The Battle. [MF] [Breeding]

I think I'm stronger than him, but he's got both his hands.

I am Tallia, and I am fighting for the right to breed.

The man I am fighting today is named Markus. He's been around a while and he knows a few tricks. I saw him take down a tawny bitch called Jessica just two weeks ago, and when he was done with her she was walking oddly, to say the least. He uses his lower centre of gravity to upend the women he fights, and to be very honest, they aren't used to that. Most men carry themselves in a manner that is far too upright, much too high for combat … probably a side effect of the aggressive display behaviour that works so well when doing battle with other men. But he knows better. Women have wide hips, heavy chests, so they tend to carry themselves lower in combat. Unlike almost every other male champion in the circuit today, he understands that and compensates.

We've been fighting now for almost a full minute, and he's already broken two of my fingers. Bastard knows his stuff, I'll give him that. I can see his dick wagging grossly in front of me, limp and seemingly useless, but I know what happens. Men are built for this. They live for it apparently. The second he sees me fall, that lifeless meat will inflate, grow, until it takes on the feel of heated steel. I have no interest in taking that against my will, regardless of the breeding rights this fight might get me.

He's too rough, the women he defeats are too brutally humiliated, and as it happens the fans scream their lust into the ring every time he wins.

Thinking of it, I can feel myself lubricating as we circle.

His eyes are locked to my chest, not because of any sort of juvenile voyeurism, but because it affords him the best response time to my actions. Watching the centre mass of your opponent will tell you what their body is going to do. If I decide to strike, he will see it coming almost before I think of it.

He looks down.

Without thought my eyes follow, and as I realize my stupidity I feel it, a kick that lands firmly on my thigh. The big muscle knots violently, insanity and confusion shoot up my spine, and the adrenaline quickly paralyzes me. I hop back a few steps trying to evade whatever follow up move he has planned, but I'm wasting my time. He isn't even trying. Standing about three yards in front of me, he's watching me, his face passive.

His eyes though, they are telling me I have already lost.

I walk a small circle, to try and loosen the muscle he's made into wooden disobedience, and I feel the blood returning. In a few seconds I am recovered from the hit, and I now know he thinks he's toying with me.

What is it about penises that makes men think they will always win?

Another few steps to my right, and I make a point of limping. The perception of weakness is a strength, and if I can make him think I'm hurt, I've already won.

I drop my left hand to my groin as I move, the intent of my action very clear. I am feeling myself for wetness, and he has no idea that I don't need my hand for that.

His sly grin and my fake limp are dancing now. One of them will win, and from that, one of them will take the prize. The right to fuck the vanquished as hard and as rudely as the audience wants.

Did I mention women get to use toys if they win?

He looks like a ten inch man, and when I say ten inches I mean that's the size of the dildo I'll jam up his ass as I force him to eat my vulva to climax. I can almost feel his resistance. The grunting submission the rules will force upon him, as I violate his body and his status. Men lose all the time in the ring, but guys like Markus take it personally. As I circle him, looking for my opening, I can only think of one time I've seen him subjugated, and that was in a pre-season publicity match with another male.

A fighter named Dane.

He was killed in a bout with a Russian girl a few years later … she had a thing for breath play … but Dane was amazing. I once saw him pick up a female by her hair, toss her onto the mat, then use the weight of his body to hold her down. It took almost ten minutes, but as she fought, as she tried to escape his muscular bulk, she exhausted herself. In the end he had only to tear her mating armour from her body and use her as he wished. She almost seemed happy about it.

The audience wasn't too happy about it though. Not enough blood.

Sex is violence, and they want the men and women in the ring to be as sexy as possible. Blood and pain are the minimum fare, and a death or two is simply a side effect of a healthy mating. A species that condones weakness consigns itself to extinction, so they want the breeders to be as rough as possible.

Markus, can you defeat me … ?

His chest is heaving from our sparring, and I see him looking at my unbroken hand. He's wondering, is it wet? I grin, just a bit, and he looks up to my face in response. My wonderful, chiselled, sculptured face.

My broken right hand lances outwards, his throat the goal. I feel the webbing between my thumb and pointer finger land squarely on his adams apple, and judging from the force I've applied, he probably won't breathe correctly for a few minutes. I follow up with a knee to the ribs and another to his shoulder as he crumples, then step back. I bob up and down, holding my broken hand to my chest, as I assess what I've managed to accomplish.

Apparently, if I want it, this match is mine.

Markus is down on the canvas, and I can see I've broken a few ribs. His shoulder seems OK, so I expect I've only bruised the muscle, but he's guarding it almost as much as his ribs, so maybe it hurts more than I realize.

I'm bored and I need the money. Time to claim my prize.

My thumbs hook under my shoulder straps, and in a quick motion I remove the top of my battle dress. It falls to my side, and I slowly press the soft plates of my mating armour lower. My hips are wide and full, sweaty from the fight, and the material stretches past them with effort. As the black outfit falls around my ankles, I am left naked, standing victorious over my victim.

I am going to claim all of the males of his clan as my sexual servants for the next week, and if all goes well, the species will have a new member in nine months.

I am claiming my right to breed.

All of the males in his family are now mine, and I will exhaust the best of them for my pleasure.

I will exhaust them for the benefit of all of mankind.


1 comment

  1. Okay so.. please make this a series and continue? *Please????* Love it! (;

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