Submissive on the Ship [MM][military]

Chapter 1

Calvin could not believe that he had made it through another week of hell. Instead of drills and endless hours of running though, hell had incorporated a week in the woods. The rain fell for days and although he had all the makings of a fire, he was unable to use them. More than half of the squad that had gone in with him was captured by an elite team. He grimaced to himself with the thought of what they were doing right then. He had an idea, but he didn’t know if it was just his mind thinking the worst case scenario.

It hadn’t happened to him though. He had sat in the bushes and froze for days, for no other reason than someone said he had to. Coming out of the harrowing week, all the redheaded man wanted, was a cold beer. He had actually dreamed about it several times on the cold nights. His rank and squad was not allowed alcohol on the base, so everyone who passed the week was headed to the local bar in town. Calvin rode in with a couple of his mates and could feel the tension in his body relaxing the closer he got.

The first sip of beer was like getting nectar from the gods and he sat back in the chair, staring at the brown long-necked bottle like it was a sexy woman. His friend made fun of him and they talked about how much they needed some ass. Calvin was feeling especially frisky, though it was not a woman he wanted. He wanted some good head and a tight ass to plow into.

Calvin searched the crowd in front of him and looked for a man that he had run into a few times in the past. He wasn’t in the military, but he seemed to be around at the right time. Calvin needed him to pop up this time, since it had been a week since he had been enveloped in wet heat. Sighing after he couldn’t find him, Calvin looked back down at the bottle hard.

“You going to drink the beer or rape it?”

“Hell if I could fit my dick in it, both.”

Calvin chuckled to himself and turned around, though the humor died in his eyes.


He went to stand up to the Chief Petty Officer Grant, but he was stopped by the man’s outstretched hand.

“Easy son. We have to drink too.”

“Yes Sir.”

Calvin was kicking himself for his stupid comment, though it was true. He had wanted that beer so bad, but it was off-colored and he wished he had looked before he spoke. Grant looked down at him with bright blue eyes and asked if he could sit down.

“Of course.”

Calvin was even tenser with the CPO sitting there. Grant was over his squad, as well as a couple others. He had never been this close to him, though he had admired him from afar. He was built as you would think a Navy man should be. He was taller than Calvin by a few inches, but he overwhelmed everyone else in his presence with his chiseled jaw and ice-blue eyes. The color was unusual, but the piercing gaze was even more so.

“So congratulations on passing Calvin, many of your squad did not. Bunch of damn pansies, can’t take a little cold.”

Calvin nodded but did not really have anything to say. He was one of the leaders who had devised the test and while Grant was not the worst of the leads, he still had a mean streak. He hated weakness and Calvin tried to make sure he didn’t slouch around him. He liked manly men and while Calvin projected that outward appearance, he was what one would call a pansy ass. Many people were, but at the same time no one wanted to be outed either.

“You got a girlfriend around here or back home?”

“No. Seems pointless to look while I am always gone. Relationships are overrated anyways.”

“I hear that. I was married a long time ago. Would never do that shit again.”

The man was obviously tipsy by the conversations subject matter and the way he was slightly slurring. Calvin was saddened by the idea of him married. He always wondered if Grant was gay or maybe bisexual, but if he was married, the chances were even lower. He guessed that he had heard wrong about him in the shower with someone.

“I don’t think I could ever get married, but it works for some people.”

“I wish I never would have, but sometimes we are pressured into things that we really don’t want or need.”

The conversation was going somewhere Calvin wasn’t sure he wanted to go. Some men got a little too open when they were drinking, though he did not refuse another beer. The first sip was almost as good as the first beer. When he put the drink down, he noticed the man’s blue eyes on him. They were not focused on his own gaze, but more on his lips. If Calvin didn’t know any better, he would have phrased the look as lust.

The two men switched to more comfortable topics like the previous exercise and what was in store for tomorrow. Calvin had hoped that he would get some sort of a break, but he should have known better. Apparently, breaks were for pansies as well.

“No we have dive training. It will take most of the day. Wake-up is at 0500 hours.”

Calvin tried not to groan, though it was faintly audible. He hated mornings and wished sometimes that he had just become a small business owner that worked normal hours, under normal circumstances. No job would ever ask you to suffer in the freezing rain for a week and then tempt a person with comfort that they can’t have. It was cruel, he thought.

“It is not that bad. You guys have a month or so left. Hell, we have made so many of you guys tap out that they were talking about ending a little sooner than usual, though you didn’t hear that from me.”

