Feelin’ His Way Through 4 [MM][oral][anal]

Click on my name for the previous parts. This is the last part of this story.

Mom came into the kitchen while Tad held a cup of coffee under his nose with a dreamy look on his face.

"I take it the date went okay?" she grinned as she poured her own cup of coffee.

"Not bad," Tad said, failing to hide the smile that forced its way out.

"Mark came by last night."

Tad's smile faded away as he took a sip of coffee. "Did you have to tell him I was on a date?"

"Sorry. Did he call you?" she asked gently. Mom still had on her robe and slippers as she joined Tad at the table.

"I tried to talk to him the first time he called." Tad slid his phone over to show the dozen missed calls and three voicemails he hadn't bothered to check yet.

"Would you like to talk about what happened between you two yet?"

Tad sipped again, then set his coffee mug down with a thud. "I know you always said I could tell you everything, but I'm not sure this is the kind of thing you meant."

Mom flushed and glanced away. "I don't need the details."

"The problem is in the details." Tad shifted in his chair. "I was a virgin until this weekend."

"Wait," Mom said with her forehead wrinkling. "Do you mean…"

"Like I said, do you really want the details?" Tad chuckled at her discomfort. "Mark and I never had a physical relationship, but you know I've been crushing on him for a long time. On Friday after you left on your date we ended up having sex."

She wrinkled her nose. "You mean sex-sex or like Bill Clinton sex?"

"I thought you didn't need details," Tad said with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry," she said and took a sip of her coffee. "Go on."

"It was obviously something I wanted and he didn't seem to have a problem with it until afterwards." Tad struggled with the memory of his rejection. "Imagine you gave your virginity to a guy you really liked, then immediately afterwards he pushed you away like you disgusted him."

The Mama Bear look on her face made Tad a little uncomfortable. "So that's what he kept apologizing for yesterday?"

"Yeah, and that's why I decided I needed to talk to someone who's a little more experienced with… being gay." He took a deep breath. "Duncan is a couple of years older and has been out for a while. I feel better after getting his perspective. I'm not gonna buy a rainbow shirt or anything but I need to be open about who I am. Mark doesn't know what he wants, but after the way he treated me I'm not sure I'm willing to wait until he figures it out."

"I can't tell you what to do, but I'll stand by whatever decision you make." She reached across the table to take his hand. "I'm know this is weird stuff to discuss with me, but I feel so much better knowing what happened and how you feel about it. I don't want you to ever feel alone. I love you, Tadpole."

His old family nickname brought a smile, but it was her acceptance and support made his chest tight. "Thanks Mom."

Tad went up to his bedroom to listen to the voicemails Mark left before calling him back. The first was a hangup from his number. The second was a terse request to call him back. The last was from earlier in the morning.

"You said if I can't handle things to end it. So I'm ending it. I'm sorry."

Tad heard the heartbreak in his voice, but he nodded as he deleted all Mark's voicemail and text messages. He texted a reply instead of calling. It's your decision. I'll miss you.

Tad changed into his sweats and running shoes, pocketed his phone and wallet, then headed out of his house for a long run. Without really intending to, he ended up near the smoothie place. The shopping center was crowded for a late Sunday morning with people going to brunch and shopping.

Tad decided it wasn't too desperate to swing by and get a smoothie at The Blend. He didn't even know if Duncan was working, but hoped he was.

When he went through the door he saw a trio of guys from his soccer team at a table up front. They nodded as he passed, so he lifted his chin and said, "'Sup."

Duncan gave him a smirk as he walked up to the counter to place his order. "Blueberry with extra protein?" Duncan asked making the girl working next to him glance over with a laugh, then she focused a similar smirk at Tad.

"Yup," Tad said with a chuckle. "Good memory."

"Oh, it certainly is," Duncan hummed and the girl snickered.

"You must be Tad," she said as she rang up his order. "I'm Lacey. Nice to put a face to the name he won't shut up about you this morning."

That brought heat to Tad's face as he fumbled with his wallet. "Nice to meet you Lacey."

