[M/F] [BDSM] The Latest Sex Slave (WIP)

I was mostly writing this for myself but I was curious to get constructive criticism on it from non-biased sources. If anyone here ends up liking where it's going, I'd be happy to keep writing/sharing it.

Tasha’s eyes open slowly, but she is not slow by choice. She feels drained, but… why? She stops to think for a moment, trying hard to remember why she feels so exhausted, but nothing comes to her. “Maybe I just need a cup of coffee,” she thinks to herself as she starts to fully wake up. Tasha tries to lift herself up, but quickly realizes that she can barely move. As soon as she tries to lift her arms, she feels ropes tug at her skin, the coarse material hugging her wrists tightly. Her legs seem to be tied as well, and as she tries her limbs she begins to understand why she’d fallen asleep in an upright position. That wasn’t her chair back home as she’d originally thought. Her eyes shoot completely open, her mind suddenly racing as she looks around the room.

The room is dimly lit, but is not so dark as to be impossible to see in. No, Tasha is clearly able to make out the contents of the room she’s woken up in, and they aren’t pretty. A few odd contraptions – all with restraints of some sort – are scattered around the room. The walls are lined with various objects, but she can’t quite make out what any of them are with her vision still being somewhat hazy. One wall is devoid of anything but chains, and the floor near it seems to be darker than the rest of the room.

After taking in her surroundings, Tasha takes in a deep breath and says to herself, “What the fuck is this place?..” From behind her she hears movement, followed by a soft chuckle. A man walks around the chair and stops in front of her, “You’re finally awake. I was wondering when the drugs would wear off. You certainly slept longer than the others. I was beginning to grow rather… impatient…” The man eyes Tasha up and down, a hungry glean in his eyes. He takes her in, as if surveying a prize he’d just won. Tasha is a young Asian woman, no older than 26. She is slim, but with curves in all the right places. Her long, dark hair spills down over her shoulders, partially covering one side of her face. She isn’t particularly tall, appearing to be no more than 5’6” at the most. Though her mouth quivers in fear, it is easy to see that she has soft, pouty lips. All in all, she’d be quite the catch for anyone lucky enough to win her attention.

Listening to the man intently, Tasha cautiously speaks once he stops, “D-drugs?.. Y-you drugged me? Why? Why am I here? What do you want with me?!” Fear creeps into her voice with each word that escapes her lips, and her stream of questions ends in a tone that can only be described as panicked. The man once again laughs. He leans down and looks Tasha in the eyes, “Look around you, sweetie. You’re in my playpen. I’m making you my pet, and I expect my pets to do everything I say, without question. You want to know why?” His hand darts out as he grabs one of Tasha’s breasts, squeezing it hard. Tasha lets out a disgruntled groan, but the man is unfazed. If anything, he seems to enjoy her discomfort. With his hand still tightly gripping her breast, he leans in until their faces are practically touching and says with a disturbing smile, “Because I was in the mood for Chinese tonight. Don’t worry, I brought my own chopsticks.” He points to one of the walls, and as she looks over, Tasha’s eyes have finally adjusted to the light enough to recognize dildos of various sizes dangling from the wall. “Well, maybe they aren’t chopsticks per se, but they’ll still help me eat you up.” The man says with another eerie smile. It’s clear that he finds himself hilarious. As he finishes his odd joke, he let’s go of Tasha and takes a step back.

