Feelin’ His Way Through 3 [MM][anal]

Click on my username to see the first two parts of this story.

Tad bounced into the kitchen to find his Mom sitting at the breakfast table with her cup of coffee and a dreamy look on her face. He was wearing his sweats and running shoes, ready to leave the house as soon as he could without making her suspicious.

Mark had been gone by the time he'd cleaned the puke out of the trashcan at the side of the house. The stench of bourbon and pizza would have raised too many questions with his mom and he didn't want to talk about what happened. Not yet, anyway. He'd taken a long shower after cleaning up and resolved to stop dreaming about being with Mark. It had been a mistake, but he had learned something from the experience; he wanted more. And that meant coming out about who he was.

"Looks like you had a good date," Tad asked with a wide, forced smile.

"He was very nice," Mom said. "Where's Mark? I figured you two would be sleeping off a pizza and video game hangover."

"Naw, we called it an early night. He had something to do today. I'm gonna run down to the shopping center and get a smoothie."

"Have fun." She was so distracted by her date she barely even looked his way.

He jogged down the driveway to turn left at the street. His ass was still complaining about the treatment it had received, but it didn't hurt. He was just more aware of it, like he would be a sore muscle. At the same time it felt oddly satisfying. Now that he knew how good it felt to be fucked, he craved the feeling again. Only this time he wouldn't waste his time doing it with someone he couldn't trust.

Fucking Mark, he grumbled as he picked up the pace. Instead of dwelling on being hurt he let himself get angry. Mark seemed fine with sucking a dick as long as no one ever found out, but he drew the line at a kiss? The stupid prick. Fuck him anyway.

By the time he made it out of the subdivision, Tad was sweating freely and starting to get his runner's high. His legs felt weightless as he ran, two steps to breathe in, two steps to breathe out. Running was his thing and he'd only played soccer because Mark wanted him to. When he got back to school on Monday he decided to talk to the coach about switching to long distance running instead of playing soccer.

The shopping center near his house had a huge number of stores facing a large central parking lot. During the holidays the place was nuts, but on a quiet Saturday morning it was nearly empty. Tad headed across the empty parking lot to his favorite smoothie place. The brightly lit shop was the only one open at this time of the morning.

He slowed to a walk to keep from panting when he got inside. There weren't any customers, but he noticed the tall college guy he'd seen before. When he pushed through the door, the guy looked up from his tablet. He was slim, with light brown hair that hung over his eyes, smooth skin, and a nice smile. A bit of ink peeked out from under his short sleeved shirt making Tad wonder what he looked like with his shirt off.

"Welcome to The Blend. What can I get you?" he asked giving Tad an obvious once over.

"Blueberry plus Protein," Tad answered as he unzipped the back pocket on his sweats to pull out his wallet.

"Comin' right up." He began to load up the ingredients into the stainless steel blender. "What's your name?"

"Tad," he said and glanced at his name tag. "Duncan, right? You go to UCF?"

"Yeah." Adding the protein powder to the blender he glanced over again. "What about you?"

"I'll start this fall," Tad said and leaned against the counter to watch Duncan finish the prep.

"So, Tad," he said as he started the blender. "What do you do for fun?"

"Run," he said and gestured to his sweats. "Xbox. Fuck around. The usual." Duncan was clearly sending interesting vibes, but Tad didn't know the protocol. "What about you?"

"Mostly fuck around," Duncan answered with a wild grin and a hard stare. The blender beeped so he grabbed a cup and filled it to the top with the lavender colored smoothie. "You interested?" the question was subtle and could have meant anything, but Tad knew what he was asking.

"Yeah, I am," Tad said as his face heated. He had to say something before he got in over his head. "I just don't know what I'm doing."

Duncan's smile softened as he nodded. "You out?"

"Not yet," Tad answered, feeling like he was talking in some strange kind of code. "But soon."

"It gets easier when you're out," he said as he put the lid and straw on the cup. "Let's cut to the chase. You're hot and I'd like to hang out sometime."

"Like a date?" Tad asked, feeling embarrassed and awkward about the whole conversation.

Duncan shrugged. "If you want. Or we could just screw. That'll be five-forty."

"Just like that," Tad laughed as he handed over a five and a one.

