Molly, Jacob, and Camden – Summertime Blues 3 [FF][oral]

Click on my username to see the previous story posts featuring these three. This is the last part of this story.

Molly split her time during the week between work and fixing up their new apartment. Jacob had avoided her after she'd pressed him about Camden. She knew he worked out at his gym or went to extra practices for the school soccer team tryouts coming up in a couple of weeks. Even though he had a scholarship for soccer, he was still expected to compete for his position.

Zoe mentioned seeing Jacob around the sorority house with Anna in the evenings. If he came home after she went to sleep, he was gone again before she woke up. It was almost like living alone in the apartment and left Molly far too much time with her thoughts.

Tuesday night, after she got off working a double shift at the restaurant, Molly fumbled the key into the lock and pushed through the door to their apartment. The quiet and darkness were welcome after her busy day waiting tables. After showering off the stink of food and grease, she put on sweats, grabbed one of the few ciders left in the fridge, and curled up on the love seat with her phone.

Zoe and Jacob had both messaged while she was in the shower. Jacob's message was a simple Call me, but after their lack of communication the last few days it worried her enough to call him back first.

"Hey," he answered with a slur in his voice. In the background she heard the sounds of explosions and loud voices, so she assumed he was with his best friend and soccer teammate, Rick.

"I'm just calling you back like you asked." Molly didn't want him to hear just how lonely she was. She hated feeling needy and off-balance, but that had become her new normal without Camden and Jacob around.

"Yeah, lemme go outside so I can hear." She heard the muffed noises of him moving around and finally the background noise dropped away as he shut a door. "I got some news."

"What's up," she asked as her stomach contracted in anticipation.

"You need to watch yourself with Zoe. She likes to play the field and gets bored fast from what I overheard at her sorority house."

"It's just friendly between us," Molly said as she tore the paper from the bottle of cider. She stilled her shaking hands by gripping the bottle harder. "Nothing serious."

"I don't want you getting hurt again." His slur was gone as the pain in his words came through.

"I'm a big girl," she said, but was touched that he cared so much.

"I know I've been avoiding you and I'm sorry," he muttered. "I overreacted when I got that text from Michelle last week. I know it's stupid, but part of me blamed you for all this. I mean, I've been hung up on Camden for years and then I find out she prefers chicks." He gave a sad chuckle, but it sounded like he was crying.

Molly swallowed hard before she responded. "She still loves you, Jacob. Just because she kissed a girl doesn't change that."

"I thought you'd never forgive her for hurting me." His tone was rough with emotion.

"I'm the grudge-holding bitch, not you." Her joke fell flat. "We should all get together and talk. Dad was right, it may never be the same, but we can't just keep hurting each other like this. I miss her. I miss us."

"It's too late to go back," he insisted.

"I know, but it's never too late to go forward."

"Let me think about it," he sighed. "I need another beer."

"Be careful and call if you want me to come get you."

"I'll probably just crash here. Don't worry."

After she rung off, she went into the kitchen and got the second-to-last cider from the refrigerator. "It sucks being underage," she mumbled as she opened the top and tossed the empty bottle in the trash.

There was a quiet tap at her door as she was walking back to the living room. When she looked out the peep hole, she saw Zoe and felt a flutter in her chest. There was a worried look on Zoe's face as she waited, but by the time Molly opened the door she was all smiles.

"Hey," Molly sighed through the doorway. Zoe had another twelve-pack of cider in her hands and Molly raised her own open bottle. "Great minds."

"Do you mind me just dropping by?" Zoe shuffled her feet and gave a hopeful smile.

"Not at all," Molly said as she stepped back. She felt Jacob's words coming back and wondered if this was the brush-off he'd warned her about.

Zoe took the cider to the kitchen and began unloading the bottles into the refrigerator door. "I see you were running low," she said and smiled over her shoulder. "I came just in time."

Molly nodded as she took a long pull from her bottle. Zoe was still wearing her name tag from her job at the bed and bath place. "Thanks for picking up some more. It's been a long day and I was afraid of running out before I got sleepy."

"Drinking yourself to sleep and classes haven't even started yet," Zoe teased.

"It's been a rough couple of weeks," Molly answered as Zoe crushed the box and put it in the kitchen trash can. Looking into Zoe's worried eyes, Molly found herself holding back.