A determined look crosses Tasha’s face. “So that’s it? You’re gonna rape me? Too much of a sick fuck to find a girl the normal way, is that it? You think you can just take what you want, when you want it, huh? I’m not your toy, freak! You can’t just-” The man, who had been smiling throughout most of Tasha’s tirade, suddenly gets a grim look on his face. He draws his hand back and smacks Tasha across the face, ending your speech abruptly. “If you think you can make me feel guilty, you’re wasting your breath. If I were you, I’d save your energy. You’ll need it once the real fun begins.” Not deterred by the slap, Tasha starts right back up, “I’m not even Chinese you creepy bastard! If this is some sort of sick fetish for you, well it’s time to be disappointed, ‘cause you got it wrong. What kind of a fucking disgusting piece of shit does this to someo-“ The man once again smacks Tasha, a bit harder this time. He grabs her face, squeezing her jaw between his hand so as to prevent her from talking, “It was a fucking joke, you stupid little skank of a woman. None of you ignorant whores ever get my humor. Well that’s fine, you won’t be laughing tonight anyway. I hope you’ve had your fun yapping, ‘cause your mouth won’t be empty again until you learn how to behave.”

The man lets go of Tasha and retrieves a ball gag from a nearby table. He shoves it in her mouth and secures it tightly. Tasha struggles against the restraints and tries to yell at the man, but the gag makes it impossible for her to form any coherent words. Drool drips down her mouth as she tries to speak, pooling into her shirt and dripping down into the valley created by her cleavage. The man notices this and smiles, “I love it when they get themselves ready for me. Makes this whole thing so much easier…” He walks around the chair and disappears from Tasha’s sight. The man pulls a lever attached to the chair and suddenly Tasha finds her upper half being pulled backwards as the back of the chair shifts. The man moves back to the front of the chair and turns a dial between Tasha’s legs, causing the legs her restraints are tied to to spread outward. The young woman now finds herself in an incredibly vulnerable position, with her legs spread and her back parallel to the ground.

The man walks over to the wall covered in objects and retrieves a sharp pair of fabric scissors. As he walks to Tasha, she snaps the scissors a few times and says, “Y’know, I’ve been very happy with the latest fashion trends. Take those shorts you’re wearing. Well, if you can even call them that… They’re so small, your ass practically hangs out the back. Makes it so much easier for me to find my targets. I knew as soon as I saw you that your ass would take one hell of a pounding.” Tasha, straining to see from her new position, lets out a muffled scream as the man talks about his plans for her. He laughs and starts to position the scissors inside one of the shorts’ legs, “Oh, did you think I was only going for this?” He says as he pats her crotch with his free hand, “No, I want all of you, my dear. No part of you is safe tonight.”

He starts to cut the fabric of her shorts, and before long he’s taken them apart in such a way that the legs simply fall to either side and a single strip of jean fabric is left between her legs. He pulls the middle piece of fabric away and tosses it to the side, revealing her underwear. Her panties are made of purple lace, with a small bow to one side. The lace is very revealing, leaving the outline of Tasha’s vagina visible through the purple material. The man tugs on the bow and smiles, “Oh, aren’t these cute? But isn’t underwear meant to help keep you looking decent? I haven’t even gotten all of your clothes off and I can already see one of my many sweet prizes hiding under your panties. But I guess I shouldn’t expect a slut who walks around with her ass hanging out to be any more decent under her clothes.”

The man presses his fingers into Tasha’s panties hard, rubbing her clit through the material. Tasha squirms and lets out anguished cries through the gag. The man laughs, “Oh how I love that reaction. The line between feeling pleasure and pain. The thought of whether you should enjoy it or not. Your mind is just wracked with torment and guilt now, isn’t it? Oh I can see it in your eyes…” He takes stops rubbing her and instead grips the top of her panties firmly. “You know, there’s one problem with underwear like this…” As he finishes this statement, he pulls down hard, ripping the lace off of Tasha. “It’s so easy to tear.” He says with a smirk. The material digs into Tasha’s skin as it rips off, making her grimace.

