Settling the Score [MF] [Tickling] [Oral] First post – would appreciate feed-back

He'd been working on the Jones estate for a few weeks now as a laborer, landscaper and handyman. It paid decently well, and Mercedes Jones was in the habit of making sure the people who worked for her husband were well fed on hot days. She often fixed them lemonade or coffee and brought pastries out on breaks. Mark liked her well enough (more than well enough, really, which was a distraction), but her husband was another matter entirely.

Short-tempered, picky and very much a micromanager while he was at the house, he didn't seem to believe that anyone he'd hired could do the job he wanted of them. Mercedes (or Merry, as she preferred to be called) always tried to talk him down if he was being nasty, but he didn't seem to listen to her much either. Mark never saw him raise a hand to her, but his biting remarks often left Merry shaken. She put on a brave face but Mark could see she wasn't happy while he was home. Fortunately, he was often away on business trips. Mark detested him, but not only for those reasons.

First, his name wasn't really Mark. Second, he'd only taken the job so that he could scout the house and grounds in order to subvert the Jones' security so he could steal something from the safe located in Howard Jones' office. Mark (James, actually) was a sometime thief with a criminal record, but he wasn't a terrible man. Howard Jones, with his millions and his political and judicial friends and influence, was. James was pretty sure Merry had no idea who she'd really married. She was a trophy wife in a trophy house.

When James was a teen, his father had been a well-to-do owner of a shipping company. He certainly hadn't been a millionaire, but James' family had never lacked for comfort. He had attended a private academy and lived in a large, spacious home until everything fell apart.

Howard Jones started as a prosecution lawyer and quickly worked his way up to state judge, mostly due to his family's connections – both of the law abiding and illicit types. At some point, James' father had shipped something in for Jones, and had threatened to go public with it. In response, Jones had framed the elder Clark for treason. Their home was raided in the middle of the night by F.B.I agents, their assets were seized, and both his parents taken to prison. Due to a lack of evidence, James' mother Sophia had been released, but Jordan had died shortly after his arrest, a victim of inmate violence. James now knew it had been arranged by Howard Jones. His mother never knew what Jordan Clark had threatened to expose Howard Jones for, but in his younger forays into crime, James had found allies in those who were enemies of Jones. Now, he'd been hired to retrieve evidence from Howard's personal safe – evidence that could keep James and his mother safe, and ruin Jones' life. He couldn't pass that up. Especially not after meeting Mercedes Jones.

Merry was a lovely woman, and far too good for someone like Howard, James knew. She'd married him after a short courtship only two years ago. She stayed home while Howard travelled, often away from home for days. He disliked letting her socialize without him, so she was alone and often observed to be reading or watching television while James (AKA Mark Sutter) went about his job.


The week before James concretely planned the day that he'd crack Jones' safe, he talked with Merry. It was a hot day, and he itched to take his shirt off, but one of the caveats of working for Jones was a strict dress code. Instead, he walked into the kitchen to drink some iced water, only to find Mercedes chatting animatedly on the phone with someone who was likely a friend, if her tone was anything to go by.

“- and we're supposed to stay in New York that night, then head to Washington. Something about one of the bills they want to pass. But that's good, right? At least he's taking me somewhere. He hasn't done that in months!”

She startled and paused briefly upon noticing James in the doorway, but smiled at him and continued her conversation, now listening to the other end. He couldn't quite make out what the other woman was saying, but her tone alternated between sounding pleased, sad and a little angry. Merry crossed her free arm about herself and turned from James to walk away, obviously wanting to keep the conversation private. He took a glass from the cupboard above the sink, filled it with ice fro mthe dispenser on the fridge, and filled the rest with cool tap water. After mowing the lawn and tending the gardens, it was heaven. He leaned back against the counter for a few minutes, nursing a couple glasses of water while relaxing. He was nearly done the second one when Merry re-entered the kitchen, looking more glum than when she'd left.

“You okay?”, he couldn't help but ask. Two-bit criminal he might be, but Merry was sweet and he really didn't want the fallout of Howard's fall to hurt her. He felt guilty. She smiled half-heartedly at him and answered,

“Oh, it's nothing really. You know you have good friends when they worry about you.” she swiped the hair drifting across her eyes from her pony-tail and focused on the floor before continuing, “I mean, it's probably nothing. All marriages go through ups and downs, right?” She glanced hopefully up at James. He smiled back at her, but he was almost certain it looked as badly done as Merry's had earlier.

“That's what I've heard. Never done it myself, so I'm not too certain, but that sounds about right”. He changed the subject rather than dwell on such prickly subject matter. “I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but are you going on a trip soon?” Merry's smile came back genuinely this time.

