Surprise Party [Mf, MF] [Voy] [Inc]

The music and yelling was obvious from almost a block away.

“Why don’t we cross the street? We can avoid people hanging around outside.” I suggested to my sister. She was visiting me for the weekend, and we were wandering around my small college town.

“No, let’s go in! It sounds like fun.”

I did not like that idea. She had just turned 18, but she was still in high school. I was her big brother – I wouldn’t be protecting her very well if I intentionally surrounded her with drunk assholes. I told her it wasn’t a good idea.

“Plleeease. I want to see what it’s like. So far, we’ve just wandered around campus. College is waaaaaay more that just school. I want to see a party.”

She batted her eyes and played the baby sister card heavily. I couldn’t ever turn that down. “Fine, just real quick.”

As we got closer, it was obvious we were not going to be appropriately dressed. The front of the house had been decorated like the side of a ship, complete with cannons. A large jolly roger flag hung over the front door.

It was dark inside, but it was clear everyone was dressed as pirates – hats, swords, parrots, eyepatces. I kept an eye on my sister as we wandered through the house. Her eyes were darting around everywhere, trying to take in everything. We got some looks, being unknown and not dressed up, but we generally got through a lot of house without being interfered with. Until we reached a room in the back. The door had way more decorations than anything else inside. A large wooden board hung on the door. On it was painted “Captain’s Cabin.”

My sister stopped in front of the door. “What do you think is in there?” She looked at me.

“It’s probably just the bedroom of someone who lives here. Keep going.” I gave her gentle push forward.

The hall ended in the kitchen. I glanced around it and saw a girl, Stephanie, from my french class. She was wearing a tight black skirt over black leggings, a red and black striped shirt, and a black hat with a white feather in it. She must have been wearing a strapless bra, as her shirt was ripped so the neckline hung over a shoulder, but no bra was visible. The torn neck showed off a lot, a lot, of cleavage. She made eye contact with me and ran over.

“Rooooooobert!” she yelled, throwing her arms around me. She was very drunk. “I didn’t think you’d come! But you did!”

“Hi…..” I pulled out of the hug. “What are you talking about?”

“I texted you earlier to come! But you didn’t answer me!” Stephanie was yelling each sentence, even though she stood just a foot from me.

“Uh, I don’t think I’ve ever given you my number.”

“What?!” she looked confused. “No, I texted you.” She pulled out her phone and started to flip through it.

I made eye contact with my sister. “Robert?” she mouthed at me.

Stephanie pushed her phone in my face. “Seeeeee! This is you!” I took her hand and pulled it away from being right under my nose. I looked at the screen. ‘Robert’ was written at the top, but my number was definitely not the one listed under it.

“That’s not my number.”

She pulled her phone back and looked at it. She looked more confused.

“Here.” I took the phone from her. I deleted Robert’s number, whoever that was, and entered my own. “This is my number.”

“Oh, okay.” Stephanie suddenly walked away without saying anything. She left the kitchen through a door to the living room.

I grabbed my sister’s hand. “Let’s go outside.”

“Who was that?” she asked after we got onto the porch in the back yard. The porch was raised 8 or 10 feet above the backyard. It too was decorated like a ship, with fake cannons that faced into the yard. A couple of coolers hung open, filled with beer and decorated like treasure chests.

“A girl from my french class. My french name’s Robert.”

“YAAAAAAAAR!” came a loud yell from the yard down below the porch. A guy in a very good pirate costume stood up from what looked to be a thrown sitting under the tree in the back yard. When he yelled the crowd in the yard got silent. “What are these land-lovers doing on my ship?” He had a beautiful black pirate hat on, a long jacket with feather ruffles down the middle and along the bottom, neck and hand openings. He had a thin moustache drawn on his upper lip and a large hoop earing in one ear.

“Uh. We, uh, know Stephanie.” I yelled back at him.

He started to climb the stairs leading up to the porch. He kept his voice raised loudly. “I don’t care who ye know. I’m the captain and I say ye must a pirate if ye are goin’ to stay on my ship.” I noticed movement behind me, and a group of guys started to crowd around behind us.

“Uh, I’m sorry. We’ll just go.” I told him when reached the top of the stairs.

“No, no, no. I’m goin’ to tell ye what we do with land-lovers on my ship!” His voice was still raised. He turned around and looked over the railing. He raised his arms out over the balcony, “WE MAKE THEM WALK THE PLANK!” he yelled out to the crowd below him.

They cheered wildly below him, then started chanting “PLANK! PLANK! PLANK!”

