[mf] College Crush, on the professor’s desk.

Her class had just let out and I usually mulled around in the hallway, trying to look inconspicuous while I waited to catch a glimpse of her leaving her classroom. I waited and while I watched many heads walk past, I didn’t see her bright blond. I paced for a moment, wondering if I had missed seeing her. She probably wasn’t here today, but it couldn’t hurt to peek into the classroom to double check.

She was sitting in a desk, chewing on a pen and reading a piece of paper. I stared at her, taking in her beautiful form while she didn’t know I was looking. After a moment, she put down the paper. Spotting me in the doorway, she curled her fingers up and down in an abbreviated form of a wave and her feminine tones rang across the room, “Can I help you?”

My heart thumped in my chest and my mind blanked as I panicked about what to say back.

She tilted her head and said, “I can’t help but notice that you were staring at me. Do you need help with something? I don’t recognize you from class.”

“Um, you’re taking this class.”

She bobbed her head up and down, nodding at me. “Yes. Yes, I am.”

Shit. This was not going well. One part of me was ecstatic that we were in the same room together, another part of me had shut down, a little dumbfounded.

I grasped at sounds in my head and tried to think of some kind of a string of words to put together. I was failing.

“I’m sorry, but class is out and I’m kind of stressed out right now. If you don’t need anything, could you please leave?”

She looked down at the desk and picked up the piece of paper again.

Could you please leave?

That struck home. The last thing I wanted to do was have to leave. I needed her to just give me a chance. “Do you want to talk about what’s stressing you out?”

She shook her head. “No, I really don’t.” Immediately after she said it, she sighed and fidgeted with her fingers. “Well, maybe I do. I don’t know. I just… I didn’t get a good grade on this paper, but this paper is a large percent of our overall grade. I’m in my senior year and I so far had all A’s this semester. But now, I don’t know. This sucks. I’ve been working really hard.”

I sat down next to her and made a sound like she could continue talking.

She said, “I’m just frustrated. I wanted this semester to pull my GPA back up. I did a lot of partying my freshmen year, you know? I was away from my parents, and making my own decisions, and there were college parties, and college boys…” She trailed off and tilted her head slightly to the side. Her blue eyes looked at me but her gaze didn’t feel like she was focused on me. She continued, “After a few bad experiences, I really pulled myself around and I was excited to have all A’s this semester. I felt like I would prove to myself and to others that I’m worth it.”

I offered her a small, genuine smile and said, “You are worth it. You shouldn’t put so much stock in a grade. Everyone knows this instructor is harsh and he’s too full of himself to properly analyze most of these essays. I’ve heard that from so many students. Really, you can’t measure yourself based on something as abstract as one grade in one class. Maybe, if you want to be content with yourself, you need to learn to be happy with yourself as you are and not based on how others measure you.”

She straightened in her chair and this time when she looked at me, her gaze met mine. She said, “Thank you. I think I needed to hear someone say that. I wonder why none of my friends couldn’t have told me that sooner? Apparently I needed to hear it from a stranger.”

“Oh. I mean, I know who you are.”

She picked up her essay again and avoided my gaze while she asked, “Have we met before?”

“No, but… Y-you’re really pretty.”

Slowly, she put the paper down and stared at me. Her blue eyes blankly looked over my body and a moment later, they held a mischievous glint. When I had walked in, her brows had been slanted with anxiety and her shoulders had drooped while she sat. Now, she sat straighter and a small smile spread across her face. I watched the look of worry fade and her expression changed to something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. She stood from the desk and said, “Say that again.”

“I’m sorry. I sh-”

“Repeat yourself. Exactly. Say it again.”

“You’re pretty.”

She walked out from behind the desk and towards me. My eyes widened as she walked right to me and kept walking past me. She closed the door to the classroom and turned around, her mischievous smile back in place. “Good. Say it again.”

I swallowed, unsure of what was happening. Was this some kind of prank?

Her voice deepened as she commanded me, “I told you to say it again.”

“You’re pretty.”

“What about me is pretty?”

I had spent long nights thinking about her long legs that curved up and flared at her hips. Now that she was in front of me, my eyes gobbled up her tight jeans and my gaze roved over her full, rounded breasts under her long sleeved shirt. Her entire outfit fit perfectly to her body, but her best treasure was the sparkling, jewel blue of her eyes.

I said, “Everything about you is pretty.”



She turned in a circle for me to take in every beautiful angle of her and I sucked in a breath as she tossed her long, blond hair over her shoulder. She asked, “How about now? Is everything about me still pretty?”



She unbuttoned her pants and wiggled her perfect hips while she shimmied out of the tight jeans. I stood, mouth agape, as she tossed her jeans over a desk. Her eyes glinted as she gave me a naughty look and pulled off her tight shirt. She stood in her bra and panties and asked me, “Am I still pretty?”

“God, yes.”

“Good. Now take yours off.”

