Aurora [MF] [Inc] [Drugs]

“Holy shit.” I said, looking up into the heavens. Above me were sheets of green floating in the sky. They folded gently as if they were waves crashing on the beach. Off to the west, a few spires of blue shot into the sky, tipped with white and shimmering brightly. A jet of pink slowly flowed into my vision from between the blue spires, inching its way south. Yellow tuffs softly bleated into and out of existence, mixing with the edges of the green sheets as though the green was covering and uncovering the yellow.

“I’ve never seen it this bright before,” my sister whispered from just left of me. We watched in silence for a few more minutes. The silence was only broken by the bubbling of the hot tub.

That gentle rumble was a nice match for the lightly-colored darkness around us. We had turned out the lights from her deck to sit and stare into the heavens. While the aurora offered enough light to make out the space just around us, in lots of wild colors, we couldn’t see anything further out, save for the outlines of dark mountains against the lights in the sky.

I tipped my bottle upright and swallowed the last few drops of beer. “You want to smoke?” I asked my sister. I arched my back to reach down behind her, out of the tub. I grabbed my wooden box and lifted it onto the edge of the tub. I opened it and took out my small round grinder and a baggy.

“Uh what? Oh. Yeah, yeah. Give me some,” my sister said just barely audibly after a long beat.

I loaded the grinder with some nuggets from the bag and spun the top around a few times, then changed directions. The grinding of the teeth against my bud was not a welcome sound in the gentleness that surrounded us, and I stopped quickly. I took some bud from the base of the grinder, placed it in my favorite yellow piece, and handed the bowl and a lighter to my sister. “Here.”

She brought the piece to her lips, flicked on the lighter and inhaled as I put the box back onto the table next to the hot tub. She waved the bowl at towards me, holding her breath. I took it from her and took a hit of my own. My chest puffed out and I could feel, almost immediately, the relaxing warmth from the smoke flow outward from my lungs and into the rest of my body.

I handed the piece back to my sister and stared back into the sky. The lights were dancing just for us. My sister lived far from any neighbors, at least a half mile. We were entirely alone. I don’t know why she moved out here after college. She could have taken a job anywhere, but chose Alaska for some reason. I took the piece back from the sister. I brought it to my lips and brushed the ignitor on the lighter, but a sharp blast of wind suddenly kicked up and blew out the flame.

“The trees rustling with the wind sounds so beautiful with the lights in the sky,” my sister said. “Sitting quietly, watching an amazing show put on by the fucking Earth, and smoking is so relaxing.” I could see that she closed her eyes and put her head back on the lip of the hot tub. The water in the tub came up just high enough that the rising and falling of her breathing caused the tops of her breasts to just break out of the water on each inhale.

I watched them for a few seconds, letting the THC from the smoke filter into my bloodstream from the smoke. Her breasts were dotted with lots of tiny, orange freckles. They actually followed the curves of her breasts very closely. They were more numerous of the tops of her breasts, then seemed to thin out as her breasts arched and came together. Their color matched her bright green bikini, which was surprisingly girly for her. The top was cut almost like a push-up bra. It forced her breasts upwards to form perfectly round mounds, sitting proudly in the cups that held them. Along the bottom of the top, a wide stretch of lace hung down.. The lace repeated in the bottoms, forming long, green ribbons that she tied along her hips to hold them on.

My sister lifted her head and looked at me. She eyed the bowl. ”This is really beautiful.” I lifted my left arm over her head and sat it on the rim of the tub behind her. “Is this why you moved here?” I asked while she took a hit.

“Basically,” she said after a minute. She spoke slowly and then pushed her lips forward to push the rest of the smoke out away from her. My sister leaned back into the crevice between my chest and arm. “I love spending nights alone with Alaska, but I am really happy you’re here, big brother.” She turned her head up towards me and kissed me on the cheek. She then turned her body, leaning her back against my side, and put her feet up on the empty seats in the tub next to us.

“If I could spend every day sitting in a hot tub, drinking and smoking, and looking up at the sky, I’d totally do it. Another beer?” I took my hand off the side of the tub and reached over to the small cooler on the table next to my box.


I tossed open the lid and grabbed a bottle. I lifted it over my head and took it with my other hand. I grabbed a second one and brought it in for my sister.

“I can’t open these.” she told me once I handed it to her.

“They just twist off.”

“Yeah, but it cuts into my skin. I wrapped the top of the last one in a towel. Open it for me?”

I took the bottle from her with my left hand. I wrapped that arm around my sister and opened the bottle in front of me. My arm rested on top of her breasts, floating on of the water. I pulled my arm back and set the bottle on the edge of the tub next to her. My sister sat up a little, put her left arm up over mine and grabbed her beer. She bent her elbow a bit, pushing my arm off the side of the tub. She dragged her arm along the water, pushing my hand away from the edge and down in the water. It wrapped around her stomach.

My sister took a sip of the beer, then took it in her other hand. She slid her free hand into the water and traced it along my arm. She laid her hand on top of my own and pushed her fingers down between mine, squeezing them together. She sighed. “Thanks for visiting. It’s been so long since we’ve been together.”

