Surprise Encounter Part 4 [Mf]

Her alabaster skin seems to glow even in the unforgiving lighting of the bathroom. I never understood the fascination with tanning and the flawless beauty before me reminds me why. There is something so alluring about a woman who hides herself from the world leaving only me to explore her wonders. And explore I shall.

I kneel before her and slowly run my hands down the front of her legs. As I approach her knee I move to the back massaging her calves gently. I pull up on her left leg bringing her boot to my thigh. I unzip and pull on the black heel. Her sock is white and continues up under her jeans. She steps down and offers her right foot, I give it the same treatment.

My hands creep back up and find her ass, I squeeze down hard. I look up to find her studying me intently. I squeeze again and she smiles in delight at my rough touch.

I begin to peel off her jeans and notice the goosebumps that span the length of her thighs. A small laugh escapes from my lips. As the pants pass her knees I see the top of her socks and stop short.

The little minx. I take a breath and toss her jeans to the floor revealing her knee high tube socks striped with black. I lean back on my heels to take in the sight.

I hear her mouth turn up in a smile at my recognition.

A rush of emotion washes over me. The things this woman can communicate without saying a word is astounding. I know these socks well. They are the very same ones I gave her many years ago as a Valentine for just such an occasion. Seeing them now mixes nostalgia with my current ardor and can no longer contain myself. I grab her neck and pull her mouth to mine. She gasps as our lips meet. She pushes into me and every inch she offers I take forcefully, wanting more.

Her tongue enters my mouth and I cannot help but moan. She tastes sweet and minty. Experiencing my flavor in her mouth gives me a whole new appreciation for oral hygiene.

I feel her struggle to raise her arms to touch me. I grab hold of her shirt from behind and bunch it together in my fist restraining her properly.

I release her neck and feel my way down between her thighs pushing her underwear aside. She is soaked. I slip a finger inside her and she breathes in deep resting her forehead on my chest.

"You are so fucking wet." As I say the words memories come flooding back; all the weekends spent locked in my small apartment screwing for days, stains on my sheets…her desire.

I bend her over the sink. Her arms are locked behind her back still caught in the tank top.

"Don't move," I give a throaty command and she stiffens at my voice.

I reach over her for the condoms in the cabinet pressing my boner into her. Carefully I open the silver packaging and remove my boxers. I take my time putting it on and watch her tremble with anticipation. Her panties hit the floor with a soft splat.

I kick her legs apart like a cop getting ready to frisk someone. She lifts her head to watch me in the mirror, I give her a show.

I lift my arm and bring it down on her ass hard. She drops her gaze and winces at the slap.

"Mmmmm," I smirk with smug satisfaction as the red hand print begins to rise on her milky skin. I spank her again, softer this time. She moans and lifts her arms in attempt to block her aching cheek.

I grab her shirt again and secure her wrists tightly.

"I thought I told you not to move."

"Please. I'm sorry," she pleads at my reflection.

"Please, what?"

"Please fuck me," she begs.

I love it when she begs.

I take hold of both her arms and pull her onto me. God I could cum right now. She is so moist and welcoming. I slide her down as far a she'll go and hold her there.

"You feel so good," I almost whimper.

I pull back slowly and drive myself into her again and again. She moans wildly as I continue back and forth into her. I am building up speed and the force of my thrusts when she cums suddenly. I pull out quickly and turn her back around to face me.

I put her on the sink and push into her greedily hoping to make her cum again. She wraps her left leg around me and props the right one on the edge of the bathtub giving herself traction. She moves her hips rhythmically with mine and I am close to climax. Forcefully she frees herself from the cotton threads that bind her and throws the shirt to the floor. She reaches up and runs her finger through my hair pulling my face into her with so much force I almost lose my balance. I forget how strong she an be.

"Fuck I'm going to cum," she breathes into my ear.

I lose it at the admission and cum inside her.

"Fuck," she laughs still panting.

As I pull out she gives a quick yelp.

I kiss her again long and passionate, I haven't cum that hard in years.

She hops off the counter and strides out of the room clad only in her bra and knee highs. I can't take my eyes of the hand print that still lingers on her ass. She closes the door behind her.

I place my hands on the sink and lean forward exasperated. I catch my reflection in the mirror; tousled hair, flushed cheeks, a mischievous smile from ear to ear. I laugh at myself, at what she has made me feel. I think about her tongue, her wetness…those socks.

The alarm on my wrist goes off. 7:00.

Time to pick her up for our long awaited reunion.