I hesitated for a moment. Some small part of my mind was worried this was a trap. For barely a second, it flitted through my mind that this was a bad idea. As my eyes took in the glorious skin of her stomach and legs, my mind registered that a woman in a state of undress had asked me to take my pants off. What on earth was I waiting for?

In the blink of an eye, my clothes were removed. I tossed my pants on a random desk and grinned at her.

I wiped my grin off as I noticed the cool expression on her face. She crossed her arms and said,

“Now, pick up all of our clothes, fold them, and put them on the desk.”

I hesitated until she picked up one slender arm and pointed with her manicured nails at her jeans. I picked them up and folded them like they were royal garments. They smelled faintly of flowers and her jeans were still warm from her body heat. I had watched her walk down the hall in tight jeans so many times that it gave me a thrill to touch something that had been right next to her perfect body.

I looked to her, wondering what would be next. She smiled and advanced on me, pulling her bra straps down off her shoulders. “Do you want to see these?”

I nodded, vehemently.

“What do you think you should have to do before you can see them?”

I was at a loss as to how to respond so I stood silently while she tapped her finger on her cheek. “I know! Remove everything from the top of the professor’s desk and set it perfectly in the same order on the floor right here.”

While I meticulously moved everything off the desk, she stood and stroked her finger over the top of her chest. Her nail moved back and forth over the smooth skin at the top of one breast, then the other. At one point she said, “Move faster, these are waiting.”

I wanted to feel them so bad. I had imagined them so many times but nothing would be better than seeing them in real life.

She looked over the items from the desk with her arms crossed. I perused the serious expression of her face while taking in her delicate features. I was completely under her beautiful spell and I wondered how someone so delicate in appearance could be as sexually overpowering as she was.

She turned to me and softly smiled while her eyes traveled down my body. She glanced up and met my gaze with a naughty tilt to her eyebrows as if her expression was an invitation. Taking slow steps in my direction, her hips swayed with each footfall and the movement mesmerized me. She stopped in front of me, her chest almost touching mine. Dragging her nails up my naked arm, she paused with her hand resting against my cheek as she asked, “How far will you go with me?”

Her eyes watched my lips but I barely hesitated in my response, “All the way, as far as you’ll let me.”

She nodded her agreement and tilted her mouth up to mine. In a moment of pure bliss, her lips skimmed over mine. They were soft and the minuscule brush of her lips sent sparks of arousal around my body. Her hair smelled faintly of the same flower scent as her clothes and the longer she stood by me, the more my body responded to the warmth and soft femininity radiating from her.

Next, she brought my hand up and pressed my palm against one perfect breast. I tested the weight in my hand and rubbed my thumb over her nipple until it was hard.

The pressure of my growing dick against my boxers was restrictive and uncomfortable. A large part of my brain was focused on her and what was left was telling me to take the rest of my clothes off so my naked body could be against hers.

I started to pull down my boxers, but she stopped my hands and shook her head. She leaned her lips in again and pressed her body against mine. My arms instinctively wrapped around her and pulled her closer to me. My erection pressed against her midsection and it twitched in response to being so close to her.

Her lips nibbled on my bottom lip and I could feel her warm breath as our lips parted and her tongue teased mine. The hot, velvet sensations of the inside of her mouth drove my arousal to a physical level I had never experienced before. If this is how amazing her mouth feels, my body ached to know how everything else would feel.

She pulled at my bottom lip with her teeth and pulled away from me. My arms tightened around her to keep her by me but she put her hand against my chest and pushed as she said, “No, I’m in control or we stop.”

I couldn’t stop. Not now.

I let her go. She slipped her hands around the elastic band of my boxers and pulled them down, letting them fall to the floor and freeing my dick. It popped out at her and she smiled. She pushed me down into the professor’s chair and bent her head to press her warm lips against my neck and leave hot kisses down my body as she moved her mouth down my chest and over my stomach. She crouched on her knees and glanced up at me from under her dark lashes.

“This is what I’ve been looking for. I can’t wait to play with this.”

She gently blew her warm breath up and down the shaft, then over the tip. In the moments before she put her mouth on my tip, time seemed to slow and it was excruciating having to restrain myself from holding her head and shoving myself into what I knew would be the hot, soft concave of her mouth.

I held my breath until her lips slid over my tip. The sensation sent shivers of excitement up my dick and through my body. I was at a peak of excitement I was embarrassed to admit to but the physical reality of her was overwhelming. Her lips tight, she slid over my tip, slowly taking in more of me with each back and forth movement.

I stared at her perfect body crouched in front of me. Her shiny blond hair was in my hands and I caught her gaze as she glanced up at me with my dick filling her passion-reddened lips.

I groaned as she fulfilled a fantasy I had imagined countless times. She was perfect and while her mouth cradled my dick and her tongue flicked over my sensitive tip, I felt my orgasm build and shoot out before I could even warn her. She grabbed at the sides of my hips with her hands and her nails dug into my skin while she took me deep into her mouth and swallowed my cum.

