Molly, Jacob, and Camden – Summertime Blues 1 [MF][FF][oral]

Click on my username to see the previous story posts featuring these three. There will be more to come.

When the charter bus from Camp Wikinoki finally pulled into the school parking lot, Molly looked at her twin brother Jacob who was licking his lips. He had a spray of colorful wild flowers in his fist. She knew they each loved Camden in their own way, so the six weeks she'd spent away as a senior camp counselor had been hard on them both.

"Why am I so nervous?" Jacob whispered.

"Six weeks of pent up sexual frustration?" Molly whispered back with a raised eyebrow. When he blushed she asked, "Don't tell me you cheated? Her instructions were very specific when she left."

"It would have been easier if you hadn't spent the whole time out at our pool in that black bikini. I swear you outgrew it in eighth grade." He gave her a dirty look.

She glared back. "Who kept walking around naked every morning?"

"Who cares? We made it," he sighed. "And there she is."

Molly's smile faded when she saw Camden's downcast eyes.

Camden seemed to be hiding behind the duffle bag she carried in her arms. When she glanced up to find Molly and Jacob, her lips grew thin as she pressed them together. "Hey," she said with a listless tone.

Jacob didn't seem to notice as he threw his arms wide and pulled her into a laughing embrace. "Hey, Babe, I missed you so much."

Molly stepped up just in time to see Camden turn her face so his kiss fell on her cheek instead of her lips. "What's up?" Molly asked without touching her. She glanced at Jacob to see if he noticed Camden's hesitation. Her heart was pounding in her throat as she realized he hadn't yet.

"Just tired," Camden replied. Her quiet demeanor was a sharp contrast to the happy kids and other adult counselors storming off the bus to embrace family and friends.

Then Molly saw the hickey at the edge of the collar of her t-shirt. Her stomach clenched as she put her hand through her brother's arm. "Look at her neck," she whispered to Jacob.

Camden heard her and finally looked them in the eyes as she tugged her collar closer to conceal the mark of passion on her skin. Her face paled as her mouth soundlessly opened and shut.

"Cam?" Jacob asked in the hush, the flowers in his fist falling against his leg.

Her eyes grew shiny, then her mouth twisted. "And I suppose you both waited?"

The bald truth gutted Molly, but her first thought wasn't her own pain. "Let's go Jacob," Molly said, pulling at her brother. "Come on, let's go home." She had to get him out of here. He was going to be crushed when it sank in.

"We did wait," he whispered as he let Molly pull him away. "We waited for you."

Camden's face crumpled, but Molly's only thought was to get them away before she could hurt Jacob worse. She pushed her own pain away to focus on helping her brother and occasional lover.

That last year in school before college the three of them came together in an experimental relationship of sorts. Molly and Camden had been best friends since kindergarten and Jacob had always hung around them like a buzzing fly. After they grew up, Camden and Jacob began to develop feelings for each other at the same time Molly realized she was drawn to Camden as more than a friend.

In one crazy weekend they each lost their respective virginities to each other and spent six months growing closer. It had been heaven. While Molly and Jacob didn't really have romantic feelings for each other, their mutual affection for Camden brought them close enough to be together with her. Molly had only had sex with Jacob once in all that time, at Camden's request, in part to satisfy Molly's curiosity about sex with a man.

The fact that Camden had broken their trust tore at her heart. Molly got Jacob in their car, then got in to drive them home.

"Maybe she…" Jacob was staring out the windshield at the crowd. "Maybe it wasn't what you thought."

She pulled out of the parking space with her breath catching in her throat. "It was exactly what I thought. She was fucking around at camp. God damn it!"

Jacob sniffed and wiped his nose. "What the fuck? I thought… I thought we really had something. What about our apartment near campus this fall?"

"We'll talk about it tomorrow. Right now I need…" Molly was still struggling to express what she needed when the traffic light changed to red forcing her to make an abrupt stop. "Fuck!"

