An evening of pleasure [mf][anal][oral]

Standing on the deck…

…Harold couldn't imagine how any of this had begun. A few dates and yet here she was, the most beatiful woman he had ever met. They clicked. LIke they had known each other for decades. The sound of the water and the feel of the cold air against his face was sobering. Sliding the screen door quietly he stepped back into the quiet of the house.

Mara was sprawled out in a tangle of blankets. Naked, asleep, her body curled next to the indentation where his form had been. He could never really sleep after sex. Perhaps it was the energy of the act, it woke him like coffee or cigarettes never could. When the body was depleted, the mind regained control. Pensive he stood, naked himself, admiring her form, her lines. He went back to the bedroom, the bed still made, the sheets and covers taught over the bed. Quietly he picked out a pair of shorts and then went back to the floor. Staring up at the ceiling, he replayed the events in his mind…

Mara awoke with…

a start. Looking around the room she stumbled on Harold, asleep next to her. She had fallen asleep on his chest last night, sounds of his body working her to sleep. But that wasn't the case this morning. There was clearly an invisible line separating them. With only the slightest movements her eyes scanned the area, looking about for clothes and sundries she had shed during their night of excitement. To be fair, it never lasted nearly as long as you think it's going to last. In her mind, the sex was always supposed to take longer, but in reality, they both moved with reckless abandon towards orgasm, towards completion. To be fair, nobody ever complained about her pace.

She scooted closer to him and rested her had back on his chest. Her own breasts pressed gently to his side. He didn't stir and his breathing remained even. Deliciously, she replayed images from the previous evening. His hand at her back, the other cupping her ass as she kissed him deeply. Another moment and he was down between her legs. His tongue working her clitoris sending small cascades through her body. Goosebumps came to her skin as she replayed the rest of the evening. 

Harold had been an acquaintance from around town, a guy she had seen here and there. Often times they chatted about things going on, happenings here and there. She knew he was attracted to her, he had that over-eager intensity, that need to engage her when she was around. If he wasn't interested in her, he would have gone about his day, once-in-a-while at least. 

She was dozing, on the edge of sleep when she felt him stir. It wasn't even a movement so much as a change in his being. Perhaps a muscle tensed. She couldn't tell. He shifted and brought his forarm up beneath her head and smiled down at her. She could feel him against her thigh and the thought of leaving became deeply unpleasant to her psyche.

Leaning into his body she brought her hands to his face and kissed him again. He reached with his other hand and cupped her ass pressing firmly against her. His erection pressing into her side. It was an odd thing that men seemed to do. It was like men believed that a hard cock was some kind of coded message. "Let's fuck". Yes. We will, I know it's there, pressing it into my side doesn't make it any more obvious than it was before. She began to climb atop him, gripping him in her hands as she climbed on top. He was big, not huge, but had the girth that filled her magnificently. It was "just right" sort of feeling that was nice a nice surprise.

There were other things to enjoy before skipping to the end.

Harold watched her eagerly

as she climbed atop him. His cock was hard and the blood pulsated up the shaft, eager and waiting. Her long black hair fell across her shoulders like it had been draped that way on purpose. Her smooth skin and lithe figure were intoxicating and felt himself, frustratingly, trying to distract himself to prolong the experience. Guilt washed over him, momentarily, at his feeling of frustration from the previous night's performance. He felt better up to the task this morning with a fresh night of rest and clearer head on his shoulders.

He'd assumed she would ride him, but that was clearly not her intention. She was still holding him as she slid down his chest, her breasts dragging against his thighs. She slowly flicked her tongue against he balls and then up the shaft. She body shivered with excitement and anticipation, his mind struggling to maintain control of his body. Again, with her tongue she took one of his testicles into her mouth, then the other, all the while gently stroking him. She kicked off the blankets and began to turn herself around slowly while keeping him in her mouth.

Slowly she positioned herself into a sixty nine position and put herself in the perfect position. He inhaled the arome only momentarily and then busied himself with her now wet and waiting pussy. With both hands on her cheeks he began to eat her out. His tongue working over her clit with a gentle yet prodding touch. He worked it slowly and with slight but subtle pressure.

Mara was amazed at the sensation.