"Did you decide about the scrimmage tomorrow?" Zoe asked, but glanced away before Molly could answer.

"I've got the afternoon off," she replied without really answering the question.

"Okay," Zoe nodded and took a breath. "Then I need to tell you something."

"Your girlfriend is back from summer break," Molly deadpanned, thinking she was making a joke.

"She's not my girlfriend," Zoe said as she looked up startled. "Wait, how did you hear about her already?"

A little part of Molly died just then, but she kept the pain off of her face somehow. "You do have a bit of a reputation."

Zoe flushed as she drew away from Molly. "I suppose I deserved that. Look, when I gave you my number you were just this cute little femme. I figured we'd hook up then go our separate ways."

"That's looking more likely by the minute," Molly muttered as she stepped away into the living room. She could feel her heart pounding as her vision dimmed. She had no one to talk to about this. Camden would just laugh at her naivety for hooking up with a junior.

Zoe followed and took her elbow to turn her around. "Then you showed up at the party looking totally different. I wasn't expecting you to take charge like you did. And after this weekend I haven't been able to stop thinking about you."

"So what does this have to do with your girlfriend." She was being a cold bitch, but the way life kept throwing rocks at her was getting old.

"She's not my girlfriend," Zoe hissed, then got herself under control as she ran her fingers through her hair. "We dated last year and made a clean break before summer. I didn't know what to expect until she moved back into the house again last night."

Molly decided to keep up the bluff she had started. "And back into your room, of course."

Zoe's mouth dropped open as her eyes took Molly in anew. "I'm switching rooms. I'm not interested in being with her anymore and I don't want any mixed signals between us."

"A week before we met I thought I was gonna marry my best friend someday." She drained the rest of her bottle of cider. "And I'm still as big a wreck as when we met. You don't need to do all that on my account."

"I'm not asking anything of you. I know you need time, but I didn't want you blindsided by this tomorrow. I love my sorority sisters, but they are vicious gossips. Just don't assume anything you hear is true without talking to me first. Please? That's all I ask."

After a moment Molly finally nodded, banishing Zoe's look of desperate panic. "I appreciate you being up front with me."

"I'm glad," Zoe said and stepped closer. "I want the chance to get to know you better." She brushed Molly's bangs off her forehead.

The emotional roller coaster was taking its toll, forcing Molly to rub her burning eyes. "I'm glad you came by to warn me, but I'm really wiped out."

"Did something happen today?" Zoe asked with a worried frown.

Molly wished she could talk about the crazy situation with someone other than her brother and Camden. She opened her eyes and studied Zoe's face without speaking.

"Does it have something to do with you and Camden… and your brother?"

Her heart chilled at the implied question, but it was obvious Zoe'd figured out more than Molly expected. "Have you told anyone?"

"Of course not," she said as she pulled Molly to the love seat in the living room. "I just overheard Anna talking about Camden and didn't understand why Jacob was so upset at your ex-girlfriend. Eventually I realized he was seeing her too and is just as broken about what happened as you are."

"It's complicated." Molly leaned against Zoe and let herself tell most of the sordid story, only leaving out the parts where she slept with her brother. She even mentioned her father's cutting remark about grudges, the way she felt when Camden came to the apartment, and what she and Jacob discussed earlier. Through it all Zoe listened without comment, only asking a few clarifying questions that actually helped Molly put things into perspective.

"You still love her, too," Zoe said. "Just like you told Jacob."

"She's my best friend and my first lover. I'll always love her." Molly sat her empty bottle down on the coffee table and turned in Zoe's arms. "But I need to be able to trust her again and I just can't right now."

Zoe kissed her forehead. "I think you're smart to talk to her with Jacob. Even if you guys can't go back, you can get closure. Then you can decide what you want to do instead of just reacting to the pain you all feel."

Molly felt the broken pieces of her heart settle into a more stable mess. "How'd you get so smart?" she asked with an amazed half-smile.

"Fuckin' up a lot," Zoe grinned back. "That's why I want to do this right."

Molly shut her eyes and kissed the lips she'd been dreaming about for days. Zoe pulled her closer and caressed her hair and neck. There was an electric spark everywhere they touched that drew gasps from them both. When they slowed to snuggle for a moment, Molly had to admit Zoe was really growing on her.