The very idea of ending sooner was the best thing that Calvin had heard all day. He bought the next round and soon he had to piss. Slugging down the beer was making it worse and he walked a little wobbly towards the bathroom in the back of the bar. He did not see the man following behind him after a minute. Calvin was having a bad case of tunnel vision and just needed to go.

Chapter 2

Pushing the door closed in the small red stall Calvin pulled his pants down and let out a sigh of relief as his stream started to darken the water in the bowl. He heard the door swing open after him and he waited for the person to go into the other stall. When he didn’t hear anything else, he started to think that he had mistaken the first sound. His head had a slight buzz and Calvin started to feel how tired he was. The idea that he had to be up in a few hours anyway, propelled him into deciding that he should just take off.

Moving the stall open, he started when he saw Grant standing there in front of the locked bathroom door. Calvin waited for a couple of moments before asking to get through.

“Is that what you really want? It looks like you are needing something else.”

Calvin looked at the man’s blue eyes and the way he was eying his crotch. He didn’t know what to say and just kind of watched the man come towards him. Grant’s large hands pushed him back against the nearby stall and pushed his lips down onto his. As the man’s tongue pushed in between his lips and entwined with his own, Calvin could taste the liquor. He heard a moan and was surprised that it was coming from him. His cock started to harden as soon as he felt the knot pushing against his abdomen.

Grant pulled away and looked down at Calvin with lust-filled eyes. Calvin was unsure what would happen next, but he was the one that moved forward to capture the man’s soft lips again. He moaned as the CPO’s hand gripped his hard meat and made his own pleasurable sounds. Calvin thought he was going to lose it when the man started to lower himself to the ground, his face pushing against his crotch.

“I see you are ready for me.”

Calvin could say nothing and he swallowed the hard knot that was forming in his throat. His hands were pushed away and Grant took over pulling him free of his clothes. Calvin looked down and his hand went to the blonde hair on his head, pushing him towards him. His cock bounced in front of the man and Calvin’s eyes closed as his mouth enveloped his tip. His hips thrust forward and he heard a slight gagging sound.

The man took his cock deeper and there was a muffled groan, though Calvin was not sure who made it. Grant’s tongue slipped around his thick shaft and added suction every time he came up. His hands pushed him against the stall and took over the thrusting. He bobbed quickly up and down on his length, while his hand rubbed and squeezed on his tightening balls. Calvin was so close to his end, but he wanted it to last longer. He was not ready to come right then, but Grant would not be stopped. He inhaled his long cock and groaned as he tasted more and more salty pre-cum on the back of his throat.

“Wait, fuck.”

The Chief did not stop and only rubbed and sucked faster, making it impossible to stop. A low growl started in his throat and was coming out of his mouth when he heard a loud bang at the door. While Calvin tried to pull away, Grant just sucked harder, swallowing up his cream as it was blasting into his mouth. Calvin would never be able to look at him the same way, though he wanted more.

“Come on. There is a fucking line out here!”

Calvin whimpered as the man continued to suckle on his sensitive tip, his hands massaging his sore balls. His hands became stronger as he pushed harder on the man’s shoulders.

“Fuck please Sir.”

Grant grinned up at him from his kneeling position and got back up to his feet, kissing the man to let him taste his own self. Calvin squealed when the older man’s hand that was playing with his balls, went further back and pushed a thick finger inside of his tight asshole.

“You feel tight as a virgin Holmes. You ever had something nice and big up there?”

Calvin shook his head and grunted when another finger was added in with the first. He could feel it stretching him and could tell by the man’s eyes, that he was ready to be the first. Calvin had not been able to see what he had to offer, though if his cock was proportionate to his body it was going to be massive. The man slammed his fingers in as far as they could go and he whimpered with each press in.

“I am going to go get the keys if you don’t get the fuck out!”

Grant looked at the door as if it were a foreign enemy and then sighed, pushing back away from Calvin. His disappointment was palpable and even Calvin wanted to see where it was going to lead. He had never wanted to be a bottom before, but Grant made the idea seem a whole lot better.

“Soon Holmes. We will get together soon.”

Grant wiped the corner of his mouth and chin, waiting for Calvin to pull his pants up. He motioned him into one of the stalls before he yanked it open and eyed the man in front of him.

“Sorry Sir. I didn’t realize it was you in there.”

“I will see you in the morning Thomas. Something special for disrupting me.”

His pale blue eyes made the younger man blanch and he would have rather pissed his pants, then walked passed him into the bathroom.