My wrists were suddenly grabbed and my arms were twisted back behind me. I heard my sister yell out. I looked over and she had also been grabbed from behind. “Hey! Let her go! Get the fuck off me.” I yelled at the guys holding me, squirming uselessly.


“Oooooooh, just listen to them.” The captain said, turning back to me and my sister. “They want the plank. I’m a fair captain. I always give my crew what they want!” He laughed wildly. I glared at him.

The guys me tapped the back of my heels with their feet, causing me to take a step forward. They repeated their kicks, until I gave in and walked forward. I looked at my sister again. She stopped struggling and was allowing them to lead her. We walked along the porch, towards a portion where rails had been removed. A very long board ran out from the opening in the rails. The end that was on the porch was tucked under a couch. About 7 people had climbed all over the couch, weighing down the end of the plank.

The guys holding me, pushed me out onto the plank. I looked down, and below me was a large above-ground pool. The crowd get quiet.

“You can choose to walk this plank and become a part of me crew, or you can fuck off!” the captain yelled. More cheers came from the crowd, who had moved to gather around the pool.

I looked back at my sister. She was smiling widely.

I smirked and gave in. I took a few steps forward. The board was slowly giving under my weight. I made one final step and jumped off the board and into the water below me. From under the water, I could hear muffled cheers from the crowd.

I had just made my way over to the edge of the pool when I heard the splash of my sister landing in the water. More cheers from the crowd.

When I made it back to the ground after climbing out of the pool, I saw surrounded by people patting me on the back and cheering.The captain pushed them aside and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “You,” he yelled. “are now part of me crew. Someone bring us drinks!” The crowd cheered again.

My sister joined us back on land. Her white tee-shirt clung to her body, outline the white bra under it. “Ohohohoh.” the captain laughed when he saw her. He took off his coat. He was wearing wide blue jeans, cut off around mid-calf in a zig-zag pattern. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, instead showing off a very muscular physique. “Here, darlin’ put this on,” the told my sister, wrapping it around her shoulders.

A girl put a shot glass in my hand.

“To our new crew members!” the captain yelled, and threw back a shot of his own. My sister and I made eye contact behind the captain’s head. I shrugged at her and she smiled back at me. We both took our shots. Our crewmates cheered again.

The crowd thinned as our they began to break into own smaller groups. Some continued to congratulate my sister and I. We were able to eventually free ourselves from the crowd and talk in private.

“Let’s go back home.” I suggested to her.

“Fuck no! This is so much fun” she answered without hesitation. She was beaming with joy.

“Ok, but don’t drink a lot.”

We continued to mingle around at the party. We were made to retell our plank story many times as crewmates who were inside demanded it. Everyone continually offered us drinks, which I took happily. I tried to keep an eye on my sister as we started to wander apart, but she looked like she was in control and comfortable with the situation. I hope that she was at least, I was starting to get pretty drunk. My eyes began tracing the curves of the women around me. I headed inside.

There was a short line next to the bathroom, and who should be at the end of it, but Stephanie.

“Robert!” she yelled when she saw me. “You’re part of the crew!” she hugged me again and put a short, soft kiss on my cheek. “I’m so happy!”

“Yeah, I guess so. But now I’ve got to deal with these wet clothes all day.”

She reached out and put her hand on my stomach. “Oh yeah. You are all wet.” She grabbed the bottom of my shirt and tried to pull it over my head. “Here, take it off.”

I laughed. “Stop it. Stop it. I want to stay dressed.”

She gave up and leaned her shoulder into my chest. “That’s too bad. I bet you’d look good naked.” She looked up at me and batted her eyes.

“I do look good naked.” I put my arms around her waist. “You’ll have to see it some time.”

“Uuugh” the girl in front of us groaned out. I looked at her and she made a face back at me, clearly not happy listening to us.

I smirked at her. I turned Stephanie’s body so her back was to me and pulled her closer. “I bet you look good naked too.”

Stephanie wiggled her butt and pressed it against me. “I don’t know. My boobs are weird.”

I could see down the front of her shirt. “They look good from here.”

Stephanie looked up at me and followed my eye line. She pulled away from me, turning back to face me.

“Uh. You asshole.” she slapped me lightly on the chest, but left her hand resting on it. I grabbed her wrist and stepped towards her. I put my free hand around her back and pulled her in against me.

“You like it.” I leaned forward and kissed her. I could feel her body relax and she pressed her lips back into my kiss.

The girl in front of us groaned again. I peaked out of the corner of my eye at her as she walked away, leaving Stephanie next in line for the bathroom.

