Public Sex is Legal [mf/ff/mff][group][oral][public][MIC]

Based on the simple prompt: "Public sex is Legal"

The Narrator's gender is left ambiguous because it doesn't matter for the story, but I still wanted the character there. Also, I didn't proofread, so there are probably some mistakes. If you point any out to me, I'll be sure to fix them, but for now thanks for understanding. Enjoy!

A New York Walk

I'm going to tell you about a Friday I recently had in my world, a world where, for a long time, public sex is legal. Specifically, what I saw. I'm going to be explaining it all rather casually, and all the characters (some of who's names I've changed) were also as casual as the story will depict. Keep in mind that they're casual because that's just what my world is like. Things that are jarring to you, are common place for us.

First let me say that living in Manhattan can be stressful. Stressful job, stressful travel, and the ever constant hustle and bustle. It's hard to find any places or times to just get away from it all. On this particular Friday, it would appear many people were feeling this way, myself included. And the obvious choice for some amount of tranquility is Central Park.

Don't get me wrong, Central Park isn't that quiet, but greenery and others who aren't trying to get their work done, or be somewhere just at the right moment, is a refreshing change of pace. So once I got off from work at noon I headed straight there.

The first thing I did on my walk over, though, was get some lunch. I was starving. So I went a little out of my way to get a gyro wrap from this nearby place I like. Inside, though, it seemed I would have to wait. The manager and his cooks were trying to stop a flash mob happening inside their store. Now, I know your world has a version of a flash mob, but mine world's is much different.

Flash mobs here consist of getting a group of people and essentially playing musical chairs. Each round someone was kicked out of the game, and that someone had to spend the rest of the game flashing everyone else. When I walked in it seemed a group of college kids were 3 rounds in. Summer had just started for some schools, so I guessed they were celebrating. Two girls and one guy had lost so far, and were standing in the corner. Girls chose what they wanted to flash. Both of these were wearing shorts, so they'd elected to hold their shirts up. The guy, using his only option, held his pants open. His cock was pretty stiff.

The owners were mad at them for fear of driving away business. He was threatening to call the police. But the kids seemed harmless.

"Hey," I told him, "Just serve the customers you have. You know the cops aren't gonna be bothered with a flash mob in this restaurant." It wasn't an insult, his restaurant just wasn't the nicest looking place. Food was damn good though.

"Yeah, you're right," the owner said, he turned to the group and politely asked, "Just one game, okay?" The kids cheered and the latest loser, a very buxom redheaded girl, lifted her shirt up at the owner and pushed his face into her breasts as a thank you. He laughed it off and went back to his customers.

As I ate my wrap, watching the game play out. There were 14 students playing in total. By the time I was finishing my wrap the game was in its last round. A tall, lanky young black man, and a very petite, pale young blonde woman were dancing around the chair as someone played some music. When it ended, the girl managed to get in the chair first and was declared the victor.

The winner of flash mobs then got to their choice of anyone in the group to go away with them and, to put it frankly, make them come. But they also had the job of pairing off everyone else. The little blonde woman literally went down the row and pointed at two people saying, "You make him come" or "you make her come". As it happened, usually flash mobs were played with an even split of men and women, but sometimes gay or bi participants could shake things up, and even more participants were left not getting to come. That was part of the fun though, the risk. At best only half would get to come. If there was an odd number, the winner usually picked two. It was general honor system whether you would finish yourself off later. The understood 'house' rules said you shouldn't, but who knows how many followed that.

I watched as the blonde woman paired off all her friends, but kept the runner up for herself. She sat him down right there in the store and sat on a table.

"Order up," the owner joked as the blonde pulled up her skirt, "don't be long."

"Oh," she smiled deviously from the table, "that won't be probleeeeemmmmm!" Her last words were pushed in their emphasis when her prize dove his head under her skirt. The girl's shear confidence melted a little as she covered her face in her moans, then peeked through her eyes down at the boy eating her. She was right, being fast wouldn't be an issue. And soon all her inhibition left her as well, as she came like siren, shrieking and wrapping the young man's head in the coil that were her legs. She shook so much I almost ran over to help the guy keep her steady on the table, but he managed on his own.

When it was over she hopped off the table and left. It would appear two of the cashiers had gotten horny watching the affair, and the guy had the girl against a wall, kissing her hard and his leg up between her legs for her to grind against. I left before the owner yelled at them, which I knew he eventually would.

