Mystic Vice: Big Beautiful Witch 1 [excerpt]

“Dammit Ioannis! You are under arrest! Stop running or I’m going to kick your ass!” I shouted, stumbling after him. Ioannis whipped his head around and dashed down one of the park’s paths, bleating the whole way. He wasn’t going to make this easy for me.

Once I was in the park, I began to pull in as much energy as I could hold. There was no way I was going to let Ioannis out of this park. If he made it to the street, all he had to do was blend into the crowd or hop on a bus and he was gone. Not only that, I won’t be able to use any magick. If I were to start tossing around spells in public, the Chapter Master would have my head. Time to end this.

I aimed my wand and cried out: “Ballando Vento!”

The air snapped and a gust of wind slammed into Ioannis, hitting him square in the back. He swore and went tail over teakettle, but was already up and running a moment later. Dammit! That was as hard as I could hit! Ioannis was getting farther away and he would be on the street in less than a minute. I channeled the energy, readying another spell.

“Ballando Vento!” I cried again. Another clap of air and Ioannis’ right leg flipped out from under him, sending him face first into the dirt.

Ha hah! I may not be the heaviest hitter, but I do have great aim.

“Alright Ioannis, give it up,” I said, once I reached him. “No reason to drag this out anymore.”

“You haven’t caught me yet, sweetie,” he boasted, dizzily standing up.

“C’mon Ioannis. I’m not going to chase you all over this park. Come quietly and the Marid might take it easy on you,” I implored.

“That’s not going to happen,” he snickered, whipping out his flute.

“Don’t!” I cried a second too late. He began to play furiously, filling the night with a frantic melody. Cords of ivy and root sprang up through the ground, wrapping around my legs and pulling me down. I took a nasty spill, landing face first in the grass.

The horny old goat barked with laughter as I struggled to rip the plants away from my ankles. For every one I tore off, another grew in its place.

“Ha ha ha! What’s the matter Benandanti? I thought you witches loved plants!” laughed Ioannis, taking great pleasure in my frustration.

Enough of this crap.

“Ardente Luce!”

The tip of my wand blossomed with orange light and a stream of flame poured out, torching the plants. I kicked what was left of them off as I stood, facing my collar down.

“Not bad! Lets see how you-”

“Accecante Luce!” I yelled, shielding my eyes. A sharp flash of light exploded from my wand, momentarily lighting up the park. Ioannis let out a pained cry, letting me know my spell hit home.

I was on him in an instant, tackling him to the ground. He blindly tried to squirm away, but I had him pinned beneath me. My chest was heaving and the adrenaline was rocketing through my veins. I yanked him onto his stomach and grabbed my cuffs, ignoring the urge to beat him to a pulp or mount him. The Gleipnir rope slipped easily around his wrists and I tightened them with a satisfying creak. There was no way he could get away from me now. I wonder if he’s still…

Easy Victoria.

“I am placing you under arrest by the authority of the Order of Benandantis,” I declared, getting myself under control. “Maybe a few months at Redgate will teach you not tape innocent girls.”

“You don’t have to worry about that,” he sassed. “Nothing beats the feel of a big girl like you on top o-”

I punched him square in the face. He went out like a light, tongue lolling in the dirt. Creep. At least his hard-on was gone.

I sat my prisoner up against a tree and dug into my bag, pulling out a tiny silver bell. Closing my eyes, I struck the bell with the Benandanti wand. A single silvery note rang out, drowning out all other sound. I struck the bell again and the wind picked up all around me. I struck the bell a third time and the smell of sun cooked sand wafted into my nose.

We Benandanti aren’t the only peacekeepers around. Whenever we capture a criminal that isn’t human, or is using magick to break the law, we turn them over to our colleagues, the Marid, more commonly known as the blue djinn. The Benandantis protect the human world from supernatural threats, but we aren’t the jailors. That’s where the Marid come in. They are from the Summerlands, the spirit plane, and help maintain peace between all of the various planes. Their greatest asset to us is that they are some of the only creatures that we know of that can cross the borders between worlds unaided. Normally that feat requires a high level of expertise and a butt-load of energy and most human practitioners can’t pull it off.

So whenever we arrest anyone, we call on the Marid and they haul them off to either Redgate, the Benandanti prison in the Summerlands or to exile from wherever they originally came from. In return, we supply them with resources they can only get on earth and make sure order is kept on this side of the border.

The sound cleared and a plume of golden smoke flowed out of the ground, and rose ten feet high. Out of its center stepped a lone figure, a Marid. He was a good head taller than me, with bright blue skin and not a stitch of hair to be seen. Blue smoke wreathed around his feet and shins and the only pieces of clothing he wore were loose white pants and a Kiffiyeh on top of his head.

“Hello Benandanti Fitzgerald. Why do you summon me?” he asked politely.

“Good evening Hatim, good to see you again. I have apprehended this satyr, Ioannis Petro, for violating human and Summerland law,” I answered, standing at attention.

“What are the charges?” he asked, extending his hand out, palm up. I took his hand and he placed the other on Ioannis’ head.

“Illegal voyeurism, resisting arrest and assaulting a Benandanti,” I recited. Whenever we call the Marid, they assessed the truth of our charges by quickly reading our memories and the memories of the perpetrator. They don’t take that deep a look, just enough to tell if we are being truthful.

“Your charges are justly leveled. I shall escort Mr. Petro to Redgate. Good evening Benandanti Fitzgerald.” And with that, he stepped back through the golden smoke, disappearing with Ioannis.

“Yes, I did it! One night! Yes! Suck it Chapter Master!” I cried excitedly. I could hardly believe it. My hands were shaking when I called in my collar to headquarters. This was amazing! There was no way the Chapter Master could turn me down now.

By the time I made it home, I was feeling the night. My body was aching all over and my stomach was getting pretty sore. I shuffled into the bathroom, turned on the shower and quickly began peeling off my clothes.

Standing nude in front of the mirror, I surveyed the damage. There was a softball sized bruise forming on my belly and a few assorted marks and cuts on my back, shoulders and arms. My face was covered in soot and dirt and my hair was a tangled mess. It took me a good five minutes to fish out all of the leaves and twigs.

When I was finished, I gave myself a second, more intimate, evaluation. Even with the injuries, I thought I still looked damn good. Maybe it was all the excess lust, but right now, I felt so sexy. My body was plump, shapely and had so many curves you could get lost without a map. In public, I was always so self-conscious about how I looked. It was impossible to hide my boobs and butt, and it seemed like that’s all anybody noticed about me. But when I was alone, or with “company”, I relished in them. I loved being a BBW; I wouldn’t give it up for the world.

With a flirtatious wink, I twirled and hopped in the shower. The hot water hit my aching muscles, and started to sooth away some of the pain. I let it work it wonders before lathering myself up and washing off the dirt and stress of the day. Without realizing it, I had begun to massage my breasts, giving in to my arousal. It had been a couple of hours since I had worked any magick, but the feelings of desire and the need for action were still stirring inside me. My body felt so demanding and sensitive. I needed a release. Too bad none of those college boys were around. I bet they would love to help little old me.

Just thinking about them got me going. I imagined them pawing at my body, touching where they liked, learning what I needed. Slipping a hand in between my legs, I rubbed my aching sex, letting the hot water mix with my own wetness. It felt so damn good that a shiver ran up my spine, making me moan deliciously. Damn, I really needed this.