Quickly the door to the bathroom opened. I pulled back from Stephanie, ending our kiss. “Look’s like we’re next.” My darted my eyes between hers and the bathroom door.

Stephanie smiled at me, took my hand and pulled me into the bathroom with her. She leaned against the counter and pulled me into her. I put my hands on her hips and we kissed again.

I squeezed my hands into her body and lifted her up onto the counter. She immediately wrapped her legs around me and pulled me in closer. My left hand found its way up her side and to her breast. I squeezed it, and she bit my lip.

We continued to make out, with my hands finding exploring all over her breasts. Soon, her hands began to wander too. She loosened the grip of her legs around me. She pushed me away a little and traced her hands up and down my stomach and chest. She kept moving them lower on each pass, until she eventually gave in and pressed them hard against my crotch. She slid her palm down to the right, tracing the outline of my dick. As her fingertips reached my head, she slid open her fingers, moved them to either side of my dick and squeezed it between them.

Stephanie broke the kiss and pushed me back further, eyes falling from my face to my dick. “Looks like you’re ready to go.” She looked back up at me. “Let’s get out of here.” She jumped off the counter and again took my hand. Stephanie threw open the bathroom door and tugged me out of it. She led me down the hall, and to the room marked “Captain’s Cabin.”

As the door opened a tiny crack, the unmistakable sounds of a bed squeaking and light moaning could be heard.

I pulled her arm back. “Someone’s already in there.” I told her when she looked back at me.

She smiled. “Yeah. Probably the captain. He’s my boyfriend.” My mouth fell open. “It’s fine. We’ve open. Let’s go.” She pulled me again. I was too surprised to resist her. Being drunk and horny didn’t help.

The room was very dark. You could just see the outlines of light around thick curtains to the wall. A little bit of the room was outlined in green from an alarm clock, but even that wasn’t enough to make out anything other than shapes. The shapes of people fucking.

A dark hump sat on to pof what was probably the bed. On either side of the hump two long thick lines stood out, almost certainly legs. The hump and legs bounced back in forth in time with the squeaking. Getting closer, a little grunting could be heard along with the occasional girly moan that could be heard from in the doorway.

Stephanie lead me to the side of the room. I stepped on something wet as we went. Stephanie pushed me backwards. My legs hit something low and I fell back, landing on a soft couch. She climbed over me, straddling my legs with hers. I could see the outline of her pulling her top off. She leaned forward and pressed her naked chest into my face. I kissed between her breasts, and then worked my way towards a nipple. When I found it, I took it between my lips and sucked. Stephanie let out a loud moan.

The squeaking from the bed stopped. I could hear hushed voices, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. I continued to suck on Stephanie’s nipple, trying to focus on her responses and not the couple we shared a room with. Eventually, the squeaking picked up again and I could focus on Stephanie completely.

She began to grind against my crotch in rhythm with my sucking. I let go of her nipple and turned my face upward, poking my nose against her chin. She lowered her head and kissed me, pushing her tongue into my mouth. She bit my lip again, and I let out a moan of my own.

The squeaking from the bed began to get faster. Along with it, the girl began to moan even louder and more forcefully. I could feel Stephanie smile as we kissed. Stephanie broke off the kiss and climbed off of me. She leaned forward and whispered “let’s get you out of those wet clothes.”

I struggled to get my clothes off. The shirt was easy, as it was at least a little dry. My pants and boxers were a real pain. The boxers weren’t dry at all and were basically glue between my skin and my pants. My attention wasn’t completely focused either, as I was also trying to watching the outline of Stephanie wiggle out of her skirt and take off her leggings.

Once out of them, Stephanie walked away towards the bed. I could hear that she said something, but it was masked by the bed, the moans, and the sound of a drawer opening. Just as she started to come back, I finally got myself out of my pants. She put her hand on my knee and kneeled in front of me.

I waited for the feeling of her mouth, but it never came. Instead, I felt the cold slap of a condom hit the tip of my dick. She stroked down my dick, pushing the condom on fully. When she stood back up, she quickly pressed something against my face. It was soft, and smelled amazing. I opened my mouth and let her push her panties into it.

She climbed back on top of me. She reached her hand around her back, and fished around below her for my dick. Once she got a hold of it, she positioned herself and my dick so it was just barely pressing against the opening of her pussy. I put my hands on her hips, gently pushing down on them. She resisted my effort, but rocked herself back and forth over my dick, teasing me as much as she could.

The moaning of the girl across the room began to turn into grunts. Her breaths were quick and shallow. Stephanie stopped her motion, and we both just listened. The girl finally let out a sharp yelp, followed by an “oh god”. She must have cum.

