Summer Vacation – Day 1 [mf / f / voy / mast]

The last day of school!

After finally extracting myself from tearful friends, endless group hugs, and countless photo poses, I burst out of the doors of my middle school for the final time. I can't believe it, I'm gonna be in high school in the fall! And before then, a summer of complete freedom to spend with my friends to have fun and relax, and recuperate after another gruelling school year.

Well, not total freedom. My swimming practices would continue, and my parents had signed me up for a couple classes throughout the summer … but for the most part, freedom! At 13, nothing was more exciting than the thought of doing whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, if only for a few months.

My journey home was only a short walk, and soon I was making my way up the driveway of our fairly typical two-storey suburban home – 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a painstakingly manicured front yard and a backyard dominated by my dad's grill and our in-ground swimming pool. I grinned to myself at the thought of the swimming pool – I was gonna spend a LOT of time in its refreshing water this summer! The weather was already perfect for swimming, and I was nearly dressed for the occasion – in shorts and a tanktop, in any event, with floral-patterned sandals on my feet.

I was even more excited on this Thursday, this final day of school, because I didn't have my usual after-school swim practice – my coach, Melanie, had two kids of her own who were celebrating the end of school, and apparently that entailed a week-long vacation for her and her family, so I was free even from practice for at least a week!

Pushing the front door open, I immediately kicked off my sandals and dropped my backpack on the floor. I assumed I was home alone – my parents would both be working, and weren't due home for at least a couple hours. And if my brother, Tyler, was home, he wouldn't much care if I announced my presence – most of the time he spent his time at home closed up in his room, anyway.

Almost immediately, though, I heard someone – indistinctly, a groan or a mumble, from upstairs. So Tyler WAS home, I thought, then shrugged to myself, picked up my backpack, and started making my way upstairs.Halfway up the stairs, though, a voice came from Tyler's room, accompanied by a soft gasp: "Oh god, Tyler."Inexperienced as I was, I knew what THAT meant – Tyler, assuming he'd have the house to himself, obviously had his girlfriend Kelsey over, and they were enjoying some "quality time" together in his room.

Biting my lip with indecision, I paused on the staircase, backpack slung over one shoulder, listening closely as my brother groaned: "Oh fuck yes, Kels! God, you feel so good."

I blushed bright red as I recognized the sounds of sex just above me and down the hall – while it wasn't the first time I'd heard them having sex, it never stopped being awkward, and while I really wanted to get to my room, I wasn't sure I wanted to risk making more noise and making my presence known – the last thing I wanted to do was ruin their fun!

My brother Tyler was 16, a full 3 years older than me, and just recently finished with his school year himself. While we had many of the same problems all siblings have, we generally got along well, and I really liked his girlfriend, Kelsey, who was the same age as him. She was a tall, skinny blonde, and very much my brother's "type", but she and I got along pretty well, and I appreciated that she made an effort to treat me nicely and get to know me.

As their sounds of passion cascaded down the hallway, however, I made my decision: caught up in the moment as they were, and with all the noise they were now making, I decided I could risk sneaking down the hall to my room without disturbing them. My room was just slightly up the hall and across from Tyler's, but I reasoned that he'd have his door closed as his final defense against unexpected intrusion.

As I tiptoed down the hallway, closer and closer to my room, I soon discovered I was very, very wrong.

Tyler's door was wide open, and I immediately had a view of him from behind, completely naked. He was kneeling at the end of his bed, Kelsey on her hands and knees in front of him, and his hips were moving back and forth rhythmically, his bare butt flexing and relaxing with each thrust, his hands holding tight to Kelsey's narrow hips. While I couldn't see where their bodies joined from this angle, I knew Tyler was thrusting his penis into Kelsey from behind. Inexperienced as I was, I still knew enough about sex – and had started discovering enough pornography – to recognize "doggy style".

I stood slackjawed, frozen in the hallway, simultaneously mesermized and scandalized by what I was seeing. I'd never seen sex live, in the flesh, before – discounting walking in on my parents a couple times when I was very, very young, which were half-formed memories I was more than happy to forget. And I'd certainly never seen either Tyler or Kelsey like this before, their naked bodies glistening with sweat as they moved together, filling his room, the hallway, and my ears with their guttural groans, moans and gasps as they … fucked!