I kissed the back of her head. “I’m happy I finally got out here. Maybe, I won’t leave now.”

Silence fell between us again. We sat like that for awhile, slowly drinking our beers and staring up into the sky. My sister’s fingers gently played with my own. Her hand lifted up and she ran the tips of her fingers down the length of my own. She moved them over a finger and slid them back down my fingers. She turned her hand so it was sideways to mine and stroked it along the length of my hand. She wrapped her fingers around my palm, taking my hand in her own. She held it, softly running her thumb along my wrist.

My sister finished her beer and set it back onto the side of the tub. She took the now empty hand and dove it under the water. I felt it graze against my thigh. She began to run it along the length of my thigh. The beer, the weed, and the situation left me unopposed to her touch.

She stopped after a minute or so. She pulled my hand from around her waist and placed it on the side of the tub. She pulled herself up away from me, quickly turning her bod in the water. She sat back down next to me, back to the side of the tub below my arm. She turned her head towards me. “Maybe you can stay longer. What do you have to go back to?”

I shook my head. “I have a job and stuff, sis. I’ve got to go back.”

My sister leaned in towards me. “So?” her voice got softer. “It’s a shitty office job. There’s jobs here. You can do cool stuff in town.” She got closer to me.

“Like what? Work at the hardware store?”

Her eyes lit up and she almost jumped towards me. “Yeah.” she shouted out, before quickly dropping her voice to just barely above a whisper. “It’d be easy. Get to hang out in the community, get to know everyone. Help people out every day. Nothing to think about at night. Put in a few hours during the day, then come home at night.” she paused and leaned in closer. “To me.” She placed her right hand back on my thigh.

I looked deep into my sister’s hazel eyes. I took a deep breath, hesitated, then took my arm from the back of the tub. I wrapped it around my sister’s shoulders and pulled her in close to me. We pressed our lips together. I felt fireworks shoot off inside me, matching the heavenly ones above us.

My sister lifted her left hand and brought it to my neck. She wrapped her fingers around the back of my throat and held me firm as we softly kissed and release, kissed and released, kissed and released. My sister slowly opened her mouth a little more each time our lips touched. Soon, her tongue brushed against my lips. I parted my lips and let it slide between them. I met it with my own tongue just inside my mouth. We paused kissing and focused on gently probing each other’s tongue.

My sister started to move her hand again. She lifted the palm and pressed her fingertips to my trunks, not enough to put pressure on my skin, but just soft enough that I could feel them through the floating water and material around me. She carefully grazed it down the length of my thigh, came back up once she reached me knee, and then moved it over the front of me.

She bumped the base of my hardening dick once she got her hand to the right side of my body. I could feel it pulse to become much harder at her touch. She must have recognized what she found because she paused for second, pulled her hand away, and brought it back up to the other side of my neck. With both hands on my neck, she pulled me in hard, firmly pressing her face to mine and picked up the rhythm of her tongue.

It moved along top of my bottom lip, then pulled back into her mouth. She closed her mouth, and must have licked her lips a little because they were suddenly a little more moist. She stuck her tongue back out, met mine, and slowly inched it back and forth, almost daring me to follow. I slowly pressed my on tongue forward to find hers. She led it back into her own mouth, and closed her lips around my tongue. She pulled hers in, sliding them along my tongue, then pushed them back out, and opening them again once they met mine.

She took her left hand from neck and I peaked my eye open. I followed her hand as it moved to the back of her neck. She grabbed a hold of a string to her bikini and tugged gently. The string came free, but because she was wet, the bikini didn’t go anywhere.

I took the hint and pulled my free hand up, cupping her right breast with it. I squeezed and could feel her hard nipple poke against my palm. My sister moaned a little into my mouth. I poked an eye open again and grabbed the now loose material of her bikini. I pulled it down and away from her, exposing her breasts to the night air.

Her nipple was a very, very light pink, which is probably to be expected from her pale complexion and fire-red hair. They matched the natural color of her lips almost perfectly. Her freckles didn’t trail down below the exposed skin of her breast very far. They thinned out very quickly, and just one or two, here or there, dotted her milky white skin below her nipple. What I didn’t expect was a dark-green tiger tattoo on the right side of her breast. It was a crawling up her front and had its head turned back staring out at me. It was directly right of her nipple about an inch and a half. It was clearly chosen to be there to be covered up a bra or bikini top. I wondered what other hidden tattoos she had that she only showed to her lovers.

I took her breast in my hand again and gave it another squeeze. I let it go and took her nipple between my thumb and pointer finger. I pinched softly. I popped open an eye and could see her nipple flush a little red when I squeezed it. I let it go, then pinched again, harder. My sister sucked in a little gasp of hair at my touch. I pulled my head back from hers and opened my eyes. She had her eyes open and was looking right back at me. We made eye contact, she gave me a sly grin, and pulled my head back in for another kiss.