I wanted to tell her how magnificent I felt so I said, “Maddi, that was amazing. I don’t even know how to give back what you just did to me.”

She stood and said, “Oh, I know exactly how you can pay me back.”

She guided me over to the desk and instructed me to kneel on the floor at the edge of it. She lay back on top of it with her pussy on the edge of the desk directly in front of my face. I could smell the sexy scent of her and my mouth watered at the prospect of how delicious she might taste.

She said, “Put your mouth on me.”

I had lost my erection once I had orgasmed, but now I wondered how long it would be until I came back around. I leaned my head forward and, unsure of myself, pressed my mouth against the inside of her thigh.

She instructed me, “Just move in from there and when you get close, flick your tongue over me.”

I had read up on how to please a woman and I knew a couple things from watching porn, but videos could never do justice to what I was experiencing in front of my face right now. Before I moved my mouth in, I analyzed the folds of her pink pussy lips and those were the first thing my tongue tasted. Her taste was unique and I associated it with her delicious arousal since she moaned at the same time my tongue touched her.

Tentatively, I moved up and down the outside. I could hear her small sighs as I made gentle strokes with the tip of my tongue and the sounds encouraged me to explore a little deeper. I licked and stroked with my tongue and after a moment, had the courage to enter my finger into her wet pussy. At this, her back arched and her hands reached for my hair while her sighs grew louder.

The more I played with her, the louder she was and I made it an internal goal to make her even louder. I wanted her to be in control of me, but I also wanted her screaming at the pleasure I could give her.

Only her.

She pulled on my hair and instructed me, “Move your mouth up to my clit.”

I left my finger inside her and licked my way up to settle my mouth over her clit. At first, I was a little confused at what exactly she wanted of me. I licked over the top of her fold but her sighs didn’t get any louder. Determined, I dug my tongue in a little.

She responded by moaning and vocalizing her pleasure, “Oooohh, yes. Right there.”

I slid a second finger into her and played with different ways to move my tongue around while she moaned. Her moans suddenly grew louder and my natural reaction was to make sure I kept her at least at the sound level she was at. I dug my face into her and rapidly moved my fingers in and out while her hips pushed up and she squeezed her legs around me. I couldn’t tell if her body jerked in its excitement but a moment later, she let go and rested on the table.

She was breathing heavily and I watched her breasts heave up and down while I wondered what to do now. Were we done?

Finally, she said, “Mmmm. That was good. I’ve never had a guy respond to my body so well.”

Her orgasm had excited me again. I stood and she eyed my erection with interest. She slid down from the desk and turned around, bending over the table. “Stand behind me.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

I pressed my body against her rounded ass cheeks and my dick nestled in the skin between her cheeks while I leaned forward and braced myself on the desk with one arm on each side of her.

I asked, “Like this?”

She closed her eyes and her fingers curled around the edge of the desk. I sucked in a sharp breath after she wiggled her ass against me. “Yes, that’s perfect. Feel for my pussy and shove your big cock into me.”

I did have to feel for where I was going and use my hand to guide my dick in. She was wet and I closed my eyes against the tight pressure as my dick slid into her warm pussy for the first time. This was a moment I wanted to remember and feel over and over again in my head for the rest of my life.

Slowly, I entered all the way until as much of me as possible was nestled into her. She sighed and said, “Ooooohhh, yeah. Don’t stop.”

With my hands braced on the desk, I rocked my hips back and forth. At first, the motion was odd because I had never had to accommodate for another person before while I was trying to get myself off. This entire experience was a world away from what I could have even imagined it to be. After a couple thrusts, her sighs grew louder so I held the same rhythm.

I pounded myself into her and I could hear the legs of the desk scraping against the floor as I fucked back and forth. She wasn’t facing me, but her head was turned to the side while she rested against the desk and her brows were scrunched in passion. Every now and then she pulled her lips inward a little and moaned. After a moan, her lips would part and the natural red tint of them reminded me of how she looked with my cock in her mouth.

Beautiful. She always looked beautiful.

She drove me to pound into her hard as if I was in a frenzy to be as close to her as possible and this was the only way I could ever be close enough. I watched her as her moaning grew louder and I leaned forward, closer to her, while I felt my orgasm starting.

The first one had caught me off guard, but this one I could feel coming on because, while my body slapped against her perfect ass cheeks, I could feel it starting slow and growing inside me until I couldn’t keep it back anymore. I waited until I couldn’t wait anymore, then I shoved deep, deep into her and held still against her tight walls while my cum shot inside her. Slowly, I moved my hips back and forth a few more times, enjoying the feel of her before I completely lost my erection.

I leaned forward over her and brushed her hair away from her face. Her eyes were closed but she smiled and said, “We’ll have to put the professor’s desk back together, but you should meet me here next Friday.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3by0nk/mf_college_crush_on_the_professors_desk


  1. Suggested edit: bright blond(). I paced for a bright blond( hair). I paced for a

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