"That'll be five-forty," She said. Tad paid while Duncan finished up with his smoothie.

"Mind if I take a break?" Duncan asked Lacey. When she shook her head, Duncan ditched his apron and came around the counter.

Tad sat at a small table in the back as Duncan came to join him. "Hey."

"Hey." He sipped his smoothie, but couldn't seem to take his eyes off Duncan's face. "I hope you don't think I'm stalking you or anything. I was just out for a run."

"I'm glad you stopped by. I had a great time last night." Duncan leaned in on his elbows, his body language drawing Tad to do the same. "Tiny called me to let me know he approves, whatever that means. Sorry if my friends gave you a hard time last night."

Tad couldn't help glancing at the three soccer players giving the two of them odd looks. "Your friends were great. I had fun hanging out with them. But I don't know if I'll ever be able to return the favor." He shrugged and took another sip.

"I'm sure it's gonna get worse before it gets better. You'll probably lose some friends, but believe me it's so much better once you're out. And when you get to college it gets even easier."

"I already lost one friend," Tad whispered.

"Mark?" Duncan asked and reached for his hand.

Tad turned his palm up to grip Duncan's hand, hyper-aware of the scrutiny and resulting judgement he might face for the affectionate display in public. "Yeah. He left me a bunch of texts and voicemails last night. The last one said he didn't want to be friends anymore."

Duncan squeezed his hand. "You can't control what other people choose to do."

Tad nodded as he stared at their joined hands. "Yeah." The public sign of their connection made him smile. Duncan brushed his thumb against the back of Tad's hand while Tad fought the feeling that everyone was staring at them. Holding hands was so exciting it made him shift around to give his cock room to grow.

"And on a personal note, thank you for not pulling away when I took your hand." Duncan gave him a wry smile. "Richard would've needed to scratch his nose or check his phone if I'd reached for him."

"I told you I wanna be out," Tad said. "Besides, it's giving me serious wood for some reason. I feel like I'm in middle school." Tad glanced up with a smirk of his own.

Duncan laughed out loud and pulled Tad's hand to his mouth to kiss its back. "Thanks! Now I have to go back to work with that on my mind," he said as he let go and stood.

"I'll see you around." Tad grabbed his smoothie and stood to head out.

"I'm glad," Duncan laughed as he went to put his apron back on.

Just as he passed the table with his three teammates, one big guy named Charlie asked, "Hey, Tad, what's with you and him?"

"None of your business," he said with a shrug as he pushed out the door backwards. "See you guys later."

Heading into school the next day he could tell word was already getting around, but it was subtle. Like whispered conversations that stopped when he got close or knowing glances from people he recognized but weren't friends. He made a point to stop by the coach's office during lunch to discuss switching from soccer to long distance running. The coach tried to talk him out of it, but eventually signed off on the change.

So instead of heading to the soccer field for after school practice, he joined a half-dozen other runners he barely knew to run laps around the school grounds. He passed the soccer field about every ten minutes during their practice and each time imagined he felt more eyes on him as the word spread.

When he went back to the locker room to shower and change, the conversation stopped when he passed. After stripping and grabbing a towel he noticed a few of the other guys holding their towels more closely, like the sight of them naked would make him try to fuck them over a bench. It just made him chuff and shake his head. Fucking idiots.

When he got into the communal shower, he hung his towel on a hook and pressed the button to dispense the industrial grade body wash the school provided. While he was soaping up, Charlie gave him a disgusted look and mumbled something under his breath.

"What?" Tad asked as he rinsed the soap off in the weak spray.

"You went fag?" he asked with an incredulous shake of his head.

Tad felt his stomach clench but he refused to ignore the comment. "Why? You lookin' for a date?" Tad laughed at his own question and a few of the other guys in the shower chuckled as well.

Mark was on the other side of the shower room with his back to the group, his head hanging down in the water, definitely not laughing.

"I just don't get it," Charlie said with a growl.

"There's nothing to get, Charlie," Tad said as he turned off the water and grabbed his towel. "It's none of your business." After wrapping the towel around his waist, he headed out of the shower.

