Uncle Mark, Ch. 3: [Mf] [inc]

Mark walked with Val on his arm back to the parkade. She happily swung her bag of clothes that Mark bought for her, and pressed her hip to his. He could feel the sassy sway in her hips. Braless, her breasts bounced enticingly below her tank top, and the men stared. Val smiled, aloof to them, happy to be on her uncle's arm. Mark held her close to his side. When they had met in the food court, Mark had acted first and given her ass a lusty grope and a slap. She tried to kiss him but he pushed her away with a playful look on his face, without giving an explanation. Mark felt it was best this way, to remind Val who was calling the shots here while giving her the validation she seemed to be after. Still, it was like playing with fire.

On the drive home, between bouts of dangerous driving to keep himself entertained and keep his mind off of Val, Val confided in him that she'd taken his iPad and watched the movie he made with the woman in Tahiti. Mark caught his breath and felt a blush in his cheeks. He struggled to keep his voice casual. "Then you're a very naughty girl," he said, merely glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. "Was it true, then, when you said that you'd made an amateur film too? Or were you just trying to get a rise out of me? Because now I think it's only fair that you show it to me."

Val shook her head and denied it. "I've never done anything like that, Uncle Mark. Honest. But I would show you if I did."

"Good. If you've got your legs spread for some guy and he pulls out a camera, you just pack up and go home. Seriously. I don't want to see you on a porn site."

"I know, I know," she said, and leaned her head against his arm. Mark put his arm around her shoulders.

Val had plans with friends for the afternoon. By the time Mark got her back to the house it was almost two o'clock, which gave Val just enough time to take her clothes up to her room and put on one of the bras that Mark gave her money to buy. Properly clad, she rushed out the door, pausing only to peck Mark on the cheek. Mark watched her high, rounded backside bound off on those shapely legs, all below that cascade of copper-redness. He soon found himself standing over the toilet again with his stiff cock in hand. Only now, the debate wasn't whether or not to indulge in fantasies about his niece, it was about whether to spend his load now or save it for later. He hadn't cum in about a week and he was loving the heightened senses his semen retention was giving him. But it was torture at the same time. He knew if he shot his load, he'd be much less interested in Val, and maybe even feel low down and dirty. That would probably be the best for him, all things considered. But the thought of missing out on one iota of the pleasure his niece could give with her sexy presence made him covetous. He thought of something else until his cock softened enough that he could put it away.

Shortly after six, Val came home. Mark was in the den, watching the big-screen TV with a box of pizza on the coffee table and a plate in his lap. He'd tried to do some reading, catch up on e-mails, hell, he'd even poked around in the small garden in the back yard to try to take his mind off of the sixteen year old, busty redhead. "In here," he called to her. She came in and flopped down heavily on the sofa right up against him, draping one leg over his. Mark lifted his plate out of the way. "Hey, hey, I've got pizza, here." he chided. "All-dressed. I got enough for both of us so dig in." Val's denim shorts were as short as could be. He longed to caress that smooth bare leg with his hand. Feeling it on his own leg was nothing but temptation. Val put a couple of slices on a plate and started eating.

"What did you get up to with your friends this afternoon?" Mark asked.

Just as casually, Val replied, "Jess and I met up with some senior boys and they fucked our brains out in the back of their van."

Mark wrinkled his brow and stared long and hard at Val, who broke out into giggling and insisted, "Kidding! I'm just kidding. Oh, the look on your face."

"Mm-hmm. You are wired today, aren't you? Give me their numbers and I'll invite them over myself so they can rail you and save me from your sexy shenanigans."

"Aww, you don't like my sexy shenanigans?" Val thrust her chest out and shook it. The new bra did its job well enough but not too well.

"They're giving me a hard time." Mark reached over and peeled a slice of pepperoni from Val's pizza and, while turning back to the TV, pressed it to her lips. She took it in with her tongue and sucked the sauce from Mark's fingers.

"Hmm. How hard?"

"Wouldn't you like to know? Eat your pizza."

Val sat snugly next to him while they ate and flipped through channels. Mark watched some of an episode of Seinfeld; Val didn't really get it. Mark suffered through ten minutes of an angsty teen drama before switching to Nascar which they could both enjoy a little. By that time, the meal was done, the plates were on the coffee table, and Val's legs were draped casually over Mark's lap, his hand on her knee.

Mark was flipping through the stations when he stumbled upon the Playboy channel which was airing a softcore flick.It took less than half a second for Mark to parse the mostly flesh-toned content of the screen. A muscular guy was making love to a drop-dead-gorgeous blonde on a bearskin rug in a cabin in front of a fireplace. He flipped past it.

"Wait, wait, what was that?" Val asked, a teasing grin on her face.

"You know what that was, Val."

"Go back."

"Dream on."

