An unexpected blind date [ff][lesdom][public]

“Just one?” The hostess asked.

“Oh no, I am meeting someone here. I’ll find her, thanks.”

I started walking through the mostly empty restaurant on the lookout for my date. I could feel those old familiar nervous butterflies come fluttering back up in my stomach. I just realized how long it had been since I felt that intoxicating mixture of anxiety and excitement.

I had never actually been on a blind date before. In fact, I hadn’t been on too many regular dates. I have only had one real girlfriend in my life. She was my first love and was even there for me when I first came out, but after a couple of unhappy years, we both knew it was time to move on. It has been almost seven months since then and I owed it to myself to get out there and see what life had to offer. Unfortunately, I was a bit shy and had a hard time meeting new people. Luckily, my friend Katie set me up with one of her friends who she thought would help me come out of my shell.

After a few moments of searching, I suddenly saw someone sitting by themselves reading a book in a booth along the back wall. I was able to see she had short pixie like black hair; the polar opposite of the long golden curls I had come accustomed to. As I got closer, I began to realize just how strikingly beautiful her features were. I even noticed a small black nose ring which contrasted against her pale, porcelain like skin in a remarkably beautiful way. Her style was simple, just a plain tight fitting white shirt with a pair of small black shorts that let me contemplate her perfectly toned legs for probably longer than was polite.

She is definitely not what I previously considered to be “my type.” But I couldn’t help but feel an immediate attraction to this girl. I also couldn’t help but feel immediately self-conscious. I didn’t really have low self-esteem or anything; I thought I was pretty cute with my strait auburn hair and petite figure. But I felt like I didn’t hold a candle to this girl. It also did not help that I had never actually been to this restaurant before so I dressed up a little bit just to be safe, but looking around, I felt completely out of place in my little red dress. But there was nothing I could do about that now, so I gathered up whatever courage I had and walked over to the dazzling stranger.

“Hi. You must be Katie’s friend. I’m Nicole, nice to meet you.”

I offered out my hand. It felt like a weird way to start a date, but I couldn’t exactly try to go in for a hug.

She did not even look up from her book at first. She simply held up her index finger asking me to wait a minute. After a few seconds of just awkwardly standing there with my hand extended, she finally closed her book and looked up at me. God, even her eyes were stunning, multiple shades of green with rings of blue towards the edges.

“I’m Alice; I owed Katie a favor so here I am.”

She ignored my outstretched hand and went back to her book. I just stood there for a second, stunned at how astonishingly rude she was being. Part of me wanted to say screw her and leave, but another much more primal part of me really wanted a chance to feel those perfect light pink lips against my own. So I just sat down across from her and tried to start a conversation.

“So, how do you know Katie?”

“Work.” She said without even looking up from her book.

“Oh, so you just work at the book store too then?”


I could tell this was going nowhere. I started to get frustrated at how annoyed she seemed to be that I was even talking to her. I decided I had to be a little more assertive.

“HEY!” I said pretty loudly. Enough so that she finally looked up from her book.

“What is going on here? Did I piss you off in a former life or something?”

I heard her sigh.

“You did nothing to piss me off okay? I didn’t even want to do this. No offense, but you are just a bit too boring for my taste.”

She suddenly closed her book and put it in her purse.

“In fact, let me just save us both some time.”

She started to scoot herself over so she could get up to leave.

I didn’t know exactly how to respond to her. I felt pretty pissed off that she could just write me off as being boring before even getting to know me, but I also felt completely rejected. I should have told her off right then, but instead I felt a strong desire to please her. I wanted her to want me. So as she stood up to go, I grabbed her arm.

“Wait, please stay. I can be exciting you know. Just sit back down and let’s have a good time tonight okay?”

I felt pathetic begging like that, but I just couldn’t let her leave.

She stood there with a contemplative look on her face. Finally I saw her make the sexiest little smirk and look down at me.

“Fine, I’ll give you one more chance.”

She slid back into the booth.

