like her eyes – (DARK) (MF) – [Rest of Story Free on Kindle]

like her eyesjesse robert samuel

The sky sparkled like her eyes. It was bare and without any clouds to obscure its cast. The sky and her eyes shined a brilliant hue of blue. The rain had now passed. It was only a short time ago, when the rainfall had drenched down. Each drop had been dense and heavy. The rain had spiraled down to the earth, drenching down depressing destruction. The rain had forced everyone and everything under its terrible wrath to feel terror deep within them. The world was cold, while the moist tears fell from the sky. Misery is a world affected by falling loveliness.

The world was now deserted and desolate. As far as the eye could see were great shapely hills of green. And finally, at an immense distance away, the mounds of grass reached up and touched the sky at the horizon. The tyrannical tempest knocked every blade of grass back and forth with its oppressive control. The world was not empty. Rubbish flew through the air as meagre remnants of the dead Earth. Paper crinkled as it was effortlessly spread across the land and dust spun through the air.

I had stood astray. I was ensconced under the slight extra roof which surpassed beyond the edge of the wall of the small simple edifice behind me. I had stood with my back against the bricks of the old trifling building. I had stood along this crease of dryness, a thin patch of dry escape from the cold bitter rain. And even now still I remained, hiding away from the desperate world of dismay. I was solemnly hiding safely and had remained only as a witness, as a bystander, to the calamity.

Even though the rain had now disappeared, the vestiges of what it had done were still very clearly present. The rain had vanquished over the earth, destroying all the hopeful liveliness. With the noise and rage of the fleeting sad rain expunging my voice, I was unable to plead out against the injustice nor able to cry out to her desperate being. The clouds’ tearing rain had come to a pause; serenity was now to reign.

There she was emerging from the deep dark depths of despair. She did not simply seem in dismay and all but destroyed, after going through such heart-wrenching hardships. But more than that, she looked like a survivor of such heart-wrenching hardships. She looked lovely and amazing. I found her to be remarkably beautiful even more so for the misery she has lived, not despite it. She spotted me out and gazed. She began to run towards me. It seemed from the way in which she had been running that if she were to walk she would be limping, but she ran anyway.

The rest is available for free on kindle until July 23.
