Temper and Ackles Dairy Company [lactation][milking][scifi]

The elevator hissed as it came to a halt. The doors opened revealing a tall woman, her blonde hair tied back in a tight bun. A pair of sharp looking glasses adorned her face. A name tag pinned to her lab coat read "DR. CALIMORE", but that was hardly the first thing you noticed about her chest. Her ample cleavage poked out through her lab coat, and judging by the way it was securely fastened around her, one might guess there was nothing underneath it. It was also long enough to suggest that there was nothing below her waist either, save for a professional looking pair of black high heels. Armed with a clipboard, she led a group of younger looking people out of the elevator onto the steel floor of the factory.

The Temper and Ackles Dairy Company had existed for nearly a century. While traditional methods of obtaining milk were first used, T&A researchers had discovered something new that would launch the company skyward. They were the first to pioneer, publish, and produce the results of the scientific study that discovered the huge medical benefits behind human semen and breast milk. When a special bonding agent was added to combine the two, it formed a new superfood. A wonder drink that seemed to be a nutrition juggernaut. While at first used in third world countries to help combat world hunger, the T&A's Dream Cream became a craze worldwide. College students, such as those Dr. Calimore was currently attending to, poured in from everywhere, trying to get their hands on a position in the global powerhouse company that was Temper and Ackles Dairy.

"Here we are, on the factory floor. This is where the magic happens." Dr. Calimore had an almost sing-songy voice and a bright smile across her face. The students gazed in wonder at the massive room, furiously taking notes on their tablets.

The room was composed of several rows, with each row being made of several cells. On one side, each cell had a man in it. Each of them were leaning back, their impossibly large cocks and balls pumped full of hormones to produce the most amount of delicious cream. Some had porn playing in their room, others had "helpers" massaging their shafts to try and induce an orgasm. Many, however, seemed to be able to take care of it just fine on their own, the apparatus suctioning the cum from their swollen dicks being enough to push them over the edge.

The other set of cells, of course had women. Much like their male counterparts, a string of hormones and nutrients had been used to increase the size of their natural features. Latched to their massive mammaries was a suction apparatus, and almost all of the women sat on a sort of sybian device. Many helpers also tended to them as the milk was pulled from their breasts.

Regardless of where you stood on the factory floor, your ears would be filled with the sounds of moans and grunts. Orgasm after orgasm occurred as the creamy bodily fluids were transported via tube to a large mixing machine.

"Here is where the bonding agent mixes with our wonderful donations from our equally wonderful employees." Dr. Calimore tapped a tank that was swirling with creamy white liquid. Her voice could barely be heard among the sounds of ecstasy flooding the room. Widened eyes from the college students showed off their amazement at the size of it all. And not just the size of the operation, obviously. However, they were instructed to act as professional as possible on the tour, so much of their gawking was kept to a minimum.

"How long are they in there for?" A girl asked, her nose and stylus in her tablet, ready to record the answer.

"Our workers are on the pumps for eight hours total. However, once every hour they are removed for ten or fifteen minutes to receive a medical check. They also live on site, their accommodations completely paid for by T&A." Calimore kept the group walking passed rows and rows of the workers until they reached another elevator. The ride would consist of the blonde doctor answering more questions from the hopefuls.

"How much does it pay?" Asked a brown haired young man. "The milking thing…"

"Thinking of hopping up on the line?" Calimore answered with a giggle. "For six months, you go without pay. After that, a contract is worked out between you and T&A. This is to ensure the safety of the product and the security of the company. The longer you sign on for, the higher the pay per hour."

The students took notes, asking as many questions as they could on the short ride.

"What do the workers do in their past time?"

"Is there any support for futanari science at T&A?"

"What are the long term effects of the growth hormones?"

"Calm down, ladies and gentleman. I'll answer your questions." Calimore didn't look flustered at all as they bombarded her with their inquiries. "Most of our workers spend time resting, as the milking process is quite strenuous. We have spas specifically designed for their…unique anatomy. As for futanari science, that is very much a no. Anyone who naturally possesses the proper anatomy is not fit for our milking process. And creating a futanari an unethical science…Anyway, the last question? Oh, long term effects. Without the hormones, the anatomy of the workers will slowly shrink. Other than that, there is nothing any of our workers will have to worry about."

The elevator hissed once more. They stepped out again, now in the lobby that they began the tour from.

"That concludes our tour of the factory floor." The students heard Calimore chime as they poured out, happy to be away from the noise of the production line. Each of them might use the information they have to further their application process into the exclusive, and powerful company.

Calimore's smile faded as the students left her sight. Her thoughts wandered somewhere else…

Hey everyone, thanks for reading. I threw this together a little last minute as more of an introduction than anything. I kind of want to try and build a little bit of a series around this, but we'll see how it goes.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/384srm/temper_and_ackles_dairy_company