Jake Part XX – Divergence [MF NC reluc timestop oral]

My name is Carol Dane. Well, not really. It’s just an alias I chose for all this Traveling, and I intend to ask my parents not to name me that before I go. Anyway, for now, you can call me Carol.

I’m a Time Traveler.

More specifically, I’m a second-generation timebender. That’s what we eventually started calling ourselves. My parents and I are the only ones we know of, although we check in with my half-brother from time to time just to be sure. And a couple other “accidental” relations. Dad gets around a little bit.

We’re pretty sure none of them will develop the power. Not the way that I did. Dad developed it on his own, at least in my original timeline; I’ve sort of muddied those waters. He created a “Magic Remote” with his mind, totally by accident, and it awakened the power to stop and control time in him. My mother, who is also his daughter, developed the same abilities after she started using the remote. But I never once touched the thing, and when I hit puberty, I accidentally froze the world during gym class. To my credit, that dodge-ball was coming right for my face.

Thankfully, my parents aren’t retarded, so they had explained to me about the power, and I knew what it was when it happened. That doesn’t mean I used it responsibly; my high school was a pretty bizarre place while I was attending, particularly if you were a bitchy teenage girl who liked to spread rumors about someone’s parents being incestuous.

It doesn’t matter that the rumor was true. They didn’t know it was true, they guessed based on how young Mom is. And they were mean about it. Totally justified.

Anyway, growing up was interesting. But it was hard, too. We moved a few times, trying to get away from Dad’s ex. My grandmother, I guess. I just called her Sarah. Not that I called her anything, because we never spoke. But I remember her presence if only in spirit, dogging us, chasing us down and trying to slander Dad’s name.

I can’t totally blame her. Mom and Dad started sleeping together when they were still married, long before Dad “found” his remote. The way they tell it, it was Mom’s idea, because Sarah was so cold and hateful and controlling and Mom loved Dad so much that she decided to seduce him for his own good. I don’t think she started out wanting to be his second wife. She just wanted something really special. But they were thrust together, and they made the best of it.

Still, Sarah couldn’t leave us alone. New cities, new names, and she’d somehow track us down and try her damnedest to ruin us. I grew up knowing she hated us, hated me, and never understanding why. Not until much later on, at least. It screwed me up pretty badly as a kid.

I decided when i was fifteen that I would fix things somehow, and spent more than a decade planning it, but it was a long time before I was actually strong enough to pull it off.

Mom can’t travel back and forth in time the way Dad can, even with the remote. It exhausts her to even try. Dad seems to be able to do whatever he wants, but he has some pretty strong rules about what he will and won’t do. I think something bad happened, but he’s never talked about it. But I don’t need the remote and I can jump around the week just like I’m crossing a street. So when I got my hands on the actual remote, well, going all the way back to 2015 was really easy.

Getting home was harder, a lot harder, but I wasn’t really thinking about that.

I was mostly thinking about the best way to stop Sarah before she started. The first step to that was awakening Dad’s power. So I set up a situation that would give me a reason to make contact and slipped him the remote.

It was easy to set up a really nasty car crash, and equally easy to snatch both drivers at the moment of impact and lay them on the road. Nobody got hurt, except Dad from that chunk of metal I hurled at his skull, and that was nothing. Timebenders heal fast. I slipped the remote in his bag, gave him my number so I could keep track of things, and went out to lunch.

Before you freak out, let me explain something about the universe: it’s a lot tougher than you think. I’ve made out with myself at parties and then not gone back to do it again, just to mess with drunk guys’ heads. I gave myself completed homework before I even did it so I could save time to go out and have fun. Not once did the universe explode or rearrange itself horribly. The universe eats paradoxes for breakfast.

There’s a fair bit of fate involved too, I think, but I try not to think too hard about it. Anyway, in the new timeline, Dad found the remote, figured out how it worked, and learned to go without it in a really short time. Like, a week. It took him months the first time around, so that caught me by surprise. I helped Sarah along the path of infidelity, making her start cheating on Dad long before the bitterness inside her could really ramp up. Mom hooked up with him pretty much the same time she was supposed to, maybe a little sooner. I wasn’t counting on her finding out about the timebending right away, and even less so her later stealing the remote, but things seemed to be on track. I figured that with them together and Dad able to cover up any “indiscretions” in a literal instant, the whole Sarah thing would resolve itself, so I went back home. Or at least, I tried to.

The thing about timebending is that it takes practice. It’s like any muscle; you have to push your limits to build it. The remote is like a weight-assist or a smith machine; it makes the heavy lifting easier and keeps your form solid, but it kills your gains. Going forward years down an altered timeline, well, let’s just say I’m glad I don’t age while time is stopped.