When she beat the steering wheel, Jacob reached over and took her hand. "We'll be okay, right? You and me?"

She looked over at his pain filled eyes. "You'll always be my brother. And No one hurts my brother." He nodded and pinched his lips, pulling his emotions back with a breath.

The light changed and Molly stomped on the gas to speed the rest of the way home in silence. When they got to their house, Jacob hesitated as he got out of the car to stare down the street at Camden's house.

"Come on," Molly growled. Taking his hand, she pulled him towards the front door. "We need to hurry before Dad gets home."

Jacob followed her upstairs with a confused expression. She pulled him into her room, slammed the door behind them, then pushed her brother against it.

She pressed herself against him while her hands went around to grip his hair. Pulling his face down, she kissed him until he responded by putting his own hands around to grip her ass and pull her into his erection. Their teeth clicked as she devoured his lips, biting him hard enough to make him gasp in her mouth.

"Oh fuck," he murmured as she ripped his shirt open, buttons bouncing off on wood floor. Her hands pushed it off his broad shoulders and down his muscular arms.

"I want you to fuck me," she hissed in his mouth as she worked his belt open. "Fuck her out of me."

His answer was to push her shorts and panties down until they fell to her feet. When his pants were down past his hips, he lifted her up and held her ass in his hands while he turned to press her back against the door. In seconds her legs were around his waist as he pushed against her wetness.

She cried out her pain and lust as he forced her tender lips apart with his meaty shaft. Clutching his head, she kept their lips together while he drove himself inside her. The hollow wooden door creaked as they moved. Even the pain from the scraping wood felt good to her just then.

"Fuck her," Jacob panted, his anger stirring at last. "I hate her."

"Show me how much," Molly begged as she bit the cords on his neck. "Fuck me raw!"

With a shout he carried her to the bed without missing a stroke and dropped her back against the comforter. They had planned to bring Camden back here to welcome her home together. Jacob raised up and grabbed Molly's hips in a tight grip as he thrust harder, pinning her to the edge of the bed.

Molly cried out her orgasm, her first in a long time without Camden present. The paralyzing sensation made her back arch as she gripped the comforter in her fists. "Harder!"

Jacob growled again and dropped down to mash his lips against her mouth. She pulled against his back, demanding more as he slammed himself inside to strain out a low cry.

Molly knew he was close considering how long it had been for them both. His pulsing finish filled her with warmth as he overflowed her tight depth. She held him as he collapsed, her legs wrapping around his to hold him tight.

With his face buried between her neck and shoulder, she felt his hitching breath against her skin as he let out the pain Camden had inflicted.

"Shhh," Molly whispered as she mussed his hair. "It's gonna be okay."

The soreness and scrapes gave her something to focus on other than the pain she felt for herself and Jacob. They had both loved Camden and now it was over.

"We didn't use protection," Jacob whispered as Molly sat on the toilet in their shared bathroom. He was as naked as she was, staring at himself in the mirror while poking around his nose with his broad fingers.

"My period starts tomorrow or the next day," she said. "Besides, we both needed that."

"I thought you weren't into guys?" he teased with a sad smile.

"I'm not usually," she said as she wiped herself with a look of disgust. "Jeez, this is so gross. Your stuff just keeps leaking out." She took another bit of tissue from the roll and wiped again. "Oh, yeah, I'm definitely gay."

"I told you I'd waited," he grumbled at her complaint.

She barked a short laugh. "I need to shower to get the rest of you out of me." She got up and tossed her towel over the shower curtain rod.

"What about college? We have classes with her starting next month. Can we even afford the new apartment without her?" He sounded so lost it broke her heart and stirred her anger at Camden again.

"We can post a notice for a roommate online. And we'll make new friends, you'll see. College is gonna be great."

"Maybe we could talk to her?" he whispered looking in the mirror at Molly before she shut the shower curtain. "Hear what happened at camp. Maybe we could work this out somehow?"

