Surprise Encounter Part 3 [Mf]

I listen as the sink turns off.

I have to play this in just the right way. She has already delivered an aggressive maneuver, but a greater prize still remained unclaimed. I know this girl, this woman. She is no stranger to my own desires. When left to her own devices she is strong-willed and unforgiving. It is only when you break down her defenses that she becomes excitable, passionate…insatiable.

I knock on her sanctuary. I wait for an objection before I open the door and step inside. She is leaning against the sink smiling.

"Hey," I step closer to her. "There's a toothbrush in the cabinet. You can use my toothpaste if you want."

She turns and produces a red toothbrush,"What do I need this for? Are we going to make out now?"

"Just being hospitable," I counter walking out of the room. I stop at the door keeping my back to her. She begins brushing and I smile wide.

"So are we still going out?" I inquire over my shoulder.

She stops and spits, "Whatever you want."

"Whatever I want, huh?" I turn at this and she watches me approach in the mirror. I feel like a predator about to swoop in on my kill. She brushes faster as I step behind her and put my arms around her waist. "Suppose what I wanted was you." I move her long brown hair to one side exposing her neck. I plant a small kiss and listen for my invitation, a soft moan. It arrives; I accept.

The sweetness of her smell makes me hot and I can't help but imagine her body pinned under mine while I fuck her into submission. I kiss her on the neck again and move my hands to her thighs for a taste of her own medicine.

She brushes her teeth more quickly now in the hopes of resisting my advances. I dig my nails into her jeans moving them down and up a little higher each time, a little closer to where I want to be.

"Almost finished?" I ask her reflection.

"For your information, oral hygiene is very important to me."

"Is it?" I laugh. Our eyes meet in the mirror.

She brushes in slow deliberate strokes now trying to regain the upper hand. I wait patiently and begin undressing her with my mind. All the things I want to do to her are driving me crazy. She bends over to rinse her mouth and rubs her ass against me suggestively. I am hard again. She turns to face me and I push her against the sink with my hips.

For all her bravado she cannot meet my gaze. She's nervous and I love it. She bites her lip and eyes the erection peeking through my boxers. I softly caress her lips with my thumb. She closes her eyes and exhales deeply.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper.

She opens her mouth to answer, but stops. I move my thumb further past her lips and she bites down hard. A surge of electricity runs through my body as I bring my face just inches from hers.

"I asked you what you're doing here." I say more sternly this time. She releases my thumb shyly and looks away. She won't say it. I keep my hand on her face and wait for a reply. Her breath is shallow and quick.

"I don't know."

"Yes you do." Both of my hands now hold her face to ensure eye contact. She is about to break, "Tell me what you came here for." She leans in for a kiss. I hold her head still.

"Say it,"I insist. It takes all my resolve not to break. I want her so badly I could explode from my desire.

"You," she finally proclaims,"I came here because I want you."

"That's my girl," I smile victoriously, grab her hair and pull back. She moans and writhes as I kiss her neck over and over. I work my way down to her collar bone and run my nails down her shoulders, releasing her from my grip. She grasps the sink hard as I pull the straps from her shirt down to her elbows locking her arms in place. Her bra is satin black giving just the right amount of support to her perfectly portioned C cups.

More electricity ignites my body as I think of how long it took her to prepare for her visit. Did she fuss over the perfect pair of underwear for the occasion? Grinning at my thoughts, I run my fingertips across the top of her breasts. Our eyes lock and she bites her lip in anticipation of my next move. I inch her shirt up to expose her lower abdomen. Her low rise jeans are tight across her hips. I trace the outline of her belt and listen as her breath grows more and more labored. In one decisive motion I unfasten her belt. My hands move inside her jeans and she freezes. Slowly I unbutton her pants and pull down the zipper. Her matching black underwear peek out at me begging to be removed.
