When Friends and Love Collide, Part 1 [FFM] [Fetish] [Cuckold] [Humiliation]

I met Nikki, what – 1999…? – 14 years ago. New job, new folks, new city.

I was married at the time to someone I knew I should never have married (a straight girl who never grew up; different story) and while there were many opportunities to take that right turn and keep on going, I was always faithful. Until my wife wasn't.

Divorce was painful but there was one part of me that I'd always ignored – speaking of knowing better – that I took solace in: At least with having my own place I could finally indulge in my sexual fantasies without fear. Anyway, I moved out, got a place of my own and started to explore my sexual fantasies. I traveled to different parts of the city and talked with all types of people. People with orgy fetishes, bondage fans, sadomasochists, and freaks of every flavor. During these travels, the first person I got to know was Nikki.

She's a butch dyke and ever since I met her I've been attracted to her. This was odd to me because…she's a butch dyke. What would she want in me, right? I have a cock, which she wants none of, so what could possibly happen? Anyway, point is, fucking was a non-starter but we were fast friends for reasons I couldn't admit to myself. Basically, we're both family: She was open with her sexual desires, I wasn't, but still, family. And so of course, she was the first one I ended up discussing my sexual festishes with 5 years ago.

Since then I've fucked a lot of women and found out what I like and what I don't. About a year ago I met Alice. Oh. My. God. Alice. 5'5" of tight, caramel-toned, brown-eyed perfection topped by an amazingly intelligent mind, this woman is my perfect match. Free and willing to try anything, she and I couldn't be more perfectly suited for one another. B-cup, round ass, tight, tight, tight body and tighter pussy, she's more than I ever hoped for. See, as I explored my sexual interests, I found that I had some kinky desires. I'd be specific, but that would take too long and this isn't Proust; I want you to come soon. Point is, I found that I'm a Switch with a strongly submissive preference. I love to bottom and to serve. Exclusively for dominant women. And Alice is a Dominatrix. Yup, my Girlfriend is a smoking hot Domme and to top it off (pun intended) she loves to use me and take control during out sexual encounters.

I'm Brian, by the way: 5' 11", 175, long, brown hair, blue eyes, nice smile with a few crooked teeth, covered by a set of full lips. My libido is high, my mouth welcoming, and my mind very, very creative.

Anyway, one of the things I learned about my submissiveness is that none of my fantasies is stronger than the cuckolding one. I've never come harder than I do when I'm thinking about Her fucking someone else, someone strong, hot, and with a cock bigger than mine.

I forgot to mention above: I'm 7 1/2" and fairly thick. And it's gorgeous, my cock: Cut, with a beautiful shape all around, along with a perfectly proportioned set of balls below it. Alice was a huge fan ever since we had met each other.

Anyway, cuckolding: It really sends me. And sure, it frightens me, as well. But what I couldn't wrap my head around was just that: The risk of losing my lover to someone else seems likely, as good a catch as she is…why the hell would I want to tempt fate? But that's really the pull of cuckoldry: It's edge-play. Boundary pushing. It's a power exchange of the strongest order and it. Is. Incredible. Especially when your Dominant Lover hears your fantasy, considers it well over time. And consents.

That's where Nikki comes back into the picture.

About a month ago I got a text from her asking me out for a beer. "Big news" was on the agenda and I had an idea of what was coming. She was divorcing her long-term partner. She needed to connect with her friends and more importantly, she needed to get her fuck on. Not with me, mind you, she's a dyke, remember? It's just that that was the theme of things over beers.

I totally sympathized with her, having gone through that stuff fairly recently, myself. As we were into our nth beer each I finally stopped pushing off the notion that our chemistry was possibly generating more interest than one might expect. I told her, laughing, that if she ever needed to top a boy, I'm available.

Pulling the glass from her mouth, she stared at me with a half-smile and said, "I'm sure that could happen."


Anyway, we had a great time, flirting like that – good friends who are attracted to each other for various reasons but who have no chance of having any romantic relationship – and then went our separate ways. When I spoke with Alice that night I filled her in and suggested that perhaps she might be interested in meeting Nikki and her c-cups. Nikki's body is beautiful, very feminine, while her face is rather androgynous, which is a natural turn-on for me.

