Self Sexpression (Part 2 of Grand Frolicking) [M][F][fantasy]

Continuing my Erotic Story (Part 2 of Grand Frolicking).

This is something I do for fun, nothing professional. I am a Mother, Wife, and Professional Business Woman with a bit of a naughty side in my heart.

It’s another full day of being mom and wife and busy professional. I got the kids off to school with healthy lunches in tow. It’s a challenge to give the kids food I know they will eat, and they are both so different. My son is a picky eater, everything has to be bland. My daughter gives me less of a headache with her lunch. She’ll eat anything I make for her. Sipping my coffee in the now quiet house I think about last night and smile to myself. It turns me on to think about William’s body and all the ways we explored each other last night. Heat and moisture rushed to my vagina and I feel the heavy ache of lust taking hold of me. I may need to touch myself before I leave for work. A nice hot bath with a few minutes of self-stimulation, perhaps.

My cell phone vibrates just then and it was William. “Hey sexy. I was just thinking about how good you felt last night,” he texted.

“I was just thinking about you and getting warm and moist,” I text back, knowing that will only get him going.

“Oh baby, when can you cum over again?”

“Soon, but for now I need to go pleasure myself thinking of the next time,” I text him knowing this will really get him excited.

“Fuck, you are so hot!” And with that I went to run my bath.

In the bath, I close my eyes and run my fingers lightly over my light pink erect nipples, while I think about William’s mouth there. My fingers slid down my taunt tummy and between my thighs. The center of my body is lava hot and I can’t resist feeling my insides. Both my index and middle finger enter while my thumb massages my clit. I cam quickly, imagining William fucking me. The thought of him spreading my legs apart while I laid at the edge of his bed is all I need to get off. I can’t wait to see him again.

Once I finished my bath I was able to focus on the day. In my closet I pulled out a sheer purple blouse, fitted black skirt and matching lacy bra and panties. It’s a sexy conservative look. My job requires me to dress smart and of course my male clients can’t resist buying more from me when I approach them with my girlish charm.

I manage a boutique in the heart of our pleasant yet dull downtown Beamsville. The downtown strip consists of a few upscale shops, five main banks, seven cafes (three of which serve alcohol) and one cliché sex shop. The men and women who come into my store have deep pockets and if I don’t have what they are looking for I find a way to get it.

When I’m not busy finding unique gifts and flirting shamelessly with my clients, I’m busy running my kids around to their various activities and being a good wife. But that’s not the story I want to tell you about. I’d rather interest you in my extremely energetic sex life. It’s what gets me through my mundane life.

I’d describe my sex drive like a body builder needing to work out. I get physically and emotionally pumped up when I’m getting ready for a fuck feast. My body needs it, or I feel an imbalance. Like forgetting to eat. As long as I’m getting hot sex on a regular basis, I’m great. Everyday brings me a new craving. So I need a variety of men to satisfy my hunger.

I wasn’t always like this. Ironically I found my sexual drive increase to insatiable when I was pregnant. My poor husband didn’t know what to do with himself, but I did. Then he bought me the best gift ever, my very own vibrator. Maybe he was trying to tell me something. He needed a little break. The great thing about my vibe was that I could use it any time and it really takes the edge off my need for sex.

But it’s not the same as a man’s hands or hard cock, or his mouth for that matter. That’s really what I crave. Being kissed with hunger, being fingered and sucked. Oh and I just love giving head. There’s nothing like a hard cock to suck, or two. Ah yes two cocks are always better than one.

It was a Friday morning at work and I checked my computer for any interesting emails. I’d been on a dating sight, well more like a sex sight. It was full of hungry men seeking nothing more than some nice pussy they could do. It really wasn’t my thing but a friend of mine told me about it. I figured there was no harm in posting a profile for a few days to see what interest I’d get. By the end of day one I have over 100 emails in my box. Was it because I was fresh meat or because I was one of the few unicorn vajajas on the sight that liked cock? Although after reading a few emails I determined there were an awful lot of bi-curious women in the world too.

Skimming through the emails, I was looking for ones that stood out. Messages that gave me clues about the guys not being psycho. There were no customers in the store at the moment but I knew by lunchtime it would be busy.

Marcus was the name on the profile that stood out too me. I wondered if that was his real name? So many other men went by code names like, funforyou, or loveyoulongtime. Most names, although mildly clever left me to wonder if there skill set matched their nickname. Or were they just trying to coin a phrase like “Just do it”.

I clicked on Marcus’s profile and found a photo of him standing somewhere tropical. It was more of a silhouette than a full on photo, tough to see what he looked like. I scrolled down the page and noticed his height first. Tall, six foot three inches. Definitely a plus. I love tall men, especially if they are packing a huge cock. But I’ve learned not all tall men are well hung. In deed, they may know how to use their tools, but I have to be honest, I prefer big.

