New Update/Ideas

I wanted to let you know that I've decided to lift the restriction on outside posts.

The new system will work like this:

  • I've created new flairs for submitted posts. Right now there are three: Original Content, Blog, and Amazon. Please comment with ideas for more if you have any!
  • With this new update, I'm easing the "spam" filter on outside links. This will require you guys to do more policing, please report any links that you think I should remove since they won't be removed automatically anymore.

I will edit the sidebar tonight to reflect these changes.

I would like this community to interact more. What if we hosted a weekly or monthly contest? One idea is that either I would submit a topic, or we could vote on you, and writers would comment their stories, much like /r/writingprompts.

We could have a weekly critique thread, if you have something you're working on and would like feedback, or I could just create a flair for that- "OC-Feedback Wanted!"

I think that's it for now, please let me know what you think of these changes/ideas, and please comment any suggestions. Thanks guys!



  1. Both a weekly critique thread (for WIPs and finished works) would be great! As would weekly contests. What would we win? :) In all seriousness, contests would be fun. We could copy what /r/bioniclelego does with their contests; the winner gets to choose the next theme, and if they have no ideas, it goes to the community. One question, though. All my stuff is on a blog. Would I tag it with [blog] or [OC?]

  2. Haha shoot forgot to put my idea of prizes. I like your idea of choosing the next theme. Maybe combine that with having their story linked in the sidebar for the next week? I want to reward you guys with some kind of exposure. (I was thinking making their story a sticky post but I guess I would need that for the critique/contest threads.) Maybe we could do critique one week and contest the next, and keep rotating it. If the link is directly to your blog, you would use the blog flair. OC is only for stuff submitted as a self post, I’ll make that clear in the sidebar. Thanks for your feedback!

  3. Absolutely! Anytime. I’m glad you like that idea, it’s worked well for them. A sidebar link for exposure would work well, maybe with this format: Contest theme-contest date-author username-story title. Maybe it could be a running sidebar column, listing all prior winners! An alternating sticky between critiques and contests would work quite well, IMO, and would prevent any confusion or difficulty finding the threads. Numbering each one works well, I’ve found, you might want to do that. Thanks for the flair clarification! (Flairification?) I think you should absolutely add the OC: Feedback Wanted flair as well. That’d be excellent!

  4. > One idea is that either I would submit a topic, or we could vote on you, and writers would comment their stories, much like /r/writingprompts. Good idea. There’s also a /r/dirtywritingprompts that you can mine prompts from.

  5. I’m new here and I just want to say I appreciate the chance to submit my stories. The changes sound great!

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