“But you better make this worth my while.”

I didn’t really plan my strategy out this far. To be honest, I wasn’t quite sure how to be exciting. Maybe I was boring after all.

“Uhhh. So what would you actually consider to be exciting?”

She smiled at me for a minute making my heart skip a beat.

“How about you put your panties on the table?”

“What? You want me to take my panties off? Here!? What if someone sees me?”

“Hey; if you don’t want to do it, that’s fine. I have somewhere else I wanted to get to before it got too late anyways.”

“No no! I’ll do it.”

This was crazy. I couldn’t believe I was about to actually do this for someone I literally just met a few minutes ago. But I couldn’t help but feel a little excited. I looked around and luckily there were only a few other people in the restaurant and none of them appeared to be paying us any attention.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe I am going to do this.”

I discretely moved my hands up under my dress. I grabbed the top of my panties and quickly held my butt up and pulled them off. I then brought my hand back up holding my panties and set them down on the table. Alice looked down at the tiny black lace thong with her mouth agape.

“You little slut Nicole! You were planning on getting lucky tonight weren’t you?”

I couldn’t help but blush. This was actually the first time I had ever worn something quite like that. I just wanted a little confidence boost. I had never dreamed I would have to display them like this.

“I don’t know. I just wanted to feel sexy tonight. That’s all.” I said sheepishly.

She was holding them up now.

“Damn, well it looks like they worked. The crotch feels a little damp.”

It was humiliating and invigorating at the same time. I never felt my cheeks burn so much.

I didn’t even realize a waitress had walked up to our table. I could see her look directly at my panties which Alice balled up and just left on the table.

“Can I get you ladies something to drink?”

“I’ll just have water.” Alice said.

I was mortified. I just stared down at the table and mumbled, “Water please.”

After our waitress left, Alice picked my panties back up.

“So, would you want to see me wearing something like this?”

I still could not believe we had only just met. Alice was so forward and was not holding back at all. I had never been with a person so confident before. It was intoxicating.

“I don’t know, maybe.”

“Yeah you fucking wish. I bet you are dripping on your seat just thinking about it.”

She was right.

“Well as you should know by now, I don’t really like to waste my time so how about we step things up. I can tell how much you want to fuck me; I mean you haven’t stopped staring at me since you walked around the corner. You even begged me to stay after I insulted you. So why don’t you show me how turned on you are at the thought of what could happen tonight. I want you to think about it while you touch yourself.”

Okay, this was starting to move way too fast.


“You heard me; I want you to finger yourself until our waitress comes back with our drinks and leaves.”

At this point, my sexual desire was overwriting any other feelings I had. She of course was right; I had never wanted anyone more in my life. I wanted to do nothing else but please her so that I might get the chance to see so much more of her bare skin and maybe even some hidden piercings. I shivered at the possibility and breathed out a quiet, “Okay.”

So without much more thought, I did as I was told and slid a hand back under my dress. I moved my ass forward so I could lean back a little more. I started lightly rubbing around my clit and could instantly feel how wet I was. Once I hit the spot, I instantly let out a not so soft moan of unbelievable pleasure. At this point, I didn’t really care to feel shy. I stared into Alice’s eyes and found myself in my own little world. The connection I felt then was better than almost any other sexual experience I had ever had.

I slipped two fingers inside and began fucking myself. I hadn’t realized until now how sexual frustrated I was. I can’t remember ever feeling this alive. I didn’t even notice our waitress had come back until there was a glass of water in front of me. I can only imagine what it looked like I was doing, but I didn’t dare look up at her. I heard Alice tell her we didn’t want any food yet and heard her walk away.

“Wow, well I did not expect you to get that into it. I’m not going to lie; you were really getting me worked up over here. Now let me see your hand.”

I didn’t question her. I pulled back my hand from under my dress and held it out above the table in front of her. I could see my fingers were glistening. Then without saying a word, Alice leaned forward and took my index finger in her mouth. I felt her tongue wrap around it and suck while she pulled her head back cleaning off my own juices. She did the same to my middle finger, this time locking eyes with me.

