Who I Wanted to be in the Strange Place [M] [Gay] [group] [sci-fi]

Where was I? What was this impossible place? Did I take a wrong turn somewhere? Something pulled upon me or led me forward; it beckoned me and I knew I must continue onward. I moved slowly and each precarious step I took felt delayed; as if I were pulling my limbs through an invisible, thick haze.

I couldn't remember what had come before. I tried to focus, shaking away the other questions that I knew I wouldn't be able to answer. No, I was more curious about now. Now was all that mattered.

This place was peaceful although utterly ambiguous. If there were walls at my side none of them had any notable features. I was at once in some dimly lit, narrow hallway but simultaneously out in the open with nothing but the horizon in every direction. The ground gave very little with every step; neither too firm nor very soft. There may have been a chill in the air but I was sheltered, shielded from the discomfort of any harsh environment.

There was a voice but it did not speak yet.

My body was still my own; intimately familiar but I had changed. It felt as if I once wore a shell but had managed to pull away from it; shed some ill-fitting shape. Old aches and pains were gone, I was at ease. My body felt rejuvenated. My skin felt softer; blemishes, scars and callouses had faded. If I had a beard or stubble before, there was no trace of it now. Atop my head were dense blonde locks that flowed and weighed upon my shoulders, unraveling down my back. I brushed the hair from my eyes. That was an unfamiliar motion. This was new.

Had I lost weight? Was I thinner now? But thinner than when? Thinner than what? It was a passing thought that vanished like every other. It hardly mattered as my fingertips followed the curve along the side of my torso, down my small waist and widened hips. I licked my lips and they were full, luscious and soft.

I thought that perhaps I was a woman. My hands continued to explore my own body; my palms pressing against my flat chest. My fingers carefully reached between my legs with certain expectations, but I was certainly still male. Was I disappointed? I had stopped moving then and though I wasn't unnerved, I had managed to strengthen my focus. My fingers fondled the smooth flesh of where my cock met my body. It seemed ornamental right then; its flaccid shape seemed sculpted to refuse the idea of a masculine design. It was a soft and delicate thing, elegantly pressed in place between my legs. I touched it gently, not knowing if I should feel arousal or disappointment. It didn't seem very large, but its diminutive size felt familiar. I could almost remember some time before; a flash of a moment when I had felt that disappointment and the craving for change. This time, here in this place, there was simply acceptance and my awareness dispersed. My vision emerged from its tunnel and chanced to gauge my surroundings again.

Loose flowing fabric then caressed my skin. It was sheer and neutral in color. It draped against my body and shifted a half moment slower than my own movements. Then there was lace. It was spontaneously brought into being; tickling my body before wrapping around my thighs and my wrists and strapping itself across my chest. A moment after, I felt the lace band slide down my back and under, between my legs, splitting apart and encircling the base of my penis. I felt that I should gasp and I knew that she wanted me to.

The voice that wasn't a voice.

I noticed them then. Uncountable shadowy phantoms crowding in my peripheral; gone at a glance. Were they real? Statues that flowed across the ground or were they living? Were they people? Men? I could sense their looming figures but like the voice they weren't ready to come into being. I remembered what it felt like to be frightened but they caused me no alarm. Were they watching me? Were they following me?

I wanted them to watch. I wanted them to follow me. I wanted them to come for me. I wanted them to leap from the corners of my eyes and suddenly surround me. I wanted their arms to wrap around my body. I wanted their hands to press and squeeze my flesh. I wanted them to ravage this fresh and innocent body of mine. I wanted to give myself to them entirely.

I could feel the tinge of my dainty cock becoming erect; still it was shorter than the width of my palm. I felt the lace dance around my cock, tying itself into a bow as if to signify my willingness to be given to these men. That was what they became.

The voice giggled.

I had made my plea and it was here to grant me that pleasure. Here, I could have whatever I wanted. She brought me here for that very purpose. I came to her willingly and with absolute understanding of my choice. Unparalleled lust had earned my entry to this garden. That I wanted- No, that I needed to be fucked relentlessly by this this procession of untamed men that surrounded me now. I knew my place here; my position was cemented.

