The teacher’s pet [MMMf][rough]

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

If they knew my history, they would have never let me be a teacher. Especially a high school one.

Still, it's not like I spend all of my day gawking at the girls in my classes. But, every once and a while, a girl comes along that is just too hard to resist. Gabrielle was one of those girls…

Gabrielle was one of the good students in my class. She'd always turn her work in on time and it seemed like she really did take the time to study. There was no doubt in my mind that she would end up at a decent college after senior year. My simple economics class did not stand in her way.

She'd always come to class early, too, which might be one of the reasons why she really caught my eye. Her demeanor was quite pleasant and bubbly, with her voice being that perfect mix of youth: a little curious and playful, almost to the point of flirty.

She had been on the cheer team a few years back as a flyer, with her body being incredibly petit at just (what I would guess) 5'1'' and probably no more than 110 pounds. She looked quite a bit like the young actress Bridgit Mendler, to be honest. But she quit to spend more time volunteering for her church, as she told me.

"Why would a pretty girl like yourself leave the team?" I remember myself asking her when she told me this.

"Oh, Mr. John," Gabrielle exclaimed with smile as her eyes darted across the room to avoid me. "I … I just wanted to do something not totally stereotypical, you know?"

I remembered immediately regretting saying that in that way at first, but her seemingly welcoming reaction to my casual, if accidental, flirting insipidly filled my mind with ideas. Dirty, disgusting ideas.

After that day, I found myself leering at her more and more. Her face was just so cute and innocent, but somehow very sexy and alluring. Her light brown hair always seemed to fall just right while she was taking notes on her desk. It would drape across her face as she bowed down, then when she looked up she'd have to pull it away, revealing such open, inquisitive eyes.

Gabrielle's 18th birthday came a few weeks before the final day of school. I remember her coming into class early, like she always did, only this time wearing a cute little tiara that her friends had made her wear.

"I guess it's someone's birthday, huh?" I asked her.

"You must have spotted this stupid thing on my head," Gabrielle said.

"Most girls love being treated as a princess on their birthday," I said, speaking from experience after seeing so many other teens in my classes acting like bitches on their birthdays.

"Yeah, well, my friends forced me to wear this. I kind of don't want anyone knowing it's my birthday."

"Why so?"

"Because then they'll all be like, 'So, when's the party? Let's get fucked up.'"

Gabrielle and I had become pretty close to the point she was comfortable cussing in front me, despite the fact that I was her teacher.

"Not the partying type, eh?" I said, genuinely curious how such a pretty girl didn't want to get caught up in the fun of being a careless teen.

"I mean, I've been to parties and stuff, but it's never as fun as people make it seem to be when we talk about it at school later."

"Already bored of the scene?"

"Honestly, I feel older than everyone."

"How so?"

"Like, when my father-in-law's friends are over, I like to talk to them. They seem to be very interested in me."

I paused for a second, knowing that her dad's friends were probably just being dirty old men looking for to flatter a cute little teen.

"You think so?" I asked.

"Yeah, kind of like you. You and I seem to get along really well."

An awkward silence then filled the room as we both seemed to glance at the clock, wondering when the first person would appear and break up this conversation.

Gabrielle, with growing boldness, then reached over, grabbed my hand and looked me directly in the eyes.

"Look, I've been seeing the way you've been staring at me during class. I … I just want you to know that … I like older men," Gabrielle said in a soft, whispery voice.

"Gabrielle… Um…" I began to say, but another student started to enter the room, forcing Gabrielle and I to quickly break apart.

The rest of the class was a blur for me. I could tell that Gabrielle's eyes were completely trained on me the whole time. Later, when everyone turned in their worksheets for the day, I saw that Gabrielle had written a special note in one of the answer boxes:

"I'm no princess, and I don't want to be treated like one. xoxoxo"

She then left her cellphone number.

As much as I knew it was wrong, there wasn't a part of me after reading that that would try and turn back now…

My buddies and I were infamous in college for our sexcapades. The girls we often roped in were young, impressionable, and quite unexperienced. It turned all of us on that we were the ones to defile these girls first. It's what bonded us together, I guess.

We gangbanged at least 8 girls in our college years, and even once brought in a couple extra guys for one really massive sex orgy between us and two girls. Those were the days.

All of the girls we did were over 18. One was just over 18, as in we fucked her just minutes after midnight.

As I sat at home that night after my somewhat heated encounter with Gabrielle, I immediately started remembering that night with that quite literal barely legal teen. I could still perfectly remember the sound of slapping flesh that filled the room that night. Her thin, supple body was completely manhandled by me and two other guys. We took turns DPing her and fucking her in the mouth. We completely ran a train on her. She told us she was a virgin, but by the end of the night, after having to service all three of us, she was sucking and fucking like a pro.