It’s probably for the best; the further forward I went past my own birth, the more new memories I found I had. My head probably would have exploded if I’d jumped straight home. Instead I did it a bit at a time, fastforwarding my life and checking in on key events.

Things had changed, but not much for the better. Sarah was still hounding us, usually by proxy but she was always there. Dad didn’t have to pay alimony anymore, since Mom had managed to get a lot of proof of her cheating on Dad, but when it comes to things like statutory rape and incest, sadly men are guilty until proven innocent. So I was always the daughter of the guy who “probably raped his daughter as soon as she grew tits.”

It sucked. It sucked enough that I decided to fix it way earlier in life than I originally remembered, at 21 instead of 29. Which Is pretty okay, I guess, because it basically cheats me into a do-over on my twenties… except that the reason it sucked that hard was that Mom and Dad ended up getting so frustrated with the situation that they just didn’t seem like they were in love anymore. I felt like I’d killed a baby or something.

So I went back again. I had to guess at exactly when to go, but before I went I stole the remote from myself, so it wasn’t too difficult to get back there.

Again, I don’t care that the other me could never go back. The universe is sturdy. It’ll survive my meddling, and the Carol I stole this remote from will never have existed.

Anyway, I got back to Mom and Dad’s time a day early. I checked in on Dad, but he was busy with Mom; they were in her room, going at it like they were angry at each other. It was pretty hot, but I felt a little weird watching them. So I snuck out of there and went next door.

I remembered Mom telling me about the neighbors, Saul and Natalia. Nice folks, but Saul wasn’t able to knock up his wife, so Dad had taken it on himself to get the job done. I always felt a little bad for Saul. Not because of the cuckolding, but because it’s not fair that Natalia got fucked into intense orgasms so many times while he just got literally shoved in the corner.

Saul and Nat were watching TV together when I walked into their time-frozen house. Or rather, He was watching the TV from the couch, and she was reading a book across the living room in a recliner. Disgraceful, really; if she wanted a kid she should have been riding him like a cheap pony.

Oh well, her loss. I didn’t waste any time stressing about their relationship. Instead I pulled Saul’s pants down and started sucking his dick. It wasn’t hard, not yet, but as with everything in between moments it stayed standing when I moved it into position.

Saul wasn’t huge or anything, and he was uncut, which is aesthetically weird, but he was clean enough that it didn’t really matter. I’d rather have the ambiguity of a foreskin than the certainty of nasty ball-sweat anyday. I was able to take the whole thing easily, so that’s what I did, holding him in my mouth and running my tongue around his skin, swallowing to pull at him. Not hard, of course, and not for long. Then I put everything back, being careful to point him upward so he didn’t get a nasty folding surprise.

I found a hiding place behind an open door and started time. I love watching the reactions people have when they’ve been timebent. They vary wildly, from deep blushing and fidgeting to all-out moaning orgasms. Saul was closer to the former; he tensed up all of a sudden with a sort of look of shock, then adjusted his pants and settled back onto the couch, glancing briefly at his wife before returning to his program.

Mom really wasn’t kidding when she said Saul was tough to get excited, but nonetheless when I froze them again he was clearly hard. I took his pants down again and stroked his cock, still wet from my mouth. Then I walked over to Natalia and lowered her book-holding arm. I wanted her to be looking right at me.

On my knees, I looked over at her as I once more sucked her husband’s cock into my mouth. I bobbed my head up and down, showing her how she should be behaving on a quiet evening like this one. I moaned to vibrate my tongue along his shaft, making my voice echo in the silence of the room along with the lewd sucking sounds.

Then I went back to my hiding place behind the door and started things up again. Saul once again tensed up at the feeling of what I’d done to him, then shivered and looked over at Natalia.

Of course, I gave him a show; for about a second and a half, he saw his wife completely naked. But he still didn’t do anything about it! He just adjusted his pants once more and went back to his lounging.

Naturally, my next step was to escalate. I froze them once more and took Saul’s pants right off. Then I made Natalia look at me and just for fun lifted her shirt and bared her breasts. I chuckled at her as I straddled and mounted her husband, lifting my skirt and pulling my panties to one side.

Fucking a timebent man is a unique experience. He’s completely still like a dildo, but you get the skin-on-skin heat and feeling just like regular sex. And unlike my Dad, who leaves a loose displaced tunnel in his wake, my partner stays hard for as long as I want him to. Which is sometimes quite a while.