"I'll give you my number. You call if you're ever in the mood." Duncan jotted his number on a receipt and passed it along with the change.

"What time do you get off?" Tad asked, shocked at his own boldness.

"About an hour after you call me," Duncan said with a cheeky grin.

The rest of the day Tad spent helping his mom around the house. There had been no word from Mark, but his conversation with Duncan had been like a healing salve. Playing chicken with himself, he decided to text Duncan at six to see if he was serious. As the time got closer, his mother began to notice his anxiety.

"You okay?" she asked as they folded clothes in the living room. It was hard to sit with her on the same couch where Mark had fucked him. It felt like she should have known somehow.

Tad took a deep breath. "I may have a date tonight."

"I see," she said. "Wanna talk about it?"

That was the problem right there. He did want to talk about it, but that would mean coming out and he wasn't sure he was ready. Before he could answer, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it."

"Is that your date?" she teased as he stepped past her.

Tad knew in his heart who it was before he opened the door. Mark stood there pale faced with his eyes on his fingers.

"What's up?" Tad asked with as much energy as he could muster.

"Hey," he said. "You busy?"

"Just folding clothes with Mom. Come on in." He stood back to let Mark in, his stomach clenching and churning. When Mark stepped in, Tad closed the door and returned to the couch without another word.

His Mom was looking between the two of them with a blank expression. She gathered her folded clothes and stood. "I'm gonna go put these away and start cleaning my bathroom," she announced while giving Tad a significant look.

Tad returned her look with a nod and continued folding clothes. Mark stood quietly until Mom left the room.

"I owe you an apology," Mark whispered.

"You don't owe me a thing," Tad answered. "Forget it ever happened. I have."

"That's just it," Mark said as he sat next to Tad on the couch. "I can't stop thinking about what happened."

"I'm gay," Tad announced as he folded another shirt. "And I'm going to come out."

Mark gasped. "Dude, you can't do that to me! The guys on the team will give us so much shit!"

Tad looked at him. "I'm not outing you, but I'm not gonna keep pretending. If you don't want to have a gay friend, then you are welcome to end things."

Mark got up and paced around the room. "You don't understand. I've never been able to get off with a girl before. I lied about Rachel. She dumped me because nothing she did ever worked!"

Tad stopped folding and looked at his friend. He'd known Mark for years and had always felt an attraction to him. While other guys would locker talk about hot girls, Tad had to fight to keep his eyes off of Mark. Watching him struggle now was hard, but it had hurt much worse when Mark pushed him away like he was disgusted.

"I'll always be your friend, but I need to do this for me." When Mark looked over with tears in his eyes, Tad added, "I'm glad my first time was with you."

Mark pinched his lips together, anger coloring his skin. "If you were my friend you'd give me some time to work this out."

"And if you were mine, you'd have stayed last night instead of making me go through this alone." Tad looked away and clenched his jaw to keep from making a fool out of himself.

When the front door slammed, Tad grabbed the next shirt and began folding it. Mom came back in she sat next to him on the couch.

"How much of that did you hear," Tad asked without looking at her.

"Enough," she said as she put her hand on his shoulder. "I could always tell how you felt about him. And I still love you, no matter what."

Tad nodded, keeping his eyes everywhere but her face. "Thanks, Mom."

"So I'm guessing your date tonight isn't with Mark," she said, making him laugh out loud.

"No," Tad answered. "I needed to talk to someone… like me. There's this guy at the Smoothie place who asked me out. I wanted to see what it was like to go out with him once."

"Be careful," his mother warned with a stern look. "But have fun. You deserve a little happiness. It's been hard to watch you struggle through this. You can take the car if you want. I'll be working at home tonight."

After they finished folding and putting away their clothes, Tad picked up his phone and texted Duncan. It's Tad from this morning. You wanna hang out?

He put the phone on the counter to keep himself from compulsively checking it. While he waited for a reply he got dressed to go out. If nothing else he could go see a movie or hang out at the bowling alley. He had just pocketed the phone and was heading out the door when he get a beep.

I'm hanging out with some friends. Wanna come over?