“Howard has invited me to accompany him to New York and Washington for some business next Wednesday.” She paused for a moment as though debating how much to say, before she spoke again, “He used to take me everywhere with him. I missed that.”

“Aw, Merry. He obviously doesn't know what he's missing. I think he's forgotten how wonderful you are, what with him being away so often.” James could swear he was blushing, but he hoped his tan hid it. He'd never been great with the ladies. His last girlfriend had chided him for being too soft. And Merry, well… If she wasn't married and he thought he had a chance, he'd have tried to woo her in a heartbeat. Old fashioned? Maybe.

Merry herself blushed, studied his face for a second to see if he was genuine, then reached out to touch his hand holding the water glass.

“I think I may have said too much, but thank you. I think I needed that.” She continued to stare at him for a moment, her expression reflecting a bit of vulnerability. Without really thinking (he'd blame the heat later), he leaned forward. What for, he wasn't quite certain, but getting closer to Mercedes was a good thing. She wore a light, citrusy perfume that day, and her blonde hair was loosely bound in a pony tail. She wore casual clothing of a dark pink fitted v-neck shirt and dark blue yoga pants.

He could swear it was more than a moment, but likely not much longer than a few seconds while they stared at each other and drifted closer. Her delicate hand brushed up along his arm until a clinking sound distracted them. Merry's wedding band had caught up against his water glass. They both saw it at the same time and jerked apart as though stung. Mercedes turned first, and excuse on her lips.

“I've… Got to take care of the laundry. Excuse me, Mark.” Though disappointed, he stared after her, unaware his mouth was open. Mercedes made yoga pants one of his favorite articles of clothing. Guilt and anticipation churned in his gut, and he found himself both eager for Thursday night to come, and dreaded it. He couldn't warn Merry at all that her world was going to come crashing down on her.

Eight days passed slowly. James tended the Jones estate by day and practiced his safe-cracking by night. Merry avoided being alone with him, but he knew she watched him, just as he watched her when he didn't think she'd catch him.

Thursday night arrived and James prepared his tool kit, wiped his tiny flat clean, and prepared to leave Boston for good. With the occupants of the house safely gone for the night, it was time for James to take what he had come for, and leave. With the papers, he could start a new life somewhere without watching over his back, or worrying about his remaining family. And his employers could bring Howard down like he deserved. But Mercedes… He couldn't worry about her. An unfortunately casualty. Which stung. He didn't like to think of himself as a hypocrite. But what he was helping do to her was exactly what he'd suffered as a child. There was just no way around it.

He'd been given the override codes to the fence and house security by his benefactors to avoid triggering any alarms. The maintenance codes he used during the day were disabled at night. He parked his truck across the street, entered the gate that blocked the footpath, and came up around the side of the house to enter from the patio door. The house was dark and seemingly empty. He hadn't seen Howard and Merry leave, but Howard's Lexus was not in the attached garage. It was 11:30 PM and he knew he couldn't turn on any lights or make his flashlight noticeable to avoid calling attention from the neighbors. Not that the mansion was easy to observe, but he wanted to be careful.

He crept upstairs and was in front of the locked office door when the plan went to hell. Straight down the hall, through the open door, a lamp clicked on. Mercedes Jones stepped into view, apparently having just gotten up from bed, a book in hand. Her back was to him, but he could see her reflection in the big french style balcony doors ahead of her. She hadn't seen him in the dark of the hallway. If he stayed still, she likely wouldn't see him and maybe he could leave and wait for another opportunity, or just wait until she fell asleep, and shit! She was supposed to be gone. He tried not to stare, but without being able to move, he could only watched her.

Mercedes was clad only in her underwear and a short, silky cream-colored robe, as far as he could tell, and the robe was loose and untied, the edges of the garment hanging between her breasts. As far as luck went, his had to be the worst, because she looked up and froze then blinked owlishly before turning around to see if she really was seeing a reflection from the hallway. They locked eyes with each other, too stunned to move for a few seconds until she gasped his alias and turned to bolt towards her en suite bathroom. Panic unrooted him, James jumped after her, easily gaining and engulfing her in a hug from behind so he wouldn't hurt her as he subdued her just before she was able to enter the en suite.

She struggled a lot, kicked, hit, but he was a strong man and much larger than her. One hand covered her mouth and the other sought to keep her struggling to a minimum, which was very difficult. With few options, he stepped back into her room, intending to put her on the bed so maybe he could explain himself, or at least stop her from struggling so much so that she didn't hurt herself, or him.