She moved her left hand, which had just been hanging lazily in the water, and felt around for my leg. As soon as she made contact with my thigh, she oriented her hand and knew exactly where my dick was. She shot it directly over to it, placing the base of her fingers along the shaft, curled her fingers around it, and cupped her palm around the other side. She gave it a little squeeze, then started to slide it down my shaft. She paused most of the way there, pulled her head away from mine and looked confused. She slid her hand a little further, while looking at the water in front of me. She finally reached the tip of my dick. “Wow. You’re so big.” she rolled her eyes up from the water to meet mine. “Can, can I see it?”

I smiled and nodded. I put my hands in the water and gently lifter hers off my dick. I gave her hand a gentle squeeze as I pulled it away. I fumbled for the fly of my shorts, but couldn’t find any. I hesitated for a minute, thought about my plan of action and reached my hands to the top of my trunks. I pressed my feet against the bottom of the tub, lifting my ass off of my seat and pulled down my trunks. I lowered myself back into my seat and reached my arms back to my sides, and used them, and my legs, to lift my ass up out of the water. My dick slowly raised from the water, like a strong white whale, breaching for air. My sister’s eyes widened as it stretched out before her.

My cock is 7 and a half inches long. It is pretty wide at the base, gets narrower as you go down the shaft, and then the head of my dick bulges out to be almost as wide as the base. Like both my and my sister’s bodies, it is very pale, with a few blue veins running along it. The head of my dick, now that I think about it, is about the same color as my sister’s nipples when soft, but now it was a much darker color as it was engorged with blood. With my body still pressed up out of the water, she took a hold of its base and wiggled it around in the air, trying to get a good look at all sides of it. “Woah,” she said, looking back at me fully satisfied with her investigation.

I sat back down in the water and my sister leaned back into me right away. She laid her right arm around my shoulder and pulled my head towards her. We kissed again and she wrapped her fingers around my now free cock. She started to slide her hand up and down the length of it. When she reached the top, she turned her wrist a little, rotating her palm around the head of my dick. The first time she did it, I breathed in heavily and saw my sister give a wide smile while our lips were broken from our kiss.

She continued to stroke along the length of my dick, giving it a nice turn at the top. 10 or 15 strokes in, she took her hand from my dick and placed it on my inner thigh. I was confused slightly before she pushed against my thigh, encouraging me to open my legs a little wider. She traced her fingers down my inner thigh and to the base of my dick. She gently rubbed them down my ballsack until she reached the bottom of the. She turned her hand and pressed it under my balls, cupping them gently. She began to pulse her hand open and closed, wiggling her fingers as she did it. They danced all around my balls, making me stop kissing and just take a couple of breaths.

My sister turned her head sidewise. She pushed her chin against the bottom of mine, until I slowly turned my head up to the shimmering lights in the sky. She placed a few soft kisses on my neck. She opened her mouth slightly, pressed her lips to my neck, forming a seal around her mouth. She sucked in gently, pulsing her lips and sucking in time with the hand cupping my balls.

I moaned and told her “that feels so good.” She stroked the side of my neck away from her body with the hand draped around my neck. In one very active second, she let go of my balls, broke the seal around her mouth, and pulled back from me, pulled my head down to her chest and wrapped her hand around my dick. I took her left nipple in my mouth as she started to stroke my dick again. I closed my lips hard around her nipple and pulled my head back, dragging her nipple with me. I let go of her nipple and watched her breast bounce back to its original shape.

I opened my mouth wide and took in as much of her left breast as I could. I gently bit down, squeezing her breast between my teeth. My sister let out a long hiss. I let go of her breast, turned my head sidewise to her body, and took her nipple in the side of my mouth. I carefully bit down of her nipple, and ran my tongue along the tip that was peeking through between my teeth. My sister moaned out a quick “yeess” and started to work her hand faster, pulling it up the length of my dick and giving it a few extra turns at the top.

I let go of the breast and turned my attention to the other. I gave her nipple a few quick licks before noticing the tiger again. I moved over to the tiger and gave it a few long licks up and down its back. I noticed my sister’s hand began to work in time with my licking. I moved back to her nipple and took it between my lips. I pulled air in, giving it a long suck. I flicked my tongue up over it, and my sister’s hand jerked up my dick. I pulled my tongue back down, and my sister’s hand followed it down the length of my shaft. I licked up, her hand went up. Tongue down, she stroked down the length of my cock.

I began to flick my tongue up and down her nipple, encouraging her hand to move faster. I took my other hand and cupped it to her breast. After my licking, and her hand, reached the pace I wanted, I let go of her nipple and breast. I put my hand to her neck and pulled her in close to me. We kissed and she kept the rhythm I had set for her. I could quickly feel myself getting close. I started to breath heavier and pulled my lips back from my sister’s. “Faster” I quickly gasped out. She did what I told her. I kept my head bowed down a little and breathed quickly. Just as I felt myself let go, I pressed my lips back to hers. I let out a low grunt. I could feel my dick grow fat and pulse in her hand. She slid it up and down, following the spasm of my dick and squeezing out as much cum as she could.

I ended our kiss and took a few breaths. I looked up at her and she was smiling. I leaned back in for a kiss, but she pulled back. “No. Now it’s my turn to get off,” and she lifted a pair of bright pink bikini bottoms out of water.