The man rubs the lips of Tasha’s pussy gently, slowly passing over them with his hand. He smiles at her and says, “I can feel you quiver beneath my fingers. Such a wonderful feeling… I’ve always loved the way a young, tight little cunt like yours feels… It’s a feeling that really isn’t comparable to anything else… Men have tried for years to create things – toys and the like – to get their fill of it when they couldn’t be with a woman. But we’ve never managed to perfect it. Sure, the things they come up with may feel close to flesh, but it’s more than that… It’s your heat, your moisture, the way your skin reacts to my every movement… That is something that can never be created in a lab…” He runs his fingers between its lips, passing over its all-too-inviting opening again… and again… until finally he can’t take it anymore. He presses a single finger inside that magical hole that he so envies. Tasha certainly isn’t turned on, and as such isn’t particularly wet, so the man’s finger doesn’t find a very smooth ride inside. He gets it in nonetheless, and begins moving it slowly in and out, rubbing her clit with his thumb as he does so. “This doesn’t have to be all bad for you, you know… You might even find the whole process rather… enjoyable…” He says in as soothing a voice as he can muster, “I can’t promise I won’t hurt you. Some of the things I like, they… require a certain amount of pain… But if you work with me, and stop fighting, I can make you cum in ways you’ve never even imagined. Think about it…”

As he finishes talking, he pulls his hand away from Tasha’s vagina and brings it up to his face. He looks at this finger, and sees a slight glint. “Enjoy it or not, you can’t help to give me a little bit of that sweet nectar of yours, can you?” He licks his finger clean, a look of euphoria crossing his eyes as does so. His lips quiver as he says, “Delicious. Nothing compares to that taste… God, I need more!” With this exclamation his head immediately makes its way between Tasha’s legs, and his tongue quickly starts to lap at her pussy. He takes in all of it, kissing the soft lips, dipping his tongue into the hole as far as it can go, even licking her tender clit. He eats her out as though he was a prisoner on death row, and her vagina is his last meal. At first Tasha tries to resist, but the restraints keep her from doing so. After a while her legs go limp and she simply lays there and takes it. It almost appears as if she is enjoying it.

The man looks up, his mouth covered in saliva. He looks at Tasha and says breathlessly, “You’re loving it, aren’t you? I’d be willing to bet no man you’ve been with has enjoyed your taste as much as me. I can see it in the way your body shakes and the heaviness of your breathing: you want me to finish you off. Don’t try to deny it. If you don’t tell me to keep going, I’ll stop right now. So tell me, girl, do you want me to make you cum?” Tasha hesitates. Her mind tells her to scream “no” as best she can through the gag, to deny this creep as much as she can, but… Her body aches for climax. The man gives her no time to ponder though, “I need an answer, my sweet. You have five seconds. Five… Four… Three… Two…” A loud “mmph” comes from Tasha, stopping the man’s countdown. He smiles and says, “Is that a yes, then? Just nod for me if it is.” Tears form at Tasha’s eyes as she slowly shakes her head yes. The man chuckles, “Good girl… Now, where was I?..” He heads back down and continues where he left off. A couple minutes pass and Tasha’s heavy breathing turns into muffled moans. Her muscles begin to tense up as she strains against the ropes. The man doesn’t stop until he feels Tasha’s body begin to relax.

When he finally does end his feast, he stands up and wipes his mouth off with his arm. Tasha is now crying, her body lightly shaking. The man sticks his fingers in her pussy and thrusts them in and out a few times before pulling them out. As he brings them toward her face, a thin string of liquid goes with them. He stops his hand in front of Tasha’s face and says, “You finally got wet for me.” He pulls the gag out of her mouth and shoves his fingers in, “Taste it! Isn’t it delectable?! Have you ever tasted anything more divine? And to think, you can make that whenever you want… God has gifted women with something truly amazing!” Tasha struggles against the fingers in her mouth, but almost gags as she does so. The man takes his fingers out and licks them himself. After savoring them for a moment, he says, “Now… I don’t want to have to leave that gag in all night. But if I leave it out for a while, you have to stop arguing with me. Would you like to have it out for a bit?”

