Two more years… [Msub snuff]

A year of FLR… a year of serving my wife's every need. Sure at the beginning she was reluctant, she barely knew a thing about bondage and would blush at the thought of anything beyond missionary sex… but I had pushed her into it and I can't believe how much things had changed.

Not that I have had sex much. Locked away in a CB6000s complete with a dreamlover punishment device. Sex was pretty much over for me. Sure I thought about sex, pretty much 24/7 … but aside from the occasional prostate milkings, and the hours and hours spent wearing a strap-on fucking my wife with a dick I could not feel, I had pretty much forgotten that sex could ever be associated with something resembling pleasure.

That is why I was so shocked why my mistress unlocked me. First we went down into the basement where nobody could see. I assumed I was in for a whipping for the poor quality of the food I cooked for her dinner. Not only did she unlock my dick, but she did so without restraining me. Then she gave my dick a sweet kiss. Honestly, I thought it would blow right there, but clearly the months of being locked up had an effect and it didn't even get hard.

She gave me a pen and a piece of paper, and told me to start writing….

'I can't take it anymore. I give up on life. I am so sorry for all the hurt I have done.' … At this point I started to realize what I was actually putting to paper with my own handwriting … 'Please forgive me. I don't want to live any more.'. She took a quick look at it and then told me to sign it. Fully realizing what I was doing, but lacking any will to disobey I put my signature down on the suicide note.

Then she told me to pick up the rope off the ground. I obeyed her as she gave me instructions to tie it to the rafter, and then make a slip knot. I had to stand on the chair to reach. After testing to make sure that yes, if my head was in it, My feet would be a good 8 inches off the ground. I put my head through it…. and started crying that I loved her.

'Please shut up and let me explain the situation' she said. 'There is a $1,000,000 life insurance policy on your life, now that it has been over two years since we took it out, it covers suicide. So if I kick this chair out I get a million bucks. Assuming a very conservative 6% ROI on an investment that is good for $5,000 a month. That is how much you are worth to me dead. What are you worth to me alive? Sure you you work and make about $3k a month so you are in the hole for $2k, but then there are costs. I figure at a minimum your driving to work, plus taxes, plus your food and board, you are costing me about $2k a month. What do I get for that money. Massages, your cooking, your cleaning, the pleasure that you give me sexually, etc. Put it all together and I am feeling very charitable, so I am going to value you at $4k a month in services… pretty much makes you break even. In a month we will do this again and we will see. You had better hope that your services make me still feel charitable next month, or else I won't have a choice but to give the chair a kick.'

She allowed me to pull my head out. Then she locked my cock back up, and put the DL2k into doggy mode for the rest of the evening. All I can think of now is that I am thankful for every second left in my life, if I can keep her happy I may just make it another two years before the additional $1 million life insurance policy we just took out starts to cover suicide.



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