Little bedroom fun

I walk into your room wearing a small peace of lingerie that barely covers any thing. I see you are all ready for me and crawl onto the bed. Slowly I crawl to to and straddle you with your hard cock right in front of my pussy. I lean forward, rubbing my pussy on your cock, and give you a long kiss. I trail kisses down your chest past your stomach and end with a kiss to the tip. I see your cock jerk in anticipation and give you a sly smile. I slowly trail a finger up and down your cock, making you harder with each trail. Slowly I lean down and tease the tip with my tongue, you growl wanting more. Slowly the head enters my mouth and I swirl my tongue around it, playing. I grab your hips and start bobbing my head up and down your cock as far as I can go, swirling my tongue every time I get to the head. You grab my hair pushing my head faster, I feel you pulsing on my tongue, I can tell by your moans and movement you are ready to explode. I start sucking harder, slurping. You let out a loud moan and cum in my mouth, I take it all. I look up at you as I clean you off and see the pleasure on your face, and know I did good.
