Naughty Fairy Tales 1

Once upon a time , there was a young girl with chestnut hair and eyes of brown and gold and skin so fair . She lived in a small quiet village and though it was small and quiet she was very happy there. But lately she had become to grow restless and her small village seemed to grow even smaller. But not today . Today was the day she got to visit her grand mother and bring her, her Sunday dinner . Time to be alone with nothing but her thoughts and the sounds of the forest .

It was mid day and the sun was bright in the sky , but there was a slight chill in the air.Shivering, Sara pulled her red cloak, a gift from her grandmother . It was a little worn but it kept her war during the winter months and that is all that mattered . She had not made it far when she heard the snap of a twig . She froze , her heart racing . It wasn't far back to her village so if she ran fast enough she could make it , but for some reason she couldn't seem to move. All of a sudden she was grabbed from behind . Before she could scream a large hand covered her mouth . She was about ready to bite down when she recognized it. She smiled sweetly, then stopped as hard as she could forcing her captor to release her. "Ouch, Red." What did you do that for? That really hurt ." Sara crossed her arms and leaned against a tree, pretending to be cross with him, though she truly wasn't. Too be honest she wasn't sure any girl could ever be angry with him , if so not for very long. With hair the color or new wheat and the eyes like the night sky , he was the most handsome boy in her village and he was hers. " For nearly scaring the life out of me , you wicked thing ." Jason moved so that he could reach out and remove her hood, brushing her long long locks aside." I am sorry , my love . You know that I would never let anything happen to you ." Sara blushed . " I know, my brave woodsman . " He pulled her to him and looked into her innocent brown eyes. "Then am I forgiven , my sweet ?" Sara nodded , throwing her arms around her strong , brave love .

Jason covered her mouth in a kiss , stealing her breath and making her body grow hot. Pressing her against the tree once more , grabbing her by the thighs he lifted her up , letting him feel his need for her. Sara whimpered . He was so big, so hard. So close to where here body wanted him , no ached for him. That was the only word that could describe what she felt . They broke from their kiss both breathless ,both wanting . Jason continued his kisses down her soft neck , her moans encouraging him to go lower. When he came to her breast he took a moment to admire them , so pale so perfect. It looked like her mother would have to take out her bodice soon. He smiled as wicked thoughts ran through his mind. He shook his head , another time perhaps. He resumed by kissing her lovely breast as his hands wandered beneath her skirt. She wore very little these days , making sure it was easier for him to pleasure her. She was still pure, until their wedding day at least but until then they had found other ways of satisfying their desires.