"Molly, I don't want to rush things, but…"

Zoe's hesitation drew Molly back to look in her face. "What?"

"I don't want to go back to my room. Anna's roommate wasn't able to switch today, so I'm stuck with Kris one more night. I'd rather be here with you."

Molly's heart raced at the request, her smile escaping before she could really consider what she ought to do. Zoe's look of happiness at the response made up her mind. "We'll have to snuggle up close to fit in that twin bed."

"Good," she whispered and kissed Molly again.

After digging out a spare toothbrush from under the bathroom sink, Molly gave Zoe some privacy while she turned down the bed for them both. She thought about putting on the shorts and long t-shirt she ordinarily slept in, but a wicked idea pushed that thought away.

When Zoe came into the dark bedroom, Molly saw Zoe's slim body wearing nothing but shadows. "I didn't want to sleep in my work clothes since I'll have to wear them again tomorrow. Can borrow some panties?"

"They'll just end up on the floor next to the bed in a few minutes, but I love the idea of you wearing my panties all day tomorrow."

Zoe chuckled and slipped between the sheets, her hands discovering Molly's body warm and ready. Slipping her arms around the nude form, Zoe kissed her deeply before lowering her lips to Molly's full breasts.

The sensation of Zoe's hot mouth made Molly shiver and clutch her close. No one had spent the kind of time and intense concentration on her breasts before Zoe did. Jacob and Camden had touched with them in passing, but both eventually moved on to other, more interesting areas.

"That's so nice," Molly murmured as she stroked Zoe's hair.

Zoe seemed content to suckle and squeeze for as long as Molly would let her. Her patient attention began to stir something unexpected. Molly felt the heat building in her core like an oncoming orgasm, but it built so slowly she barely noticed it. She rocked her hips as the pressure grew, but Zoe never wavered in her single-minded focus.

Teetering on the edge, Molly arched her back as her mouth opened in a silent cry. When she held her breath, Zoe opened her mouth wide and sucked in nipple, areola, and as much of Molly's breast as she could.

"Oh, Zoe," Molly gasped. The sensation was clearly an orgasm, but it filled her whole body instead of just her core. Clutching Zoe even harder, Molly jerked as electric shocks forced her to cry out. When she collapsed back against the bed, Zoe curled up close to her with a satisfied sigh. "Fuck me…"

"I just did," Zoe whispered. "I love your body, especially your breasts. I wish mine were as big as yours."

"I don't," Molly said as she pulled her in for a kiss. "You're perfect just the way you are."

The kiss deepened again as Molly pushed Zoe on her back. Her hands caressed Zoe's whole body, lingering whenever Zoe responded. Teasing her slowly, Molly touched everywhere except the slick joining of her legs. She kissed Zoe constantly on her lips, cheeks and neck. The soft sheets added to the sensual moment, bringing feather touches and raising their heat.

"I need you inside me," Zoe begged.

Molly tickled along Zoe's thighs while she kicked the sheets down. Zoe opened hers legs with a sigh, throwing one leg over Molly and letting the other fall off the edge of the twin bed.

Molly used the tips of her fingers to tease along the slick lower lips while her tongue teased the edges of her mouth. Zoe writhed and pushed down into her hand, but Molly moved away with a chuckle.

"Please," Zoe begged again.

"Relax and enjoy it," Molly suggested as she dipped her finger into the slick mess while she licked Zoe's lower lip at the same time.


Keeping her fingers and tongue synced, she moved Zoe closer to the edge. When Molly touched the top of Zoe's slit, she licked the corner of her mouth. When she slipped along her wetness, Molly kissed her mouth lightly. And when Molly slipped two fingers inside, her tongue penetrated Zoe's mouth with an equal passion.

In and out, her tongue and fingers drew her closer until Zoe was gasping and clawing at the sheets. Keeping her on the edge was a delicate task, but Molly finally relented and covered Zoe's mons while slipping three fingers inside. The response was instant as Zoe cried out, twisting the sheets in her fists as her body thundered its release.

"Oh God, Oh Molly!" The words tasted sweet as Molly continued to kiss Zoe's gasping mouth. When she finally collapsed back against the bed, Molly settled next to her to draw wet circles around her navel.