"No," Molly growled. "Don't you even think about it. You remember how she got when you hung out with Melissa one time after that soccer game? You didn't even do anything and she torqued you for weeks about cheating on us."

He glanced down at his feet. "Maybe you're right." He didn't seem convinced.

She sighed and touched his back. "Look, you can do what you want, but no one hurts my brother like this. I'll never forgive her, whatever you do."

The next day was Sunday and Molly woke up with her uterus trying to push it's way out through her stomach. When she went to get an ibuprofen, she found Jacob's note on the bathroom mirror that he was going to work out with friends. She showered again, stuffed in a cotton plug, then left to go shopping for their new apartment near the campus.

Their father had co-signed the lease and agreed to pay it in their names, but he still expected them to pay him back for the rent each month. He wanted them to start getting a rental history, but he couldn't afford to cover the apartment rent and house mortgage on his income alone.

Molly knew her waitressing job would cover her share and Jacob made enough as a personal trainer at the fitness center near campus. They had been counting on Camden paying her share to cover the whole cost, but that wasn't going to be an option now.

After pulling into the bed and bath store parking lot, Molly grabbed her purse and the full shopping bags she'd brought before heading in to shop. The apartment had three bedrooms and two bathrooms, with a kitchen and a combination dining and living room. Before Camden had gone to camp, she and Molly had shopped like newlyweds, picking colors and designs that suited them both together.

Carrying the two large bags to the return counter, she dropped them with a huff and waited for someone to help her.

"Are you returning all this?" the woman asked. Molly noticed the short blonde haircut with blue tips and suppressed the grin she felt. She wasn't the first woman Molly felt a stirring attraction to, but it was the first time she'd felt it without feeling guilty.

"Yes," Molly said, looking away from her amber eyes. "For a store credit if you don't mind. The colors and designs don't really work anymore."

She began pulling the items from the bags, glancing up occasionally with a grin of her own. "That's a shame, I like some of these."

"There's nothing wrong with them. They're just…" She felt uncomfortable admitting why she didn't want to see Camden's touches around the apartment.

"I'm going out on a limb here." She scanned the items while she spoke, her pink tongue sticking out at the corner of her mouth. "Did you have a falling out with someone?"

Molly rolled her eyes and chuffed a laugh. "Is it that obvious?"

"Kinda." She scanned the last of the items and pulled a blank gift card from the stack near the register. "He was probably a jerk anyway." The way she said it implied the question she was really asking.

"Yes, she was." Their eyes met and Molly felt a tingling in her stomach. She glanced at the name tag over the woman's small breasts. "Thanks, Zoe."

Zoe had a twinkle in her eye as she flipped the gift card over and wrote something on the back with a sharpie. "If you ever want to get together to vent or something, text me." She handed the gift card over with a sly grin.

"Maybe I will," she said as she took the card, slipping her fingertips along Zoe's bright blue nails.

"I hope you do."

Molly backed away, feeling her face heat as the grin she'd been hiding forced it's way out. Being hit on was a wonderful lift after everything that had happened.

She grabbed a cart and made her way into the store to replace the items she'd returned. She needed towels for the bathroom and kitchen, shower mats, pot holders, and a dozen other little items. She decided to pick things that had bold colors and a more masculine feel she thought Jacob would appreciate.

Despite the ache in her heart, it didn't take her long to get into the spirit of shopping. As she moved from aisle to aisle to select her replacements she began to imagine a new future where she dated college women. Maybe even someone like Zoe, she thought as she made her way to the front of the store.

Zoe smiled when she saw Molly approaching and nodded to her short line of customers. Queuing up there, Molly watched as Zoe quickly checked out the people ahead of her. When her turn came, she began unloading the cart onto the conveyor belt.

"I like your taste," Zoe said as she handled each item before scanning it.

"Thanks," Molly said as she dug the store gift card out of her purse.