She's a Top, 5'6" with short, brown hair, green eyes, nice ass and legs, and is a total dude. What's not to like?

Alice and I agreed we'd hang with Nikki, no expectations for what could happen, which is of course the best way to ensure something will happen :). Or at least to be very pleasantly surprised when it does. And it did, for the three of us.

See the two of them talked and we met together and really hit it off. They agreed that it would be rather fun to put me into some really compromising positions. So we made a playdate. Looking back at my text messages as I write this, I see that it was last Sunday, around noon, that I pinged Nikki:

"Soooo…When do you wanna come over? We're going for coffee in a bit but should be back in an hour or so."

"I just need to shower and pull my shit together. Wanna say 2?"

"2 it is"

That's how it started.

Alice and I went for coffee and Nikki got showered and her shit together and 2 rolled around. At the last minute I decided to go to the store for something, hoping that by the time I got back I'd see the two of them making out but when I returned they were talking. This was fine since I was actually a bit nervous about the whole thing. It dawned on me that there was serious cuckold potential here and that was an amazing realization: I always thought of the bull being a man but when I considered that Nikki could fill that bill, I was floored. I actually got a bit of a headrush thinking about that possibility.

We'd all discussed me being in the center of things but the fact was that Nikki needed to fuck some hot woman and Alice certainly fits that description. Add to that the fact that when they met I could definitely sense the mutual attraction in both of them and I had a moment of wondering how fucking hot this could be. In all my raving fantasizing, it didn't even come close to the reality.

I came in, dropped off whatever the hell I bought, got myself a beer and Alice some wine; Nikki was abstaining. We went into the backyard, sat down on my pink blanket and chatted for a while. 2 turned into 3 and someone broke out the pipe. Alice and I smoked a bit then she disappeared for a while. Nikki and I kept chatting when Alice reappeared wearing her sarong, tied over her breasts with the part in the middle, allowing her gorgeous thighs to peek out as she strode out to rejoin us on the blanket.

"Hey sweetie," She said, "I brought out the claws! Take off your shirt and lie down if you want a scratch." As she said this she pulled out 5 sharpened pieces of steel, about 2" long, attached to rubber-coated rings, and placed them on each manicured finger, slowly. I jumped up as Nikki looked on with that sexy-as-fuck half-smile and followed my Mistress' suggestion. Nikki's smile widened to a shit-eating grin as she saw the previous scratch marks on my back.

"You like?"

"Heh…Fuck yeah, I like," she laughed.

"We both like, now lie down like a good bitch," murmured Alice. I obeyed and seconds later felt the needle-sharp points gently moving down my back, etching super-fine lines into the skin, my histamines quickly converting them into thin, red, undulating rivulets. Nikki watched, lazily, smiling. Alice simply had her fingers spread, palm down, and was gently pulling her fingers down and across my back. The points were trailing so I wasn't going to be poked; the experience was enthralling, the best back-scratch, ever.

"Uggghhh, dude, this is the best back-scratch, ever, Nikki," I moaned, face-down in the roughest picnic blanket in my city. "You should try this."

Pulling her shirt over her head: "Ok bitch," she said, picking up on Alice's lead, "move over."

God she has great tits: Alice and I caught each other staring and smiled at each other as I moved and Nikki took my place. Not for the last time.

Alice pulled some nice moans from our playmate as she played Scary Finger Painting all over her back. After a while, I mentioned that I was getting cold and suggested that while they could stay outside if they wanted, my skin was chilly, and that was no good for anyone. Without waiting for an answer I slid inside to my bedroom, which had been warmed by the afternoon sun.

I didn't need to wait for an answer: I may be a submissive, but I know when I won't be reprimanded. A few moments later I was joined by two incredibly hot women, both of whom had wicked smiles on their faces as they saw me smoothing the covers of the bed.

