Mudding in Florida

There are very few things to do out in the back marshlands of Florida on a weekend, however for a good ole redneck it can be paradise. It was midsummer and hot as hell, naturally the southern state was in a drought. My buddies Chris, Randall, and myself piled into our trucks loaded out with coolers of beer, and plenty of logs to have ourselves a good time. About 20 miles outside of our army base were the semi dried up marshes, and we had a good Saturday night planned mudding followed by cold beer and a big bon fire. I had the coolers loaded up in my truck since it wasn't technically a truck, I drove an old 1988 k5 Chevy blazer with an 8in lift and 35in mud tires. Now I’m 5'10 and the bottom of the cab of my truck is waist high and it makes it a little hard for even me to climb inside. While Chris and Randall’s trucks were packed full of logs and stumps we had been collecting for the past month, we made our way out to the marshes


We got there at about 3 in the afternoon, noticing an f150 with a lowboy and 2 small cars parked on the side of the rode. "Just great" I mumbled to myself "damn kids out here on four wheelers." when we drove through into the field clearing we saw one ATV and a group of people standing in a circle looking to be digging in the mud. We stopped and started unloading the fire wood and coolers the whole time casting glances over to the strange group of kids. Finally my curiosity got the better of me and I let Chris and Randall handle the rest of the fire wood and drove over to the "mud diggers". As I got closer I could see two males and three females trying to dig out a second ATV, this was priceless. I couldn't even begin to imagine how the hell they buried an ATV to the handle bars, but low and behold there it was. I hopped out and I’m guessing the leader of the group came to meet me and introduced himself as mike, as it turns out I had guessed right and they were all college kids out for a day of fun.


Now being 25 myself I know you’re wondering why I’m calling a 22 year old a kid, plain and simple while most of these kids were still living with mommy and daddy going to school, me and my friends had grown up fast. Enlisting in the army at 18 going to boot camp straight out of high school and being sent to Iraq within the first year at my unit. since then I had become a noncommissioned officer had 3 tours overseas and was responsible for leading my squad of joes into combat their life’s hanging on my decisions. So yea I called this guy a kid. After a brief hello I offered to hook up and tow him out, he seemed to have some kind of chip on his shoulder "one which I was getting more and more anxious to knock off". Before too long and with the finesse of pulling teeth I had the ATV out of the mud hole. all the college kids piled up on to the ATV’s and there was a small argument seems 5 kids cant fit on 2 ATV’s so one of them had to walk the the quarter mile back to the road. what I didn't know is that the girl behind mike wasn't his girlfriend. and his girlfriend was the one causing the ruckus. I walked up and offered a ride back to the infuriated would be stranded woman.


Mike’s girlfriend looked at him with what I can only describe as daggers for eyes, when she looked back at me she had a mischievous grin and accepted my help. The ATV’s took off as I was climbing into my truck as I sat down I waited for her to get in….. I sat there for a minute and when she didn't enter the cab I climbed down to find her too short to reach the door handle. I gave a light chuckle and I got the same dagger eyes mike had just gotten a few minutes before. I raised my hands in mock surrender, all I got in return was a roll of the eyes. I opened the door for her like a gentleman, she grabbed the hand rail and when she stepped up to climb into the cab her muddy hand slipped from the rail. I tried to catch her but just managed to break her fall, with my body.


She lifted her head off of me and sat up straddling my hips, and immediately she could feel exactly the effect she was having on me as my cock started to inflate under her. She suppressed a giggle as she looked down seeing me covered head to toe in mud, I grinned sheepishly back as she climbed off of me. This time as she went to climb into my truck I grabbed ahold of her hips to help lift her up. Her muddy foot slipped and I grabbed her thighs to keep her from taking both of us to the ground again. She let out a small yelp, I asked if she was ok and got back a sultry reply of “fucking excellent” this confused me until I realized just where my hand was. Now for any reader who doesn’t know what daisy dukes are, and I mean real daisy dukes not some store bought crap. The crotch of her shorts didn’t even cover her thong, which was hard pressed to cover her sex. My hand had slid up to her ass cheek and I had caught her body in a seated position, by divine intervention my thumb slipped underneath her thong and was buried knuckle deep in her sex.


I immediately pulled my hand back and she hurried into the cab, my eyes went straight to the ground and my face was beet red as I walked around my truck and climbed on in. for the short drive back I kept my eyes dead ahead like I was in a nascar race to afraid to look away for an instant or else id crash. Little did I know she stared at me the whole way back biting on her bottom lip waiting for me to turn and make the eye contact that never came. When we got back I figured they would all pile into their cars and take off, little did I know my buddies had invited mike and his friends to stay and drink and enjoy our bonfire with us.


Sitting there sipping on a beer staring into the fire Chris and Randall were talking about something asking me questions and I just gave the occasional “uh huh”. My mind was in an infinite loop replaying the events from earlier that day, her on top of me how good her breasts felt against my chest. How I could recall how hot her sex was, and it had been soaked. Not thinking about I had brought my thumb up to my nose, there was still a subtle musky smell to it. As I realized what I was doing, I quickly brought my hand down and looked around. As I scanned the partiers I locked eyes with her, she gave me quick smile and looked away. Oh shit did she see me I thought, she couldn’t have known I was trying to smell the remnants of her.


