Kylies Godo boy[Fdom][Msub][inc]

She stood before me, blocking the doorway. It was hard to tell if she was doing it on purpose or not. I looked up at her. ”What?” she asked, teasing me. I smiled. ”Can you let me through?” I asked her, bowing my head. Usually I would just tell anyone in my way to move. But she made me feel like I had to ask. ”Hmm, I don't know. What's the password?” she replied with a grin. It was so childish, yet so evocative. ”Pretty please?” I tried. ”Good boy.” She laughed and turned to the side with her left arm extended as a gesture of free passage. A jolt shot through me. Those word. Coming from her, they meant something far different from what they used to. Her body still occupied half the doorway, so I would have to squeeze through. Too embaressed to face her, I turned the other way. I could feel her crotch rub against my ass and her breast rub aganst my back. The words 'Good boy' echoed in my head. I finally made it through. ”Hey Dan!” she exclaimed. I turned around sheepishly. ”Yes, Kylie?” I replied, way too quickly. ”Don't forget the password.” She turned around triumphantly, I shamefully. There was something strange about her. I should't say strange, more like incredible. If anything I am the one who is strange. For years she has had a certain power over me. I am drawn to her, and have been for as long as I can remember. But not in a constant way, like someone you are into. Instead these feelings seem to blossom whenever she is around, and wither when she leaves. It is not sexual appeal or love. Maybe it is both. Whatever it is, it has been there ever since she used to watch me as a kid. As far as relatives go, my mothers younger sister was the only one who live close enough to help out.

I went to the kitchen and made myself a sandwich. On the way back to the livingroom, I tried to convince myself that I felt nothing for my aunt. Just as I had rationallized the shame away, I saw her and all was for nothing. I bowed my head, trying to physically hide my forbidden thoughts. Kylie was sitting in the couch reading a magazine. ”Can you help me?” she asked as I entered the livingroom. Without saying anything I sat down next to her. She pointed at an image of a kitchen table in the magazine. ”Should I get this one or…” she turned the page ”…this one?” ”Uh, the first one. I think.” This continued for the duration of the sandwich. At last there were no more pages in the magazine. Kylie tossed it aside, revealing another magazine. This one was for underwear. She casually opened it a few pages in. Disinterested, she turned a few pages. Suddenly she exclaimed: ”Ooh, these are so cute.” and pointed at a red laced bra and matching panties. ”Don't you think?” she continue. ”Umm, I don't know.” I replied. ”What about this bra?” she pointed at another red bra. ”Yeah that looks good.” I answered. ”You think it would look good on me?” she dropped the magazine and pushed her breasts together, as if to help me imagine. I swallowed. Was she oblivious to what she was doing to me? Had she no idea? ”Oh, uh, it would probably look great.” I could not take it anymore. This was too much. I stood up, still glaring at her chest. With much effort I managed to take my eyes off of her. ”I'm, uh, just gonna go to my room.” I spurted. ”Alright. Thanks for the help.” she replied and returned to her magazine. Two days later I am alone at home when I hear the front door opening. Thinking that it is probably my parents, I do not worry to much about it. But instead of my parents, Kylie walks into the livingroom. ”Hey Dan.” she calls out. She takes her jacket off and throws it onto one of the armchairs at the short end of the couch. Before I could reply she continued. ”I got that bra that you help me pick out.” Her hands gently gripped her tanktop at the cleavage and pulled down, exposing said bra. She let go of the tank top, now firmly held in place under her breasts. ”What do you think?” she enquired. I could not believe my eyes. My fantasies had foretold of an event like this, but they were just that, fantasies. But maybe she meant nothing by it? She looked so confident. Like a naive girl, proud and oblivious. I found myself having taken too long to answer. Kylie walked toward me. Only inches away she looked down and asked: ”Well?” She squeezed her breasts together just like the last time. I swallowed. Hard. Noticably. ”You look great!” I uttered, frightenes that my true opinion would slip out. Her hands returned to her sides and her breasts returned as well. ”You wanna feel?” she asked. There was nothing erotic in her voice. It was more like a superior letting an inferior explore. Without replying, I extended my right hand. It was almost shaking. Kylie bent forward, just alittle. My hand landed on her right breast. It felt the rough texture of the bra. I did not dare squeeze. It was not breasts were new to me. It was the entire situation. These were not just any breasts, these were my aunts. I pulled my hand back at the thought. My aunts breasts. ”I have something for you too.” she said, seemingly unphased. She gestured for me to stand up. So I did. ”If you're a good boy you'll get anything you like.” she winked. Those words again, 'Good boy', and I knew exactly what I wanted. So I nodded. ”Turn around.” I obeyed. A rattle of steel emerged behind me and soon I felt said steel around my wrists, holding them together. Surprised, I tried to free my hands but to no avail. From behind, Kylie leaned in and whispered in my ear. ”Have you ever kissed a girl?” I nodded. She walked around me, her bra still exposed. Then she walked up to me, only inches away. Her breasts pressed against my chest. I looked into her eyes and saw so much more than I've ever seen in her. She was in control, she always had been, and she knew it. The tip of her nose touched mine, and I let years of desire and fantasies convince me that she was going to kiss me. Instead she put a hand on my crotch. My dick was throbbing and fighting against its restrains. She clutched her fist around my balls, squeezimg harder and harder. ”I asked you a question, did I not?” she squeezed harder. ”When I ask a question you reply with 'Yes, ma'am', understood?” I nodded. In hindsight, an obvious mistake. As a result Kylie squeezed hard and my legs started to bend from the pain. ”YES MA'AM” I shouted over to pain. She instantly let go of my balls and patted me on the head. ”Good boy” It was as if the pain had disappeared. Those words made it all alright. ”Let's try again. Have you ever kissed a girl?” ”Yes, ma'am.” ”How about a woman? Have you ever kissed a woman?” ”No, ma'am.” I replied after recounting the few times I've ever kissed someone. Kylie put her hand on my should and pushed me down onto my knees. ”Well, you see, women really like to be kissed by boys. But not on the mouth.” She grabbed her lightblue skirt and started lifting it, slowly. Her other hand grabbed my by the back of my head and pushed me toward her, mercilessly. I found myself between her legs with my face pressed against her clean shaven pussy. Everything went dark as Kylie let her skirt fall over my head, surrounding me. I soon realizes that she did not want me to lick her, or she did not care anyway. Because as soon as she let her skirt go she started grinding on my face. Up to nose and back down to my chin. She was not after the soft, wet touch of my tounge against her clit. No. She wanted her pussy to grind across my face, rub against it, make its mark. She wanted not only to pleasure herself but always to deprive me the pleasure of doing the job. More than anything, it felt like, she wanted to humiliate me, use me like a toy, a pillow even. All these thoughts rushed through my head, but a grin was still spreading across my face. I love it.