I continued my walk over to Central Park. On my way, I happened by street performer, some magician. I stopped to watch as he had gathered a pretty good crowd, so he must be worth watching for some reason.

The magician was performing a tricks in front of a tattoo parlor, some place called "Lisa's tattoos". Just before his next trick, a woman walked out of the store looking a little annoyed. She was in her mid 30's maybe, with neon blue hair and assorted tattoos all over her body. She wore a black tank and orange jean shorts. I assume it was Lisa.

"Hey man, I said you can't do this here anymore," Lisa complained.

The magician tipped his goofy top hat to the woman, gave it a swirl, and pulled out some flowers to give to her. She smiled a little, and nodded in thanks. You could tell she didn't want to have to move him, he was just simply bad for business.

"My lady," the magician said in a bad fake British accent, "Shall we make a wager? If you shall prevail, I will humbly be on my way."

"What kind of wager?" Lisa asked. The magician reached into his hat and produced a pair of cheap handcuffs.

"You see these?" He explained, "I will put you in these handcuffs. Then, without me, or anyone else touching you, I will make you come in ten minutes time."

Lisa laughed a little. The magician was pretty charming in his antics. "And if, by some miracle, you win?" Lisa asked.

"Then," the magician answered, "it is only fair that I get to come as well. One blowjob, and allowance to stay on this corner, and tomorrow I will blow away for you never to see me again."

Lisa considered this and nodded, confident in her chances. "Okay," she said, and turned around to be cuffed in.

The magician gave Lisa his chair and she sat on the edge. He turned on a timer for everyone to see, and it counted down from 10 minutes. People began to ask her if she felt anything, or what was happening, but she simply sat there, saying she didn't feel anything.

Then her face changed. Lisa started to giggle a little. Then a lot. Her knees squeezed together and she rocked against the chair a little. Soon, though, she was moaning in earnest, biting her lip to try to stop it. Her face was getting very red.

The magician held up some of his cardboard from his set up to shade Lisa, as the summer sun combined with her arousal was making her sweat. I watched as the cute woman looked over at the clock, shaking her head from side to side as she saw it had only been five minutes.

"Shit," she giggled, then gave one deep breath and let it take her as she laughed/moaned out to the sky, rocking the chair furiously as she rode the orgasm through.

When she finished she yelled playfully, "Get me out of these!"

The magician complied. Lisa immediately stood up and opened up her shorts. She pulled out her shirt that was tucked in, reached into her panties, and pulled out small plastic egg. A vibrator.

"How…when…?" She laughed.

The magician bowed as people started applauding. Lisa just bit her lip and put the vibrator back in her panties. "Turn it back on," she said, as she fell to her knees and opened the magician's belt.

Just as Lisa managed to have the magician's cock out, her head dipped down and she bit her lip, the vibrator activated once more. She moaned as she licked the cock up and down, and then took it in her mouth. The magician groaned at her eagerness. Lisa sucked his cock head like a pro, using her tongue liberally, really getting sloppy as she stroked half his shaft with her hand. It wasn't long before he announced he was going to come. She got off his cock for a moment and teased,

"Well I'll make your cum, disappear," Lisa winked, then put her mouth on it, removing her hand as her tongue worked along the underside of the cock. She kept doing this while the cock pulsed violently, sending cum in her mouth as Lisa moaned allowing her second orgasm to hit her while she brought the magician to his. Lisa was right, none of us saw the magicians cum, as she swallowed and stood. The magician took Lisa's hand and made her bow for the audience, who all cheered at the show that they'd happened upon, and threw in their cash.

I went along my way, wanting to get to the park before it got to the day's hottest point.

The park was as I expected. Not necessarily peaceful, but not chaotic either. I sat on a bench in the shade and enjoyed the breeze. Then a young couple, that must have been just out of high school, sat on the bench that was back-to-back with mine, and ruined it.

"I just don't get it," the young woman of the couple said, "I do it to you. Why can't you do it to me?"

"Cause I don't like it!" The guy said.

"You think I like having your dick in my mouth?" The girl asked.


She laughed, "No one likes dicks in their mouth! We just tolerate them to be nice or sort of enjoy them cause it's a precursor to sex and we know it."

"Oh…," the guy said, "Well still, I don't want to, it's different with dicks and pussies."

"So you'd put a dick in your mouth?" His girlfriend asked.

"Well, yeah," her boyfriend responded. I was not expecting that answer.

"Oh, right. Damnit." The girl said, her point foiled. "Well, also, why do we do it doggystyle so much?"

