[MF] meeting at the hotel

I am away on business for a conference. It is the evening of the last day of the trip and I am getting a drink with two other guys who are also attending the conference at the bar of the hotel, just next to the convention center, where we are staying.

As we are discussing, a woman approaches us and asks if it is ok to join us. Robert and Fabien do not really catch here question (they are French and their English is not that good) so I'm the one who answers that sure, she could join us. She goes to grab a drink and I explain to my two colleagues what is happening, confessing that I am not sure why this woman wants to join us and confirming that I don't have a clue who she is neither. But there is no reason not to be nice and welcoming.

The woman comes back a couple of minutes later with a glass of wine and sits next to me. She has blond hair, long down to her shoulders, with just a pin to hold them behind her ears; she is not particularly tall, but not short neither. She looks older than us, enough that we can see the age difference, but not as much as we would consider her as old ; she is probably around 35 to 40.

She introduces herself, and asks what we are doing here, where we are coming from, … We explain we are here for a convention and give some funny anecdotes on the past week. We ask where she is from and what she is doing here : she lives in a city two hours of train south from here. She is a linguist and is here at the town's University for a sort of panel on the teaching of English to foreigners. She explains that the other people on the panel are rather old and went to bed early, but she wanted to go out a bit since she cannot usually do that as much when she is home. She has kids — and likely a husband: I spot a ring on her finger.

We carry on the discussion on languages and how well (or not) we learn and speak foreign languages, and other anecdotes of minor importance.

Later, around midnight, our drinks are finished and we (the three guys) have to prepare for our respective planes the next morning, while she has another panel meeting early in the morning. We get up and salute our drink-mate of the evening, wishing her good luck for the rest of her meetings. She replies with a smile and wishes of good trips back. We scatter. The lady linguist is following me, she asks which floor I am: «First up… I mean the next one, I mean, room 310» I'm confused with floor numbers (as the bar is on the second) so I choose to give the room number, that is unambiguous.

"Same for me" she replies, "Do you have a nice view on the lake ?

– I do, that's a great view, but it can be quite noisy from the wind on this side of the hotel. — I reply

– Oh, that's too bad."

We reach the floor and I turn left toward my room; she heads to the other side of the hallway. I give her a final goodbye: «Well, good night, it was nice meeting you.» «Indeed, it is nice, thanks» she answers with a big smile. I wave at here and enter my room.

As I settle in, remove my shoes, close the curtains and start getting my stuff together in my bag for my trip back home the next morning. It was very unexpected to get this woman to join us for a drink and a chat. What did she want exactly ? Company: that is certain, but why us. I shrug my doubts off. After all it was just a nice meeting and chatting between a few people at the bar of a small hotel. Nothing else; and I kind of enjoy meeting new peoples, so here I was, no reason to complain. But I keep thinking about that and how cliché it might be considered to see this: an older woman joining young men for a drink.

I am interrupted by a knock on my door. Surprised, I pause for a few seconds; but the knock is repeated. I open it just a little and see the woman, the one from the bar of course. «Is something wrong ?» I ask ? «Can I come in ?» she is insistent and shy at the same time. I pause again, then open the door and invite here in. «Sure, come in. Don't mind the mess.»

I go to the desk and organize papers and pens to get myself busy and mask my confusion. «Can I help you with anything ?» I ask over my shoulder. «Let’s have sex together» she answers.

I stop in shock. Now I am confused as hell.

I turn around blushing, I cannot say anything for long seconds – finally, I say « What !!?? », convinced that I understood wrong. But she answers with confidence: « please, have sex with me. » I blink and confusedly reply: « But, but, but… I have a girlfriend, and you’re married. You have kids !

– So ? — she asks

– I don’t know what to answer.

– Don’t you find me attractive ? »

I hesitate: «Sure, yes, you look great, it’s just that… how… why would we …

– Tonight I have a unique opportunity to have sex with a stranger and we’ll never see each other again. So let’s do it !»

As she says that, I see that she is decided, confident, convinced. And I get convinced myself: this is not about her cheating on her husband, this is not about sex in fact ; it’s taking a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and turning it into a reality. She does not want to have sex with me, but just seize the moment and make a reality of something crazy and surreal; to fulfill a fantasy just for the sake of it. And as this idea sinks into my mind, I realize that saying «No» will shatter her imagination into a brutal reality and also close for ever this opportunity for myself. I just have to say yes to indulge ourselves int a sweet unreality.

«Oh, what the hell, let’s do it.» I whisper.

