[timestop, other tags] Jake’s Magic Remote, Part VII – Sweet Dreams

“And ever since then, you’ve been able to-”
“Stop time, yes.”
Petra blinked, staring at her father. “That is so cool…”
Jake felt an instant surge of relief. “Yeah,” he said, “It really is.”
“So at the restaurant, when that woman’s top kept opening…”
“Yep, that was me.”
Petra giggled. “That’s awesome! I love you, Daddy!” She stopped and thought for a moment more. “At the end there… what happened to her?”
Jake looked away. He was not looking forward to explaining some of his recent adventures. “Well, I’m not proud of that…”
Petra leaned over to make him look at her again. “Dad. Given what I just did, I don’t think we need secrets anymore.”
Jake sighed. “You’re right. Okay. What happened there was that I was so pissed at her for being such a bitch that I… fucked her right there in the restaurant.”
Petra covered her mouth with her hands, eyes wide. At first Jake thought she was horrified, but then her shoulders started shaking and he realized she was laughing. He smiled in relief as she started laughing out loud, her voice echoing through the silent theater. “Oh my God! That is amazing! She never even knew what hit her, and that poor loser with her probably got jumped after!”
Jake grinned. “Yeah. Yeah, he probably did.” He leaned back, relaxing. “I’m glad you’re okay with this. I’ve been feeling pretty guilty about it.”
Petra snuggled up against his chest and pulling his arm around her again. “Was that why mom was so excited before?”
Jake felt himself blush and knew that she was trying to embarrass him the way she always did. She loved keeping him on the defensive. So he counterstruck. “Yes,” he said, “I was testing a theory on manipulating people. I feel bad about it. I also went upstairs and saw something interesting there, just after we were done.”
Petra stiffened up in his grip, clearly ashamed of her spying. “It was pretty hot,” she admitted after a moment. “Did you… did you do anything to me?”
“Not just then,” Jake said, stroking her hair.
“Oh.” There was a moment of silence. “…OH!”
“Heh… yeah.”
“Daddy, you perv!”
“Says the one who’s getting off while calling out to me.”
“Well, yeah, okay. We can talk about that later. So the remote… it’s on you?”
“In my pocket, all the time.”
“And you stopped things just now?”
“I guess so, but I didn’t mean to. I didn’t press the button. It just stopped by itself.”
Petra looked over at the usher, who’d been just about to sweep his flashlight in their direction. “Good thing it did. Has that happened before?”
“Once,” Jake said, “when a car almost hit me. I haven’t been able to do it on purpose.”
Without any warning, Petra punched jake in the leg.
“Ow! What the hell?”
“Sorry. Just checking.”
“We’re already stopped. Or, everything else is.”
“Oh yeah. Sorry.”
“You wanna just watch the end of the movie?”
“One second.”
Petra got up and eased out of the aisle. Careful not to disturb anything, she walked up and over to where the other couple were sitting, the ones who’d been fooling around before them. She giggled, then leaned down to inspect something. She was still giggling to herself when she returned.
“What’s so funny?”
“You’re bigger. And she’s not as pretty as me.”
Jake rolled his eyes. “Come here, you.”