"Fuckin' fag," Charlie muttered at his back, but Tad saw Mark spin around at his words.

"You knock that shit off, Charlie," Mark growled with a twisted expression on his face. "Or I'll knock it off for you."

"What? You too?" Charlie laughed. "God damned fags coming out of the fuckin' woodwork!"

"Forget it," Tad said to Mark. "Sticks and stones, man. People gonna think what they think." He looked back over his shoulder at Charlie. "Or not, as the case may be."

Tad managed to get dressed and out of the building without any more problems. He was heading to his shortcut home across the park when he heard Mark calling his name.

"Tad, wait up," Mark shouted.

Tad stood as his friend jogged up and they resumed walking towards their houses together. "I'm glad you're still talking to me at least."

Mark nodded and was silent for a moment. "I heard you were with some guy at the smoothie joint yesterday."

"His name's Duncan." Tad said, not wanting to hurt his friend but not willing to lie.

"Are you guys… um… together?" Mark was avoiding any direct eye contact, but the pain in his expression was obvious.

"I went out with him because he's a little older and been through this shit himself. I needed to get my head around things and he helped." He paused to consider how he felt about Duncan. "But, yeah, I'll probably see him again."

"Christ, now you're dating a college guy?" Mark asked the sky as he paced in a circle.

"I'm not trying to hurt you," Tad whispered without looking at him.

"I can't do this with you," Mark cried. "My dad would freak right the fuck out and my brothers would kick my ass ever single day."

"I'm not asking you to do anything." Tad stopped and faced him. "Just because I had a crush on you doesn't mean you owe me anything. You told me it's over. I understand. So why are you here?"

Mark was breathing hard as he wiped his nose with the back of his hand. "I don't know."

"Well, I can't tell you what to do. You need to figure this shit out on your own, just like me. Go date some more. Try again with Rachel or someone else. But since there's no hope for you and me I need you to stop fuckin' with my head."

"I can't stop thinking about you," Mark whispered, his face twitching like his head was about to explode.

Tad felt his heart go out to him then. "Now you know how I've felt about you for the last year." He turned for home. "I'll see you around."

As the week passed, the novelty wore off. On Friday the rumor that Paige Miller was pregnant and planned to keep the baby took the heat off of Tad completely. Her friends threw her an impromptu baby shower during lunch which confirmed her predicament and delighted the rest of the student body with her panache.

Paige stood up in the middle of cutting the cake to announce that since Charlie Johnson denied being the father, she was proud to announce she was carrying a miracle baby. The lunch room fell apart laughing while Charlie looked like hot murder.

When Tad finished his lunch, he passed Charlie to throw his trash away and heard him mutter, "Fuckin' faggot."

Tad couldn't resist muttering back, "Better a fag than a deadbeat dad."

Charlie roared out of his seat, swinging his fists to catch Tad hard on the mouth. Seeing stars, Tad fell down while everyone backed away with their cell phones out to take videos. A few of the guys sitting near Charlie grabbed him and held his arms while Tad stood up wiping the blood from his lip.

"It's probably better a homophobe like you won't be raising Paige's baby."

"Shut your fucking hole, faggot!" Charlie struggled to get free from the guys who were holding him. "You better watch your ass or I'm gonna beat it every fucking day!"

"Was it worth it?" Tad asked as he took a napkin from a girl offering him one. "Now your kid's gonna have a jailbird for a dad because I'm gonna press charges."

The school security officer ran up and began asking questions while one of the lunch ladies brought out a zip bag full of ice for Tad's swelling lip. Charlie must have realized he'd fucked up because he started making up stories about what Tad said to incite him. The people nearby clarified that Tad was only walking by when Charlie attacked him without provocation and the cell phone videos only confirmed the truth.

By the time the police showed up to take official statements and arrest Charlie, Tad saw his Mom running up in her business suit.

"Oh my God, are you alright?" she asked as she forced him to move the ice pack.

"I'm fine, just a split lip. I didn't think they'd call you from work for this."

"Of course they did," she said. "I was worried about this happening."