As I read about this mysterious man name Marcus I became more intrigued. Finding some courage I messaged him. “Like your profile”, I typed. “Would love to chat with you, here’s my email. “ I dispensed my email to very few guys, but I had a feeling about this guy. Blonde hair, and blue eyes, it said on his profile. Shaved! Gotta love a well-groomed man. Maybe he was too good to be true. I’d soon find out. I logged out of my computer with an excited anticipation for his responds. As I closed my computer a customer walked in. Standing tall in my heels, I smoothed the front of my skirt and walked over to say hello.

My assistant Tammy came into the store to take over for me at 3:00 PM so I could go get the kids. Tammy is one of those women who could be beautiful but she dresses quite plan. She has the whole ‘girl next store’ look down to the fitted polo shirt she wears. She is well put together and in her early twenties so she doesn’t need to worry about make up. Long ash blond hair Tammy wears in a ponytail most days, although she does vary the height of the ponytail. Sometimes it sits at the nap of her neck giving her a sophisticated look and other days the ponytail is at the top of her hear looking like a stock of broccoli is sprouting.

We exchange pleasantries and I pass the daily task list over to her. She’ll be in for six hours tonight and only three of those hours will be busy, if it’s a good night. It will be a good night for me on the other hand as I think back to the email I read from Marcus just after lunch.

He wrote a pompous statement back to me. “Sure I’d like to chat, once you send me a real photo.” Typical male, always wanting to see a photo.

“Are you saying my photo isn’t real?” I wrote back. “I can assure you I’m very real, and what about you?” I attached a nice photo of me in a low cute V-neck shirt with a naughty smile on my face. “Much better. You want to meet for coffee?” he wrote back. Wow, it didn’t take him long to get straight to the point. Just another reason to make me like him. I personally don’t see the point in email back and forth for weeks on end. I’d rather met and determine face to face if I want to fuck the guy or not. We decided to meet between our two cities. Marcus lived about an hour and a half away. I felt a combination of nervousness and excitement like I was on a rollercoaster climbing to the top. It’s quite a thrill, to meet someone new and I can feel my groin pulse in anticipation.

I wanted to sit outside the café and wait for Marcus. I arrived fifteen minutes early. My husband said he’d pick up the kids for me, when I told him I had a meeting. He’s really good that way, if he knows he can help me he will. Being the CEO of his business gives him some flexibility with his schedule. “Good luck with your meeting and text me when you will be home.” John said, when I called him about the kids. “I will be home for dinner,” I said.

As I waited to meet Marcus the sun warmed my skin like mother-nature was embracing me tightly. I took a deep breath and basked in the comforting smells of baked goods and coffee coming from the café. It was strangely euphoric sitting on the bench with all my senses stimulated.

I thought I should try to look busy, so I pulled a note pad out of my purse and began writing a list of qualities that appealed to me most about a man. Confidence, not cockiness, a gentleman, big hands – I like to feel held. I was just about to write my next quality when I heard him. “Writing anything interesting?” Marcus asked. “You must be Marcus?” I asked, stating the obvious.

“And you must be Melissa?” He countered. I stood up and put my notepad back in my purse and he leaned in to hug and kiss me on the cheek. Wow that was a bold move. I like him already. He was very tall, big hands, nice hair, and great smile. His eyes were kind and they held me with an intensity, which made me want to look away. I didn’t though, I held his gaze for an extra second.

“Do you want to go inside?” I asked. I had a growing number of questions to ask him and I was anxious to get started.

“Why don’t we grab a table outside?” He suggested.

“Great, would you like me to get the drinks and you grab a table?” I said.

“No, I’ll get us coffee and you go grab the table. What would you like?”

“I’ll have a medium latte please.”

There weren’t many people in the café, still I chose a quiet table near the back of the patio, partially shaded, and I took the seat in the sun. Marcus arrived with two lattes and sat across from me in the shade. I thanked him and brought the hot drink to my lips and took a tiny sip of the creamy latte. Perfectly done and a drinkable temperature. I’d looked over a Marcus just then and once again his stare was penetrating me.

“You’ve got quite the little body on you,” he began.

Compliments will get you into my pants but answering my question will help ease myself out of my pants, or skirt, I thought.

“Thank you, and your tall light and handsome. So tell me how long have you been meeting women like this?” I said.

Marcus smiled and took a sip of his latte. I think I even saw him take a deep breath, as though he had a long story to tell me. He told me he didn’t have time to date and have an ongoing relationship because he was a single dad trying to raise his son. This life style suited him because the people he met usually wanted the same things. Sex, fucking and more sex. Marcus went on to say that he believes in safety first.