"Do you go to UCF?" she asked looking everywhere but at Molly.

"I do now," she said. "My brother and I are getting an apartment near campus and I'm decorating."

"Your brother doesn't mind?" Zoe raised an eyebrow.

Molly smirked. "What? The decorating or me being gay?" She tried to ignore the churning in her guts as her ibuprofen wore off.

Zoe laughed. "I haven't seen you around."

"I'm an incoming freshman. What about you?"

"Junior. There's gonna be a party on Friday if you're interested in hanging out with some friends of mine. It's a sorority thing, but anyone can come."

Molly wanted to, but it didn't feel right. "Look, I'm a bit of a wreck right now—"

"Don't worry, it's not a date or anything." She brushed her blue tipped hair out of her eyes as a slight flush crept up her cheeks. "Call me if you want to go. You can even bring your brother if you want. It's a mixed crowd."

"Thanks again, Zoe. I promise I'll think about it."

As she left with her full bags she could almost feel Zoe's eyes on her ass. Yeah, I'll be thinking about it alright.

When Molly drove into her driveway she found Jacob and Camden standing in the front yard. The tension was evident, but she ignored them both as she got the bags from the back of the car.

"What can I do?" Camden begged Jacob. "I want to make this right."

Molly snorted to herself as she made her way to the front door.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Camden shouted, making Molly glance back at her former best friend. She rolled her eyes and entered the house without saying a word.

After she got inside, she put the bags next to the boxes they had packed and stored in the dining room. They couldn't move into the apartment until the following weekend so she and Jacob had been staging things there.

Just seeing Camden again made her guts twist and head pound. She took a deep breath, then went to her room to lie down. Before she could get comfortable, the front door slammed and Jacob ran up the stairs and slammed the door to his room. She wanted to comfort him, but he needed to work through things himself just like she did.

The week dragged on as Jacob withdrew into a hostile silence. Molly picked up extra shifts at Anthony's, the high-end restaurant where she worked. The hole where her relationship with Camden had been was a constant ache, but keeping busy was her way of dealing with it.

She hadn't just lost a lover, she'd lost her best friend. The person who knew her better than she knew herself. She missed hanging out, the peaceful sense of belonging, but most of all she missed her electric touch. The wet kisses that drove her insane now haunted her dreams. The feeling of being submissive to the one person in the world she had trusted enough to submit to. And now that trust was gone along with her ability to rest and relax.

When she tossed and turned at night, she imagined Camden being fucked, crying out as whoever he was sucked that tell-tale mark on her neck. It never bothered her that Camden wanted to be with Jacob, too. They had worked everything out between themselves at the start. It wasn't bad enough that Camden cheated. She had picked a guy to cheat with. And in the darkness of her heart, that was what Molly couldn't get over. She wasn't enough.

On Friday, Molly decided to make a change to get herself out of the funk she'd been in. She took a chance and just showed up at her favorite salon and spa, hoping they could squeeze her in. When she emerged a few hours later, her brown shoulder length hair was transformed into a pixie cut with bangs that hung across her face. Her normally red or pink nails were now a subdued blue with a thick, shiny overcoat that made them gleam in the sunlight.

She felt fifty pounds lighter when she skipped through the front door of her house.

"Holy shit," Jacob exclaimed as he stood near the kitchen a sandwich in his hand.

"Whatcha think?" Molly turned and bounced a little to show off her new style.

"You look so different," he said as he approached, reaching out his fingers to touch her shorn locks. "I like it though."

"Thanks," she said and squeezed him in a hug. "I was thinkin' about going to a party tonight on campus. Wanna come with me?" He shrugged and looked like he was working on an excuse. "It's at a sorority house," she teased.

That got a slight grin on his face. "Some of the guys on the soccer team were talking about a party tonight. I wonder if it's the same one."

"Let me call Zoe and I'll find out the details."

"Zoe?" His eyebrows raised, silently asking for more information.