“I…I’ll wait. I didn’t mean to bother you.”

Corey Thomas walked away from the door slowly and several others that were in the line did the same. Most of the men in the bar were enlisted and all of them were beneath Grant in rank. He could make any of their lives miserable if he set his sights on them. He eyed every last one of them as they walked away, half guilty. Grant wanted to go back in the bathroom and fuck Calvin, but he had too many eyes on him now. He walked out of the bar in aggravation, cursing out Corey once more before he left.

Continued in Comments



  1. Shoot me if this is inappropriate, all I have on my website are my stories, but here’s a link to this one: Please let me know to delete the link and not this post if it’s bad! **Chapter 3** Calvin waited in the bathroom for several minutes before he had the courage to come out of the stall. A few people had come and gone, though he was afraid that with the scene Grant made, everyone would know what they were doing in there. While the CPO was above reproach, he was not. Many people did not know that he was gay and he wanted to keep it that way. Finally he walked out nonchalant. There were no lines and when he got back to the table, the Chief was gone. He looked around for a moment to see if he was getting a drink, but it seemed like he was no longer there. Corey looked at him and looked like he had seen a ghost. “Where the hell have you been man?” “I went outside for a few minutes. Why, what’s up?” “I had to pee so I was banging on the bathroom door. It turned out to be CPO Grant. I think I am screwed man. It sounded like someone was sucking someone’s cock in there, but after he threatened me. I never got to see who it was. Can you imagine Grant gay?” Calvin tried not to look uncomfortable, but he couldn’t help it. While Corey was not a great friend, he did not realize how strongly he felt about homosexuality. That is why he kept his personal life to himself. “I don’t think so Corey, though I wouldn’t go around saying that. Wouldn’t want it to get back to the Chief.” Corey’s small face turned red and he gasped with the idea. He couldn’t fathom what he would do to him, but he was convinced that he did not want to find out. “You are right man. I mean it doesn’t really matter anyways. Half the damn squads fudge packers.” Calvin found himself gritting his teeth, trying to not comment on the man’s ignorance. He drank the rest of the warm beer on the table and grimaced with the taste. He too, felt like he had been cheated of something that could have been great and he was irritated. While he had gotten a ride with a few friends, he decided to walk the few miles back to base. Calvin needed to think and it didn’t look like anyone was ready to go anyways. “Alright Corey. I will see you in the morning man. Might want to get some sleep because I bet we have more training drills tomorrow.” “I hope not. I am sick of being tested and just want to sleep in like a civilian.” Calvin shook his head in acknowledgment, but he knew that his hope would not come to pass. He took a slow pace on his way home, but was still back in bunks well before many of the others. It gave him a little time to stroke his hard cock that was stiff from thinking about the hot scene in the bathroom. Every time he saw Grant from then on, he was going to think about his plump lips wrapped around his cock. The image was the last thing he seen in his mind before he blasted a load in his palm. *** Five o’ clock came early for Calvin, but from the collective groans and eye rubbing, it was far worse for others. He had fallen asleep quickly after jacking off and was actually feeling refreshed. Thoughts raced of seeing Grant and he remembered his words of soon. Calvin hoped that soon would be that day. He had a feeling that he was going to get more than he bargained for, but he felt an excitement in the possibilities. Lining up, he almost grinned to himself when he saw Grant coming down the row of men. He stopped a couple of times to call an error, but he barely glanced at Calvin. The redhead was deflated, though he was not sure what he was to expect. He did not expect to be dismissed so thoroughly. He was hoping for a sign of things to come, but he got no assurances from the square-jawed face. “Hope you enjoyed your break pansies because we got a long day ahead of us. Go to Room 322 and get geared up for some diving exercises. Everyone is in the same team as from jump class, so partner up and I want everyone out front in ten minutes, ready to go.” There was a chorus in affirmation and then men were grouped and hurried to get wetsuits and their gear. Most were there by the ten minute mark, though one group did not make it and were left there. “See Corey, I told you man.” The young man groaned and grabbed his head. He looked horrible and Calvin wondered when he had finally dragged himself back to the base. Corey was never one to follow the rules and he usually paid for it over and over again. “Not so loud Calvin. Not so loud.” Calvin grinned and slapped him hard on the back. The man jumped and propelled forward. “I hope I don’t need you for much today. You look junked.” “I am. I drank way too damn much last night, worried about the CPO and he fucking is here this morning. What do you think we are going to have to do?” “Get wet I guess.” Corey made a sneering gestured towards Calvin and he still found it funny. “Fucking ginger, shut up.” It was going to be a long day. Calvin felt the truth in it. The squads each got into small groups of 2 groups and a lead in each boat. As the pairing was finished, Calvin and Corey were left in a small speed boat alone. When Calvin saw Grant walking towards them, he felt a shiver go through him. Today was definitely the day, he thought to himself. “Get over Holmes. I am driving.” “Yes Sir.” Calvin thought he detected a little tension in his voice, though he refused to look him in the eyes. He found a seat next to Corey and closed his eyes for a moment. He could already feel blood pumping down to his nether region and making him uncomfortable in the tight wetsuit material. He cursed himself silently and tried to think of anything else but the man’s mouth. “This is going to suck Calvin.” Calvin grinned. He sure hoped it would.