"Mom, it's no big deal. No one said anything all week but this jerk."

"Come on, the principal said I could take you home."

After they got home, Tad went to his room to change his bloody shirt and take a nap. He was having tense dreams of fighting Charlie in slow motion when his phone woke him up. He saw Duncan's number and answered it with a grin.


"Dude, I know you said you were coming out, but I never expected to see it on the news!"

Tad felt his heart thump. "What're you talkin' about?"

"There's a news story about some fight at your school with cell phone video of you backin' down some asshole named Charlie Johnson."

"Seriously?" Tad got up and ran downstairs. "What channel? Never mind, Mom has it on already."

When he walked into the living room he had a surreal moment of disassociation as watched himself on television. Mom was turning up the volume as the news caster interviewed the school principal inter-cut with looping video of the fight and aftermath from a couple of different angles. Apparently the school had a zero tolerance policy for bullying, so Charlie was getting expelled as well as arrested.

"Your lip looked pretty fucked up in the video. You okay?" Duncan asked with a touch of worry in his tone.

"It's sore, but it's not that bad."

"Good," he said and paused a moment. "I know what happened must have freaked you out a little, but I just wanted to find out if you were okay."

"I'm in shock more than anything, I guess." His decision to come out was going viral. His buddies in scouts, his extended family in the area, even his Mom's friends would all know he was gay now. "It's a little scary, honestly."

"Any regrets?" Duncan asked without any inflection, but it was obvious to Tad that Duncan was asking if he was going to run back in the closet.

"Nothing I can do about it now." He heard Duncan sigh quietly on the other end of the line. "But I'm still glad we met."

Mom turned around when the story ended with a curious look on her face. "It's Duncan, Mom. The guy I told you about."

Duncan chuckled over the call. "You told your Mom about me?"

"Yeah," he said and looked up at the ceiling to avoid his Mom's smile.

She whispered a bit too loud, "Invite him over! I want to meet him!"

"What'd she say?" Duncan asked with a chuckle.

"She wants me to invite you over." Tad gave his Mom a hard stare.

"Tell her I'd love to. What's your address?"

Rolling his eyes, he shook his head and said, "I'll text it to you." Mom clapped and looked joyful.

"I'll be over after I shower and change."

"Jeez," Tad muttered. "Please don't make this a big thing."

"Too late," he laughed. "See you in a bit." Tad was left holding a dead phone.

"Don't worry, I just want to meet the guy my son likes, then I'll make myself scarce," Mom said as she got up to straighten the couch cushions. "Maybe I'll get Tom to take me out for dinner and a movie."

Tad let out a low laugh. "I'm gonna go clean up and change. Please don't embarrass me." He headed for the stairs.

"Are you kidding?" She grabbed the empty glasses off the coffee table. "I've been waiting for you to start dating for years. There is no way I'm not making up for lost time now."

Duncan showed up wearing clean jeans and a tight white t-shirt. Tad smirked as he opened the door to let him in, but his scent made him lean in for a brief hug when he passed. He had a savory aroma that made Tad's mouth water.

"Mom's in the kitchen," Tad whispered as he shut the door. When he turned back Duncan was looking around the entryway and dining room.

"Nice house," he said with his trademark cheeky grin. He stepped close and placed a gentle kiss on Tad's swollen lip, his eyes searching Tad's face.

"Come on," Tad said as he adjusted his jeans to make room. Then he slipped his hand in Duncan's and pulled him through the dining room to the bright kitchen.

"Mom?" Tad said as he entered. "This is Duncan. Duncan, this is my Mom, Tina Jenkins."

"Nice to meet you," Duncan said as he let go of Tad's hand to shake hers.

Mom looked him over with a quick appraisal, her lips twitching into an amused smile. "Tad speaks highly of you. Thanks for being a good friend when he needed one lately."

Tad and Duncan grinned at each other, then Duncan said, "My pleasure. He's a great guy."

"So I understand you're a little older than Tad and already at UCF. What are you studying?"

"Mom," Tad groaned while giving her a threatening look.

