My first high school party. [f][huml][reluc][fuck toy]

I had never really been to a high school party, but it was my senior year and I thought I owed it to myself to try it at least once. Being 5’2 with curly red hair, thick glasses, and a terrible fashion sense; it kind of goes without saying I got picked on a lot at school. But I was determined not to let that stop me from trying to have a good time, I just hoped that once I got there I could blend right in and enjoy myself like everyone else could.

I pulled onto the street that the house was on and I could see a line of parked cars that seemed to go on forever. I could already tell I was in way over my head, but I pushed on. I managed to find a parking spot and walked up to the house. The door was already open so I just stepped right in. It was like walking in to another world. I didn't recognize most of the people that were there and they all looked like they were in college.

I could already tell I was not going to like it, but I took a deep breath and just tried to enjoy myself. I found some drinks set up on a table and went over to grab one. I didn't really drink too much, but I figured I might as well go for it if I wanted the true party experience. I then headed toward a little corner where I could look out at the crowd of people. I did not feel comfortable mingling with strangers and was feeling really lost, so I was actually happy to see Courtney, a girl I knew from school. She was one of the girls who had always been pretty nasty to me, but at this point I was just happy to see someone I recognized. She saw me, smiled to her friends and walked over.

“Wow Alex, I never thought I would see you at a party like this.” She said.

“Well, this is our senior year so I thought I might as well try it once. I didn't want to miss out on a big high school experience.”

“Yea, well how are you liking it so far?”

“It’s fine I guess, I can’t help but feel a little bit lost though.”

“Oh, well why don’t you come hang out with us? We will show you how to properly enjoy a party like this.”

I couldn't believe Courtney was actually being nice to me, it seemed very odd. But at this point I didn't care, I just wanted to try and fit in a little more. So I followed Courtney and her friends to a side bedroom. She held the door open and then closed and locked it behind me.

Before I knew it, I felt someone grab my arms, knocking the drink out of my hand spilling it all over the front of my dress. They forced my arms behind my back and pushed me face first on to the bed.

“What are you doing!? Get off of me!” I yelled out.

“Here, this should shut her up.”

A second later, a rubber ball was shoved in my mouth. God knows why someone had a ball gag with them at this party, but now it was tightly fastened around my head. There even was some saliva left on it from whoever used it last. I tried to scream out for help, but my voice was muffled too much for it to do any good. I then felt someone tie my arms together. I was starting to panic, and then I heard Courtney’s voice.

“Wow, I can’t believe you actually fell for that Alex. I guess a 4.0 GPA doesn't mean that much after all does it? Why would you ever think we would want to hang out with a loser like you? I was actually glad when I saw you though; you gave us one last chance to humiliate you before we all go off to college. That was very considerate of you.”

I was struggling to get free, but I couldn't feel any give in my bindings.

“Since you wanted to really experience a party like this Alex, why don’t we make you the entertainment for the evening? And I am thinking for that, you won’t be needing these.”

Suddenly, I felt someone reach under my dress and pull my panties off. I tried to fight it, but there was nothing I could do.

“Someone flip this loser over.”

I felt someone grab my shoulder and roll me onto my back. I could then see Courtney standing in front of me at the edge of the bed while her friends were holding me down.

“You know, there is always something I wanted to know.”

She walked forward and pulled my dress all the way up. My face turned red as I was completely exposed in front of these girls.

“Huh, well it looks like the carpet does match the drapes. It also looks like the carpet could use a serious trim. Makes since though, no need to keep yourself looking good if no one will ever be seeing it.”

She pulled my dress back down.

“Oh this just won’t due. Your dress is way too long. Rebecca, do you see any scissors on that desk over there?”

One of her friends found a pair and handed them to Courtney.


I felt her grab the bottom of my dress and watched as she cut off what looked like a foot of fabric. By the looks of it, I would be lucky if my ass would still be fully covered whenever I stood up again.

“There, that should be better. Now since you can’t talk; we will need a way to convey to all of the party goers out there exactly what you want them to do to you.”

I watched her grab a note card and a sharpie off of the nearby desk. She wrote something on the card and then used a few safety pins to secure it to the front of my dress. I looked down and was able to read it. It said, “Please spit on me.”

“I think this way it is easy for everyone to participate, and at the same time it’s still incredibly humiliating and disgusting. Nicole, why don’t you demonstrate?”

One of the girls holding me down then leaned over so her face was right above mine. I watched as she gathered up her saliva and then spit a big glob right on the ball gag. It slid down one side and I could feel it sitting on my lower lip. It started to seep through causing long strands of this girl’s spit to fall on my tongue. It was humiliating, but I wasn't going to give in without a fight.