Their shadowed bodies became real then though their faces stayed shrouded. I didn't need to see their faces and so they were not given any. They were larger than me; each of them at least a foot taller than I. Their shoulders were broad and their muscles so exquisitely defined. Powerful, smooth and taught chests with abdominals so solid that they could have been chiseled from stone- but there was heat. For the first time since my arrival I could feel true warmth; they burned with the same desire to engage me as I had for them. It was a fire that emanated from their bodies and it bore down upon me as they came closer.

A ring of a dozen men around me, more behind them and perhaps even more beyond. Suddenly this entire plane was brimming with the deep, savage growls of the basest and greediest instincts. They all reached out at once, digging through the folds of my layered gown, tearing it from my body and grabbing for a handful of flesh.

I moaned and gasped, surprised at the lightness of my own sound. My voice was delicate as I called back to them. I was shaken as I whimpered my responses to their demanding and prodding fingers. Their hands squeezed and fondled my body. Their sweaty palms turning and coasting across me to grope any newly exposed skin. They pinched and tugged at my nipples; if there was pain it paled in comparison to my ecstasy.

I had the faintest memory of being needed, of being wanted some time before this place but there was no real pleasure in it Here, these men were unstoppable emblems of nature, forcing their coveting will upon me and I wanted them. I wanted each and every one of their bodies, their hands and their fingers.

Their grip on my ankles tightened and they pulled my legs apart. I would have tumbled backwards as they lifted my legs into the air, but I was suspended in that moment. My body floated upon their never ending groping and prodding fingers.

They caressed my face, knowing not to abuse it. There was the touch of them sliding along my cheeks and twirling against my chin. Then I felt them upon my lips. One, quickly followed by another, fingers pushed into my mouth. I sealed my lips tight as he stroked and patted my tongue; pressing against the inside of my cheeks, threatening to reach further to the back of my throat. He pulled them out though my suckling lips tried to keep him. My mouth opened and were I not being held by a thousand other hands I would have lunged forward, my lips longing for him. Yes, yes, I wanted to suck on those fingers again but, no, I wanted more. My tongue stretched outward and I knew, and he knew, they all knew what I wanted to taste.

I wanted their hard flesh to force their way between my lips. I wanted my lips pressed against their bodies as the tips of their cocks dug into my throat. I wanted to feel their pulsing cocks as their cum poured down my throat. I wanted them, each and every one of them, to penetrate me. I was desperate for them to bend me over, each of their oversized cocks would fuck me hard, harder and harder, from behind as their hands played upon every inch of my body.

Her voice was diminished. Something was wrong.

I dropped to the ground flat on my back. It was hard and cold now. The air was thick again; old and stale. My heart was racing and I reached out for the figures who had encircled me only a moment ago. The men faded from this reality, their shadow forms dispersed. I wanted to feel the heat of their bodies. I begged her to bring them back. My naked body was being covered then, not by the beautiful flowing satin but something dense and heavy. I was changing then as well, reverting to something that I had almost forgotten entirely in those moments of absolute pleasure and unadulterated yearning. I was glad to have given it up in exchange for what she had given me.

On all fours, I screamed and begged her. I wanted them back. I wasn't done. I needed them inside of me, to feel the weight of their bodies slamming into me from behind. It had all ended too soon. They wanted me wholeheartedly and I was theirs.

Something grabbed my padded shoulders and I readied myself to return into the air, instead-

“Daniel. Daniel! Get up, we have to go.” It was a woman's voice, but not the voice of this realm. I knew it though. Angela. Her name was Angela. I was Daniel.

“I don't want to leave here- I can't! I want to feel them again, Angela.” I turned then to look at her but was met with a golden dome. In it was the reflection of a grizzled face, a stoic jaw riddled with jagged scars and a hard, accentuated brow. It was my face. It was my face and I could feel such sorrow inside the more I understood how much of myself I was losing.

I was looking into Angela's helmet. We were both wearing space suits; the heavy and thick layered suits that covered every inch of our bodies. The gold faded from her helmet as her visor rose and I saw her face; her anguish and desperation so similar to my own.