Duncan laughed off the standard parental dating question. "I'm a sophomore majoring in marketing with a minor in graphic design. I want to work in advertising and promotion when I get out of school."

"That sounds interesting," she said with a approving smile. "I work in for a small marketing firm in town. We're always looking for interns if you were interested over the summer."

"Wow, that would be awesome," Duncan said with genuine enthusiasm. "Thanks."

Tad looked down, trying to fight off the smile pulling at his lips. He glanced at his empty wrist. "Wow, look at the time. When is Tom getting here?"

"Oh stop, I know you've only been dating for a week, but I already like him."

"There's the kiss of death," Tad moaned as he rolled his eyes.

Mom ignored Tad to look at Duncan. "You're the first friend he's brought home so forgive me if I'm a little excited." She grabbed her purse and keys before heading to the garage door. "I'm going to stay over at Tom's tonight." She gave Tad an indulgent smirk. "Have fun!"

As soon as the door closed behind her, Duncan burst out in good-natured laughter. "Oh man, I love your mom. I need her to come by to give my mom lessons."

"Sorry about that," Tad said as he covered his face with his palms. Duncan pulled his hands away and kissed him. The kiss was careful to avoid his sore lip, but deep enough to make Tad shiver and reach around Duncan's neck.

"So we're dating now?" Duncan asked as he pushed Tad against the counter.

"Are we? I don't know the rules." Tad felt their erections pushing together through their jeans.

"It's simple. I'm only gonna fuck you. You're only gonna fuck me. If we get sick of each other, we stop." Duncan pressed his hips in harder to rub against Tad's erection.

"I can do that." They leaned toward each other and kissed again. "When do we start?"

"Where's your bedroom?"

It didn't take long to lose their clothes after hitting his bedroom doorway, then they came together on his bed. Duncan pushed Tad back against his pillows and began brushing his fingertips up his legs. Tad's cock twitched and lengthened until it nearly reached his navel.

"Damn, dude, engineers should study your dick," Duncan chuckled. "I thought my memory was playing tricks on me when you took off your pants."

"Yeah, it really grows," Tad said as Duncan scooted between his legs to cup his balls. "What're you in the mood for?"

"I want to taste you," Duncan growled as he moved his hands up Tad's shaft. "I didn't get the chance last time and it's been on my mind all week."

Tad closed his eyes as Duncan's mouth bathed the head of his cock. The velvet sensation of his tongue drove Tad to hiss and lift his hips. There was a cold trickle toward his balls that Duncan used to slick his hands as they twisted and pulled up his length.

"Fuck me," Tad gasped as Duncan set a fast rhythm, swallowing more and more of his length with each stroke.

Toes digging into the bed, Tad gripped the sheets to keep from grabbing Duncan's head and fucking his mouth. He couldn't stop his hips from rising to meet Duncan's lips as he gagged slightly on Tad's long cock.

Tad looked down to see Duncan fighting to take even more, his eyes watering as he sucked harder and swallowed the head. "You love my cock, don't you? I want to give it all to you."

Duncan took a deep breath through his nose, then forced his face down. Tad saw his throat swell slightly as Duncan swallowed repeatedly, but it was the sensation of his tight throat muscles that brought him off at last.

"Ungh!" Tad lay back and shut his eyes as the massive orgasm shook him. He hadn't masturbated all week in hopes he'd get to spend his seed in Duncan, so he cried out with each powerful blast that tore through his cock.

Duncan backed him out until only the sensitive head remained in the warmth of his mouth. Tad wiped Duncan's sweating brow as the last of his seed dribbled out. When Duncan slipped the swollen red head out of his mouth, he paused to shut his eyes and kiss it tenderly.

"I could worship this cock," he murmured. "Your body is amazing and your face is handsome, but this magnificent thing is what I dream about."

"I wanted to fuck your mouth so bad," Tad whispered. "I had to hold on to the sheets to keep from grabbing your head."

Duncan's eyes glimmered as he crawled up to kiss Tad's lips. "I would love you to use me like that. God, it makes me fucking leak just thinking about it."