As the night grew later and my clothes began to get uncomfortably stiff, I excused myself to take a dip in the small pond behind a grove of trees a good 50 yards behind us. As I got to the water’s edge, I slipped my boots off and tossed my socks inside them, I guess the army drilled it into us enough about not having wet feet. Barefoot, I waded out into the pond. I was actually surprised the water came up to my chest. As I dunked myself a few times and just played in the water, I must have been making more noise than I thought or with a combination of the alcohol I had lost my situational awareness.


Suddenly, I felt arms come up from behind and wrap up around me. Now I’ve never intentionally harmed a woman, nor have I ever laid a hand on one. However it is never a good idea to (a) sneak up on a combat vet or (b) ever go for our throat. Combat mode kicked in full gear, I tucked my right elbow against my side and brought it around behind me full force. I was rewarded with a sharp exhale, knocking the breath out of my opponent. Turning on my left heel and preforming a back stroke motion with my left arm, bringing down and wrapping it around my opponent neck. Something didn’t feel right, long hair against my arm, breasts against my side “FUCK!” I quickly adjusted bringing my left arm down under hers and turning completely to wrap my arms around her waist to steady her. It was then I recognized her, mikes girlfriend. “Hey, are you ok? I’m so sorry I didn’t know it was you”, I asked. “No I’m sorry”, she said. “I thought you heard me, I wasn’t exactly being quiet”. I looked down at her into her eyes and asked, “what are you doing out here exactly?” “Skinny dipping” she replied with a shake of her hips. Then asked, “Want to join me?” I don’t think I have ever shed my clothes faster. Tossing my wet clothes onto the bank, she moved back against me. Her ass was nestling my cock, which for the second time today was responding to her. I wrapped my arms around her and whispered, “This is crazy, I don’t even know your name.” which she replied, “And you never will”.


With that my lips found her neck, and my hands roamed up to her breasts. God they were huge, the shirt she had on didn’t do her justice. As my hands kneaded her soft mounds, a sigh escaped her lips. Her hands came up to rest on mine and encourage me to use more pressure. I obeyed and dug my hands into her soft flesh. I let my left hand fall, trailing my fingertips down her body. As my fingers circles her clit, I moved my lips up and nibbled on her earlobe. I received a whimper and shudder from her body, “holy shit” I thought, “I’ve barely started and she just came.” When her shivers stopped I committed my hand, closing the path I was running until I was softly rubbing her clit in a circular motion. She soon began panting, repeating “here we go, here we go, heeeeeere weeeeeeee gooooooooo”. She came like a force of nature, both hands grabbing my wrist holding my hand still as she doubled over. She came up coughing and gasping for air, turning around and hugging me holding me tight with a shit eating grin on her face.


Noticing my yet to be touched cock, she reached up, wrapped her arms around my neck, and lifted herself up. My hands found her ass, assisting her climb. As we relaxed our grip her body lowered directly onto my hard member. In one slow fluid motion, I found myself buried to the hilt in her tight velvety embrace. And holy shit, it was hot, it felt like her sex was on fire. As we slowly started to move her body up and down, I asked, “We’re fucking raw, do I need to pull out?” her reply was so dangerous it was intoxicating. “Please don’t, we should be good”. We had sex slowly, letting the buoyancy of the water take care of most of the work.


After a few minutes had passed, I couldn’t take it any longer, I whispered to her, “I’m close”. She bought her legs up and locked her ankles around my back, driving me deeper inside her. I could feel the pressure building, I thrust one last time holding myself inside her. I could feel the resistance of her cervix as I came, and come I did. The first shot caused my knees to buckle, it took every ounce of will I had to keep our heads above water. I grunted with every release, counting five large spurts inside of her unprotected womb. As she pulled herself of me I was still coming, the last little spurts deposited in the murky pond. She brought my head down to hers and we kissed for the first time. She then turned and headed towards the bank leaving me weakly standing there, trying to catch my breath. By the time I made it to shore and had my soggy clothes back on, she was gone.


As I approached my friends I noticed the colleges kids had jetted. Chris spoke up first, “they took mike back and left his fiancée a set of keys so she could leave when you guys were done” “wait, who was who’s fiancée?” I asked. Randall spoke up, “Apparently he had cheated on her and the whole group knew about it.” “He was too drunk to notice her leave, and passed out as soon as she walked away.” Chris added, “Their friends think she was getting her revenge, so they loaded his drunk ass up and took him home.” “Well damn” I said, “if I’d of known that”. “You mean you didn’t!” they shouted in unison. “Nope, I guess I just lucked out”. We then packed up the trucks and headed back to base. My mind hearing her say, “We should be ok” over and over again. By the time we got back to the front gate I had pitched a nice tent the cute MP noticed. As she handed me back my ID I could have swore I saw her wink at me.


1 comment

  1. feedback is greatly appreciated, have any ideas, ladies want your own personalized story from a southern gentleman, pm me and will see where we can go from there

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