Biting my lip again, now a mixture of indecision and curiosity, I glanced to my left, spying the open doorway to my bedroom, only a couple more steps down the hall.

Keeping my eyes nervously on the enjoined lovers, I side-stepped towards my room on my tiptoes, wincing with surprise as Kelsey cried out.

"Fuck, Tyler! Oh god you're good, fuck that's deep, baby!"

"Mmm, Kels …" my brother replied, visibly picking up the pace of his movements, "Fuck you're tight, your pussy's amazing!"

I blushed crimson at their vulgar language, then slipped in to my room gracefully (and gratefully) – I decided I'd seen enough. Lowering my backpack carefully to the floor, I turned around to slowly close my door. Pushing it oh so slowly, careful not to make a single sound or a betraying squeak from the hinges, I took one last peek at the action across the hall.

Peeking through the narrow crack of my mostly-closed door, I had a new line of sight into Tyler's room. Now seeing him and Kelsey almost side-on, I still couldn't see where their bodies joined, but I could see more of Kelsey: her long, blonde hair, splayed across her back, her thighs moving in concert with Tyler's hips as they slammed their bodies together again and again, and her breasts, topped with large, stiff nipples, swaying beneath her as the power of my brother's thrusts shook through her.

Shaking my head forcefully, as if to physically clear the fog that was closing over my thoughts, I finished closing the door, releasing the knob slowly as the clasp slid into place. I realized I was breathing heavily, and I could feel and hear my heartbeat in my ears. Despite closing off the sight of them, I could still hear Tyler and Kelsey – their gasps and groans, their sighs and moans, the slapping sounds of their bodies moving together. Geez, they were REALLY counting on no one else being home today, huh? I knew they could be more subtle than they were being – having a bedroom across the hall meant I heard too much sometimes – but clearly they were taking this opportunity to let it all hang out.

The word "hang" brought back to my mind the sight of Kelsey's breasts, hanging and swaying beneath her as she moved, and I blushed crimson again. A thousand different thoughts went through my head, but they were interrupted as the two noisy lovers upped their volume level again:

"Oh god, Tyler! Yes, yes!" Kelsey cried, a sound that was accompanied by louder slapping sounds and the creaking of Tyler's bedframe.

"Fuck, Kels, I'm … gonna cum!" My brother yelled, and together they reached a crescendo of moans and groans.

Covering my mouth to keep from making any sound of my own (either a gasp or a laugh, I wasn't sure), I tiptoed across my room and slowly sat down on my bed, moving in slow, measured movements as I continued to be as quiet as possible.

Laying back on my bed, my mind reeled as I replayed and considered what I had just seen and heard. Part of me was grossed out – nobody ever likes to see their sibling naked, and my next encounter with Kelsey was sure to be awkward. Fortunately though, I hadn't seen too much of Tyler that I hadn't seen before (aside from his pale butt!), and the way they moved together WAS pretty sexy …

I shook my head again, looking up at the ceiling as I processed everything. More than anything, the way Kelsey's breasts swayed and jiggled beneath her, and the way their bodies looked and sounded as they moved together, was burned into my brain. That and the language they used together, though none of that was QUITE as shocking.

I lifted my head up, and looked down my body, frowning. My body was nothing like Kelsey's. While she was tall and lean, she also had curves – her hips, her waist, and her breasts all curved together very pleasantly.

Meanwhile, while I was lean as well, I was short compared to Kelsey, and had basically zero curves. I had started wearing a bra this year, but my A-cups didn't really need much in the way of support. I was pretty sure that if I was in the same position she was – though not with Tyler, ewww! -, my breasts wouldn't sway and swing like hers did. And my hips and waist definitely didn't have the curves hers did, though thanks to all of my swimming, my little butt was nice and firm – I was rather proud of it, and even the shorts I was wearing today showed it off reasonably well.

