Lechomancher Chapter 8: Disobedience [MF]

Viv swished her hips as she walked down the hall to Lisa’s bedroom. Her mistress was following behind, and Viv’s fingers were linked around her wrist. With her Demon Tail inserted, a stiff wand of increasing anal beads, she was on the edge of orgasm, until Lisa allowed her to come. Lisa watched her glisten with sweat, naked and eager to please her. The Succubi was desperate to get her into the bedroom, to please Lisa and earn her own relief.

The glowing blue gothic door caused Lisa to slow. Viv seemed to ignore it, but with the tail, Viv ignored almost everything. Lisa wasn’t sure her friend could see it. The Master had brought – summoned? Was that the word? – summoned it into her hallway a few days earlier, and then forbidden her from going through it. Lisa stopped to look at it.

“Please,” Vivian begged, her dark eyes desperate, “let’s go.”

“Can you see that door?”

The Asian woman nodded, and then leaned down to kiss Lisa. Their tongues danced for a moment, before Lisa gently pushed Viv away.

“Doesn’t it make you curious?”

“No. I’ve been through it.”

“Wait, what?” Lisa pulled her wrist free.

“Yeah, a few times. Come on, let’s go to your bed. I’m really horny.”

“When? When did you go through?” Lisa ordered.

Over the last few weeks, Vivian had been conditioned to obey, and she wouldn’t fight that tone in her mistress. “When you make me shift. I go through a door like that and wait, and she comes out.”

“Your Succubi?” Lisa asked. Viv nodded. “You mean, you don’t change, but there’s you and a golden demon that looks like you?” Viv nodded again. “Through there?” Viv shrugged.

Lisa glanced up and down the hall, not certain she would be able to see Erostopholes if he was present, but wanted to at least check to see if he could be seen watching. She ignored Viv’s pleas to ignore the door and fuck her instead. Lisa examined the intricate brass door handle, the kind with a little trigger which requires a press of the thumb to open. She tried it tentatively, and licked her smiling lips when it clicked. The heavy door opened inward, and as she pulled it open, she saw a duplicate of her own upstairs hall, except it wasn’t Viv with a toy pushed into her butt. Instead, it was the metallic skinned, spiral horned demoness that Lisa hadn’t realized was a separate entity from Vivian.

“What are you called?” Lisa asked the Succubi on the other side of the door.

“You gave me her name,” it answered with a little bow.

“And you’re not going to… hurt her, are you?” Lisa suddenly felt a touch guilty, realizing she had no idea what she had done to her sister’s best friend.

“Mistress, I make her happy. I make you happy. Why would I hurt anyone?” The Succubi looked offended, as it crossed one hand across its flat stomach to hold its far arm.

“I’m just realizing how little I know about you.” Lisa said, watching it carefully.

“Well, you don’t want her hurt, and I am bound to your service,” the demoness explained. “And I’m linked to her. We can’t both be on the same side of the door.”

“What is over there?” Lisa asked. The Succubi smiled coyly and took a step back. “I order you to tell me.”

“The Principality of Erostopholes, Mistress,” it answered.

“And why would he want to keep me from coming there?” Lisa asked.

The Demoness was about to speak, when something stepped out of the door that, on her side, would have led to Lisa’s bedroom, and dragged the Succubi in as it shrieked.

“Hello?” Lisa shouted. “Answer me!” she ordered around the corner, but there was only silence.

Then, in her hallway in the real world, Vivian fell to the ground with a scream. “No, no, no!” she started to scream. Large bruises, shaped like thick fingers, spread across her upper arms.

Lisa gritted her teeth and stepped through the door. The air on the other side, in the copy hallway, was warmer. Lisa rushed around the corner, and down the hallway. When she flung the door open, the one that copied her bedroom, the room it opened into was like a dungeon.

Inside, there was a demon with skin the colour of wet midnight pavement, glistening in the smoky light of the stone room. He had his thick hands wrapped around the Succubi’s upper arms, and had her pinned to the cobblestone floor. He had kneed her legs apart, and the head of his long cock was searching for her entrance. Lisa glanced around the room, found a thick club behind the door, and grabbed it. She raised the weapon over her head, and brought it down on the pavement demons back.

He stagger a bit, and then turned slowly towards Lisa. It took her a moment to realize the demon had Mike’s face, the city accountant she had fucked at the master’s insistence. Out of his temples grew two thick horns that curved downwards. His eyes glowed red now. He let Vivian’s demon up and he turned and grabbed Lisa’s wrists. She shrieked and dropped the club, and Mike pinned her against the wall.

Lisa took a deep breath, and realized she shouldn’t be afraid. Half of the book was about taming demons, so she should be able to train this one, right? “Let her go.” Lisa ordered as calmly as she could manage.

“Let her go,” mocked Vivian’s Succubi, who got up, and walked to beside the Mike Demon, her fingertips tracing their way against his shoulders. “I told you she was naive.”

Mike licked his lips with a thick slug of a tongue. His eyes danced down, drinking in Lisa’s tight V-Neck T-shirt and tight jeans. “Fuck?” he snarled.

Vivian drink Lisa in. “Do it.”

Mike chuckled, and pushed both of Lisa’s wrists to cross over her head, so he could pin them to the wall one hand. With the other, he bunched up her T-shirt and yanked it off her with a sharp tug. He took his wide tongue, and ran it along the underside of her full breast, and then pressed it against her nipple, up to her shoulder, and along the side of her face. Lisa gasped, surprised to find herself enjoying it.

He pushed his free hand into her jeans, and she let out another gasp. His fingers were almost clumsy, but still confident, as one slipped inside of her. Then he slipped out, and pulled his hand free, popping the button as he cleared.

continued here: https://erostopholes.wordpress.com/2015/03/22/lechomancer-chapter-8-disobedience/

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2zvwpr/lechomancher_chapter_8_disobedience_mf