A Plasticised Doll’s Story [MF] [sci-fi][anal][drugs][nc][prost]

I guess my story started out like so many other girls who disappeared on the streets. After being kicked out by my parents I started selling my body for drug money on the street corner down-town. That was when I met up with Steve. He took me off the streets and gave me a drugs, lots of drugs, so much I didn't realize what he was doing. As I learned later he bombed my system with growth hormones and estrogen, my already ample breasts exploded in size, my pussy became engorged. He also starved me at the same time, feeding me laxatives and emptying out my stomach.

Why was I chosen? Apparently a rich mobster had taken a liking to fucking me and wanted me 'done up' for him. I remembered him, he loved doggy style and liked ramming my ass then my cunt in that order…. not healthy for me but for drug money I would do anything.

Anyways, drugged out of my mind I remember them strapping me to some weird table with me on my hands and knees, with my legs spread apart and my ass pointing up. I thought I was just going to be fucked like in some kinky scene.. how wrong I was.

I realized something was weird when the lowered me into a metal vat which then started filling quickly with a liquid that smelled like nail polish. I didn't know it at the time but it was acetone, I passed out after sucking it into my lungs. I still don't know the details of the process, but as I understood it, I was severely dehydrated when I was placed into the vat and my body soaked up the acetone into all my cells. Then I was covered in a rubber fluid and exposed to a vacuum which sucked the acetone away and let the rubber into each of my cells replacing where the water had been. I had been turned into a rubber doll. This is the same process that I they used at the body world type exhibits with corpses.

I also remember waking up for the first time. Somehow, despite everything I was still alive. I had no liquid left in my body, but I guess by brain was preserved in its exact state, just made of rubber now. I could even see and hear, and feel. But I couldn't move, not even to focus my eyes better or anything. I was completely immobilized, but aware of everything. I wasn't breathing, my heart wasn't beating, but somehow my brain and nervous system were still sending electrical impulses.. though just barely.

Time passed, now that I was awake, I did not sleep. I remember being dropped off at my new 'owner'. The mobster had ordered me as a custom sex doll. I was a perfect sex doll for him. Real, and fake at the same time. He fucked me a few times that week. Nor orgasms for me, but I could feel him penetrating me front, back and in the mouth.

I supposed I should have panicked, but emotionally I was as stable as my body. I assume the process had locked my mental state in, and it could not change. My memories of events were blurry from this point on. I think my brains ability to store long term memories required changes, which couldn't easily happen with my brain being rubberised, so most things I forgot. I do remember however being used all the time, I was the cherished (and expensive) sex toy of the boss. But like most things after a while he got bored and I spent a bunch of time in a closet. I think I was pulled out for a few orgies over the years.

Years passed, though I was barely able to perceive them, living in the now at all times. I remember being surprised that my owner seemed to have gotten younger, then I realized it was his son. I was his first when he found me in the closet. Then I years later the grandson was having a go at me. I had become a family heirloom.

I don't know when it happened but the scenery changed, I was in some sort of store for a while. Clearly technology had made leaps and bounds since I was still human. Something was stuck into my vagina and my ass and my mouth, and I found myself in what could only be described as a brothel of sorts for a long time.

I should have gone insane, but as I said my brain was locked in it's original state. I was an oddity at this point, someone started talking about how I belonged in a museum from the dirty 2000s…. and wham I found myself in an exhibit.

From my angle I could sort of see the writing on the exhibit's wall. Apparently during a period in during what they now call the dark ages, sex toys like me became popular until it was realized that were were harvested from real people. There were a couple of others in the exhibit, just like me, although much more damaged. I saw my reflection in the glass and I was pretty much in pristine condition now that the mouth, anal and vaginal implants were removed. Untold millions walked by looking at us and gasping at the horrors of the dark ages. Sometimes at night the guards would have fun with us though.

I saw humanity change. In a few generations everyone became cyborgs, more and more technology, and then it reverted and everyone looked human again. I learned that they were still robots, when people were created they had the conscience uploaded into a robot brain and humanity became immortal. I and my fellow dolls were oddities from another time, another whole species for them in so many ways.

I distinctly remember the chaos when some scientist came in and started messing around with my head. I learned that for the first time the detected that I was still in there…. they scanned my brain and put me into a robot's body.

So here I am, over a thousand years from my birth, a person, turned sex toy, turned museum exhibit turned robot. So thanks to my rapists … I am now immortal and can explore the universe.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/39ixr8/a_plasticised_dolls_story_mf_scifianaldrugsncprost

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