“Oh wow, nice aim Nicole. Alex can probably taste what you had for dinner.”

That was it; I gathered up what strength I had left and was able to quickly sit up before any of the girls had a chance to grab me. I was able to get to my feet and ran straight at Courtney slamming her into the wall.

“Ugh! You fucking bitch!”

I tried to turn and head for the door despite it being locked, but Courtney quickly regained her composure. She grabbed me by my throat, spun me around and then slammed me against the wall hard. I could barely breathe.

“Well I hope you are happy with yourself. You know I was thinking of maybe going a little easy on you, but now I am going to make sure this is the worst night of your life bitch.”

She let go of my throat and I was able to breathe again. She then grabbed my shoulders and spun me around so my back was facing toward her. She pushed my face hard against the wall and kept me pinned there.

“Would someone get me another note card and the sharpie?”

I heard her write on the card. She then grabbed my hair and pulled my head back far enough so she could shove the card in front of my face. My stomach turned when I saw it, It just said, “Please use my holes.”

“What do you think, is it direct enough?”

I just closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall. I didn't know how I was going to get out of here.

I felt her pin the note to my dress just above my ass.

“Alright Alex, I think you are ready to go out there and entertain.”

She grabbed my arm and pulled me along. She opened the door and pushed me through. I swear the crowd of people had gotten even bigger since I first got here. Before I knew it, Courtney grabbed my glasses and threw them back into the bedroom. I then felt her grab my shoulders and start to spend me around fast. After a minute she stopped and just held me still.

“Have fun bitch.”

She then shoved me into the crowd. I was still really dizzy and without my glasses, everything was pretty blurry. I was stumbling through the mob, bumping into people as I went. I was just trying to get some sort of bearing on where an exit could be. I had to try to get out of here as fast as I could, but being shorter than pretty much everyone else there along with not having my glasses made that task very difficult.

Suddenly, I ran face first into some guy’s chest. I could tell by the way he spoke that he was not sober.

“Whoa, what do we have here?”

I could see him lean down and read the note card on my chest.

“Guys, guys; this little slut wants us to spit on her.”

I heard another guy respond.

“What are you talking about John, let me see….oh my god you’re right!”

I started to walk backwards hoping I could just slip away; but before I could get too far, John grabbed me tight around my waist and pulled me in pinning me against his body.

“Where do you think you’re going sweet thing? It would be rude of me to refuse your request.”

I starred up at him and watched as he took a big gulp of his drink. I then quickly closed my eyes as he spat it back out all over my face and chest. I could taste the mixture of saliva and beer as it ran down my lips.

He finally let me go. I tried to get out of there fast, but then someone on my right side grabbed me by my hair and pulled me toward them. I then felt a big wad of spit hit my check and start to slide down the side of my face. I then heard John again.

“Hey Katie, come over here. Check this shit out.”

I saw a blurry shape walking towards me. As she got closer, I could tell she was a little older and pretty tall too.

“Now who is this slut? One of your little fuck buddies John?”

“No, I have no idea who she is.”

“She’s probably just some horny high school student who has to use these pathetic little stunts in order to get attention. Here, this should cool her off.”

She took her beer bottle and shoved it down my cleavage letting it pour down across my bare stomach. I let out a little yelp as the cold liquid touched my skin. I had barely managed to regain my composure when I felt someone’s hand grab my ass. I instinctively moved forward trying to get away, but I just ended up pushing myself up against Katie.

“You haven’t had enough yet?”

She then leaned down and spit in my face. At the same time, I could feel the stranger’s hand slide in between my checks.

“How’s her ass David?”

I felt a finger push against my puckered hole.

“Wow she’s tight. I’m going to need something to make her loosen up.”

With that, I felt his hand move down my ass reaching forward until his fingers where sliding between my lips. My body was completely betraying my will at this point, I was ashamed at how wet I had become down there. Two of his fingers easily slid deep inside of me and I let out a soft moan of pleasure. I could hear David behind me.

“Oh yea, I can tell she is starting to really enjoy herself. Now that I have a little lubricant, let’s see if I can fulfill her request.”

He slid his hand back to my ass and slowly pushed those two fingers inside me. I could feel the pressure build as he moved in deeper. With the ball gag in my mouth, I wasn't able to muffle my moans very much. It was humiliating. I just had to stand there and take it.

