinner, as her insatiable hunger for food fuel had her regularly stopping to eat a meal or two before getting home and having dinner with her boyfriend. Dustin had also grown used to the nightly marathon of sex that Kendra demanded now. As insatiable as her hunger had become, it was only matched by the insatiable nature of her sex drive. Her workout didn't feel complete until she had topped off the high she felt with a tumble in bed with her boyfriend. Even if Dustin was feeling less than ready to make love to his towering powerhouse of a girlfriend, he knew he couldn't resist her advances if she was horny enough. Besides, their was a growing enjoyment in relinquishing the control of the lovemaking to his now physically superior significant other.

"Did you have a good workout?"

"Mmmm, yes," grinned Kendra, tossing down her workout satchel. "I can bench press almost twice your weight now," she proudly announced, pausing to flex her glorious muscles. Dustin could already smell the flush of sexual desire that usually followed an intense workout. "In fact, tonight, I think we need to go to the bedroom before we eat dinner." She gave him a mischievous smile, and cupped his ass with her powerful hands. Winking at him, she headed straight down the hall, already starting to strip out of her clothes. "Get the food to a place where it won't burn on the stove, and don't keep me waiting long," she called out as she disappeared through the bedroom door.

Dustin complied immediately, pulling the chicken and rice dish he was working on off of the stove and putting a lid on it to keep it warm. Like an eager puppy, he followed Kendra to the bedroom.

After the evening's bedroom frolic and the following shower and meal, Kendra at last sat down to check her e-mail and to update her blog. It had been 3 months since she had started taking the yellow pills that FFAshli had sent her. Today's workout represented the last pill of the initial supply she had been given. Her food blog, "The Riverside Gourmand" was doing better than ever, as Kendra's expanded appetite for food to fuel her growth had driven her to try out every new restaurant in the city. The renewed enthusiasm for her work must have been obvious, since that night, she finally received another email from FFAshli. Kendra had tried to get in touch with Ashli since this whole crazy journey had begun, but Ashli had never responded to any of Kendra's messages.

"Kendra, by now you have probably taken the last of the pills I've sent you. I hope that they've given you the same happiness in your life that they have given in mine. Unfortunately, I was unable to procure any more pills to send your way. The supply I've given you should have been enough, to keep the effects permanent and sustainable. Please continue to keep up with your blog. Your insights and passions for what you do are one of the highlights of my week. I'm sorry I don't have more of the pills to leave with you, but it's probably for the best. My life has had some new different challenges for me to overcome because of my discovery of the pills. I hope that you'll understand. With respect and love, Ashli

There was a picture attachment included with the e-mail. Kendra opened it up and at once she understood what Ashli had meant. It showed a picture or an impossibly muscular woman, with a pair of orbous, huge muscular breasts on a chest surrounded by a set of limbs that were as thick as carefully chiseled tree trunks. Her thighs rippled with a sea of muscles, and her neck was so thick it looked as though she'd lost full degree of movement in turning her head. She was a beautiful hulk of a woman. Long luxurious hair, perfect skin and beauty, and a body that could list a city bus if it needed to. She was beautiful, but Kendra understood that she couldn't continue down the path that Ashli had and still live the life that she wanted.

Kendra missed the rush of the pill-fueled workouts over the next few weeks. She still continued to grow stronger and more beautiful each and every day, but the results were much slower and more in line with realistic expectations. Kendra had no doubt that she'd continue to get bigger and stronger with every workout. Now that she was in love with the feelings that working hard had brought on, she knew it was a part of her life she wouldn't give up.

Dustin continued to be nicer to her; a much more encouraging and dutiful partner to Kendra, supporting her in all of her endeavors. His restaurants were doing well, especially Pizarro's Pizza, and he'd come to look forward to satisfying Kendra's enhanced sex drive. Both of their lives were changed by FFAshli's little kick in the pants for Kendra to begin a workout and take control of her own life again. With every day and every workout, she felt happier with Ashli's gift, and her own drive to better herself.