When Zoe burst into tears, Molly froze. She raised up to look at her friend in the dim light from the window. "Hey," she whispered, her fingers moving the damp blue-blonde bangs off her face. "What's wrong?"

Zoe turned and buried her face in Molly's neck, sobbing as she clutched her arms around Molly's back. "Sorry," she whispered into the tear dampened skin. "I kinda lost it for a second. I feel like I'm supposed to be the one showing you new things."

"Sure, play the age card now," Molly chuckled.

"I'm serious. I'm not used to someone topping me, especially not someone three years younger than I am. You turn me inside out when you make me feel what you just did. It's just a little intense for me."

"You are showing me new things." Molly kissed her damp hair. "I've never cum from someone playing with my tits before." Zoe tried to interrupt, but Molly kept talking. "Every time I think I have you figured out, you surprise me in a good way. And in the middle of my life falling apart, here you are showing me how to be happy despite everything else going on."

Sighing into each other's arms, Molly stroked Zoe's stomach until they both fell asleep.

When Molly stepped into the sorority house the next afternoon she was dressed for battle. She wore cleated shoes, shin guards under her socks, and matching sports bra and panties under her favorite shorts and t-shirt. Across the front of the pink shirt were the words I know I play like a girl and in tall letters on the back was Try to keep up.

Looking around the large living room she spotted Jacob and Anna hanging out with a group of men and women. She recognized Jung in a ball cap with her hair pulled out the back. Jung had a clipboard and whistle around her neck, looking every inch the soccer coach. Jacob looked over and grinned when he saw Molly approach.

"There's your goalie," he said to Jung and pointed.

Jung looked and got a happy grin as she looked Molly over. "I hear you might be a pretty good player."

Jacob's friend Rick was draped over another woman Molly hadn't met yet, but she was dressed to play. "Jacob tried to convince the varsity soccer coach at our high school to let Molly goalie for us. When we scrimmaged against the girls' team, Molly was the only one who could shut her brother down."

"That's because I practiced with him all the time and knew his tells," Molly said with an embarrassed grin as she stepped up to the group. "Hi, I'm Molly."

"Zoe's new baby butch," one raven-haired woman muttered. The comment drew a few looks, but Anna's eye-roll told Molly all she needed to know.

"You must be Kris," Molly whipped back with bright smile. When she got a flush and blink of surprise in response she added, "Are you gonna play today?"

"Uh… no," Kris said and looked daggers at Anna when she laughed.

"I warned you," Anna sang to Kris while Jacob squeezed her close and chuckled to himself.

"Too bad," Molly said plainly, then turned to Jung. "So when do we start?"

"We're just waiting for a few more players, then we'll head over to the field."

Zoe came jogging down the stairs dressed ready to play. When she saw Molly, her eyes lit up. After a quick hug hello, she turned to the group staring at the two of them with suppressed smiles. "What?"

"Nothing," Anna said and winked at Molly.

The crowd of players and fans walked to the nearby soccer field that was set up for the scrimmage game. Jung efficiently split up the players into two teams then passed out red and blue arm bands to mark them. They started off doing passing drills to warm up, then Jung put them into position and ran a few basic plays.

Molly had forgotten how much she loved playing soccer. She was assigned to play forward at first, then rotated to midfield after a few plays. When she got into the goalie box, the other team never scored another goal. She leapt and rolled, blocked corner shots with her fingertips, but every attempt to get a ball past her failed until Jung blew the whistle and called the players over.

"Okay," Jung said as she flipped through her notes. "I've got what I need to put together our starting line-up and position rotations for the game. I've got your contact info so I'll let you know your place and when our practices will be. Let me know if you have any scheduling conflicts and I'll plan accordingly. Thanks to everyone for stepping up!"

The team broke up into smaller groups as friends and fans brought up water and snacks for the players. Zoe, Molly, and Liz, the girl Rick had been with, were met by Jacob, Anna, and Rick carrying sports drinks.

"Oh my God," Anna gushed to Molly. "You were fucking amazing!" She looked at Zoe with wide-eyed shock. "Did you see that last save? I swear she can fly!"

Zoe was grinning from ear-to-ear with her hand resting on Molly's shoulder. "I have to admit I'm impressed, too."