In two steps she is just in front of me. I put my hands on her waist, feel her butt for an instant and move them up, removing her top. She wears a plain light-grey cotton bra. While I gently stroke her body, she undoes my belt, unzip my jeans and pull them and my briefs down to my knees. She goes down on her knees, take my cock in her hand and start massaging it. I am getting hard, but the surreal aspect of the situation is preventing me to reach a full erection. To overcome the situation, she takes my sex in her mouth and plays her tongue around. I take my T-shirt off, she keeps my cock in her mouth, using her hands to unzip her pants. She stands up, remove pants, underwear and bra; I finish to take off my jeans. Once we are both naked, she takes my sex in her hand again. I extend my arm and reach between her legs: she is wet, I start rubbing gently all the while kissing her breast.

We do not linger on foreplay. After about a minute or two, she let go of my sex and fumble trough here pants pockets to extract a condom – she obviously came prepared. Playfully, she throws me on the bed, give my cock a few extra strokes and licks before unwrapping the condom and putting it on me. Without waiting, she gets on top of me and put my sex in her with a big sigh of relief. I put my hands on her hips and follow her moves as she starts to bounce up and down, not particularly fast, but with energy. She moans and touch her breasts, self-absorbed in her own pleasure. I am not spoiled of pleasure: seeing her boobs going up and down and feeling myself in her, with a complex move in 8 coupled to the thrust is highly exciting.

As she increases the rhythm of her moves – all the while breathing deeper and exhaling moans of pleasure – she leans back, supporting herself with her arms pulled back, her hands gripping my knees. I move with her and go faster, clenching my hands on her ass. She lets go a long «Ooooooh..” and I get myself up sited, my head just at the right height to kiss her breasts. She responds by gripping my hair and keeping me firmly with her left boob in my mouth. Our moves stop, it is not convenient in this position. As my dick gets out of her vagina, she let go off my hair and lay down on her side, her back facing me, with a great view on her ass.

I pass my finger gently between her thighs, inquiring of her reaction. She softly says «yes—» letting the word lasts in a desperately needy way. I answer her call by pulling her to me, getting on my knee and with her standing doggy-style in front of me. Without waiting, I get myself in her and start slowly to go back and forth. I am slow and soft: getting my sex completely out of her each time, then sliding it back slowly as deep as possible. She breaths deeply each time I enter, so I change strategy and focus on getting my cock in and out of her vagina. Just going in and out on the edge, feeling her intimate lips making room for me at each move. She drops here head on the mattress, with a heavy and silent cry – barely managing to say «yeahhhh- sss» between long long loud breathes.

She quickly gets very wet, so much that it slowly drips on my balls as I continue my move.

I am becoming overwhelmed with pleasure too and change my action, going deeper and more energetically. She stands straight, the head up, a little «Oh» or «Ah» escaping her mouth, almost unconsciously, every time I get to the end of her and my lower belly slaps her ass. I extend an arm to cup one of her breasts. She stands a little more to allow me and mark her appreciation with a moan. I am now fucking her hard and fast, and she does not complain at all. As we approach climax, I use my other hand to tickle her clitoris, she completely stands on her knees now, with my right hand massaging her left breast and my left hand between her legs. She hold herself to my ass with her right arm.

She orgasms first: I feel it, as she tenses up and my right hand gets instantaneously wetter as she exhales a soft and long moan, clearly of deep pleasure. That is more than enough to finish me and I come too, squeezing harder on her breast and holding my breathe in her neck. Our orgasms last for a long time, or at least so it seems, during which our two bodies, tensed by pleasure, cling to each others. And after that, with a long and deep breath, we both fall to rest. Disunited; I fall on my back, she is on her belly, we are recovering, taking deep breathes.

I am not even sure of what just happened: I replay the last 5 – or was it 10 – minutes in my mind. It was so surreal, so unexpected, so great… maybe no the best sex I ever had, but certainly the most self-absorbed, self centered. A shared selfishness which enhanced our pleasure unexpectedly. I almost think «I should do that again» but I realize that it is impossible and any try to recreate the moment would be a disappointment. I am glad I did that, glad for myself.. I was afraid this would create an emotional connection with my one-time partner but it did not. Actually, I just realize she got up from the bed and dresses herself again. She already put back her underwear and she is getting into her jeans – not minding me in anyway either – she puts her top back but keeps her bra off, shoving it in her pocket. She turns back to me while patting her hair back in order and says «Thank you. That was great.» She is sincere and direct, I answer: «you’re welcome. I appreciated it too.» She nods with a nice smile and wave at me «Good bye then — Good bye.» And she gets out of the room.

A few minutes later: I am back at organizing my luggage for my flight back home the next morning. The whole episode could have been just a dream, except for the used condom in the bathroom trash bin. I know it is real, even if the memory of the event feels distant, dreamy as for something almost already forgotten. It was so unreal, so impossible that my mind cannot register this evening as true. It was a fantasy, swift as a shadow, short as any dream… but, what a dream !

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/35tbod/mf_meeting_at_the_hotel