Jake used the remote to start time again. When the usher looked over, all he saw was a man and woman sitting close together watching the film. Petra cuddled close to Jake for the rest of it, credits included. It felt nice, Jake thought. In fact, it felt great. Was that weird? She was his daughter, but he’d just blown a load in her mouth and she didn’t seem upset or freaked out at all.
On the other hand, she was also pretty much his favorite person to be with. She was sweet, fun, beautiful, and always had his back. So maybe this didn’t have to be weird.
As the credits ended, Petra grabbed his arm. “Shall we go, babe?” she asked, apparently once more committed to the pretend date they were on.
“Sure, Pet,” he said, smiling at her. “My place or yours?”
“Why don’t we just start driving and see where we end up?” she said with a wink. Then without a second of hesitation she leaned down and kissed him.
Jake couldn’t stop her from doing it. Nor did he want to. Petra’s lips were soft and warm, and the way they pressed to his, slightly parted, made him respond in kind without even thinking, and her hand on his cheek felt right and perfect.
Her other hand was on his cock, and as she pulled away he realized he was hard once again. She grinned at him and pulled him to his feet, leading the way out of the theater.
Jake’s mind was reeling. What was happening here, exactly? How far was this going to go? Why wasn’t Petra frozen with everything else before? How reliable was his apparent self-preservation timestop reflex?
They left the theater and headed toward a bus stop, since Sarah had taken the car. Luckily it was warm out, so despite being after dark, they were comfortable enough sitting on the bench. Once more, Petra pressed close against Jake. He checked the stop number on his phone, and it looked like they’d be waiting for a while.
“Petra,” Jake said, “We need to talk about this.”
“Yeah,” she said with a sigh. “I guess we do.”
“We can’t-”
“You’ll have to stop time when we do it. We can use my room.”
Jake blinked. “What?”
“I’ve been thinking it through,” Petra said, looking up at the stars. “We won’t get caught if nobody can walk in. So we can use your ability, and nobody will know.”
“Petra. What are you saying here?”
“You know what I’m saying, Daddy. I’ve thought about it. I’ve been thinking about it for a while. I want to be with you. You obviously want to be with me. Mom isn’t in love with you anymore. Nobody gets hurt.”
Jake hugged her around the shoulders. “You know that’s not entirely true, Pet. And we need to talk about the last few days, because some of the things I’ve done might have influenced you.”
Petra turned to look in his eyes. “I know you were in my room before. And you told me you saw me in the hallway. It’s okay, I don’t mind. I’m glad you saw me.”
“I also saw you in the shower,” Jake admitted.
Petra giggled. “Really? Did you like what you saw?”
“Good lord yes,” Jake said, unable to suppress a smile.
“Well then… how about… just once. For my first time, I want it to be you, Daddy. I want you to make love to me. We can do it with everything stopped, and then afterward if you didn’t like it, we start the world up and it never happened.”
Jake raised a brow. “Just like that, huh?”
“Just like that,” Petra said cheerfully. “But… if you do like it… I don’t want to stop. If it’s good, if it feels right, I don’t care what our morals tell us.”

“Wait a minute,” Jake said as they sat on the bus, holding hands and watching the world go by, “your ‘first time’?”
“Yep,” Petra said, smiling at him. “First time.”
Jake looked around to be sure nobody was listening. “What about all the condoms that went missing?”
“I said it was my first time. Not that my friends were all virgins.” She winked at him.
Jake chuckled. “You little sneak,” he said, poking her. “Is there anything else I should know about?”

The house was dark when they got there. “Looks like your mother went to bed,” Jake said, putting away his shoes and heading up the stairs.
“Going to join her?” Petra asked.
Jake stopped and turned around. She was standing there, looking up at him and biting her lip. Her hands were clasped behind her back, and he could see the outline of her nipples against her shirt.
“Yes,” Jake said, “And you should too. I bet if you wish hard enough, you’ll dream of things that you want.”
Petra grinned. “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow, Daddy. Thanks for coming to the movie.”

Jake slipped into bed next to his wife. He kissed her shoulder and cuddled up behind her, and she sleepily pressed against him. He listened carefully to the hallway, noting the soft footsteps and the creak of another door closing. Then he waited.
After a few minutes, Jake stopped time. He knew it had stopped because Sarah’s quiet breathing halted. Sliding out of bed, he retrieved his remote from his pants and moved it to the pocket of his robe. It was about then that he realized he hadn’t used the remote to stop time in the first place.
Deciding to worry about that later, Jake walked out of his bedroom and down the hall. There was a sliver of light where Petra’s door was left open. Taking a deep breath, Jake opened the door.
Petra’s room was a very tidy exercise in contradiction. On her bookshelf, anatomy texts and poetry anthologies were next to childhood toys and a picture of a cartoon pony. There was a scented candle burning on her nightstand that had already filled the air with a hint of vanilla. And laying on top of a soft-looking pink comforter was Petra herself.
She’d changed into a light blue nightie and lay with her arms across her chest. Her hair was arranged in a perfect cascade across her pillow, and with her eyes closed she looked like a perfect, lifelike doll.
Jake’s breath caught in his throat. “Last chance to back out,” he said quietly to himself. “You can walk back out of here, get in bed, and it never happened.”
His body had other ideas, however. Jake was suddenly very aware of the way his boxers restrained his cock as it stiffened and tried to point the way to go. He stepped closer, standing at her bedside and letting his eyes roam across her body.
She was beautiful. Her hair, her delicate features, her milky skin, the way her breasts were firm enough to still look graceful even on her back. Her lips, curved in a peaceful smile, seemed to call out to him. Jake pointed his remote at Petra. He took a deep breath, let it out, and pressed the button.