"Nikki," I murmured, eyes downcast and smiling, "if you and Alice don't mind, I'll be over here for a bit cleaning up. I may join if you guys want me to but I'm rather taken with the idea of waiting here and watching you two, for a bit…"

Grins and clothes being taken off were the only answer I received as I set myself up in a chair in the corner away from the bed. As Nikki grabbed Alice and kissed her, I moaned along with them both as I began to slide my hand down my pants and grab my length, its ever-increasing girth fitting into my palm.

Alice pulled Nikki down on top of her while spreading her legs, triggering Nikki's instinct to slide her gorgeous, powerful thigh up to her pussy. Alice is vocal, in such a good way. Her noises are encouraging and effective, on everyone present. As Nikki's ministrations elicited a groan of satisfaction from Alice, I felt my cock strain against my pants. I couldn't talk, only grunt, as I saw the hottest sight I've ever beheld in person: My beautiful girlfriend fucking my friend's thigh as she neared orgasm. The gasp that escaped my lips as Alice's arms wrapped around Nikki's neck, as her tongue searched for contact with Nikki's, caused them both to look sideways and smile at me, hunched over in a chair with my hands in my pant and my cock pitching a tent in my pants. It was then that I realized that I had just gotten myself cuckolded.

My cock flooded to attention with this news as I touched it, smiling back at them: This, as I mentioned, is a risky bit of edge-play since for it to work both the cuckold and his lover have to love each other and the cuckolding can rip that apart rather easily. No such outcome here. I love Alice and Nikki, both. Differently, of course, but all I knew at that moment was that we were in perfect harmony; we were all in our proper places: Alice gratefully receiving Nikki's body and I across the room, watching, masturbating. Taking notice, Alice reached out and gave my hand a quick squeeze to make sure I was ok, commanding firmly, "No cumming without permission, bitch," knowing that such constraints turned us both on.

As I smiled at them both I returned the grip, nodding, closing my eyes, tilting my head back as I unzipped my pants to get a better grip on my cock. With that reassurance, Alice had the first orgasm of many that evening.

Did I mention that she's a squirter? We'd told Nikki, but she was a bit surprised for a moment, looking down at my girlfriend's – her lover's – pussy convulsing as she ejaculated. Nikki didn't spend too much time gandering, however: She took that as a cue to nurse Alice's entire body, working down her neck, shoulders, lingering over her breasts… Her tongue work heightened Alice's already erect, pierced nipples to as taut as I've ever seen them.

I began playing harder with my cock; no lube, since I was so aroused and I wasn't allowed to come. My pants were already unzipped, and I started to pull them down the rest of the way, my cock standing to attention without the pants holding it down. As I started kicking my pants free, I heard another gasp from Alice and looked up to see Nikki's hand slipping inside her, first two fingers, then three, then four, slowly, gently. Alice arched her back and spread her legs wide just as Nikki resumed kissing her way down to Alice's clit.

With her other hand, Nikki gently pinched Alice's clit between her forefinger and thumb and so softly placed her tongue on Alice's button. "UUUUUUNNNNNGGGGGHHHHH!!!!" Alice's second orgasm coated Nikki's fingers which simply allowed her freer access to her lover's depths, a fact they both took full advantage of. Nikki continued to lick Alice's clit and stroke Her g-spot with her four fingers while she jacked Her off between thumb and finger. Just when Nikki and I thought the orgasm was done, Alice went even further over the edge, arms wide, fingers digging into the sheets… I slowly increased the pace of my jerking, all of this keeping me hard as steel. Nikki pulled back to appreciate the fruits of her work, her face glistening with Alice's juices, nipples on those gorgeous c-cups pointing at a spot just above my girlfriend's head. She looked at me while fucking my girlfriend with her fingers slowly and just held my stare, watching me stroke my cock hard. The knowledge that she and Alice just made me a cuckold was very. Fucking. Clear. No words, just a look: A mixture of love and domination that left no room for interpretation: She owned Alice right then and by extension, me.

Part 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/36lgvq/when_friends_and_love_collide_part_2_ffm_fetish/ Part 3: https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/36lhpv/when_friends_and_love_collide_final_part_ffm/

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/36lfod/when_friends_and_love_collide_part_1_ffm_fetish