I rode Saul slow and hard, taking my time and grinding down in his lap. He was like a hot, fleshy rock inside me, and because he was only average-sized I was able to let my weight down without worrying about bruising my cervix or bending him funny or anything… anyway. I was able to really let myself enjoy it.

I rode him faster and faster, letting my moans fill the room. I lifted my shirt and rubbed my breasts in his face, making sure the feeling and scent of warm, soft skin would stay with him, then pulled his face in between them while I came on him.

I sat there like that for a while, panting, savoring the sensation of my pussy twitching and clenching at Saul’s still-hard cock, then I slowly climbed down off of him. Of course, I was left with a bit of a problem then. Saul was probably going to cum when he “woke up”.

I’ve always been a natural problem solver. I put Natalia’s tits back into her bra and pulled her shirt down again, then removed her slacks and stole the panties she was wearing. I was in luck; they were black cotton. Silk or polyester or whatever wouldn’t have worked as well.

I used the panties to clean my leavings off of Saul’s dick, then wrapped them around it, pulling up his pants and tucking his mummy-wrapped tool back into them. When I returned to my hiding place a final time and restarted time, Saul moaned out loud. His legs shook, and I smiled. He was definitely cumming into his wife’s panties.

Natalia looked over at him. “You alright hun?”

“Yeah,” he said, looking a little flustered. “Just a weird… feeling. I’ll be right back.”

He got up to go to the bathroom and clean up. I was about to follow, but the doorbell rang at that exact moment. “That’ll be the Smiths,” Saul said. “Do you mind getting that?”

I left Saul to figure out on his own why he’d just blown into a pair of his wife’s panties, using another timestop to sneak into the entryway closet. I tried to remember who the Smiths were, and then it hit me. Jeremy. That kid who stalked my mother as a teen. In my timeline, he’d tried to blackmail my mother about the relationship and probably been at fault for Sarah’s finding out about it. In this one, when he’d tried to force her to fuck him, Mom had used the remote to trick him into some unexpected incest.

I love my mother.

Natalia greeted the Smiths at the door and invited them in. I avoided being seen but stayed close, listening to their conversation.

“So Jeremy couldn’t come along?”

“No,” Mr. Smith said, hesitating. “Jeremy is… well, he’s in a hospital.”

“Oh no! I hope it’s nothing serious. Was he hurt?”

“No,” Mr. Smith said, “There was an incident…”

“It’s a psych ward,” Mrs. Smith said. “He’s a little mixed up right now and needs some help.”

Natalia nodded. “I understand. It’s tough to be his age. I’ve heard a lot of young people end up in bad shape emotionally. Please, come into the dining room. Saul is just in the washroom. I’ll get us something to drink.”

Mrs. Smith wasn’t all that interesting. She wasn’t tall or strikingly pretty; in fact she was a little dumpy. Nothing wrong with her, but nothing to write home about. Then again, I’m straight, so what do I know?

Her husband, on the other hand… I think he was in construction or something, and it showed. Six-foot-three if he was an inch, and chiseled from granite, with a strong jaw and a hard-looking face. Ben Smith, according to his ID, because of course I checked. And a pretty big dick, too, because of course I checked.

I was tempted to play with him right there in the entryway. My mother sometimes thinks that learning to timebend in puberty made me spoiled, sexually. But I resisted the urge for the time being. An idea had occurred to me, and I needed him unspent for it.

It looked like it was Bridge Night or something. Natalia brought out wine, whiskey, and a deck of cards, setting up at the dining table, and Ben and Mrs. Smith – Angie – got settled in. After a couple minutes of meaningless small-talk and carefully avoiding the subject of their son, Saul joined them, looking a little sheepish but none the worse for wear from his unusual discovery in his pants.

Natalia texted Saul’s cellphone under the table warning him to avoid asking about the Smiths’ son, and the evening went otherwise smoothly for a while. Basically until I got bored sitting in the living room listening to them. That was when I decided that Madame Vengeance should start having a little fun with Natalia.

Was I always this mischievous? I felt like maybe before I changed my past I was a little more serious-minded. But I also felt that I had less fun.

Natalia’s shirt had a low neck, because when you look like Natalia it’s considered a felony to wear a sweater. What it didn’t have anymore was a bra underneath. I’d hidden that in the laundry bin, since I’m a polite Avatar of Revenge. I only steal underwear if it’s cute and in my size. It only took a couple times seeing her tits mysteriously bounce for Ben to notice, too.