Petra felt something shift when her father pulled her out of time. She opened her eyes and smiled up at him. “Hi, Daddy,” she said softly. “Is this my dream?”
“Yes, pet,” he said, sitting on the edge of the bed next to her. “It’s a lovely dream where you can do whatever you want.”
She smiled, sitting up and pulling him in toward her. Her lips pressed to his for the second time, but now there was no hesitation, no surprise, only warmth and love and need. Once again her heart was beating so hard it hurt, but she knew that would pass. She pushed the robe off his shoulders and threw it aside. Or, she tried to, but it stopped in the air.
“Cool,” she said quietly, breaking the kiss with her father and reaching up to poke at the levitating garment.
Her father smiled at her. “Yeah. It’s a lot of fun.”
She giggled. “Daddy… today wasn’t the first time you’ve punished someone for being awful, was it?”
He chuckled. “No… no it wasn’t. It was the first time I went that far, though.”
Petra bit her lip. She’d been wet in anticipation of this before, but this new confession made her absolutely soaked! Her own dad was like some sort of petty revenge superhero! “Oh god, Daddy, please…”
She never got to finish the thought, because her hands were moving on their own, pulling him in closer and kissing him like it was the end of the world.

Jake’s heart skipped a beat at Petra’s reaction. She loved the things he’d been doing, and she wanted him so badly! He kissed her deeply, letting his tongue play with hers between them. One of his hands ran through her gorgeous hair, smoothing it back from her upturned face, while the other slid down her back to grab her ass. Along the way he confirmed his suspicions: under the thin fabric of that single garment, she was completely nude.
Petra’s hands reached down in his lap, eagerly pushing down the top of his boxers and pulling his cock free of his confinement. She stroked his length just like in the theater, all the way up around the head and back down to the base. He responded by pulling up the back of her nightie, rubbing her bare ass and then sneaking his fingers down between her legs from behind.
Holy shit, was she ever wet… Jake had no idea a girl could even get this way. Petra moaned into his mouth as she felt his fingers exploring her lower lips, and she arched her back to try to give him more access. “Oh Daddy,” she whispered, “Freeze me, tease me, please me.”
Jake grinned. “As you like,” he said, reaching over to the remote. He pointed it at her and paused again.
Petra was frozen, legs tucked under herself and bare ass pointing out behind, warm fingers of one hand halfway down Jake’s shaft. Deciding to start small, he first carefully disengaged from her and then started to remove her one article of clothing. He caressed her thighs and sides as he pulled it up and over her head, thed down her arms, finally pulling it free and setting it aside. He did the same with his boxers.
Then he leaned down to her nipples, already little pink diamonds, and wrapped his lips around one. He cupped her breast and lifted it a little, sucking and teasing. Then he did the same for the other side. Finally he carefully lowered her breasts to where they’d been and returned to the same position, sliding her curled hand down onto his cock once more.
Petra gasped in surprise when she returned to motion, then moaned, a shiver running through her at the sudden pleasure. Her hand tightened around him and she forgot to stroke for a few seconds, but soon resumed, smiling up at him. “More,” she said, “please…”
This time, Jake changed things around a little more. He pulled her hand off himself and laid her back on the bed. Spreading her legs, he moved down and began licking her pussy clean of the copious wetness she’d created.
It took a while to get it all, but Jake took his time. She tasted so sweet and perfect, and she was worth it. He parted her labia and ran his tongue deep in between, then suckled her clit. He stroked her thighs, tummy and breasts, and finally moved up to kiss her. His tongue left some of her juices in her mouth.
Jake became painfully aware that the length of his cock was rubbing against Petra’s pussy, but he didn’t go any further. Instead he stayed there, absolutely still, and watched her face as he pulled her back into their frozen world.
This time, Petra’s response was less subtle. She arched her back and made a squealing sound, gripping the blanket with both hands and bucking her hips up against her father. Jake felt her cumming along the shaft of his dick and smiled down at her, watching her ride the wave of pleasure.
After a time she recovered and looked up at him, panting. “Was that… was that your tongue?”
Jake nodded. “Yes, mostly. How do you feel?”
Petra bit her lip, sliding her hands up his thighs, hips and back, pulling at him. “I feel empty. Fill me up, Daddy, please!”
Jake smiled, shifting his hips to slide his shaft down along her slit. “I can do that,” he whispered, reaching down between them.
He hardly had to guide himself at all. Petra’s pussy was so wet, so ready, and so eager that the head of his head slipped between her folds as if it belonged there. They both moaned with pleasure at the sensation.
Jake pushed in slowly, watching Petra’s face the whole time. He’d only had sex with a virgin once before, many years ago. He was a teenager, and he’d been seeing this girl for a couple weeks when she asked him to do it do her. He remembered this look of fear on the girl’s face as he started to push inside her. Petra was so very different from that. She whined and squirmed a little, but she didn’t look in the least bit afraid.
Right away, Jake felt the barrier that proved she’d told him the truth. She really hadn’t done this before. She looked up into his eyes and nodded at him once. Yes, Daddy, she was saying, I’m ready.
Jake pulled back just a little and pushed forward again, harder this time. He felt a resistance, and then it gave way and he was slipping inside of her once more. Petra gasped and clenched her jaw, and her pussy squeezed tight around him in reflex.
“Are you alright, Pet?” he asked, stroking her hair back from her face again.
“Y-yes, Daddy. Please, don’t stop.”
Jake couldn’t have stopped if he wanted to. Delay, sure, but not stop. He knew that in his heart, knew that he could not leave this pussy until he’d been fully inside of it. He leaned in and kissed his daughter as he once more began sliding down into her, a little faster than before. She moaned into his mouth, but did not try to stop him or even slow him down.
It only took a few seconds, and Jake felt himself pushing up against Petra’s inner depths. She was so tight he thought she’d hurt him, but at the same time so wet that he almost couldn’t keep from falling into her. He kept going, slowing down for the last couple inches, and breathed a sigh of pleasure and relief when he felt his balls pressed up against her. He was finally completely inside of her.