Feeling suddenly self-conscious and in need of assurance, I slipped off of my bed and made my way to the full-length mirror hanging on the wall next to my closet.

Standing in front of it, I first let my hair out of the ponytail I'd been wearing it in, my long, light brown hair cascading down around my shoulders. I looked up into my own deep green eyes, giving myself a flirtatious wink before turning my critical gaze elsewhere.

I froze, briefly, as I heard someone making their way past my bedroom door, then sighed with relief when I heard the bathroom door close down the hall. Important to pee after sex, I reminded myself, remember some useful information from my latest round of sex ed classes. Unwittingly, the image of Kelsey sitting naked on the toilet flashed into my mind, and I squeezed my eyes tight in a fruitless effort to shut out the "sight" that my mind had conjured. I'm sure she got dressed before walking down the hallway, I reassured my overactive imagination.

Maybe not, though. They DO think they're home alone, I reminded myself.

The thought of Kelsey's body brought me back to thoughts of mine, and I returned to the ever-important task of self-criticism. I had heard myself described as "petite" and "cute" before, which I thought very kind, but sometimes that just meant "small" and "not sexy" to me. Still, making faces at myself in the mirror, I did like what I saw – my smile and my eyes seemed welcoming and kind, and my long hair was shiny and healthy. My shoulders, bare aside from the strap of my tanktop and my bra, were slim and slender, yet thanks to countless hours in the swimming pool looked trim and even muscular.

I heard the toilet flush as I reached down for the bottom of my top, pulling it up slowly, exposing my flat stomach before lifting it off over my head and dropping it carefully to the floor. Skinny, I thought, and I was. Despite being just 5 feet tall, I still managed to look long and slender, my slim torso curving slightly into an even narrower waist. My stomach was flat and firm, another reward from hours of swimming, so that despite my short stature I still very much had the build and body of a seasoned swimmer. Still clasped in my white cotton bra, my budding breasts were small handfuls, topped with small pink nipples that were just slightly visible through the material.

"Hey, is your sister home?"

I froze at the sound and the closeness of Kelsey's voice. It sounded like she was right outside my bedroom door, and I suspect she was.

"Not that I know of, why?" Came Tyler's much softer response. Clearly he was still in his room.

I heard footsteps before Kelsey spoke again. "Her bedroom door is closed, that's all."

I froze in place in my state of undress, not daring to move or even breathe, before I heard Tyler's response.

"Yeah, she just keeps it closed, like, all the time. There's no way she's home though. She has swim practice on Thursdays, remember? Besides, it's her last day of school, I'm sure she's got other plans besides rushing home from school."

I totally didn't, but that was beside the point right now as I strained to hear their now softer conversation, as Kelsey had obviously joined Tyler back in his bedroom.

"Okay … well I hope she's not home, 'cause we weren't exactly quiet a few minutes ago." Kelsey said to him, and I could hear the smile, and the worry, in her voice.

My brother laughed before responding, "Good point. Look, I'll check, okay? Make sure we didn't just traumatize my little sister."

I gasped silently, then, not daring to move, flattened myself against the wall next to the mirror, holding my breath as I heard the telltale knock of my brother at my door.

"Hey Laura, are you in there?"

I opted not to respond, or breathe, or move a muscle, or even blink. I already had enough to process with having seen and heard what I did, the last thing I needed was for them to know that I'd seen and heard it all. And I definitely didn't need my brother to discover me half-undressed in my bedroom!

"See?" Came Tyler's voice after a long pause, "No one's home."

I breathed a silent sigh of relief as I heard Tyler move back towards his room, and silently cheered for having a brother who so respects my privacy that he would never dream of opening my closed bedroom door, whether I was home or not! Now if I could just train him to fuck with his door closed, I thought to myself, revelling in the vulgarity of that four-letter word.

I stayed where I was for another minute or two before I was sure they were satisfied with their "privacy", and I made my way to my discarded backpack, carefully and slowly unzipping it as I retrieved my phone. I realized now that I had put myself in quite the predicament – I couldn't make a sound or Kelsey and Tyler would know I was home, but I was also trapped in my room! I decided to pass the time with some mindless browsing on my phone, though eventually my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to ask google some specific questions that were rattling around in my mind:

"What does sex feel like for a girl?"