Suddenly she pushed me onto my back. The steel bit into my wrists, but I would be the last to complain. Kylie straddled my face and lifted her skirt. ”Show me what you've got!” she ordered and pressed her pussy against my mouth. ”Yes, m” She slapped me. ”That so not a question, so shut up and get to work.” Surprised and enticed I started moving my tounge faster than ever. My dick was throbbing. It was throbbing for my aunt. My own aunt. I could not believe it. Where I had previously been startled by this realization, I was now excited. The forbidden fruit was within reach. Either way, there was nothing I could do to stop it. So I embraced it. ”You can do better than that.” Kylie yelled. She leaned forward and pursed her lips. A string of saliva started dripping from her lips onto mine. As a finish she let the last bit of saliva cover my face as she spat on me. ”Faster!” she obeyed and started grinding me again. ”Maybe this will do the trick.” She leaned back and put a hand on my dick. Then she started squeezing it like before. The pain mixed with the pleasure mixed with this horrible concution of taboo created an almost euphoric sensation. Sure enough, it did the trick. Kylie started moaning, louder and louder. Her legs squeezed my head between them, harder for every minute that went by. Kylie let go of my dick and was instead holding on to my hair, putting my mouth just where she wanted it, without my help or approval. Finally she started shaking violently. All was silent as her legs almost crushed my ears. All silent, except her incredible scream. To anyone else it must have sounded like she was exploding. But it was sweet music to me. The shaking stopped. So did the screaming. Exhausted, Kylie let her skirt fall onto my face once more. There I was, in darkness and silence, starting to wonder if this had all been a dream, an elaborate fantasy, orchestrated by a sick mind. I felt the harsh steel around my wrists and a pain in my back and was, blissfully, reminded that this was reality. Soon enough Kylie got up. She let me lay helpless on the floor while she took a shower and made herself decent again.

Later that night she explained that she was going to spend the night. ”Honey, can you come in here?” Kylie yelled from the guestroom. I walked in the room and found her standing by the bed wearing only underwear and a tanktop. ”I told you that if you were a good boy you'd get anything you wanted. And let's face it, this is all you want.” She smiled. ”So here you have it. You can do anything you want with my body, for one night, on one condition.” ”What's that?” ”That you always do as I say. If I tell you to be a good boy, then you know what that means. It doesn't matter if your friends, or your sister or your mom is around, you will do it.” Without hesitation I replied: ”Yes, ma'am.” I just knew that this is exactly what I have always wanted. Kylie put her arms to her sides as an invite. I walked up to her, adored her body on the way, and stood inches from her. I pressed my body against her, felt her heat, felt her soft skin. This was purely sexual, I knew it, she knew. There would be no affection the coming hour. Because the only way that would work was if she had the upper hand. Roles were reversed, but only temporarly, as a gift. She let me explore her body, the way she had planned on exploring my mind. I raised my hand. Her breasts felt soft and wonderful through the bra. Kylie stood still, arms to her side. I grabbed the back of her head and pushed it toward my own. Our lips met. I spread mine and she hers. Our tounges wrestled in for a instance but then stopped. I pushed her. She fell back onto the bed. I straddled her by the waist. My mind was racing. All the things I could do to her. All the ways she was mine. In my excitement I pulled my dick out and started jerking it. Still desperate from the earlier stimulation, it did not take long before I was at the edge. No! Not yet! Kylies face said everything. This had all been a calculated move on her part. A way for me to do what she could never do; deprive myself of my own innermost desire. She saw my twitching, throbbing dick and my shaking hand. I looked her in the eyes and then she said it. ”Good boy!” My dick took on a life of its own. String after string of cum shot out, landing all over her chest. All over my aunts chest. She my aunt. I felt sick, but somehow even more excited. I am cumming on Kylie, my aunt. This thought made me shot another four or five strings of warm, salty cum. Kylie started laughing. At first it was a warm laughter, but it soon turned to a pitiful and condescending laughter. ”I let you do anything you want, and this is what you end up with?” she started wiping the cum off onto the bed covers. ”Sorry, ma'am.” ”Oh, don't apologize to me. I just wanted to give you a chance to experience free reins before I take complete control over you. This could have been the last time you fucked a real pussy.” She laughted again. ”Oh well. Now you're mine.”


1 comment

  1. There are a few spelling mistakes here and there, but it’s too late in the evening for me to correct them so I hope you don’t mind too much. Other than that I’d love any feedback.

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