“So you wear condoms?” I asked. Great news for me. That is an absolute must. I might love to fuck, but I love being safe even more. He just scored another point with me, well maybe ten points.

He went on to tell me about how and when he sees his lovers. I was impressed with his candor. Like he was giving me directions to an amusement park, and telling me which rides were the best. Too bad, I had to go home for dinner. I considered fucking him in my car.

Thirty minutes had past and it felt like three. He already turned me on.

“I’ve got to run home to see my kids Marcus. It was really great to meet you,” I said.

“I’m glad you look even hotter in person than you do online,” he said.

I flushed with pride and stood up from my seat. We walked toward the parking lot and I told him I was parked to the left, while he was parked on the right. We hugged tightly and went on to our cars.

I wanted to see him soon. And like confirming my thoughts a text appeared on my smart phone. “When can I see you again?” asked Marcus.

“Sometime this weekend,” I texted back.

And with that sexy thought I drove home, thinking about Marcus and about how I wanted to fuck my husband now too. I hope the kids are out at friends I might have to have a quickie when I get home.

Part of the reason for my increased sexual energy might have something to do with my new trainer Jamie. He’s quite a bit younger than me, but he has an incredible body. He pushes me during our workouts and it takes every ounce of my energy to stay focused on the exercises he gives me. Sometimes he stands over top of me and I think about what’s in his shorts rather than what I should be doing. When he stands behind me I wonder if he’s watching more than just my form. James may be hot, but he’s definitely too young for me. Or is he? I wonder if he’d ever been with an older woman. I usually don’t concern myself with age. I just go with what feels right. It feels right to think about James sexually but for now I’ll leave it at that. So far he hasn’t given me any clear signs of interest. Plus he has a girlfriend and she might not be open to sharing. I texted my hubby on the way home, to let him know I’d be there soon and to find out where the kids were. “They’re out at their friends for a few hours,” he texted.

“Good! I have an idea. See you soon,” I replied.

“Can’t wait!”

John knows how spontaneous I can be. Like the time we drove back from our friends’ dinner party and I asked him to pull over at a deserted parking lot and we made out in the back seat of our mini-van. It was like being a teenager all over again and the thought of getting caught only made it sexier.

By the time I pulled in the driveway I was flush with desire. I walked in the door and smelled a mix of garlic and tomatoes. Dinner was on the stove and my hubby was sitting at the kitchen bar having a gin and tonic. He looked calm and busy all at the same time.

“I opened that nice bottle of merlot,” he said, offering me a glass. “Thank you, it’s just what I need,” I said as I kissed his lips. “So, what’s this idea you had?” he asked. A naughty smile spread across my face as I brought the wine glass to my mouth. “Let’s go to our room and I’ll show you,” I said.

I guided John to the lounge chair across from our bed and pulled the curtains closed. He sat down and took a sip of his gin and tonic. Bending over in front of him I sliding my hands up my sleek legs and lifted my skirt to reveal to tops of my stay-up stockings. John’s eye widen as though he is encouraging me, so I moved my hands up to my blouse and undo the buttons on my shirt. My nipples were erect and could be seen through my bra. Touching them with one hand I let the other travel down my stomach.

As I moved closer to John my fingers followed the curves of my hips to my ass, and I let my hand linger over my round bottom. I looked over to make sure John was enjoying the show, and he had released his erection from the restriction of his pants. He began lightly stroking his cock over his boxer-briefs. A low moan escaped from his throat and it turns me on further.
My fingers inched up my thigh and to my pulsing clit, which I felt through moist panties. John appeared to appreciate this show as a look of lust filled his eyes. I slipped out of my skirt, leaving my high heals, and delicates on. Then I leaned down to taste John’s cock. My tongue glided up the shaft, and I parted my lips to take him into my mouth. He tasted like salty honey, and it was exactly what I was hungry for. I pumped his cock with my mouth until he could barely stand it. Then I backed away slowly removed my shirt, and my panties. Straddling John on the chair I reached my arms around the backrest, as his hardness graced my soft moist lips.

My hips gyrated up and down and side to side over his cock, and let him enter me leisurely. We moved gently at first but when I felt the pressure building inside of me I tightened my muscles and took all of him in and began to grind him like a wild woman. I kissed John eagerly, touching my tongue lightly to his. His hands slid down my back and over to my ass. He dove into me like he was nearing the finish line of a race. I felt his cock burst and heard his breath change frequency. I came as his warmth filled me. As I let my heart beat slow down I rested my head on his chest.

“I liked your idea,” He said with a smirk.

“Thought you might. When are the kids home?” I asked.

“I told them dinner was at six,” he said.

I looked at my watch. It was 5:45 PM.

To be continued…