After getting to the address Duncan gave him and figuring out where to park, he approached the door to apartment 317 with a flutter in his stomach. His knock was answered by a guy who looked like he bench-pressed small cars. "Is Duncan here?" Tad asked.

"Yeah, come on in," he said and stepped back. "Hey Dunc! You order fresh meat?"

"Give him a break, Tiny," Duncan said with a laugh as he walked up and gave Tad a quick hug. "Come on in and I'll introduce you around."

After meeting Tiny, Dave, and Wallis, Tad was left on his own to hang out while Duncan went back into the kitchen to finish cooking. He said something about pan seared chicken breast with lemon and capers, but all Tad knew was that it smelled wonderful. The television was on a soccer game and the four of them watched in silence for a while.

"So how'd you meet Dunc?" Tiny asked. His beer can was nearly invisible in his fist.

"Sometimes I run from my house to get a smoothie. I kept running into Duncan there, so today when we chatted and he gave me his number."

"You're gay, too?" Tiny asked without any judgement in his tone.

"Yeah," Tad answered, half expecting some kind of reaction. No one even blinked.

"Cool, he's been lonely," Dave said, then leaned over to whisper. "Fair warning, don't mention Richard."

Tad was feeling a little bewildered, but nodded anyway. "So you guys all go to school here?"

"Yeah, don't you?" asked Wallis.

"Next year," Tad said and took another sip of beer.

"Yo Dunc," Tiny yelled. "When'd you start robbin' the cradle, man?"

There was a laugh from the kitchen. "That's it, I'm spittin' in your plate."

Tiny reached over to playfully punch Tad's arm. "Then I'm swappin' with Fresh Meat, here. He'll appreciate your sauce more than I will."

Tad grinned at the laughter, amazed that he'd been accepted so easily by Duncan's friends. If he ever brought Duncan to meet his friends it wouldn't be anything like this.

Tad's phone rang, so he dug it out of his pocket to see who it was. Mark's name made his stomach clench, but he didn't want to avoid him. Stepping down the hallway for a little privacy, he swiped the screen to accept the call. "What's up?"

"Where are you?" Mark sounded odd, almost angry.

"Excuse me?" Tad asked in return. "Since when do I have to check in with you?"

"I need to see you." The near panic in his voice caused Tad some concern.

"I thought we said all we needed to say earlier."

"Your Mom said you were on a date," the accusation in his tone said more than his words. Tad finally understood and looked up at the ceiling.

"So what if I am? I told you I'm coming out. Mom and I talked this afternoon. Believe it or not she said she already knew." Tad let out a sad chuckle.

"Your mom knows about us?" His voice shot up like a siren.

"She overheard us talking and figured it out all on her own. Don't worry, she isn't gonna out you." He twisted his tone when he said it, suddenly nauseous and tired of the conversation. "Look, I gotta go."

"You can't be with whoever he is," Mark begged. "It's killing me just thinking about it." The sound of him breaking down twisted Tad's heart enough to bring tears to his eyes.

"One little kiss," he whispered into the phone. "I'd just given you everything I had and wanted to kiss you one time."

"I'm so sorry I did that," he pleaded. "But please don't do this to me!"

Tad wanted to scream, It's not fucking all about you! Pushing away the the anger he sighed. "I can't talk to you right now." Tad hung up to find Duncan watching him from the edge of the hallway. "Sorry. I didn't mean the bring my problems with me."

"Dinner's ready." Duncan's face was full of sympathy when Tad wiped his eyes.

The chicken and pasta was amazing, the guys kept things light throughout the meal, and since he silenced his phone Tad had a great time. After eating, the three friends began to make excuses, glancing at Tad in a way that implied they were making themselves scarce on his behalf.

"Let me help you clean up," Tad said as Duncan closed the door behind Tiny.

"You don't have to," he said as he went back into the kitchen.

"I don't mind," Tad said as he brought the dirty dishes to the sink.

They worked together for a bit when Duncan said, "That phone call sounded pretty rough."

Tad paused as he wiped down the table. "It's his issue, not mine." Then he sat down at the table to put his head in his hands.

"But you like him, so it's your issue, too." Duncan wiped his hands on a towel then started the dish washer.

"After last night I don't like him so much," Tad admitted.