"You said doggy felt best for you, and it feels best for me! And we still do other positions."

"Yeah, but…yeah. I just wish I could look at you at the same time."

The guy sighed, "Me too babe."

"I also wish you'd go down on me."

"Oh cmon! How about I go down on you the day you let me try anal!"

At that point I left before I caught all their sexual angst. I walked around a little more, trying to find another spot to sit. When I finally did, on another bench, I was allowed mostly peaceful relaxation. Just passerbys and some quiet people also sitting.

In the distance, in the middle of a grassy area, there were some people doing couple's hot yoga. Hot yoga, in your world, is mostly indoor yoga where they crank the temperature up to ridiculous levels of heat. In my world, it's also done on hot days. But, unlike your world, 'hot' had a double meaning.

I watched a few moves before letting my eyes close again. It was two couples, a lesbian one and a straight one. It seemed one of the women in each couple were actually there for the benefits of yoga, while the other significant other (one a man, and the other a woman) were there to watch their partner get flexible, and reap the rewards. All four of them wore crotch-less bottoms

I'm sure the first move was more complicated, but from what I saw, the women were essentially doing the splits, just very slowly. The farther down they got, the closer to their partners face they got. When they got all the way down, their partner would, well, you get the idea.

The next one position had the two women bend backwards onto their hands, then keep bending back till their mouths hit between their partner's legs. The lesbian had to bend a little more than the other woman for that one.

At that point, though, I closed my eyes. Ready to let a midday nap take me. If you think that's weird to sleep on a bench in the middle of a park on a Friday, just remember how earlier a tattoo artist blew a magician with a vibrator in her pants, and it was maybe the least weird sexual act I'd seen that day. So yeah, a nap was fine.

I don't know how long I was out for, I don't really know the time when I dozed off, but when I woke up, I could feel something wet and soft on my hand. My eyes opened to see a young girl with sandy hair in just a bra and panties licking my hand. Before I could pull away, she was yanked away by the neck. By her leash.

The girl landed on the grass below. Another woman, with short blonde hair cropped close was at the end of the leash, holding it in place. She wore a name tag on her tight T-shirt that read "Lola". The shirt was for a local "Pet Walking" business. As you can tell, I don't mean cats and dogs.

"Sorry!" Lola said. I wiped my hand on my shirt and forced a smile,

"It's fine." I said. In reality I was having a great dream about saving the Earth from an alien menace, but getting my fingers tongue molested by a random pale, goth-looking girl was good too I guess.

"She's just really been a handful," Lola kept explaining, as the young girl next to her started to lick Lola's hands. Lola swatted her away, only for the girl to start kissing up Lola's calves.

"What's her name?" I asked, trying to be polite.

"Raven," Lola answered. I tried not to laugh. Human pets were a luxury for the rich. And the pets didn't use their real names, but rather names based on their appearance. A young, pale, tall girl with a ton of thick sandy hair, black finger nails, black undergarments, and dark eyes definitely fit the bill of Raven. It was almost as if Human pets had their own little breeds based off the appearance 'breeders' (read 'trainers') wanted to sell.

"Hi Raven," i said, reaching out my hand to pet her. Raven crawled away and hid between Lola's legs. Lola giggled, embarrassed, telling Raven to get out from under there. Raven did, but whimpered. Human pets weren't allowed to talk. It kept up the illusion.

"She's shy," Lola explained.

"Uh huh," I responded. Shy? Maybe. But from my perspective, it looked more like Raven had the hots for Lola, and just wanted attention. It seemed like Lola didn't want to leave my company, so I asked,

"So, what are her owners like?" I asked.

"Oh, she doesn't have one yet," Lola explained, "Raven here and the rest of them are all still being trained. We've expanded to training."

"The rest?" I asked. Lola pointed behind me and I looked. Nearby there ware a couple trees with eight other men and women, all just in their undergarments, tied to them. They'd all been tied strategically to branches so they couldn't touch each other.

"Yikes," I said, "Why'd you bring them out?"

"It's reward day," Lola explained, "I'm taking them all out and letting them do their favorite thing since they're about to finish their training. We take them to central park in the hopes that maybe someone will buy their contracts."

"One of them got out," I said. I noticed a young man had broken his branch and was crawling to a nearby woman sitting on a bench. The woman was pretty, maybe just 40, and the man slid her flip flops off before she even noticed him, and started to kiss and lick her feet. Lola gave me Raven's leash and ran off screaming for the man to stop, but the woman told her she didn't mind. The man continued to worship her feet, and she even let a hand crawl down her pants. At this point Lola came back and I stopped looking as well.