As they moved, Merry's robe slipped, and her breasts brushed his arm with every move she made, making James very aware of just how naked and attractive she was. While he wasn't a very good man, he could say with certainty he'd never violate a woman, and so he sought to put his burgeoning arousal as far out of his mind as he could. Her head narrowly missed connecting with his as she thrashed again, and he could smell her, a heady, feminine scent that was very hard to ignore. He wanted her, but that was never anything he was ever going to have in the way he wanted so he continued backward toward her bed (which maybe wasn't the best decision) and tried to reassure her so he could get his job done and leave.

“Merry! I'm not going to hurt you! I'm not even here because of you! I thought you'd be gone! STOP!”

Despite her struggles, she seemed to have heard him, because she stopped struggling and tensed, as though waiting for him to prove himself and wrong. She was breathing heavily against him, moving steadily. He could feel with clarity her breasts against his arm, and the silk of the robe catching against his clothes. He fought to clear his thoughts and focus solely on the papers.

“Alright, I'm going to put you down, please don't run. I just need some papers your husband has, and I'll leave you alone, okay? I won't hurt you. I just want those papers and to leave, please.”

She breathed in deeply, and tried to speak. It came out as just a shudder, before she pulled her robe about herself securely and huddled in on herself and turned.

“Wh-what papers? Why?” She was teary eyed and shaking, but waiting for him to explain himself. Positioning himself to stop her in case she ran again, he said,

“Your husband has evidence against my family. False evidence.” He started getting angry, that old injustice he'd suffered making his voice rise. “He's not a good man, Merry! He destroyed my family and many others. I'll see him burn! That's why I was working here. I just needed time to grab those papers, and you weren't supposed to be here!”

She whimpered lightly but stood straighter. “He… Cancelled our plans.

What do you mean he's not a good man? You can't- you can't just hurt us like this, Mark!” But she looked tearful and uncertain. James sighed.

“Merry, you know he's not a good man.” He needed her more on board with this plan. He had to justify himself. This was dirty, but he decided to use the info his employers had given him. “He's cheating on you, Merry. He's got other women. He's silenced his rivals, by blackmail and murder. He's let people off the hook in exchange for money!” Her lips trembled, but otherwise Mercedes stood strong, searching his face for signs of dishonesty.

“I found… Some papers once. I never said anything. I didn't want it to be true. And Janice… She told me about… About the escorts, but… We're married…” She fell silent, staring out the window.

“This is it, Merry. The end, darling. I hope you're prepared to take him for anything he's worth after this.” He shook his head helplessly. This was not how he wanted this to go, but if she were more prepared, it could be a good thing.

Mercedes stood abruptly and moved to dart around him. James reacted with panic, wrapping his arms about her shoulders and waist. Merry stumbled in her haste and fell against him. His fingers brushed against her ribs and she whimpered lightly. His hands flew off of her and he stopped dead, almost certain he'd hurt her somehow in the first struggle.

“Oh, Jesus, Merry, are you hurt? Are you alright?” Merry sniffled in response, and turned red, inching away from his frozen hands.

“I- I'm fine. Just, ticklish is all and you- umm, forget it.” She tugged her robe further about her slight body and turned a little away from him, posture defensive. James sputtered and turned right red himself, not because he was embarrassed about being mistaken, but because tickling, more than anything, was bound to turn him on, and with Merry having been pressed against him earlier, and not being even half-clothed…

He was suddenly quite hard and this was really not the time. He cursed internally and tried to will his arousal away, but it was very… Hard.

“Oh, uhh…” He turned away from her and scratched the back of his head, suddenly quite uncertain about the turns the night was taking. If there was a god, He had it out for him, alright. This was peachy. Real, fuckin' peachy.

Mercedes made a sound of alarm and her hand darted out to touch the arm he'd moved to scratch his head. It was just a little too far away and he glanced at his arm out of curiosity, wondering what had concerned her.

There was blood on the inside of his arm, and welts. He hadn't felt it before, but Merry's nails had broken skin. It wasn't bad, He barely felt it now that he was aware of it. She moved forward again, reaching still, but she stumbled again and James automatically moved to catch her about the waist. Which was his undoing as she squeaked, then squirmed in his hold, the soft noises she made turning to light giggles. Mercedes was apparently very ticklish. He froze again and his hands shot away from her. He'd make no unwanted advances to her. He stepped back and prepared to be make his exit. Maybe she'd let him take the papers and go.

Merry straightened and recovered, her gaze skimming him, and widening as she took in the tented state of his dark jeans. She licked her lips and turned to face him fully, allowing her arms to uncross.

“I liked that. You liked that. And everything is about to… Burn, as you said. So.”