After what felt like an eternity, David pulled his fingers back out of me. I didn't dare wait there any longer; I turned and walked away as fast as I could.

I could hear them laughing behind me but I just kept moving forward. Without my glasses, I was still just fumbling around hoping to find some sort of exit.

All of the sudden, I hit something hard that came up to about my waist. I realized I just ran into a couch. My momentum carried my top half forward and I fell over the top of it. It wasn't enough force to pull my legs up and over, instead I laid there balancing on the back of the sofa with my stomach. My toes were just barely touching the ground, but not enough where I would be able to push off and free myself. And with my hands tied behind my back, I didn't have enough leverage to roll over and off. I was stuck there with my ass just hanging in the air. And thanks to Courtney, my dress was so short that my bottom was completely bare and exposed. I felt completely helpless.

There was a stereo close by and the music was blaring in my ears. So I didn't even hear when someone come up to me. I just suddenly felt two hands start to grope my ass. Grabbing and pulling my cheeks apart. I felt another hand give a quick slap that left one of my cheeks on fire.

At this point, I could start to hear cheering even over the music. Then, without much ceremony, two fingers ran quickly down my crack and slid inside my already violated pussy. Their hand was pounding against me hard, slipping in a few more fingers as they went. I just buried my head in the sofa cushion and tried to mentally get through this somehow.

Suddenly, the person pulled their hand away. His fingers were quickly replaced with something much larger pressing against my hole. He then slid his dick in slowly at first. I was still mortified at how wet I was. After a few pumps, he began to pound me just as furiously as he was with his fingers. My head was pushed up with every thrust and then would fall back down against the cushion. At this point, I was nothing more than a public fuck toy.

After a minute, I noticed laughing coming from further down on the couch. I was able to lift my head up enough to see Courtney and her friends sitting there. A few of them even had their cameras out pointed at me. Then without any warning, I felt the man behind me fill me up with pump after pump of his warm seed. He slowly pulled out and I could feel it start to spill out of me and run down one of my legs. I had never felt more used.

I could see Courtney and them cheering after they realized what had happened. I heard a few of them yelling “Next” to the crowd behind me. It didn't take long before I felt someone else’s hands grip my ass. This time though, I felt his member push against my other hole. I started to panic. Courtney could tell what was about to happen and gave me a smirk. She then moved over toward me, sat up and leaned over my back. I then felt her spit at the top of my ass. Her saliva ran down my crack until it reached the organ pressed up against me.

She leaned back down and pressed her mouth against my ear.

“There, that should help some.”

My eyes bulged out as he pushed himself inside of me. I was suddenly very grateful that I had experimented with anal play by myself, so at least it wasn't painful. But this was the first time with a real cock. He thankfully did not fuck as vigorously as the last, but it was just so fucking tight. I couldn't focus on anything else.

Courtney’s mouth moved next to my ear again.

“I think this ball gag is limiting your usefulness. It is about time we let you have some more fun. We have more than enough pictures and videos already to send to your family and friends, so you are not going to scream for help when I take this off. You will do whatever the fuck I want or I will ruin you.”

I didn't have anything left in me to try and resist. She had won and she fucking knew it. I felt her reach around my head and suddenly the ball gag fell free from my mouth. My jaw cracked and felt painfully soar as I moved it around. Then another thrust suddenly forced an unrestricted moan to come out. I hated how good it started to feel.

“God, what a fucking slut. Now be a good girl and beg for someone to fuck your face.”

I hesitated for a few seconds, but knew I didn't have a choice. I softly spoke out, “Can someone fuck my face?”

“Louder bitch!” Courtney commanded.

I took a deep breath between thrusts and reluctantly shouted out, “PLEASE, SOMEONE FUCK MY FACE!”

The music was still incredibly loud and I couldn't look up to see out, so I just had to lay there waiting while still getting pounded in the ass.

Before I knew it, someone grabbed my hair and pulled my face up. I didn't even have time to react before his half erect penis was shoved between my lips. All I could see was his beer belly and pubes push all the way against my face as I felt his member thrust down my throat. I could smell his musk and taste the stale sweat coating his dick. I started to gag and choke, spitting all over myself and his cock as he began to pull back.

I was able to get in quick breaths between thrusts so I could at least avoid suffocating to death. And at the same time, the stud behind me was starting to feel less considerate and began pounding my ass harder and faster; which in turn forced the dick in my mouth to slam against the back of my throat more viciously.

I couldn't believe I actually felt relieved when I felt his hot cum fill up my ass since it meant I might get a little relief. He pulled out, and again I felt cum leak out of one of my holes; this time running down and over my pussy.