Petra couldn’t believe the feeling. None of her friends had described this at all, not one of them had prepared her for this. She felt so full, so perfect inside. She looked up at her Daddy and smiled. “It’s so good,” she whispered. He groaned and she felt his cock twitch inside her. She could feel the movement across his entire length, all at once.
Petra clenched in response and was rewarded with a louder groan and another twitch. “Daddy,” she breathed softly, “keep going.”

Jake did as she asked. He started drawing back slowly, pulling inch by inch out of Petra’s passage. She clenched tight again as he moved, as if her body didn’t want him to leave, and he stopped halfway.
“What’s wrong?” Petra asked.
Jake chuckled breathlessly. “I just need a second. I’m afraid I won’t last very long at this rate.”
Petra smiled in that sweet way she had. “Daddy, we have our whole lives. You don’t need to last. Keep going.”
Jake kept going. He pushed slowly down into Petra once more, holding a moment before drawing out again. This time he got further before stopping and pushing downward. And with each movement, Petra let out a moan that made him want to just lose complete control. Soon Jake had a steady rhythm going, sliding to the hilt inside her and pulling back, again and again.
He held out like this as long as he could, but finally he could take no more. He kissed her one last time, then started moving faster. Petra’s moans got more urgent. He couldn’t tell if she was cumming or not, she was so hot and tight, but he was pretty sure she had multiple times already.
He thrust harder into her and her nails dug into his back, pulling him in tighter. His chest pushed tight against her breasts and his heart beat into hers as he pistoned his hips into his little girl harder, somehow pressing deeper. Her moans turned to cries, and her cries rose almost to screams, calling out pain and pleasure together in the silent room.
Jake groaned in bliss as he came hard, shoving down deep and blasting his cum into Petra’s womb. He jerked his hips once, twice, each movement accompanied by a full-body shiver of pleasure and the relief of another spurt of cum.
Realization washed over Jake a moment later. “Oh shit,” he said quietly, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-”
“It’s… it’s okay, Daddy,” Petra said, panting. Her hands came up to his face and she looked up into his eyes lovingly. “Mom got me on the pill ages ago. And you feel so good inside me.”
Jake let her pull him down to kiss her again. It did feel good… too good, so good he felt he could stay here forever.
“I love you, Daddy,” Petra whispered against his lips.
“I love you too, my Pet,” he replied without hesitation.

Petra sighed as her father finally pulled himself free of her. The sudden emptiness she felt was overwhelming and she could barely believe that this had been the normal for her before. She wanted more, wanted him back inside her again. She knew that she wanted to be with him over and over again, beyond any doubt.
He kissed her one last time and retrieved his shorts and robe from where they hung, in the air beside her bed. He smiled down at her. She started to say something, but he touched a finger to her lips. “Sleep well,” he said, “and we can talk about your dreams when you wake up.”
Then he pointed his remote at her and vanished.

Jake returned to his bedroom and cuddled up to his wife. He tried not to think too hard about what was going on with his life, but his mind was racing through emotions. He had superpowers, he’d been punishing people for petty awfulness, and he was in love with his own daughter, who right now was frozen in her room with a load of his seed in her. And last week, everything had been so normal!
But then, he thought, greatness comes suddenly into a person’s life. Hesitation in the face of opportunity can only cost you happiness. He unstopped time without the remote again, this time barely thinking about it, and let himself drift off to sleep, replaying in his mind the images of his last few days.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/31s52f/timestop_other_tags_jakes_magic_remote_part_vii


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