"He's well behaved, he'll be fine," Lola said. I looked at the young woman. She seemed stressed, over encumbered by the amount she had on her plate.

"Hey," I said, already regretting what I hadn't said yet, "If you want to give me a couple of the easier ones, I can get them their reward."

She didn't put up a second of fuss. "Okay!" She said, running away to the tree and untying two pets.

In the end, Lola gave me three pets.

The first was Cali, who was a typical bleach blonde, busty girl who looked like she just finished sunbathing on a beach. Cali needed to be tied up. It didn't matter what happened to her after that.

The second was Raven herself, who simply wanted to make a woman come.

Finally, there was Cutie. A petite Asian woman. She wasn't old, but, at 28, she was the oldest of the three. True to her name, she was adorable.

"With her it's all about cum," Lola explained, "She has to get come in her mouth from woman, and cum inside her from behind by a man, either hole." That was strangely specific, but I nodded.

I took the three girls and told Lola I'd meet her back by the bench in a few hours. I tied Raven and Cutie up and started with Cali.

I took Cali over to the hot yoga class, that was winding down. The instructor left, leaving the three women and one man behind.

I explained to them the situation. None of them seemed eager, until Cali came forward and planed a kiss on one a woman's pussy.

"Woah, easy," I told Cali. The woman looked at the bleach blonde pet and smiled. She removed her crotch-less yoga shorts and brought them over. She used them to tie Cali's hands behind her back, to Cali laughed in excitement and approval.

The other three then joined in. Using their assorted pieces of clothing, they stripped naked and tied Cali up. In the end, through trial and error, Cali ended up with her wrists together, then her arms hoisted up above her body around the branch of a tree.

They played around with Cali for a while. Stripping away her bra and panties. The couples took turns sucking on her breasts. Two people would hold up a woman to Cali's mouth for Cali to eat out, while the fourth individual would play with Cali's body. One of them spanked her repeatedly. One of them licked Cali's ass. And one of them licked her pussy. When it was the mans turn to be held up, though, he decided against it.

Instead he had Cali put her legs around his waist and entered her.

Cali howled in ecstasy through all of this, all the licking, being licked, spanking, and fucking, always making moans but never saying words in them, as per her training.

When the man was done he unceremoniously finished inside the blonde pet, letting her legs drop from around him and backing away.

The yoga practitioners all walked away after that, none of them interested in buying the pet. I untied her and walked her back to where I had the other two pets.

I took Cutie, next, I knew exactly where she was going.

I went over to the first bench I had sat at, hoping to find the young couple there, but they were gone. I was about to give up hope, when I heard some yelling in the bushes.

"No!" A woman said, "We're not doing that until you go down on me! Besides, I'm not prepared for that!"

"Aw, c'mon babe!" A man said back.

I knew that angst anywhere.

I walked through the bushes to find a surprising little patch of grass, out of the way from most people. The couple stood there. The girl, curvy with light caramel skin, only had a skirt on, and the guy, a very tall, tanned man, only wore a shirt.

I approached them carefully and explained Cutie's situation. They were a perfect fit.

Cutie tumbled the woman, Sarah, to the grass, and the man, Taylor, followed them down. Cutie sucked Sarah's nipples with Taylor, Sarah petting both of their heads. But Cutie was on a mission, and quickly descended.

Taylor went behind Cutie, in doggy, his favorite position, and entered her slowly, in her pussy.

At the same time, Cutie started to lick Sarah's sex.

Sarah threw her head back for a moment in ecstasy. "Fuuuuuck," she moaned. Taylor and Cutie moaned as well as he fucked the young Asian girl, her body rocking back and forth, but her mouth never wavering as she ate Sarah like it was her last meal on Earth.

"Oh my god baby," Taylor said, "that looks amazing."

"It feels amazing," Sarah told him. I saw Cutie smile a little, but soon I realized it was also because she was coming, the first of them to do so, but again she never stopped her lips as her body quivered wickedly.

"I love looking at you baby," Sarah told Taylor.

"Me too," He said, looking right at his girlfriend.

"Stick it in her ass," She told him, and he didn't need any other coaxing. He slowly exited the Asian, only to reenter her rear hole. It was a tight fit, but Cutie had clearly been trained and prepared, so soon Taylor got a rhythm going again.