  2. **Chapter 4** The three men rode in silence for quite some time. The other boats were nearby because he could hear them, but Calvin did not see anyone else anymore. They were off the coastline and when the engine was killed and the boat stopped, he looked around. The water was not very clear, but he could tell that it was pretty deep. “Get that damn anchor down Thomas. We got some diving to do.” Corey was quick to move, like a skittish rat. His small body moved slightly hunched as he threw out the huge chunk of metal. Waiting for further command, he stood up looking back at Grant. “So eager. Well off you go.” The Chief pushed him in and waited for his head to come back up. “There are cinder blocks all over the bottom. Ten each and then we can move on to the next task.” Grant looked at Calvin strangely and the younger man wondered if that was the sign he had been waiting for. He stood up and jumped in next to Corey. Sign or not, he didn’t want to get pushed in. “How deep is it here?” “Hell son, I don’t know. Get your ass down there and find out.” Calvin took a deep breath and dove down into the murkiness. It took a minute to open his eyes and the ground was nowhere to be seen. He kept pumping down with his arms and legs to reach the bottom. His lungs felt like they were going to burst before he found the first brick and started to haul it to the bright surface. He almost dropped the object as he hit the surface and sucked in a precious breath of air. “Well you are supposed to bring one up with you Holmes. I see you have a habit of not finishing what you start.” Calvin’s mouth tilted slightly to a smile as his hand cleared the surface to grab the side of the boat. The other held the large block that he tossed up. “I always finish what I start Sir.” Grant was not sure if he meant that he hadn’t started it or that he was going to finish it. The man really hoped for the latter, but he couldn’t be sure. The one thing he liked more than turning a straight man, was turning a top. Calvin was a top, but he had some of the submissive tendencies that Grant was looking for. He watched him go back down to the bottom, while Corey had come up empty handed. “Fucking worthless.” Corey went back down and was up before Calvin without a block. He gasped for air and when he saw Calvin pop up with the second one, he sighed. Calvin continued until his ten were up. He looked into the boat and counted only 13. He looked down into the water, but he could not see him. “Looks like you are done.” “No, I will help him pull his up.” Calvin expected him to say something because he seemed pissed at Corey, but he hated to see Corey suffering. The man already had a bad hangover and was not much of a swimmer. Calvin had always given him hell about the fact that he was in the Navy, but he just shrugged his shoulders and said that he liked boats. “You don’t have to swim on a boat. It is only when the damn thing sinks, that you have to worry about it.” While it may be true, his line of thinking, Calvin still found it strange. He had partnered with him before and it wasn’t the first time he had had to pull more weight for him, but Calvin didn’t mind. He figured that the quicker it was done, the quicker that he could get done with the whole mess and go get some more sleep and beer. He was still feeling sluggish from the survival week. He pulled up another four bricks and let Corey have the remaining one or two. Calvin had lost count and hung onto the side of the boat for a moment. He groaned when he saw Grant throw the four he had just pulled out, back into the water with a splash. Calvin almost cursed, but just let it go. Grant wanted Corey to do it and there was nothing he could do, but wait. Calvin was even more surprised when Grant pulled off his shirt and was wearing a wetsuit. He slid into the cool water and waited for the bubbles to tell when Corey was going to come up. The young man was getting tired and was red faced when he finally reached the surface with another brick. He hauled it into the boat and was about to dive back down, but Grant stopped him. “You want to take a break?” There was a flash of hope in Corey’s eyes, but he knew better than to think he would be easy on him. If he was being serious though, he couldn’t help but try. He shook his head in agreement and Grant grinned in a devilish way. “Get underwater and suck my cock. You won’t have to stay down as long.” Corey’s eyes widened and Calvin tried not to snicker. He looked away from the man who looked at him for some sort of help. “Are you serious?” “Last chance.” “No.” “Okay well then dive. You are halfway done.” Corey was without words and pushed his body through the water towards the bottom. Grant turned to Calvin and motioned him forward. “I guess I need you to dive.” Grant’s hands went to his front and unzipped his fly all the way down. He grabbed Calvin’s hand and pressed it in between his legs. He wrapped his palm around the large shaft and groaned with the girth. He was as big as he thought he would be and eager to taste him in his mouth. Holding his breath, Grant lowered his head until the cock was in his face and held onto his thick thighs to keep from coming up. Calvin opened his mouth slowly, taking in a little cool water in with his hot meat. He used the legs as leveraged and bobbed quickly on the hot rod. Grant was beside himself with the mix of cold and the heat of the man’s mouth. He stayed down longer than he thought and came up for only a few seconds to get another lungful of air, before pulling his body back down to taste more. It was something that Calvin had never done before. The act seemed so much more erotic because of where they were and the man on the bottom being so against it. Calvin was about to resurface when Grant held him down a little longer. When he let him up the redhead was coughing. He gave him a look and Grant shrugged. “Sorry that dumb ass Thomas was putting a brick up.” He grabbed one out of the boat and threw it back in the water with a grin. “Now come here.” Calvin went to him like a moth to a flame. There was no real reason except the hope that he would get what he needed. He took a large gasp and was back on the man’s huge cock. Grant grabbed the man’s head and started to thrust into his hot cavern roughly. He wanted to give him an idea of what was to come, as well as give Corey an eyeful. It was quite murky water though. Calvin could taste the man’s pre-cum and he waited for him to blast in his throat. The pulsing cock was pushing in and out so quickly, that he was taking on a lot more water than he was before. He was yanked up and took a large breath of air before he opened his eyes to Grant. About to go back down, Grant pushed him around instead. The older man started to suck and lick on his neck, before gripping his ass cheeks in his palms. Bubbles started to come to the surface and moments later Corey broke the surface. He looked worn out and Calvin felt bad for him. He caught the weird look in his eyes when he saw them so close, but he did not vocalize his thoughts. Throwing the brick into the boat, he took a breath and dove back down. “See he has learned and accepted his fate. Have you Holmes?”