"What happened?" Duncan asked as he sat at the table next to Tad.

"He's a friend I've had a crush on for years. Last night we were hanging out and… things happened. It clarified things for me, but confused the fuck out of Mark."

Duncan nodded. "Been there, done that, got the tattoo. People come out when they're ready. Forcing someone out just makes them resent you later. I know first hand."

"What happened with you?"

"My first boyfriend was Richard, but we were only physical in private. Any kind of public display freaked him the fuck out. I kept pushing him to stop being so afraid and he finally left me to find some other closeted fucker to pretend with."

"I don't want to have to pretend at all," Tad said. "That's what the call in the hallway was about. Mom mentioned I was on a date and he had a complete freak out. He doesn't want me to come out and he doesn't want to let me go."

"Here's to not having it both ways," Duncan said as he leaned in close.

Tad smiled into the kiss, opening his mouth to Duncan's tongue. His first real kiss put chills up his back and made his pants tight. Duncan slipped his hand behind Tad's head to hold their lips together while they explored. It was wet and hot, with a rough edge that put Tad in gear.

When they pulled away for a moment, Tad felt the heat between them. "That was my first kiss."

Duncan looked surprised. "What do you mean? You've never been with anyone before?"

"I was with him, but he wouldn't kiss me."

"That's a shame because you're a natural," Duncan teased. "Wanna fuck or what?"

"Yeah, I do," Tad said as they both stood. "But first I want to see your ink."

Duncan ripped his shirt over his head and turned to show the design on his shoulder. It was a read heart surrounded by thorns, but stylized in a way that made it seem less cliche. Inside the red heart was a maze the led to another gray heart in the center that looked like stone.

"I like that," Tad said as he ran his fingers over it.

"I designed it," Duncan admitted with a grin. "I love art."

"Got any more?" Tad asked.

"Yeah, but I'll have to take my pants off." He took Tad's hand and led him back into the bedroom. "You have any?"

"Nope. Virgin skin." Tad watched Duncan kick off his pants and push down his boxer briefs with rapt attention. At half-mast he didn't look as big as Mark had been, but the tattoo low on his stomach said Start Here in a cursive script that pointed down to his cock.

Tad began to take off his own clothes and was pleased to see the hunger he felt echoed back at him. Duncan's eyes widened when Tad's cock popped free.

"I want that," Duncan whispered as he stepped closer. He gripped the shaft as he pulled Tad in for a kiss.

"Show me how you want it," Tad said between kisses as he reached for Duncan's stiffening cock.

Shoving him hard down the bed, Duncan ran his hands up Tad's thighs with a hiss. Then he flicked his tongue over Tad's balls and up his shaft, ending with a hard sucking kiss on the front of his shaft where it met the head.

"Fuck," Tad groaned, trying to move away from the ticklish sensation.

Gripping Tad's hips to keep him from moving, Duncan licked up and down, pausing for an instant to flick his head with the tip of his tongue. Then with a rough push he forced Tad's legs apart to give him better access to his balls.

"Grab that pillow and put it under your hips," Duncan commanded.

Tad obeyed instantly, watching as Duncan grabbed a couple of condoms and an odd looking bottle from his night stand. He slid the condom on with one hand, then put a long rubber tip on the end of the lube bottle.

"This may feel a little cold, but it makes things much better." He spread Tad's cheeks and slipped the tip inside carefully, then squeezed the bottle. Tad was sitting up on his elbows watching when a cool sensation flooded his ass.

"Not that cold," Tad whispered. "I bet you can warm me up."

"You're fuckin' right I can," Duncan said as he withdrew the lube and slipped his arms under Tad's knees to open him up wide. Placing his cock against his ass, Duncan slid in smoothly with no discomfort at all.

"Wow," Tad muttered as he lay back. Being filled was amazing, but Duncan immediately slipped out and in again until he could do it without using his hand. Then he leaned over to kiss Tad while pumping in and out with a regular tempo.

Having his hips up on the pillow and his knees up near Duncan's shoulders made a huge difference in the sensation. The pleasure ramped up until Tad could only whimper and push against his thrusts. Being fucked like this felt better than anything he'd ever felt before.

"Don't stop," Tad gasped. "Oh my God, you're incredible."