"Fuck!" He screamed.

"Come with me baby," Sarah said, her moaning starting to rise in a cresendo with Taylor's.

"I'm right there babe!" Taylor screamed.

"Me too!" Sarah yelled back.

They looked at each other for their first few moments, then threw their heads back in lust as the couple both came at the hands of the Asian between them. Taylor and Sarah grabbed Cutie's hair and ass respectively, and plowed against the girl, trying to ride out their orgasms as much as they possibly could.

"Holy shit," they said together as they laid in the grass. Cutie planted little kisses all over their bodies.

"We'll take her," Sarah said.

"Um, are you sure?" I asked. They seemed young, and a pet usually costed about $2000 dollars a month at the least.

"Yes," Taylor answered, "we're good for it. Do you have a card? There's a test week right?" I handed them a card Lola had given me and they sent me on my way.

I walked back over to the tree I had left the other two pets. I was tired, but I just needed to get Raven to make a woman come and I'll be done with this favor I should never have taken on. But when I got there, Raven was gone, and Cali was no help as she wasn't allowed to speak.

I figured the girl was smart enough to speak if Raven was in real danger, so I wasn't too worried, and I found her quickly. Raven was on some bench with a woman, getting her hair stroked. I creeped from the bushes, in front but far away from them, only to notice it was Lola herself who had Raven.

Raven saw me, and I held up a finger to my mouth so she wouldn't indicate it. I pointed to Lola, who was just staring down at Raven as she stroked the sandy hair, and mouthed to Raven "go for it." It took a few more tries, and a few lewd gestures on my part, but Raven got the idea.

She hopped up quickly and straddled her her trainer. I creeped closer, and watched from the side where I could hear.

"Woah, Raven," Lola said, "Down girl."

But Raven didn't sit down. She reached behind her and undid her bra.

"Raven!" Lola said, tugging Raven's leash to give the girl a little choke, "You know you're never supposed to take off your clothes unless commanded. How many times do I-"

But Lola never finished her sentence. Raven's bra came down and Lola was rendered mute as Raven leaned in and kissed her softly. Lola tried to pull away, but Raven kissed her again. Then Lola started to kiss back. A little. Then a lot, opening her mouth and allowing Raven's tongue to mix with hers.

Raven took Lola's hands and laid them on her breasts. Lola broke the kiss, "This is really against the rules." She said. Raven looked around. No one was even there, let alone another pet or another trainer. Raven shrugged.

Lola smiled and was the one to start the kiss this time, making out with her least obedient, but something tells me, favorite pet.

Raven moved her body to straddle just one of Lola's wide open legs. She opened up Lola's shorts and slowly let a hand creep into her trainer's panties.

Lola let out a moan just as she clamped down on one of Raven's nipples. Raven cradled Lola's head to her chest and grinded herself on Lola's leg as her hand performed magic in Lola's pants.

They continued like that. It was a mess, and awkward, but they just kept clawing at each other, willing the other to come and wanting to come so bad.

They started to kiss as they both reached home stretch. Raven's free hand pawed at Lola's breasts through the trainers shirt as she rode the trainers leg, and Lola's hands held Raven's face into her's as they both hit earsplitting orgasms. The moans resonated even thought they mostly let them go into each other's mouths.

When it was over they tidied themselves up and Lola walked away towards my tree with Raven. I waited, then followed. When I got to the tree Lola told me she had gotten Raven done too, and I didn't pry. She gave me a hug and thanked me, giving me a coupon for a one week test run for free. I told her about my successes and then left.

By the time I got home it was later than I had wanted it to be. My head was so full of business that day, I hadn't stopped and taken part in any of the fun I had witnessed. And I still wasn't really in a good mood. I just needed a good shower.

As I got in the shower, the warm water started to wash away the days bad stuff, and just the good stuff came to light. All the happy faces, the flash mob, the magician and the tattoo artists, the young couple, the yoga enthusiast, the pets, Raven and Lola. Yes, a few minutes in the shower, and I was remembering it all.

And then I crept my hand between my legs and remembered it even more.

If you went all the way through then thanks so much for reading and please let me know what you think!



  1. Full tag list: Group, public, oral(blowjob and cunnilingus), anal, lesbian, creampie, bondage, voyeurism, petplay, masturbation *This is what I meant by MIC by the way, tags not story. I realize now that was badly worded in the title and I sincerely apologize!*

  2. Loved it! We need a series set in this world. You could linger a bit longer on the main sex acts though.

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