Molly blushed and shook her head. "She's works at the bed and bath store. It's no big deal."

"That blush says it's a bigger deal than your words."

"Stop," Molly said as she pulled her phone out of her back pocket. She'd programmed Zoe's number in her phone but hadn't worked up the nerve to call her yet. Pressing the contact before she could talk herself out of it, she put the phone to her ear to hear it ring.

"This is Zoe."

"Hey Zoe, this is Molly. We met at the store earlier this week."

"Oh, wow, I'd given up on you hearing from you. I'm so glad you called!"

"Sorry, I've been picking up extra shifts this week before school starts."

"I totally understand. I'm doing the same thing. Any chance of you coming to the party tonight?"

"That's what I was calling about. My brother is on the soccer team and heard about a party tonight as well."

"Yeah, it's probably the same one. School doesn't start for a few weeks so this is the only thing I've heard about happening tonight. There's gonna be a DJ and a ton of people coming. You guys in?"

"Text me the address to this number and we'll see you there. What time?"

"Anytime after seven," she said. "I'm stuck here at work until six."

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to call you at work. I'll talk to you tonight."

"I can't wait to see you again," Zoe purred.

"Oh, yeah, I have a surprise for you," Molly said as her face heated. "Bye!" She hung up before Zoe could ask about it, then caught the amused expression on Jacob's face. "What?"

"You are so gonna get laid."

"I bet you can too if you let me fix your hair and pick your clothes."

The sorority house was a sprawling three story building that looked more like a hotel than a house. There were white columns out front with large Greek letters near the roof. Jacob drove behind the house and managed to find a spot in the crowded parking lot.

"Looks like it's hoppin' already," Jacob said as he got out of the car.

Molly saw people standing around the lawn with the ever-present red plastic cups in their hands. The two of them wandered through the crowd until they came to the back door.

"You look great by the way," Jacob whispered and Molly graced him with a smile. She had on a black cotton dress with thin straps with matching sandals. The string of pearls she wore had been from her mother and the gold hoop earrings were a gift from Jacob.

"So do you," she grinned, and pushed her fist into his arm. He had on loose white shorts that left his muscular legs exposed above his sandals and a bright yellow button-down shirt stretched tight over his shoulders. If he didn't do or say something stupid first, some lucky girl was going to get the benefit of his experience pleasing women.

The back door opened into the large kitchen. There were two kegs in the middle of the room with two older women checking IDs before dispensing the golden liquid. Molly spied some familiar blonde and blue hair in the hallway leading into the house, so she took Jacob's hand to pull him along.

"No beer for us tonight, I guess," Jacob grumbled as he gazed at the line.

Zoe was wearing jeans and a black t-shirt that was stretched tight across her small breasts. She had a red cup in her hand and was having an animated conversation with two other women. One was a red haired amazon with the kind of shoulders only a gymnast or swimmer possessed. The other was a black haired Asian with a flawless complexion.

Molly hesitated for a moment until Zoe looked over in shock. "Oh my God, you look amazing! Is that my surprise?"

Molly nodded as they hugged hello. "It's great to see you again. This is my brother Jacob. Jacob, this Zoe."

Jacob shook Zoe's hand with a suppressed grin, glancing back and forth between them. He said to Molly, "Now I get the blue nail polish."

Zoe took Molly's hand and laughed when she saw the color matched her own nails. "Now we have to hold hands all night." She must have been serious because she didn't let go. "Nice to meet you Jacob. These are my friends Anna and Jung."

"Nice to meet you all," Jacob said, shaking all around. "I've never been here before. Anyone willing to be my tour guide?"

Anna stepped close and took his hand. "I'll will, but you'll have to pay me in dances."

Jung laughed as Jacob was led away with a leering grin over his shoulder.

"I'm gonna mingle," Jung said as she headed back toward the kitchen. There was a twinkle in her eye when she sang, "Have fun!"