That was me, of course. If you time it right, when a girl is moving, you can lift or squeeze her breasts and then restart time and they will bounce out into their natural position. It’s subtle, and at most she’ll feel some shifting of nipple on fabric that might clue her in to her lack of bra, but to the male eye it’s practically a black hole.

It helped that each time I did it, I sucked Ben’s dick for a second, too. A girl should always be thorough in her work.

Saul was clueless, of course, talking about some financial crap that bored me terribly, and Angie didn’t seem to notice either. She was a little withdrawn; she had probably taken the surprise incest harder than her son had. This was likely her first social call since, based on the way the kept her arms around herself and only spoke when addressed directly. I felt bad for her, but Jeremy’s punishment had been perfect, so oh well. Maybe I’d find her later, give her a thrill or something.

“Ben, can I get you a refill?” Natalia asked, leaning over and reaching for his glass.

Ben’s eyes were looking straight down Nat’s shirt. He couldn’t help it; I’d got him so hard he’d tucked his boner down his pant leg. So when Natalia’s left breast “mysteriously” tumbled free of her top, his heart must have skipped a beat.

Nat gasped in surprise at the “accident” I’d arranged and covered herself quickly, apologizing to her guests. “I guess I’ve drank enough,” she said, eliciting a round of friendly laughter from the room. It really is amazing what a little charisma can do, sometimes.

Of course, Natalia realized her bralessness at that point, so when she left to get more drinks I put the bra back on her. She detoured up to her bedroom to get a new one, and I couldn’t help but laugh at the expression on her face as she stared (frozen of course) at her reflection in her bedroom mirror.

Naturally, I took the bra back off her again as soon as she returned to the table.

Natalia proved to be pretty good at hiding her arousal, as I started teasing her between moments. I pinched her nipples, rubbed her clit, even slid my fingers inside her with little more than a gasp and a squirm. It made sense, since my Dad had been teasing her like this for weeks now to keep her excited on the evenings when he came by to breed her.

Still, between the teasing and a perfectly timed moment when Ben was standing in profile and I was able to flash his cock at her, I soon had Natalia dripping into her non-existent panties. Ben I kept “warm” with my lips and tongue.

At last, after more teasing than any one person ought to endure, I set my plan in motion. First, I got Ben and Nat stripped right down in all their genetically superior glory. And it truly was glorious. Even more so when I bent Natalia over the table and slid Ben’s big thick cock into her pussy from behind.

I spent some time posing and playing with them both, taking some pictures for my personal collection and at the same time sliding Ben out of and back into Natalia’s slit over and over. Eventually I laid him down and made her straddle him; it was the easiest way to get enough mobility that I could hold her hips and pump her up and down on him.

I found I was getting hot and bothered making these two gorgeous people go at it, so I set Natalia aside for a while and rode Ben myself. He was a giant compared to Saul, but I was wet and ready for him, and had no trouble wedging his dick inside myself. Once more my moans filled up the silent dining room as the three others looked blindly on.

Just for fun, I moved Ben up to his feet and bent over in front of him, gripping the table like I’d made Natalia do before, and pushed back against him. “Fuck yes,” I moaned, “Right there…”

I screamed when I came. I love being loud, and nobody will hear me anyway. I actually heard the splash of my juices against his hips and thighs, and when I finally settled down and pulled off him I could see the proof of my presence glistening on his skin.

There was just one thing left to do. I lifted Natalia up on the table, hanging her legs over the edge, then slid Ben back into her pussy and wrapped her legs around his waist. I made her grip the edge of the table, braced him on one hand and put his other hand on her breast. Then I started filming video and pulled them both out of time with me.

“Oh God!” “Ungh!” “Aaahn!” They both cried out, instinctively bucking into each other in sudden ecstasy and confusion. I watched as Natalia splashed ben’s already-wet skin with her own lust, and Ben drove down hard into her, legs and glutes tensing; I could tell that he was cumming inside her, and hard.

They both came down from the high after a few seconds and simultaneously seemed to realize what was happening. Natalia gasped in shock. Ben whispered “Oh my God.” I stopped time.

The next moment, as far as they knew, they were both sitting back at the table, fully dressed and with not a hair out of place. Natalia even had all her underwear on. But as I watched, they looked across the table at one another… they knew.

It may have helped that I left Ben’s dick dripping wet and Natalia’s pussy oozing cum.

I love being me.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3e351f/jake_part_xx_divergence_mf_nc_reluc_timestop_oral


  1. I had planned to go back to the 3rd person but i’ll think about it. :)

  2. lol thanks. i figure on finishing this story pretty soon, but i’m considering a sequel. i have a couple other stories started that i want to get some work done on, too.

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