Those memories got the best of me and I found myself digging up Gabrielle's phone number from the stack of papers I was grading. I decided to text her.

"Hey, it's Mr. John," I wrote, completely realizing that she could be just messing with me and trying to get me fired, but at this point I didn't care.

After a few excruciating minutes, because teenagers always seem to take awhile to get back to you, she finally replied.

"Hey! :) :) :)" Gabrielle wrote.

"So, about our talk earlier…" I wrote.

A few more minutes passed and she finally replied.

"Sorry if that was awkward."

I thought long and hard about my reply, since this was the point of no return. I could brush it all aside and be the upright teacher who says this should stop right now, or I could keep pushing deeper and deeper to see where this would go.

Thinking with my already growing penis, I chose the latter.

"Don't be sorry Gabby:) You're a legal woman now. You can do whatever you want."

"Or whoever I want? ;)" she replied almost immediately.

I was immediately taken aback. This was one of the good girls in my class. A girl who never came to class dressed like a slut, although a dress really hung off of her body quite nicely.

"You shouldn't be talking to a teacher that way," I replied.

"You shouldn't be texting a student late at night."

At this point we both knew we weren't going to turn back now. I began formulating my next move, but she went first.

"Look, remember how I mentioned my father-in-law's friends? Well, they said they knew you…" Gabrielle wrote.

"Really? Who are they?"

She then texted me the full names of my old buddies from college: Dave and Mark.

"Shit. I haven't heard those names in a long time," I wrote. "Did they tell you anything else?"

"Yeah, but I'm sure you know what."

Gabrielle must have found out about our past, how my buddies and I loved to gangbang young girls. I don't know why those guys were living back in town, but I was immediately grateful.

"We're having a party later in the week. Just us, but they said they'd love it if you could come:)" Gabrielle wrote.

What sly, disgusting dogs my friends were.

"Tell me when and where and I'm there."