"Peeing after sex" (Hey, I had remembered that it WAS important … I just forgot why!)

"Average breast size for 13 years old"

"Vagina size / tightness"

"Why do boys announce when they're going to 'cum'?" (Hearing Tyler wasn't the first time I had encountered that phenomenon … I had seen a few videos, okay?)

After reading through a variety of responses to each query and in some cases walking away more confused than ever, and in other cases learning way more than I wanted to know, I suddenly heard movement in the hallway again. Tyler and Kelsey were chattering away to each other, but I couldn't make out what they were saying, and soon I heard the sounds of them going down the stairs. A few moments later, I heard the front door open, slam shut again, and heard the lock slide into place.

This time, my sigh of relief was audible, and I laughed out loud and immediately pulled my bedroom door open, revelling in the "freedom" I was now experiencing.

That was awkward and embarrassing, I decided, but I was quite thankful that I managed to avoid a much more awkward and embarrassing moment!

Soon enough, I pulled my bedroom door closed again as my thoughts and my body led me to stand in front of the mirror again. Unceremoniously, I unclasped my bra, letting it slide down my arms and dropping it to the floor. I then reached up, cupping my budding breasts in either hand, bouncing them slightly and weighing them thoughtfully. Okay, maybe they're not SO bad, I decided. Small, sure … but I was young yet, and besides, being petite isn't the worst thing in the world, right? I jumped experimentally, and my small breasts barely bounced, my small pink nipples jiggling only slightly. Cupping my breasts again, I pinched my nipples slowly and gently, and I closed my eyes, letting my mouth fall open slightly as my breathing got heavier. Eyes open again, I reached down, undoing the button on my shorts, and after a few quick wiggles they were sliding down my slim hips and soon falling to the floor, leaving me standing only in my sunflower-yellow bikini-cut panties.

Twisting around, I managed to get a decent view of my small, taut bum, and I bounced up and down again, giggling to myself as it jiggled ever so slightly. I was self-conscious about a lot of things, but I was quite proud of my little butt. I learned early that there was only so much I could change about myself, but maintaining a strong and firm butt was something I could definitely exercise some control over!

Facing the mirror staight on again, I slowly pulled my panties down, and once past my knees I let them fall to the floor, kicking them vaguely in the direction of my laundry basket. Completely naked now, I studied my body in the mirror, and decided that, despite wishing a few things could be different, that overall I was pretty happy with how I looked. Between my legs, my little pussy was slowly being shrouded in a sparse patch of wispy hair. Idly, I considered whether that was the sort of thing that should be shaved – I'd been shaving my legs and my armpits for over a year already – and decided that I'd give it a shot next time I was in the shower.

Reaching down slowly, I closed my eyes as my fingers ran through my pubic hair, then gasped softly as first one fingertip, then another, slid between my pussy lips. My fingers gently traced over this most sensitive area, while with the other hand I reached up again, cupping my breast and squeezing my nipple, more firmly this time.

Opening my eyes, I watched as I slid my fingers slowly upwards, finding my little clitoris and rubbing at it experimentally, and I immediately shuddered and moaned low with pleasure. My two fingers moved in a slow, circular motion, first focusing on my clit before moving again closer and closer to my vagina.

Biting my lip, I paused briefly before slowly dropping to my knees on the floor in front of the mirror. Turning so that I was side-on towards the mirror, I got on my hands and knees, and experimentally swayed back and forth. My small breasts did hang down just the slightest bit from my chest, but they barely moved at all as I swayed. Frowning, I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what it would feel like to have a boy kneeling behind me right now, preparing to put his penis inside me. I blushed hot at the thought of being so exposed and in such a vulnerable position, but I reached back with one hand, holding myself up with the other, and soon I was rubbing at my pussy and my sensitive clit again, and a long, low moan escaped my lips.

"Oh …" I shuddered, arching my back and gasping with pleasure as my fingers continued to explore.