"What was that about?" Molly asked Zoe.

"I… uh…" Zoe avoided her eyes as she tugged on her hand. "I may have been a little excited you were coming."

Molly felt a surge of excitement herself that someone as cute as Zoe was interested in her. "I'm glad."

"Can I get you something to drink?" Zoe asked.

"A diet whatever or water."

Still holding her hand, Zoe lead her to the kitchen and found a couple of bottles of water in the fridge. Letting go long enough to open them, Zoe immediately entwined their fingers again as they walked towards the living room full of overstuffed couches and chairs.

"So tell me why you're so wrecked right now," Zoe insisted as they sat on one of the couches.

She really didn't want to talk about Camden, but with her brother avoiding her all week there had been no one else to talk to. "I was dating someone for about six months. She went off to a summer job for six weeks and came back with a hickey from some guy she'd met."

Zoe frowned and sighed. "Uhg. My first girlfriend left me for a guy. It sucks."

"We were best friends since we were kids." Molly felt her throat close up as she opened up her heart. "It's been really hard." Wiping her eyes, she laughed at herself. "This isn't what I wanted to do at my first college party."

"Maybe it's what you need to do right now." Zoe looked so sympathetic that when she pulled Molly over, Molly let her head rest against Zoe's shoulder. "My first girlfriend was named Pepper. We hit it off in high school and the summer before college we fell in love. Neither one of us had been physical with a girl before, but I knew I was gay practically from birth. Obviously Pepper wasn't."

Zoe had a warm scent that reminded her of cinnamon rolls for some reason. "How'd you deal with it?" Molly asked.

"Like an idiot. I got angry and started sleeping around with older women I met at clubs. I thought I was so mature, but I didn't realize I was just being used. To them I was fresh meat and when I figured it out, I was pretty down on myself."

"I'm sorry I'm dropping this on you." Molly sat up with a sigh. "It's not fair."

"I know how it feels to be desperate for that connection again. Rebounds don't usually work out, but sometimes it helps to realize you can still connect to other people."

Zoe's eyes darted around Molly's face, stopping at her eyes and lips. Her comment made an electric zing flow through Molly's heart. "You wouldn't mind… connecting with me? No strings?"

"I've actually been dreaming about it."

Leaning closer, Molly felt a tickle of air before their lips touched. The kiss deepened slowly, opening to allow their tongues to touch for a moment. When Molly pulled back, she could see the flush of arousal in Zoe's face.

"I don't suppose there's somewhere…"

Zoe jumped off the couch with a grin on her face, pulling Molly along towards the stairs. When they reached the top, Zoe pulled her close and kissed her again at the edge of her lips, then nuzzled her cheek. "Are you sure? I don't want to push you."

"Yes," Molly whispered as he heart thundered in her chest. "Very sure."

They went into a room that had windows looking out over the parking lot. It had two twin beds and two small desks, but no personal items at all. Zoe locked the door, then turned to embrace Molly, her hands running into her short hair.

"I love this haircut on you," she whispered through kisses. "It suits your face and makes you look older."

Molly felt her core melting into a hot, slick mess at the kisses and touches. "This feels so nice."

"I want to make you feel good," Zoe said as she ran her hands down under the edge of the cotton dress. When she reached the lacy panties she hissed through her teeth. "Did you wear these for me?"

"Yes," Molly groaned, pushing her hips towards the warm fingers.

"Do you know what I'm wearing for you?" Zoe whispered in her ear, the breath sending chills down her arms.

"No," Molly groaned as she reached around to grip Zoe's ass.


That little word made Molly's knees weak, her trembling fingers opening the button on Zoe's jeans. As she pushed the jeans down, there was only bare skin underneath.

Zoe gasped and began pulling the dress off over Molly's head. In moments they were naked and falling into one of the beds, hands exploring as they fed each other kisses.