“For fuck's sake, you have to get up, Daniel. I didn't even know if I could find you- I don't know how much time we have, we have to go!” Her breathing was labored and too fast. She was scared, utterly terrified of this place because she wasn't welcome here. She didn't belong here. Did I belong here? How had she managed to find this place? How had I?

This time there were answers. I remembered everything as if I were viewing my memories through stained glass. I remembered our journey- our mission. I remembered what we discovered and how we marveled at the impossibility of its existence. I remembered the whispers from a voice that could not speak. It called to me. Had it called to Angela? It had dug deep inside me to find my secrets, uncovering deep unfulfilled passions that I had been carrying for so long. “Why did you…. You shouldn't have come for me Angela. It asked me to come-” I remembered other moments too. Quiet moments in hard and tiny spaces. Angela's body against mine, barely separated by thin layers of fabric. I remembered the look in here eyes on those nights when she needed someone, anyone, and all she had was me. Her touch and smell in those early times, exploring my body but I could offer her nothing in return. She summoned nothing inside of me but we pushed forward through the motions. Undoubtedly I loved her; we were alone together and depended on each other entirely for so long but neither of us could really fill the emptiness we both carried. Was that why I came? Was that why I heeded the beckon of this strange place? No, there was more. I accepted the offer and I came here because I loved Angela.

“I don't give a fuck about why you came here! Right now we have to leave! We're going!” She grappled with the bulk of my suit, slipping her arms under mine and trying to haul me away.

“You don't understand. You can't take me. I've already chosen to stay. It needs me-”

“You're right. It needs you- because you're food. It's feeding on you, Daniel! Whatever it is you're seeing, whatever it's showing you- It isn't real!”

Then there was a howl; a horrible wail that shook our insides. Angela dropped to her knees in pain as waves of fury forced us down, pinning us to the ground. In my mind I pleaded with it. I told her that Angela will leave. I beg her to send Angela away and let her go.

“One of us has to stay or we both perish! If we fail- We can't fail! You have to succeed. You can. I'm already tied to it. She's already a part of me and I'm a part of her. Get out of here, Angela!”

“No- NO!-”

The waves pulled against her now, dragging her back though she fought hard against it. I could feel my suit begin to fade away again. My body morphed into the shape that I fantasized about during my private moments; slimmer and feminine. My small cock is erect and I reach down to stroke myself.

“What the fuck? Daniel? What's happening-?” She could see me now as reality warped around her. Angela balled her fists and screamed, calling my name. It was an old sound again; a familiar bird call that faded before the noise was done. Her voice was barely a whisper now as the other blossomed inside of me.

Misty shadows rose from all around me and my men became tangible again. Their hands reached down and grabbed at me; strong and forceful. They held me down, pressing my chest flat against the perfectly temperate ground. I arched my back and lifted my ass as high up as my body would allow, perhaps even higher.

In this place, I contorted my body, lighter and more limber than it ever could have been before. The men were hot and they were greedy. Each of them fought for their place in line to exploit my body.

Hands gripped my hips as I felt the pressure of the tips of their cocks nuzzling my anus. Wet with sweat and spit, their rigid cocks speared my flesh, penetrating my ass and pushing deep into my body. There was no pain or discomfort, I wouldn't be able to remember that such sensations ever existed. Hard grunts accompanied each frenzied thrust. Our bodies crashed together over and over until each of them unleashed bountiful spurts of hot cum inside me. My own body would shake in climax; cum dribbling from my own tiny cock.

My head was turned sideways as cum splashed upon my cheeks. I gorged on their hard meat; slobbering on their cocks as wild in my pleasure as they were in theirs.

Every moment in this place stretched for eons; absolute eternities of constant pleasure. I groveled for their bodies; my own, drenched in sweat and cum. An endless parade of men fucking me one after the other, standing besides me, beneath me and above me.

The silent voice giggled and it was pleased at my pleasure.

(With aspirations to be an erotica author, this story was just too short to publish on its own but I very much wanted to share it. Thank you for reading!)

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/38e1sf/who_i_wanted_to_be_in_the_strange_place_m_gay