I lowered myself onto the carpet and soon rolled onto my back, my feet towards the mirror. Spreading my legs, I was just able to make out the sight between my legs as I continued to rub and massage my little pussy, so long as I held my head up. Soon I gave up on trying to watch, though, as I closed my eyes and tossed my head back, moaning out loud and arching my back. Jolts and tingles of pleasure shot through my body, and my body quaked and shivered as the pressure inside me built. Groaning out loud, my fingers continued to rub and caress my clitoris, my pussy growing hot and wet with my excitement, and I reached up to firmly pinch and pull and generally mistreat one of my nipples.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed, louder than strictly necessary, now revelling in my own privacy and in having the house to myself.

Cautiously, I slipped first one and then two of my slim fingers into my tight opening, gasping and moaning at the sensation. I was no amateur at masturbation, usually finding time a few times a week for a little "me" time, but this time the memory of what I had seen earlier had me particularly excited, eager, and sensitive. Every touch was electric to me, and as my two fingers slowly delved deeper into my tight little pussy, I gasped out loud, tugging fiercely at my small pink nipple. I had experimented with penetration before, even trying out different "toys" like toothbrushes, markers, hairbrush handles, and even shampoo bottles (including tearing my hymen on one particularly memorable / traumatizing occasion), but had soon discovered I prefered the flexibility using my fingers gave me, and that my most sensitive spots were closer to the front of my vagina anyway.

I groaned and gasped again and again as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through my body, my fingers steadily pressing deep inside me, continuing to move in a slow circular motion, and then suddenly I went rigid, a shockwave of intensity emanating from between my legs as my orgasm washed over me.

"Ohhhhh!" I cried, twisting and writhing in pleasure on the floor of my bedroom, and I eventually slumped down, gasping for breath, heart racing, legs quivering as I recovered from one of my most intense orgasms yet.

Slowly, gradually, my body recovered, and I sat up and then, racing naked down the hall, made my way to the bathroom. Bodily functions attended to, I returned to my room, glancing at the clock: 5:30. Mom and dad will be home soon, I realized … I should probably be wearing clothes when they do. Still enjoying the lazy afterglow of my mindbending orgasm, I decided I was going to embrace this laziness for the rest of the day, and pulled on some purple-checkered pajama pants, and a mostly-matching purple t-shirt. Pausing briefly in the mirror, I pulled my long, messy tresses back up in to a ponytail, then padded down the hall and made my way downstairs.

Dad won't be totally pleased that I'm already in my pajamas when he's just getting home from work, I thought to myself, but quickly reasoned that he would understand – after all, I'm celebrating my last ever day of middle school being over! And besides, at least I'll be home for dinner, unlike Tyler, who had taken off who-knows-where with his sexpot girlfriend. And besides, I grinned to myself as I began to set the table, I'm Daddy's little girl! Surely that entitles me to a little rule-breaking sometimes.

The table set, I poured myself a glass of water and moved in to the den, where I mindlessly flicked on the TV before I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Pulling it out and reading it, I saw that it was a text from my best friend, Sara:

S: Hey Lorlor, where'd you go after school?

L: Straight home, haha … my first day of summer vacation starts on the couch!

S: lol you're so lazy! Oh well … you're going to Mark's party tomorrow night, right?

L: Ya! Oh hey, do you wanna come over here and get ready together? My mom already said she could drive us there if u want

S: Ya sure! that'd be great

L: Oh come over earlier too and bring a bathing suit … we can relax in the pool all afternoon and work on our tans :P

S: lol a 'bathing suit'? You mean a bikini right?

L: pfft maybe you can pull off a bikini miss tits galore, some of us have to work with what god gave us!

S: haha whatever, you perv! okay, I'll come over after lunch with my BIKINI!

L: K, see you then, dork – <3 u

S: <3

Locking my phone, I glanced down again at my nearly-flat chest. I guess I COULD manage a bikini tomorrow, I thought to myself. After all, we'll only be in the backyard …

Just then, the front door opened and my mom arrived home and saved me from another bout with self-esteem. I shuffled to the front hall to greet her and help her with her bags, then followed her into the kitchen as she chattered about her day. Almost on auto-pilot, she started preparing dinner, then paused as she started laying the plates out on the counter.