Molly was on fire. Camden had known her body like her own, but Zoe had her own way of doing things that brought gasps and moans from Molly's lips. Two fingers slipped inside her wet opening, stretching her while Zoe pressed her palm hard against Molly's mons.

"Oh fuck," Molly gasped, straining against the hand stimulating her. The scent of lust and kisses drove her mad.

"I want you to cum for me," Zoe said, then bit her chin. "I want to hear you call my name."

"Oh, Zoe," Molly hissed as she rode the wave to its crest. "Oh fuck! Oh Zoe!"

When the moment arrived, Molly froze, her mouth open and back arched as Zoe took an erect nipple between her lips. The new sensation brought her higher, until at last she had control of her body again.

"That was gorgeous," Zoe whispered. "I loved watching you cum so hard." She lifted her hand to her lips and licked off each finger with her pink tongue.

Panting, Molly pushed Zoe down with a growl. "I'm gonna taste you now. I want to devour you."

Dropping down, Molly took the smooth skin of Zoe's mons into her gaping mouth. With her fingers sliding inside, her tongue began to work the protruding lips and distended bump at the top of her slit.

Zoe fisted her hair, holding the mouth where it was as she thrust her hips onto Molly's fingers. Two fingers, then three, Molly kept attacking her nubbin while reaching inside for that magic spot she knew hid there. When she found it, Zoe bucked like mad, crying out. "Oh Molly, oh fuck, girl, that's it!"

Once she fingered the spot, she refused to let Zoe pull away, keeping her mouth in place no matter how hard she squirmed. The smooth walls squeezed down hard and held her inside until an explosion of liquid pulsed out along her lips and chin.

"Fuck! Oh god, don't stop! Oh Molly!" Zoe was writhing against the bed, her fingers tight around Molly's hair until at last the pulses slowed. "Holy shit," she whispered at last, releasing Molly only to pull her up.

Kissing again, their passion yielded to the afterglow until they looked into each others eyes.

"That was unreal," Zoe said as she studied Molly's face. "No one has ever topped me like that. I've never cum that hard in my life."

Molly grinned and kissed her again. "So we can maybe do this again sometime?"

"Damn, I don't know if I can survive that again."

Molly sat up and ran her hands down Zoe's bare chest and stomach. "So that's a yes?"

"Yes," Zoe whispered as she shut her eyes and lifted her arms behind her head. "Don't stop."

Before Molly could lower her mouth to the small breasts that were drawing her attention, she heard Anna's voice crying out through the wall. "Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh Jacob, holy shit! I'm cumming! Don't stop!"

Zoe and Molly looked at each other with open mouths, then collapsed into helpless laughter.

Jacob had a grin a mile wide as he drove them home just after midnight. "So it sounded like you and Zoe hit it off."

"Uh, yeah, you could say that," Molly answered. The scent of sex in the car was strong enough to answer that question without words. "I heard Anna singing your praises, too."

"Upstairs?" he asked with a chuckle.

"And down. I was in the bathroom while she was giving her sorority sisters a blow-by-blow account." Molly chuckled at his embarrassed blush.

He had the decency to look embarrassed. "Oh."

"They were talking about setting up a pool for who gets you next. The bidding started at twenty bucks."

"Oh!" He looked over with wide eyes.

Molly chuckled and leaned against the glass. "See? This might work out after all."

"Yeah," Jacob sighed. "By the way, I told Camden to fuck off."

"I was wondering. You were kind of off all week."

"I never imagined she'd cheat on me, let alone with a girl." His words chilled Molly to the bone.

"I thought it was a guy," she whispered.

"Nope," Jacob growled. "I used to worry she liked you more than me. I guess I had more to worry about than I thought."

It was supposed to be worse that it was a guy she cheated with, but it wasn't. Molly felt the pieces of her broken heart cutting her on the inside as she stared out the window.



  1. Thanks! I’m gonna do two more chapters of this one to get them into college, then we’ll see where it goes next.

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