It was one of the sexiest things I had ever seen.

“Fuck, you taste delicious.”

I saw her look around and then quickly get up from the table, grabbing my arm.

“Come with me.”

I got up and followed her without question. After a few turns, we were in front of the door to the women’s restroom which Alice promptly opened and shoved me in. It was just a little room with one stall. I heard the door shut and lock behind me.

I was then turned around and pushed hard against the wall. Suddenly Alice’s mouth came down crushing on mine. Her lips felt just as soft as I had imagined as we locked in a kiss completely driven by desire. It was wet and messy and I couldn’t get enough.

I then felt her hand grab hold of my throat and push my head back against the wall hard. I never really had a thing for power games in the bedroom, but the confidence and strength Alice exuded had me begging for her abuse.

After a second of being held there against the wall, struggling a little bit to breath, I felt her other hand pull up my dress and then rub up against my sex. I had been worked up so much up to that point, that just that little touch from her was enough to finally send me over the edge. My muscles all began to contract as I climaxed while still grinding against her hand. I could feel my juices begin to run down my legs, I imagined Alice’s hand was completely drenched.

As I was starting to come down from the high, I felt her hand grow tighter around my throat. She moved her face right up to mine.

“Did I give you permission to cum bitch?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know I needed…”

She quickly slapped me with her other hand, leaving the side of my face stinging and now covered in my own fluids. I let out a little yelp that was a tiny bit of pain but mostly pleasure.

“You are just going to have to make up for it. Sit on the floor. Now!”

She let go of my throat and pushed down on both my shoulders forcing me to sit. I watched as she then unbuttoned her shorts and took them off. Somehow it was not surprising at all to see she wasn’t wearing any panties. She had just a bit of hair forming a landing strip leading down to her perfect little snatch. She stepped forward so I was directly under her now. I felt her hand grab my hair and pull my head up to her sex.

I buried my face in her, licking every inch of skin I could reach. Her flavor, her smell, everything was perfect. I felt her grinding against my chin using my tongue to message her clit. I could hear her moans which only drove me to work even harder to please her.

“Fuck me! I guess I have to thank Katie for finding me such an obedient little slut. Do you like feeling my juices running down your chin dripping on to your pretty little dress?”

I managed to pull my mouth away from her long enough to respond the only way that felt right.

“Yes mistress.”

In that moment, I wanted nothing more than to be Alice’s submissive little fuck toy. Just that thought brought the fire up to my cheeks again. I couldn't believe what I was doing. I had no idea where all of this was coming from.

“Good, I am glad you are accepting your role so willingly. Now hurry up and make me cum. I have places to be.”

My tongue was already getting soar, but I worked it around her clit as best I could. I was even using my hands to try and push myself up against her more. After another minute or two, my hard work finally paid off and I felt her legs clench around my head as she began to cum. I continued to lick while I felt her fluids cover my face and flow into my mouth.

“Oh yes! That's a good little girl. Now make sure I am completely cleaned up slave. Unlike you, I don’t enjoy having my cloths soiled.”

“Yes mistress.”

I went back and began to lick in and around her pussy trying to collect as much of her sweat nectar that I could. I even licked up the excess fluid that dripped down her legs. I then used my hands to try and wipe away the remaining spit to make her as dry as possible. When I was done, I rested my back against the wall and just sat there staring at this girl’s perfect body while she slid her shorts back on. I couldn’t help but feel incredibly lucky and thankful at that moment.

“Thank you mistress.”

She leaned down and gave me one last slow and sensual kiss.

“You’re welcome.”

She walked to the door and stopped before opening it.

“You should get my number from Katie; we need to do this again some time.”

She gave me a little smirk and then walked out. I didn’t have the ability to stand just yet, so I just sat there in my moment of pure bliss. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. I never knew this side of me existed, yet here I was on a bathroom floor dreaming of the chance to do it all again.



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