"How many of us tonight?" She asked, giving me my first opportunity to speak since I'd said "hi mom" about 5 minutes ago.

"Just the 3 of us, I think." I grinned up at her from my stool at the kitchen island, "I think Tyler has snuck off somewhere with Kelsey."

She nodded slowly, then paused again and looked critically at me, "And what? You couldn't find somewhere else to be so your father and I could have a little alone time?"

I gasped in mock indignation, and watched her as she moved expertly around the kitchen. "I … I really can't tell if you're serious or not, and either way I am offended." I gasped again, clutching at my chest dramatically.

Mom laughed, her eyes twinkling mischievously, then smiled at me. "I'm just kidding, sweetheart. Besides, you'll all be out of the house tomorrow night anyway, right?"

I nodded in agreement, then gasped in real horror as the realization of what she was implying sank in. "Eww, Mom! Alright, just dont … well, do whatever you want, it's your house, I guess." I paused and grinned before adding weakly, "just … stay out of my room?"

"Oh darn!" She said, snapping her fingers, "And that's just what I wanted to do – spend my Friday evening cleaning your room!"

"Hey!" I responded, "It's … pretty clean in there … and you can go in, I guess, just don't look under my mattress."

"Pfft," She laughed, "No one actually hides anything under their mattress anymore, silly. That's the first place parents look! I don't even know where your hiding place is."

"Who says I even have a hiding place?" I asked innocently, batting my eyelashes for effect.

"You're a teenaged girl, hun," Mom replied without even turning away from the stove, "You have a hiding place."

I decided not to respond to that, and just then Dad arrived home with equally fortuitous timing.

"Honey, I'm home!" he called from the front hall.

"Hi Dad!" I replied from my perch in the kitchen.

"You're not honey!" he replied.

Another gasp of indignation is all he received in response at first before my mother finally replied, "Hi dear, we're just getting dinner ready."

Dad eventually joined us in the kitchen, and soon we settled down to a "3/4 of a family dinner", as my dad liked to call them. He chided me about already being in my pajamas, as I anticipated, and then both of them eventually got around to remembering and congratulating me on finishing my last day of middle school. I beamed brightly, and reminded them of the celebratory party that I planned to attend tomorrow night, and confirmed that the plans I made with Sara earlier would be okay. Mom merely nodded and said she'd be happy to drive us there and pick us up if need be, while Dad made a big speech and show about how dangerous boys could be, and made me promise that if any boys tried to kiss me, I'd punch them straight in the mouth.

"But Dad, I thought "violence doesn't solve anything." I replied, grinning at him.

"Not true!" he responded, "it solves boys trying to kiss you, for one thing. As you can see."

"You're a dork, Dad. I love you, but you're a dork."

He reached over and tussled my hair, "Remember, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, kiddo."

"It does if it lands on a hill!" I said brightly.

"And she gets that from YOUR tree, missy." Dad grinned, pointing at Mom with his fork.

Mom merely winked at me in response, and we enjoyed the rest of the meal. Eager to score some "best child" points, I helped them clear the table and clean up, then announced that I was going upstairs to shower, and then I was going to start my summer vacation off right – in bed. After exchanging 7pm "good nights", I made my way upstairs and into the bathroom.

Closing the door and stripping off my pajamas, I paused briefly in front of the sink to admire myself in the mirror one more time. Satisfied that I had studied my naked form as long as anyone reasonably ought to during one day, I turned the shower on and, after a brief pause to wait for it to warm up, stepped under the warm spray. I immediately soaked my long brown hair, and took my time massaging shampoo into my hair and scalp. With a head full of soapy, foamy hair, I set about lathering up the rest of my body, using my loofah to reach every inch, down from my shoulders, across my chest, between my legs, and right down to my toes. Next, I ran my hands down my slim legs, satisfied that they were still relatively smooth. I had shaved just a couple days prior, and while I would probably have to shave before tomorrow's party (I planned on wearing a skirt), I decided I could forego shaving for now. My fingers then slid briefly between my legs, and I was reminded of the wispy strands of pubic hair starting to emerge there. Shrugging, I took up my razor, and slowly, carefully, set about shaving away the soft, soapy hairs. My head craned downward, I slid one hand down between my legs, holding my pussy lips gently apart with two fingers, while I shaved away the hair with slow, measured strokes of my razor. Despite the decidedly unsexual nature of the task I was performing, my teenaged hormones kicked in immediately when I made contact with my naughty bits, and the moment I decided I was satisfied with my shaving job, I was lost again, eyes closed and breathing heavy as I idly rubbed at my smooth pussy and my sensitive little clit.