"That's my girl," Jacob pronounced with a proud grin and a slap on her shoulder.

"Stop it," Molly said as she took the cold drink Rick offered. "I could barely keep up with Zoe playing forward, and Liz has moves almost as good as Jacob." She looked significantly at Liz. "And that's saying something considering he got a scholarship here for soccer."

"Me too," Liz said and raised her eyebrows with a laugh. "And you seriously need to tryout for the women's team. I can't believe your hands!"

"You have no idea," Zoe murmured just before she drained her sports drink.

Molly sputtered a laugh at the quiet comment and nodded at Liz. "I was thinking about that. It's nice to hear you say I might have a chance."

"So what's on the agenda for the rest of the night?" Anna asked the group.

Jacob gave Molly raised eyebrows, silently reminding her that Camden was meeting them at the coffee shop near campus later.

"Let's play it by ear," Molly said. "I need to do some laundry and go shopping, but maybe tonight we can hang out at our place?" The question was directed to Jacob who gave her a small nod.

Zoe took Molly's hand for the walk back to the sorority house. "Hopefully Kris wasn't a total bitch to you," Zoe whispered.

"She was obviously upset. I didn't take it personally." Molly looked at their fingers entwined, the matching blue nail polish was chipped now but still beautiful. "Jacob and I are gonna meet with Camden later."

"Good," Zoe said and nodded. "I'll be sending good thoughts your way while I'm moving my stuff to Anna's room."

"Good." Molly grinned and squeezed Zoe's hand. "So, are you still wearing my panties?"

Zoe flushed and sucked in her cheeks. "Yes."

"Even better."

Camden looked better than Molly had last seen her. She wasn't wearing make-up, but her hair was clean and shiny again. She looked up as Jacob and Molly walked up with their coffees.

"Hey." Molly was still wearing her soccer gear because she hadn't had time to change.

"Hey," Camden said as she looked them both over.

Jacob sat down first and said, "I heard you found a dorm room."

"I was lucky someone cancelled at the last minute. I'm rooming with a girl from Nigeria. She seems nice so far."

"Good," Jacob said. "Thanks for meeting us."

"I was surprised when you called."

"Like I said on the phone, we're not here looking to rehash what happened."

Camden looked at her coffee cup and nodded. "I miss you guys like crazy."

"We do, too," Molly said. "I know we can't just pretend like nothing's happened, but I hope there's a way we can all still be friends."

Camden took a deep breath. "It's hard watching you two move on, but I don't blame you. I want you both to be happy."

"We want you to be happy, too." Jacob bent down to catch her eyes. "Seriously."

She gave him a teary smile. "Thanks. Give me a few weeks to get into school and get used to everything. Maybe we could meet here again and catch up. See where things go from there."

"I'd like that," Molly said and patted her friend's hand.

"So are you playing soccer again?" Camden asked Molly as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Oh you should've seen her," Jacob started, then told her about the scrimmage.

It didn't take long before they traded stories of their recent days, skipping mentions of Zoe and Anna in deference to Camden's feelings. By the time they left the coffee shop, some of the pain had been leached away, leaving Molly feeling lighter.

"So Rick, you serious about movin' in here?" Jacob asked his buddy. The three couples were arrayed around the living room of Molly and Jacob's apartment.

Rick was sitting in the padded chair with Liz sitting on the floor between his feet. The contents of Molly's nail bag spread out on the coffee table while Liz was working on a torn thumbnail. "I like the idea of being closer to campus," he said as he tickled Liz's leg with a toe.

Zoe had Molly's foot in her lap and was working the arch with both her thumbs. Molly was leaning back with her eyes barely open, a blissful smile on her face. "You just like the idea of being closer to Liz," Zoe muttered.

"So," Liz laughed. "It's not like we can get any privacy at our house and his Mom is always home at his. Maybe he should move in here."

Anna stared at Zoe from her seat between Jacob's legs, her eyes sparkling in amusement. "Sometimes privacy is overrated." Jacob laughed and squeezed Anna tight to whisper in her ear. She laughed out loud then covered her mouth.

"Share," Liz demanded, looking back and forth between Anna and Zoe. Zoe had turned a lovely shade of pink which tickled Molly into giggling. "Seriously, what happened?"