Tasha sheepishly nods, looking somewhat defeated. “I… I won’t argue…” She says in a bleak tone. The man taps his chin in thought, “You know what I would like to hear, though? You have such a sweet voice… I want to hear you say my name. Brad. Say my name. Moan my name for me!” Tasha remains silent for a moment, but after looking at the man and seeing his face start to form an angry expression, she lets out a hesitant, “B-Brad…” The man snaps, “No! With meaning! With passion! Say my name the way you wished you could when I made you orgasm, or I’ll beat the words out of you!” As he yells at her he makes a move to strike her. Before he reaches her, Tasha moans out, “Oh, Brad! Brad, yes, just like that… God yes…” The man, who says his name is Brad, stops advancing and stands still, soaking in the sound of Tasha’s voice. His hand moves down to his pants, and he starts to rub his cock through his jeans. “Yes… just like that… more, give me more!” He says as he continues to slowly rub himself. Tasha’s eyes show only fear and disgust, they hold none of the supposed passion she tries to put into her voice, but she continues regardless, “You’re so amazing, Brad! Yes… yes! YES! Oh Bradley, you’re-“ Out of nowhere Tasha feels Brad’s hand drag across her face with enough force to knock the saliva out of her mouth. He screams at her, “You stupid fucking bitch! My name is Brad! BRAD!!! You do not, ever, call me Bradley! Do you understand you ignorant skank?!” Tasha starts crying again and stammers out, “Y-yes, I’m s-sorry Brad.”

Continued in comment…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3c67db/mf_bdsm_the_latest_sex_slave_wip


  1. Brad returns to a calm expression and says, “Good… Well, enough talk. There’s so much more of you to play with…” He starts to lean over Tasha, but before he does anything, he stops, “Wait… I forgot to ask. Your name. What is it?” Not sure if the question is a trap or not, Tasha simply tells Brad the truth, “My name… my name is T-Tasha.” Brad grips her shirt firmly and says, “Well, Tasha…” He rips her shirt open, revealing a purple lace bra that matched her panties before they were destroyed, “You have amazing breasts…” He quickly dispatches of her bra, tossing the torn pieces of it to the side. Her bare breasts now lay exposed. They’re big enough that they’re partially spilling over her sides into her armpits. Her nipples are small and perky, and her light brown areolas are about the size of quarters. Aside from a few freckles, not a single blemish mars her skin. Brad pinches one of Tasha’s nipples and twirls it between his fingertips, causing her to moan lightly. He smirks, “Ah, are they sensitive? I love when they are. I remember one girl I brought in here, my god her tits were amazing, but she barely felt a thing when I played with them. It was such a let down… I decided if neither of us could properly enjoy them, then why have them at all? So I cut them off. I believe she started faking her pleasure a bit after that. I’m not too fond of ‘faking it’ either, but it’s better than nothing. I don’t think I’ll have that problem with you though…” Brad lets go of Tasha’s nipple and instead presses his mouth into it. He sucks gently on her breast, squeezing the other one with one of his hands. He starts to suck a bit harder, pulling his mouth back as he does so. Tasha’s breast stretches out toward Brad, but not so much as to be painful. He lets go, her breast falling back into place. Immediately he jumps back to it, his teeth closing gently around the same nipple he’d just been sucking on a moment before. His tongue flicks between his teeth, moving along the tip of Tasha’s nipple. She squirms and moans, but her tone has a hint of disdain in it. It is clear she is somewhat disgusted with herself for enjoying this. Suddenly Brad bites down, hard. Tasha lets out a pained scream. Brad looks up at her and says with an evil laugh, “Did you forget that you’re my toy? I told you that you would only enjoy it for so long! Now it is time for me to… explore my options… And remember, if you scream too much I’ll get the gag.” He gives the breast he’d been keeping in his hand a hard squeeze before releasing it and turning around. As he walks toward his wall of toys, Tasha can hear him mutter to himself, “God her tits are perfect… The feeling of her nipple against my tongue… I’ll miss this one…”

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