Eventually snapping out of it, I continued with the job of cleaning my hair and body, first rinsing the shampoo out of my long, thick hair, and then rinsing the soapy lather out of my every nook and cranny.

As I worked conditioner into my hair next, I considered my dad's words at dinner. While I certainly didn't plan on getting too crazy at the party tomorrow, I may very well have to "disappoint" him. I couldn't quite promise that any boy that tried to kiss me would get punched in the mouth, in any event. While my romantic experience so far amounted only to intense makeout sessions and over-the-clothes groping, I certainly wasn't against that sort of stuff happening again if the right guy came along. I'd "keep my options open", as I had put it to Sara when talking about our party plans earlier in the day.

I struggled with the conditioner bottle as I emptied the last of it into my palm and massaged it into my hair, then on a whim I unscrewed the top of the bottle and started rinsing it out as thoroughly as I could. The bottle was little more than sample size, about 5 inches long and as big around as a quarter, but the opening at the top was just large enough for me to slip one of my fingers into. As one hand strayed downward between my legs again, my mind flashed back to what I had witnessed earlier, and I began to imagine myself in the same position, on my hands and knees on my bed, ready for the eager guy kneeling behind me, positioning his penis and preparing to thrust inside me. Rubbing slowly at my clit, I moaned softly under the warm spray of the shower, utterly lost in my fantasy now as my dream guy slid into me, his cock stretching my little pussy as he first pushed in to me.

Guiding the slim conditioner bottle between my legs, I slowly but surely pressed it against my opening, and let out a loud gasp as it finally slipped inside me, stretching me deliciously despite its small size. I moved it slowly, carefully in my little pussy, but the events of the day and my overactive imagination had me more than ready to accept the substitute phallus inside me.

As my mind and my imagination raced, the warm water beat down on me, and I slowly but steadily moved the bottle up and down, back and forth, and side to side, pressing as deep as I could manage, and I luxuriated in the feeling of being so filled. Despite my inexperience, I knew that most penises would be larger than this conditioner bottle, and I marvelled at the idea that I could possibly handle anything bigger than this inside me. Low moans and gasps escaped my lips as I continued my ministrations, and soon I reached up with my other hand, firmly massaging my breasts, pinching and teasing my nipples, and guiding myself towards another quickly-cresting orgasm.

It came (and I came!) very suddenly, and my knees buckled, and I struggled to remain upright as I shuddered and shook with sheer pleasure. My body was on fire today, apparently, as working myself to mind-shattering orgasms rarely came so easily, let alone twice in one day! Eventually, I slid the conditioner bottle out of my tight pussy, rinsing it off and setting it on the side of the tub so that I wouldn't forget to discard it afterward. Still trembling in the aftershock of my second tremendous orgasm of the day, I quickly rinsed the conditioner from my hair, turned the shower off, grabbed my towel, and set to drying off thoroughly. I briefly exhilarated at the new smoothness between my legs after my shaving efforts, but my naughty bits complained at more contact – they'd been abused enough today and were very sensitive post-orgasm.

Finishing up, I pulled my pajamas back on, brushing my teeth and washing my face before wrapping the conditioner bottle in toilet paper and tossing it in the garbage.

I then made my way to my bedroom where, after a couple hours of idly and mindlessly browsing on my laptop and texting with friends, I drifted off to sleep, having thoroughly, exhaustingly enjoyed the first evening of my summer break, my mind filled with the possibilities of things to come.



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