Duncan kissed his lips and chin, panting harder as he moved. "Do you think you can cum like this?"

"If you give me a hand, I think so," Tad said as he rolled his head back and forth on the bed. "I'm not sure I even care if I do. This feels so amazing."

"I like to bottom, too," Duncan whispered. "Maybe I'll cum and you can do me."

"I'd like that," Tad whispered and kissed him back.

Raising on his hands to speed up, Duncan watched Tad as he brought himself along. His expression shifted as the intensity increased until he opened his mouth as he peaked.

Watching him cum was intensely satisfying. As Tad pulled his hips, the sensitive ring of muscle could feel the pulses as Duncan emptied himself with a gasp and moan. His own cock was leaking all over his stomach from the pleasure of being fucked, but that was nothing compared to Duncan lowering himself to kiss Tad like he was starving and Tad was the only food that would satisfy him.

This was what Tad had wanted from Mark; being fucked and kissed like he was worthy to be with. Duncan pulled back to give that cheeky grin of his.

"I can't believe that was your second time," Duncan whispered. "You have to be fuckin' with me."

"Scout's honor," Tad raised his middle three fingers. "I don't lie. I'm an Eagle Scout."

"I just fucked an Eagle Scout?" Duncan laughed as he sat up and got off of Tad.

"That's not all," Tad said as he rolled off the pillow to get himself the other condom.

"I'm gonna be fucked by an Eagle Scout?" Duncan guessed as he got the lube and scooted up on the bed with an eager expression.

"Yes. Yes, you are." Tad wasn't as smooth getting the condom down his own shaft but it was a tighter fit for him. By the time he had it rolled down as far as it would go Duncan had his ass in the air and was hugging the pillow. A quick handful of lube took care of his shaft, then he whispered. "Ready?"

"Oh hell yes," Duncan hummed.

Tad found the height was perfect if he stood at the side of the bed and Duncan backed up to the edge. He took his time, playing with the puckered ring with his fingers and running the head of his cock across it. When Duncan sucked in his breath, Tad pushed in slowly, spreading his ass wide to help get himself inside.

"Go slow, but don't stop," Duncan hissed. "So good."

"I love that feeling of being filled," Tad said as Duncan's ring tightened down around him. When it loosened again, Tad slid in some more, inching his way inside Duncan's hot hole. "But this is definitely nice, too."

"Oh god, if you're a switch like me we're gonna have so much fun," Duncan murmured.


"Top and bottom. Someone who likes both fucking and being fucked." He squeezed his muscles and pushed Tad out a little with a sigh. "Now stop teasing and fuck my ass."

Tad started with a steady tempo, but before long the sensation drove him faster. He changed the angle a bit based on Duncan's reaction, but before long he was hanging on to the last of his control. "I need to stop for a minute."

Pausing inside Duncan, Tad rubbed his ass and back. He realized that by keeping still he could feel Duncan's heartbeat. He flexed his muscles to flair his cock inside Duncan and was rewarded with a groan.

"That felt good," Duncan whispered as he looked over his shoulder and squeezed his ass tight in return.

"Don't! I'm too close right now," Tad moaned.

"I'd like to feel you cum in me like this," Duncan said and squeezed his ass again and again. "Don't move, just let yourself go if you can."

Tad was riding the edge. The sensation Duncan provided was just enough to keep him there without sending him over. Clutching Duncan's thighs he strained to hold off the end, but he eventually gave into the compulsion to push and sank himself in as far as he could go.

Duncan shivered and whispered, "Yes!"

The thundering orgasm made him cry out while Duncan pushed back against his pressure. The feeling of being surrounded and warm made him cry out again with each pulse, a wordless cry of lust and pleasure as he emptied himself. When it was complete, Tad pulled out and collapsed on his back in Duncan's bed. His hair was wet from sweat, his body covered in a sheen as well, but he welcomed Duncan moving to lay on top of him.

"That was okay, I guess." Duncan's deadpan delivery made Tad chuckle.

"I've never cum so hard in my life."

Duncan kissed Tad with an unexpected tenderness. "You can call me again sometime if you want."

"I just might do that."

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/364syz/feelin_his_way_through_3_mmanal

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