  3. **Chapter 5** Calvin shook his head and Grant told him to grab the side of the boat. He did as he was told with shaky hands on the side of the fiberglass edge. He wondered how he was going to get what he wanted so much. His wet suit covered everything that the man was trying to get to. Grant moved down to his ankle and unsheathed the small dagger that was there. He pressed the tip up the man’s leg as he went back up to his position. He felt Calvin shiver and he pressed the blade in between his cheeks. The sharp edge cut a hole along the cleft of his ass and Calvin whimpered as he felt cold water touch his heated flesh. He sucked in a breath loudly and shivered as he felt the blade light on his back. Grant did not end until he stopped on his neck and Calvin’s own cock was throbbing in the constrictive clothing. He cursed when he heard bubbles started to break the surface. The man pinned on the boat groaned and closed his eyes to the embarrassment. “You ready for a break Corey?” Corey eyed Grant and then shook his head. Grant grabbed one of the bricks and grinned as he threw it back in. Corey was already breathing hard and the Chief could see that he had just broken him. There was a sweet moment of success, but then it was gone as the man dove back in. Bringing his attention back to Calvin, he nibbled on his ear. “Are you ready Calvin?” Calvin’s ass tightened as he felt his hardness easily slide between his ass cheeks. His puckered hole squeezed together as he started to feel pressure on his unused hole. “Oh fuck.” It was all he could think to say as his grip tightened on the side of the boat. He knew that he should relax, he had said it to many men that had difficulty handing his own large size. He bit his lip and squeezed his eyes as tight as his tiny asshole. He wanted to say wait or no, but at the same time, he couldn’t think of anything that he wanted more. Calvin was just afraid he would rip him in two. Panting, he waited for him to jab him full of his fat cock. There was a sound as the third man came up from the bottom. As he broke the surface, Calvin was sidetracked and went to look around Grant. Grant used the opportunity to push half of his cock into his tightness. Calvin cried out and scrambled to move away. He was held still whimpering. Corey swam towards the boat, his eyes wide. It was pretty clear what was going on and he couldn’t believe that they were doing it with him right there. “You ready to take a break yet?” Corey needed a break more than anything, but as he tossed the brick in, he couldn’t take his eyes off of Calvin’s skewed face. The young man gripped the side of the boat with white knuckles and panted audibly. Grant turned towards Corey when he did not immediately dive back in. His blue eyes weighed his reaction and hoped that he could have them both. The idea of turning one so vocal against it had such an appeal. “Break?” Corey nodded his head, waiting for what his break would cost him. “In the boat then and take your clothes off.” “What?” “I won’t repeat myself. You have your choices Thomas.” He jerked in Calvin’s ass as the man hauled his small body up and into the boat. His thickness twitched harder as he started to unzip his pants, revealing a cock that was starting to get hard. Grant moved close to Calvin’s ear, pushing in a tiny bit more, making Calvin whimper and whine. The man’s dick was just too big, but the very fact made Grant want it that much more. “If you let me fuck you the way I want to, I will let you fuck him before we go back. I will never be your bottom, but I have a whole squad that could be yours.” Grant would have promised anything to have the sweet ass he was in. With only half of his throbbing cock pushed inside, the length was already being crushed by his virgin bowels and he needed more. He needed to fuck him as hard and fast as he could. Grant wanted to hear him scream and then later beg for more. The long cock started