She paused. It was almost too much. After what seemed like an eternity with Merry staring at him, lust and challenge written plainly on her face, she asked, “So what are you going to do now?”

He grinned, and the movement of his fingers was his only response, his broad hands moving to her ribs. Merry shrieked and giggled, her arms clamping down on her sides as she tried to minimize the area he could reach. Her legs gave out from under her and she collapsed against him, the flimsy fabric of her robe again catching on his clothes and pulling. As he continued tickling her mercilessly, he could see larger expanses of creamy smooth skin being exposed to him. He was so hard now it hurt, and no way was he stopping.

He helped ease Merry down to the floor as his fingers continued their movement and she continued giggling, her own hands trying to bat his away now, but having little success. The tie on her robe had come loose and the garment itself had risen up above her hips. She wore a matching pair of bikini panties, also silky and cream colored, the fabric doing nothing to conceal her mound. Her breasts were bared again, the nipples hard and round and bouncing as she laughed. She didn't seem to mind the show she was giving him at all as she rolled onto her back, still convulsing away from his hands. He wanted more.

Carefully he lowered himself over her, his right hand moving up her ribs a bit while the left lowered itself to her abdomen to continue tickling her. Merry shrieked a laugh and rolled to her left, baring her neck as she moved. He moved quickly to latch his mouth over her pulse point and grinned in triumph as she gasped and arched, her breath stuttering for a moment as she tried to draw in air while laughing. Her hip grazed his crotch and he gasped himself, unable to stop the short thrust he made after that.

Merry eyed him briefly and continued laughing, suddenly angling her hip so that her movements would brush against his aching cock. He thrust forward again, a couple of short jerks before stilling himself, and growling, “Oh, you minx!”

She was allowed only a few short seconds of respite before he was tickling her again, his right back down on her belly while his left teased her hip and abdomen. In response, she arched up at him, her pelvis grinding against his own. He bore down on her after that, encouraging her to brush up against him as she laughed. He was so hard and so close. They moved in tandem, and he groaned when it wasn't enough friction, pushing closer to the woman beneath him. She bucked and writhed up one last time before it hit him, and he released in his pants, suddenly reminded of being years younger.

He stilled and panted while Merry recovered her breath. He was more satisfied than he'd been in months, but he'd hardly be a gentleman if he didn't check on the Merry. He lifted his head and saw her watching him, her chest still rising and falling quickly, a light sheen of sweat on her chest and brow. His hands moved down her body a little, his fingers brushing over the top of her lacey panties. He could smell her and wanted her to be as pleased as he was.

“May I?”, he asked.

She laughed lightly and nodded. That was all her needed to pull the flimsy fabric down her legs, making sure they made it over one leg at least before he stopped caring what happened to them. His attention was back on Merry, who was spread out beneath him, hair spun out in a halo under her, robe stuck on her arms, and her breasts bared proudly in front of him. Her pussy was very wet. Slowly he leaned down and kissed the hood of her clit, the movement make her arch up a little ways toward him. Her right hand reached out to tangle in his hair and pull him towards her. Without further preambled, he obeyed her unspoken message, and licked. If she was anywhere near as turned on as he had been by the previous activities, then he'd have mercy on her.

His tongue swirled inside of her as he tasted her and then flicked her clit, focusing more on it as she moaned and arched up, her small hands pulling at his hair and directing him. He'd be missing a bit of that, he knew. He sucked obediently, allowing his teeth to just barely graze her, bearing down with more accuracy as she now writhed against him, moaning louder as his tongue moved faster. In a moment, she tensed, stilled, and shuddered, his alias on her lips. He grinned and wiped his face as he moved up her body to lightly kiss her, before briefly caressing her and moving to stand.

“Sorry hon', but I need to be getting those papers.” She laughed lightly, and answered,

“I was going to get up to open the office for you, before this started.” He extended a hand to help her up, which she took. She was light and back on her feet quickly, straightening her robe and pulling her hair back into some semblance of order. James took a step back and positioned his feet to leave the room. He hesitated.

“Merry?” She seemed a little embarrassed as she turned to him, eyebrows raised in question.

“Get yourself a good lawyer. One not affiliated with your husband.” She nodded and her expression fell. She made a motion with her hands as if to shoo him.

“Go then.” He looked at her then, burned her image into his memory. Then turned, and made his way back to the office. She watched his form disappear into the hallway, silent.

James opened the safe without interruption, and left the house without looking back. There were no cops, even as he started his truck and drove away.

Three days later, Howard Jones was imprisoned. Three months later he was dead. Mercedes Warren was left with enough money to start over. And James wondered if maybe he shouldn't go see how she was doing.