"How would you feel about doing that to me?" Tad asked with a shiver.

"If you didn't have this," Duncan said as he brushed Tad's tender lip with his thumb. "I'd do it in a heartbeat, but I'm happy just making you happy this time."

"I'm not," Tad grinned as he pushed Duncan to roll off of him. Crawling over to his night stand, Tad opened it to pull out a box of condoms and an unopened bottle of lube with long syringe applicators.

"Someone went shopping?" Duncan chuckled as Tad sat up to open the box and tear the seal off the bottle.

"I liked your setup, but the guy at the store said these work okay, too." He opened the lube and filled the applicator up. "Hold this for a sec." After putting it back on the night stand, he grabbed a towel and spread it out over the sheets.

"You need to get more sheets," Duncan said as he watched Tad work. "I have like five sets so I never have to worry about sleeping dirty."

"I have so much to learn." Tad laughed as he reclined over the towel. "Why don't you get busy teaching me."

Duncan pushed his knees up and slipped the applicator inside slowly. "Here it comes," he said as he filled Tad with cool lube. Removing it again, he tossed it into the trashcan near the bed.

"It still feels so odd," Tad said as he rocked his knees back and forth and handed Duncan a condom.

Sitting up to roll the condom on over his cock, Duncan scooted closer and slipped his knees under Tad's legs. "I can't believe you're already halfway erect."

"I'm in my sexual prime, old man," Tad laughed. "As good as you felt last time, you better get ready for me for round two. I want to try you in this position."

"Old man," Duncan muttered. "I'll show you old man. I'm only two years older than you."

"You're still the one dating a teenager." Tad flexed his thighs and ass at him.

"You're a legal adult," Duncan said with a frown, but his grin was trying to peek out.

"Are you gonna fuck me or talk all night?" Tad asked, prompting Duncan to slide forward and press himself inside slowly. "Oh, that's so good."

"You're telling me," Duncan said as he bottomed out. "I'm the one fucking a teenager." Tad laughed and Duncan froze with his lips in his teeth. "Don't laugh or I'm gonna cum too fast."

"Take your time," Tad whispered as Duncan began to move in and out. "I'm in fuckin' heaven." Duncan lifted Tad's knees slightly and pressed in all the way, making Tad hiss and moan. "Do that again."

"Like this?" Duncan asked as he filled him again and again.

"Can you cum from getting fucked?" Tad asked as his cock stiffened and began to leak on his own stomach. "I swear I could cum from this."

"We can try if you want," Duncan said. "I'll hold off as long as I can, just tell me when I hit something you like."

They moved around a few times to find the best position. The best was with Tad's knees pressed up against his chest while Duncan rode high and aimed down. Tad got quiet for a while with only his facial expressions changing as Duncan fucked him at a steady pace.

"Oh fuck, Dunc, I'm so close," Tad whispered and tightened up his muscles to grip Duncan's cock for each thrust. "Don't stop, something's happening."

The feeling of fullness was always pleasurable, and hitting the right spot inside made Tad feel like sparks were shooting through him. This new thing was a kind of swelling rush that took his breath away. Where an orgasm was like a blast of sensation, this was more like a subwoofer rumbling his chest. The feeling grew as Tad gripped the sheets again, his mouth opening on its own.

"Dunc, oh fuck man," he whispered as the sensation peaked and he thrashed against the bed. Tad raised his head, his eyes squeezed shut while his cock erupted in pulsing jets that covered his chest and stomach. A wordless cry came from his open mouth that was soon muffled with Duncan's lips.

"I can feel you from the inside," Duncan cried. "I can't hold on."

They were locked in each other's arms, kissing like mad while they continued to rock together. Tad wrapped his arms around Duncan's neck while letting his legs slide down to trap his waist. The kisses slowed as they embraced and Duncan eventually slipped out.

"So can I tell people you're my boyfriend," Tad whispered into Duncan's wet hair.

"You fuckin' better," Duncan growled then relaxed against his chest.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/36trr6/feelin_his_way_through_4_mmoralanal