It felt good last night, but this was something different. She could feel him working his tongue over her clit but it was steady, smooth, slow and probing touch that sent shivers down her spine. She felt this feeling of building pleasure that made her excitement build with each touch and each pass. She focused back on her work, sliding her mouth down on his throbbing cock. She had something special for him, as she took shallow bucks on his member. Without a hint of warnging, and placing both hands on this thighs and her elbows on the ground for support, she took him in and kept going. All. The. Way.

A gasp, muffled by her thighs and libia escaped his lips as she felt his pubic hair encircle her nose. She knew she could take all of him, she'd never had that particular problem. She held herself there for a few seconds and then, fighting the urge to gag, pulled herself off. Spit and precum dripped from her mouth as she heard him, finally, exhale. He went back to work as if not missing a beat but this time, she felt something different. He was a little further up and she realized, he had a finger inside her sphincter. It hadn't been something she had been prepared for, mentally at least, as he didn't seem the adventurous type, but she'd taken some steps anyways before she left the house the other night. Now, she was glad she did.

She continued working the shaft with her mouth but the sensation of his finger, first touching and then probing around her, made her both excited and nervous. It was, at first, a pressure, a strange sensation. It wasn't foreign but then again, every time was like the first time. It was a strange facet of anal play that differed from anything else. It always takes a little time to warm up, to get excited, to get aroused by the sensation. She let him continue and even let out a slight moan as she wrapped her hands round the base of his shaft and started sucking with more intensity. Before she could truly get into it, however, he rolled her sideways, placing her on the bottom. Mara was shocked at his initiative but also excited to see what was next.

Harold was proud of himself…

… it wasn't something he was used to but at the same time, the blowjob was pushing him to the edge and he wasn't ready. Not yet. He backed off of her and passionately kissed her as she started to wriggle loose. He lightly pinned her arms to the floor making sure he could feel any hesitation in her posture or body. He moved his mouth down her chest. Nibbling a nipple here and licking around her firm belly. He planted his mouth around her and licked again. He felt that Mara was definitely getting somewhere from all of this, but he had his own exciting surprise. He pushed up her hips and worked with focus despite the blood that was pooling in his erection. He was full of pressure and energy waiting to be released. Waiting to be set free. Harold quickly slipped a finger and got it nice and wet. Without waiting he began working his tongue over her asshole. It wasn't something he'd really ever tried before. It was an impulse from seeing her own bag of tricks. He wanted to surprise and excite her as much as she had surprised and excited him.

It seemed to have worked too. She let out a gasp and immediately begin rubbing herself. Jerking slightly at the sudden sensation Harold almost lost contact. He pushed his tongue inside her and smiled to himself.

Mara felt as if her skin…

… was on fire. Without warning Harold has begun rimming her and she wasn't going to object. It was like fire roaring through her veins as pleasure streamed from deep inside her. She was ready for him, and she wasn't going to wait any longer. She pulled away from him and pushed him to the floor. She let out a primal growl and a slight streak of fear pushed across his face. Mara didn't wait, she slid on top of him and started to push his cock into her ass. It was such a wonderful sensation, like a pressure that she slowly worked, one small push after another, deeper into her. She felt, with each gradual push, a little of more of him sliding into her, that she had to have it all, and yet, with each push, there was still more. Finally, she felt the very end of it. She leaned down and kissed him. Whispering she said "I want you" and he didn't respond. His eyes were closed and he was lost inside her. Finally, she started to pull back off of him and then push back down. The feeling was unbelievable and she was coming closer and closer with each thrust. He opened his eyes and with his body pushed her gently to the side. He positioned himself behind and continued to pump away. She reached beneath herself to rub herself while he continued to slowly but methodically fuck her from behind. The intensity and the pressure was starting to become too much to hold back. She was close and she could feel it. She started to moan loudly and she could hear Harold behind her moaning in sync. It was clear he was close.

Finally, and without any warning, she was over the edge. She started with a moan that quickly developed into ecstatic gasping. She felt him finally stop and tense, the sensation of his hot cum pushing inside her was like warmth spreading from her core and ricocheting to the finger-tips.

Gasping, he pulled out of her and fell to the floor. Sweat beading off his brow and his hair was slick. She slid into the crux of his arm and quickly passed out into sleep.