"I'll never tell," Zoe said, giving Anna a significant look.

"Fine," Liz pouted. Just as she was about to say something the girl's phones began to ping and beep.

Molly reached for hers on the coffee table and scanned the email. "Looks like I'm going to be the starting goalie for the Greek Week tournament."

Zoe grinned and nodded. "I told you Jung would draft you."

"But I'm not even gonna pledge," Molly protested as she tossed her phone back on the coffee table. "You're starting forward, Zoe, and Liz is starting midfield."

"You should pledge though! We have a blast," Anna said. "Dances, parties, fun ceremonies where we make you dress like a chicken and lay an egg."

Zoe chuckled. "Don't worry, she's just egging you on." They all groaned at the bad pun.

"I don't know I could afford it even if I wanted to."

"You block enough points during the Greek Week game and you'll probably be sponsored by an alum whether you want to or not," Liz said with a serious tone.

"Let's not count our chickens before they're hatched," Molly said to make them all groan again. Zoe laughed out loud and lifted Molly's foot to kiss it.

"It's sickening how much you two are made for each other," Anna said as she turned in Jacob's arms to kiss him.

Molly caught the sly question sparkling in Zoe's eye and sat up. "Well, it's been a long day and I have work tomorrow." When she stood, she drew Zoe up along with her and led her down the hallway as the other four hooted and clapped.

"I'll bang on the door when I'm ready to leave," Anna yelled to Zoe.

Safely behind the closed bedroom door, Molly pulled Zoe into her arms for a deep kiss. The feel of her soft lips coupled with the flavor of apples and cinnamon made Molly's head spin.

"I wish I could stay over again tonight," Zoe whispered.

"I've got an early shift tomorrow," Molly shrugged. "I was nice waking up with you this morning."

"Tell me about it," Zoe said as she pushed Molly back towards the bed. "In detail."

"Well, first it was feeling your breath against my shoulder while you slept. I woke up with a serious lady-boner from that alone."

Zoe began to tug Molly's clothes off while she spoke. "Go on."

"Then you kissed that spot between my shoulder and my neck to let me know you were awake. Total goosebumps." Molly showed her exactly where she meant and Zoe hummed low in her chest. "Next thing I knew you had your fingers on my stomach, tickling me from here to here."

The fell into cool sheets and rolled to face each other. "Like this?" Zoe asked as she ran her fingertips down Molly's stomach.

"Oh yeah," Molly sighed. "Then you chased your fingers with kisses."

Rolling Molly on her back, Zoe kissed her way down. "Like this?"

"Fuck," Molly moaned as she opened herself up to Zoe's touch. They didn't have time for more than a quickie, but Molly was already drenched. First fingers, then tongue, Zoe pressed into her need to release the pent up passion. "Oh, right there, baby."

There was a quickening then, a swelling and pulsing that left her breathless as Zoe kissed her way back up. "You taste wonderful when you cum," Zoe whispered.

Molly could taste herself on Zoe's tongue. Her own flavor mixed the with Zoe's cinnamon heat made her growl. Keeping their mouths together, Molly reached from behind to rub her hot center with her palm. Zoe moved her leg up to give Molly better access while sucking her tongue hard.

Fingers gliding, Molly attacked the swollen nubbin while keeping pressure all around her opening. Zoe ground her hips forward against Molly's thigh until she cried out. When Molly felt the pulsing under her hand, she gave Zoe's ass cheek a stinging slap.

Eyes wide, Zoe cried out again in shock and pleasure. "Yes!"

Molly gave her another hard slap as Zoe rode out the pleasure with soft hiccups and tears. When it passed, Molly rubbed the spot she'd abused until Zoe stilled under her hand.

Molly must have slept because she startled awake from the gentle knock on the door. "Zoe? It's time to head back if we want to beat curfew," Anna whispered.

Zoe pushed herself up with a weak smile. "I don't know what I did to deserve you."

"I'll miss you," Molly mumbled as she rolled over into the warm spot Zoe left.

"I'll call you tomorrow," Zoe said after she dressed and kissed Molly on the cheek.

"Then it'll be a great day." Molly smiled to herself as she fell back to sleep.



  1. I’m still here just reading along. You’ve got a strong, active imagination and I hope there’s more coming. Good luck!

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