Alone time part 2

As I feel you getting harder I get up and slowly start to undress you then myself. As I undress myself you try to get up and tare my clothes off but I push you back down to your spot. When I'm finally naked I look at you and can see the hunger in your eyes, I also see you are rock hard again and ready for more. Once again I get on your lap grinding on you, kissing you. You can feel my wet pussy rubbing your cock. You try living me up so you can enter me but I won't let you have it so easily. I kiss your neck and nip your ear as I start teasing your head at my opening. I know your about to try to thrust, I can tell by your moans, so I put my hands on your hips and push you down promising you pleasure if your good. Slowly I let you in me but not all the way, you growl in frustration. I've turned you into an animal, I see it in your eyes. You grab me and flip me onto the couch, I gasp. I know what your about to do so I open myself to you and you pound into me, I let out a moan. And when you hear it you start to go harder and faster holding on until you can't any more. We cum together. collapse on top of me, and I hold you running my fingers through your hair.