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  1. Friday night couldn’t come soon enough. Each day in class the rest of the week, I noticed that Gabrielle was wearing sexier and sexier clothing. One day she wore a cute white, lacy dress. The next day she wore yoga pants and a tight workout tank top that finally revealed the true size of her breasts — probably B cups and rather plump looking. Friday, she wore a mini skirt and very loose fitting top that gave you a flash of her mid drift if she moved just right. I’m sure it didn’t fit school dress code, but fuck me I didn’t care. We had been sending each other semi-flirty texts the whole week, but Friday things took a change for the dirty. After school that day, I saw that she had texted me a few times. In fact, she had sent me pictures she found online. Dirty, pornographic pictures. "I want you guys to ravish me," Gabrielle wrote after a particularly dirty one of a small girl being spit roasted by two large men. "I want to be treated like Sasha Grey." "Soon;)" I replied. She then texted me a picture she must have taken in a bathroom at school. Gabby was sitting on a toilet fingering herself through that little mini skirt she had on today. "Remember how I asked to go the bathroom during class? I had to go "relieve" myself after looking at you:PPP" Gabrielle wrote. She was ready to go, and so was I. *** I drove up, knocked on the door and half expected to be greeted by swarm of police officers. Instead, there were my two old buddies Mark and Dave. "Hey man, nice of you to drop by," Dave said. "Yeah, it’s almost just like old times!" Mark said. "I guess the band is back together," I said. "You’re looking pretty good, dude," Dave said to me. "I can see why you’re breaking your students’ hearts." In fact, all three of us looked to be in fairly decent shape. Being just past 40 now, it takes a little more effort to hit the gym and eat right, but the three of us looked no worse for wear. Dave, who was always tall, even looked a little buffer than he did back in college. "I’ve been working as a personal trainer," Dave said. Mark wasn’t buff, but he was definitely in shape. "I always start my morning with a run," Mark said. I had been hitting the gym all this year and I was pretty proud of my arms. Gabrielle even texted me this week saying that she loved watching me write on the whiteboard because it showed off my "guns." "So, when does our ‘entertainment’ get here?" Dave asked. "She said around 9," I replied. But, like in school, Gabrielle showed up 10 minutes early. We heard a ring and the door and I went to go answer. "Always early, Gabby. You’re such a good little girl," I said as opened the door to find Gabrielle, now wearing little black dress and heels. "Not after tonight," Gabrielle quipped flirtatiously as she scanned me and room, spotting Mark and Dave inside. "Hey Gabby. Come on inside and take a seat," Dave said. Gabrielle walked in and grabbed my hand, so I walked her over to the living room where Mark and Dave were sitting and drinking. She sat down and started looking around. "So this is a grown-up party?" Gabrielle said. "Seems a little boring." "At the moment," Mark said. "We’re only just getting started." Gabrielle giggled and brushed her hair from her face like she did so many times in my class. "This girl is one of the best students in my class," I said. "She always comes early and seems to really pay attention." Gabrielle shot a look over at me as if she were embarrassed. "I guess I’m just the teacher’s pet," Gabrielle then playfully said. "Where does your father-in-law think you’re at right now?" Mark asked. "Sleeping over at a friend’s house. You know how gullible he is," Gabrielle said. "I guess that means you can stay the night here," Dave said. Gabrielle giggled and Mark offered her a hard drink, which she politely accepted and began to drink. We then sat in silence for a minute before I decided to kick things up. "I loved that picture you sent me," I said. "Which one?" Gabrielle replied, her voice starting to quiver. "You know, the one of you in the bathroom," I said. "Oh, I’m sure you did," Gabrielle said. "Hey, you never sent us any pictures!" Dave interjected. "Yeah, don’t leave us hanging!" Mark said. Gabrielle looked at Mark and Dave and then back at me. A devilish smile then started to form from the side of her mouth. "Why don’t you give us a live demonstration of what you were doing in the pic?" I said, coyly. Gabrielle took a deep gulp and looked down. "I guess it’s only fair." *** Gabrielle slowly parted her legs, revealing her dark red panties. She then started slowly rubbing her pussy, panties still on, with one of her hands. Us guys scooted closer to get a better look of the show. Gabrielle was rubbing pretty good, and a little damp spot soon appeared on the panties. "Getting wet already?" Mark said. "Oh yeah," Gabrielle said with her breathing getting harder and deeper. Gabrielle soon pulled her panty aside, revealing her pink, glistening pussy lips. She started rubbing more, but soon started to push a few fingers inside. "Jesus, that pussy looks so fresh," Dave said. "Never been touched by anyone else but me," Gabrielle said. "How does she know how to work it so well?" Mark said. "Have you been teaching her?" "No, Mr. John hasn’t. I’ve been studying all on my own," Gabrielle said as her fingers slid in and out of her teen pussy. "What a good girl," I said, not knowing what else to say as the blood from my brain rushed to my cock. Gabrielle started to squeak a bit as her rubbing got more intense. She would glance over at all three of us guys, then close her eyes and tilt her head back, squeaking some more. "You sure do love the attention, Gabby," Dave said. "Well, she’s the star attraction tonight," Mark said. Before we knew it, Gabrielle was moaning as she had apparently made herself orgasm. "Oh god, oh god, oh god!" Gabrielle yelled out as her rubbing peaked, then slowed. "Would you look at that. Little Gabby has made herself cream," Dave said. "I hope you don’t think you’re done for the night," Mark said. "Yeah, don’t you know about the rule?" Dave said. "What… what rule?" Gabrielle said as she caught her breath, still lightly fondling her pussy. "Tell her, Mr. John," Dave said, teasingly. "Well, for every orgasm that you have, you have to make all three of us cum once," I said. "Wait… you guys can’t possibly be serious," Gabrielle said. "We didn’t gain our notoriety for nothing," Mark interjected. "It’s going to be a long, fun night," I said. "Good thing I brought some Viagra and a big bottle of lube," Dave said. Gabrielle sat up a bit as if she were rethinking what she was getting into. "Hey, don’t think you can turn back now, bitch," Mark said as he started to walk towards her. Gabrielle’s eyes got wide as all of us guys stood up. In unison we began to undo our belts and pull down our pants. Our already throbbing cocks then popped out, our eyes trained on the little prize before us. "Keep touching yourself, Gabby. No one told you to stop," Mark commanded. Gabrielle began to rub herself once more. Her eyes were darting from cock to cock, probably sizing each one of us up. All of our cocks were over 7 inches long, with Mark’s massive member topping us all at about 10 inches. It was another thing we were known for, and another reason why girls were so intrigued by our porn-like sexcapades. "They’re… so big," Gabrielle said, her voice quivering. "And they’re going to fill each and every one of your holes," Dave said as pulled out a pill and popped it in his mouth. "Here guys, take one of these so we make the most of this night." Mark and I then popped a boner pill as well. "You old geezers," Gabrielle said, her voice perking up a bit. "What was that, missy?" I said. Gabrielle just smiled as her pussy rubbing began to get faster again. "I think it’s about time give this girl a lesson," I said. And with that we swarmed her, taking our positions around this beautiful little teen. *Read the rest here:*

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