As the other pig’s cock was still fucking my mouth, I noticed Courtney talking to someone behind me. I couldn't make out what she was saying, but I saw her reach in to her purse and hand over a condom to who I suspected was next in line to use me.

A minute passed before I felt another cock press up against me. Thankfully he gave my ass some time to recover and instead penetrated between my lips. I could feel the different texture the condom gave his girth as he thrust hard enough to make his stomach slam against my ass. I could feel his hunger and I could only imagine what I looked like right now, but I’m sure the girls will send me pictures of my spit roasting to make sure I never forget it.

Finally, the cock in front of me pulled all the way out. Saliva was running out of my mouth and down my chin. I wanted so much to be able to wipe my face clean for a second, but I had to just lay there. Suddenly, hot streaks of his disgusting cum draped all over my face. Getting in my hair, my eyes and of course my mouth. His spunk tasted about as bad as I imagined it would given his repulsive appearance. After he was done, he pulled me up by my hair again and hocked a loogie in my face just for good measure. He let me go and I just laid there while the cum and spit slowly dribbled down my face. The girls cheering and laughing beside me only added to the complete humiliation.

The man fucking me suddenly saw an opportunity and decided to grab my hair. He would pull it back hard every time he thrust which lead to mixtures of screams of pain and moans of pleasure coming out of my mouth.

After a minute of this, Courtney decided this was not quite humiliating enough. I watched her take off her shoes, and then lay back across the couch with her feet now resting under me. She then lifted them up and rubbed them across the side of my face, smearing the disgusting mixture left there all over. She pushed one of her big toes into my mouth. I could hear her yelling, “SUCK IT BITCH!”

I did as I was told and started to suck off her toe. Before long, she pulled it out and pushed the bottom of her foot against my mouth.


While still getting fucked, I managed to stick out my tongue and lick off as much of the mixture of cum, spit and sweat from Courtney’s feet as I could reach. It was all I could do not to gag while I was trying to swallow it down. Once she was satisfied, she pushed her other foot up to my mouth and I repeated the process.

She finally ended the torment and put her feet down. She moved over to me again and leaned in close so I could hear her.

“Do you like being the party’s little fuck toy Alex?”

It killed me inside knowing I had to play along.


“Are you my bitch?”


“Yes what?”

I was trying my best to stifle my moans while I felt every thrust hit in just the right spot.

“Uhhh fuck, yes I am your bitch Courtney!”

I saw the biggest fucking grin stretch across her face at my complete domination, her ultimate triumph over me.

“Who knows, you were so much fun tonight. I might want to see you again before we all go off to college.”

As she sat back down, I felt the guy behind me pull out. He then grabbed me by my still bound arms and pulled me up to my feet. He swiftly spun me around so I was facing him and pushed me down to my knees.

I was now staring directly at his still erect cock which was wearing a condom that was completely filled with his cum. I hadn't even noticed that he finished. I watched him slowly roll it off, leaving his now sweat and cum covered member in front of my mouth.

“Come on now, be a good little slut and clean me up.”

He pushed himself closer to my lips and I instinctively opened them and let him slide down across my tongue. I could still taste the latex on his cock from wearing the condom. I tried to lick off all the cum still left clinging to him and then slowly pulled away leaving him glistening with my spit, but clean enough.

“And now for you prize bitch.”

He held the cum filled condom in front of my face, letting the end of it rest against my chin.

“Open up.”

He took the open end of it and pushed it between my lips. Then he grabbed the other end and tilted it up, letting all of his cum slid out of the condom and into my mouth. It was warm, salty and also tasted a little like latex. It was disgusting and completely degrading. I couldn't believe I would ever be drinking somebody’s cum from their condom. I took a deep breath and swallowed it all, also swallowing whatever was left of my pride.

The guy laid the used condom on top of my head, sticking to my hair. Of course the girls saw this as a perfect photo opportunity.

I couldn't take any more, I just slumped down to the ground and I felt tears gathering in my eyes, but I didn't even have enough energy to really cry.

Courtney walked up to me one last time, bent down toward my ear and simply said, “Your welcome.”

She stood back up laughing, and I watched her and her friends walk away, leaving me completely ruined on the floor with my arms still bound.



  1. That was amazing. To me that was probably the best blackmail story I’ve ever read. It hit so many spots that I really like. And didn’t have anything that I don’t really like. For instance I have read and loved the stories of Vulgas for years but he usually puts in some elements that I kind of have to gloss over. Not here. Loved it all.

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