After waiting and listening, Stephanie finally began move again. She grabbed my hands and pushed them to the couch cushion. She wiggled her pussy against my dick, walking her knees to rest on top of my hands, holding them in place.

She finally started to lower herself onto me, as the girl’s breathing began to return to normal. Or, at least, to the normal rate while she was getting fucked. Even with the condom, I could feel how warm and wet Stephanie was. My cock slid very easily into her very tight pussy. Stephanie began to bounce up and down, timing herself to match the squeaking of the bed. Stephanie put her hand over my mouth and pressed her panties in tighter as she rode. She leaned into me, pressing my head hard against the wall and pinning it there.

Suddenly the room was filled with light. My eyes closed tight as I was blinded. I tried to yell out, but Stephanie held her hand tight to my mouth. Her rhythm didn’t stop.

The burning light from the room finally began to subside and I could open my eyes a little. As they adjusted, the couple across the room began to come into focus. The man’s back was very tan. The girl’s legs were thrown over the man’s shoulders and were pale. She still had on short, white socks. I could see the guy’s back come into focus. His muscles flexed as he worked into the girl. A large hoop earing hung from his right ear. The captain was pushed up off of the girl, and I could see the outline of her breast. It wasn’t too large, but was a nice perky pyramid that bounced back and forth with each of his thrusts. It was capped with a light pink nipple.

The captain reached down to the girl. He took her head and turned it. As it turned towards me, I recognized the face of my sister.

Her eyes opened wide and she yelped out. The captain took his hand and put it around her mouth. He held it there, keeping her from yelling, and keeping her from turning away. He continued to thrust into her, and my sister and I made eye contact: stephanie bouncing up and down on my cock, the captain thrusting hard and deep into my sister.

My sister lowered her eyes from my face, tracing them along Stephanie’s back. They came to a rest on her ass. My sister watched, being held silent and in place, as Stephanie rode and fell on my dick. Showing it off to my little sister, before swallowing it back inside of her. My sister watched for an extended period of time, then returned her eyes to me. She smirked at me and looked hungry.

My sister lifted her hands and put them around shoulders of the captain. She pulled him down onto her, keeping her eyes on me. His hands came off her mouth, moving to either side of her head. She moaned loud and fake. “Mmmmmm.”

“Oh yes. Faster.” The captain listened and began to pick up his rhythm. Stephanie’s rhythm followed his. “Mmmm. That feels so good. Fuck me harder.” my sister called out to him.

The captain pushed himself in harder, making his bed begin to rattle into the wall a little. My sister’s fake moans were soon replaced with short heavy breaths. Her eyes, locked on my own, began to lose their focus. I could see her hands tense on the back of the captain. “Oh god. I’m going to cum.” she let out quickly, with a fast breath in between every-other word.

The captain’s rhythm got faster. “Oh god. Oh god,” my sister gasped out. She spread her hands wide and pressed them to the captain’s back. She pushed him down hard into her. Oh god. Mmmmm.” Her feet made small circles on her ankles as her muscles tensed with orgasm.

The captain grunted and thrusted in awkwardly. He jerked a couple of times, then pulled himself off my sister. He collapsed on the bed next to her. My sister opened her eyes and looked at me. She kept her legs open, knees in the air. She smiled devilishly and drifted her hand down her stomach. She ran a finger down the lips her pussy to the bottom of it. There, I could see cum dripping out of her.

The captain fucked my sister bareback.

I could feel anger rise in me. I pushed my body forward, getting Stephanie’s weight off of me. I pulled my hands out of from under her knees and grabbed her hips. I lifted her hips up and then pushed them down hard onto my dick.

“You fucking asshole.” I screamed in my head.

I continued to take control of Stephanie’s motions. She rose up fast and came down hard.

“Nobody takes advantage of my sister.”

Stephanie’s breathing grew quick. She started to gasp a little for air.

“I’m going to fucking kill you, right after I finish fucking your girlfriend.”

I could feel my balls begin to tighten as I watched my sister play with the cum dripping from her pussy.

“No one fucks my little sister without a condom. No one.”

I turned my eyes to the ceiling. My dick pulsed as it filled the condom with cum.

“No one.

My breathing slowed.

“no one.”

I closed my eyes and let my hands fall from Stephanie’s hips to the couch.

“except me.”



  1. Suggested Edit: eyepatces eyepatc(h)es (thrown) ? (throne) pof ? (top) around shoulders around (the) shoulders down the lips her pussy down her pussy lips to the bottom Nice little story with a good pace and a great ending!

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