to retreat slowly, though he refused to pull the cock head completely out. He waited poised, as he eyed the slim body of the naked man in the boat. “Get on your knees and wait.” He groaned to himself as the man did as he asked, though he could tell by the shaking of his body, that he was more than a little nervous. “Do you want more?” Calvin’s cock throbbed in the suit with the idea getting to fuck Corey. He looked up at Corey and shook his head with the idea of pounding his ass. He was not prepared for the sudden thrust of Grant’s hips. The shout was higher pitched and made Corey shiver. Calvin saw stars behind his eyes and could not breathe. “Fuck! Oh my God, fuck!” He mumbled as he felt the hot poker penetration surge in his ass and then finally his balls resting on his ass cheeks. Grant did not give him time to adjust and ripped out to push back in. His hands were under the surface, holding him open, as well as using his body for leverage to go deeper and faster. Too long he had been thinking about Calvin’s ass and he was not disappointed. Grant’s lips nipped on the man’s ear as he rutted faster and harder inside of him. “Who’s ass is this?” “Yours, fuck Chief.” It was exactly what Grant wanted to hear and it was what he needed to spill forth what he had been holding back. He grunted loudly as his cock spasms and filled the man’s bowels with his gooey essence. It felt like lava to Calvin and his own whimper was louder and more pronounced. Corey watched with a dazed look, his ass in the air waiting for what he feared. There were several minutes that went by and silence overtook the threesome. Grant slid out with a reluctant grunt, promising himself he would be back in his ass soon. ‘’Get up on the boat Calvin. It is your turn, remember?” Calvin nodded though he looked as dazed as the man awaiting his fate. It took the red-haired man a few minutes to collect himself and then he pulled himself up into the boat. His own cock throbbed painfully and he unzipped himself quickly, pulling his long length out and slapping it between the man’s ass cheeks. He did not wait for an answer because there was no question. Corey was now just a gift that he planned to thoroughly enjoy. His cock head pushed against the stifling hot hole and tried to push in, but to no avail. There was no amount of coaxing and sweet words that were going to get him any looser, so he spit between his ass cheeks. Using the tip, he rubbed the fluid around the hole. His hand wrapped around the man’s body and gripped his hardness in his hand, squeezing the pulsing member. Grant pulled himself up into the boat and watched with rapt attention as Calvin made his way slowly inside of the virgin hole. It was tighter than anything he could remember. His hand stroked as he worked his cock fully in and ignored the man’s grunts. Corey cursed Calvin, but at the same time, was whimpering as the man’s hand picked up its pace. Corey started to relax as his dick practically vibrated in his hand. Calvin plummeted inside of the man slowly, picking up his thrust speed as the man’s panting became louder. He could tell he was close and made sure he finished before his own pleasure took over. Corey started to writhe and hiss as his cock spewed forth white spunk onto the hull. He looked up and was met with Grant’s own beastly length. The cock pressed against his lips and he opened them as Calvin slammed inside of him. The movement pushed him forward on the large meat, gagging him as the cock head pushed against the back of his throat. Calvin was soon bellowing out a release in the tight man’s ass. When he pulled out, he was moved aside by Grant and the man surged forward into Corey suddenly. Corey groaned loudly and his eyes closed with the sudden entrance. Calvin could empathize with the man. It was a lot to take all at once. “I see you are going to be a nice little bitch boy Thomas.”

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