Val lunged for the remote in Mark’s hand, shoving her uncle onto his back on the sofa. She came down on top, fully laid out on him. Mark held the remote out of reach and the two of them laughed as Val tried her hardest to wrest it from him. She tickled him under the arms, he flinched and brought the remote back to his chest, she grabbed at it and pulled, sitting up, straddling his hips. “You’re going to break it, Val,” Mark chuckled.

Val grinned wickedly, leaned in and drew her tongue over Mark’s cheek, very near to his mouth. “Aaauulllhhh,” she sighed as she licked, then came up giggling with the remote in her hands, wrested from Mark’s suddenly lax grip.

Mark rested his hands on her hips and gazed briefly at the slice of midriff exposed from her crumpled tank top, then down to her thighs in those denim shorts, spread so wide, her weight pressed on his stiffening bulge. Val turned her upper body and pointed the remote at the TV, and changed the channel back to Playboy. Now the man had the blonde bent over the back of a sofa and was pounding her faster. Her long blonde hair flashed as it swayed in the dim light, and her modest breasts jiggled from the onslaught behind her. “Happy now?” Mark asked. “Look. That’s where babies come from.”

“No shit!” Val replied, watching the movie.

“Why does your dad subscribe to that stuff?” Mark asked with a hint of danger in his tone. “Been a while since you heard their headboard thumping on the wall?”

Val took a moment to think that one over, and she wrinkled her nose at her uncle and slapped his chest. “Ew,” she said. “I dunno. I thought all guys watched porn.”

Mark shook his head. “Some of us get enough action that we d—“

Val cut him off. “That you make your own porn instead?”

Mark smirked at her and grabbed at the remote. Laughing, Val moved it away. “Wanna see something even dirtier?”

Mark sighed, feigning exasperation. “You mean the dinner plates that need washing? All right, go on, show me, but make it quick.”

Val grinned at turned the channel to an unmistakably hardcore channel. The information bar that appeared at the bottom of the screen said, “Soak My Wife 6 – Rated X,” and the scene was a cuckolded man sitting in a chair in a hotel room, watching while two other, burly men fucked and then came all over a pretty brunette woman in turn.” Mark quickly recovered from the image of seeing his own niece, of being there with her, while she watched porn on the big screen in her father’s own den. He swiped the remote from Val, who had let down her guard. “That’s enough of that, young lady,” he said, and turned the TV off. Val made a playfully frustrated groan and grabbed at the remote again. Struggling, Mark kept up the good humour. “I don’t want you getting the wrong idea about how first dates go,” he grunted, wrestling Val off of him.

Connected by the remote, Val jerked hard on it, pulling Mark down on top of her on the sofa. She moved the object of the struggle close against her breast, causing Mark’s hand to press against the large, soft mound covered by that tank top. Mark froze. “Perv!” Val chided, and slid out from under him, laughing, and switched the TV back on as she danced away from the sofa like a sprite.

The main floor of the house came alive with the sounds of Mark and Val’s game of cat-and-mouse. Mostly it was Val’s excited laughter that filled the den and drifted through the kitchen. Mark chased her around the sofa, faking this way and that. Whenever Val bought herself enough time, she would edge up the volume on the porn flick so that the raunchy sounds of ecstasy and bad music soon accompanied their game. “Fucking crazy girl,” Mark thought, “but so fucking hot.” Val leaned forward, arms pressed against the sofa, ready to shove off, and Mark thought that the way the pose showed off her cleavage might even be accidental, so caught up was Val in the chase.

Mark straightened up and sighed as though in defeat, and Val relaxed just a bit, a triumphant grin spreading across her face. Then Mark bolted for her. She shireked and ran out of the den, through the kitchen with Mark hot on her heels. The sight of her backside in those shorts gave him the burst of adrenaline he needed and he wrapped his arms around her waist and hauled her off her feet. Her rich, coppery hair was strawberry scented. Mark inhaled deeply, growling like an animal. Val shrieked again and kicked her bare legs helplessly in the air. “Give it up!” Mark growled. Val refused ecstatically, squirming in his strong grasp. Mark almost lost hold of her and found himself gripping her overhanded right between the legs, with his other arm across her front and bunching her breasts up higher. The sight down her top was irresistible. Mark squeezed between her thighs and hauled her higher up. “Give it up,” he demanded again, and Val refused again, breathlessly, distractedly. He carried her back into the den and tossed her onto the sofa. He was right there on top of her, wrestling her face to face, but the movements had become slower and more sensual, with Val parting her legs and undulating her body beneath him. Mark held her by the wrists up over her head and stared at her gorgeous face, perfect in her youth. Val stared right back, spellbound. The remote was forgotten even with the porn movie blaring just a few feet away. Mark grit his teeth, grabbed the straps of Val’s tanktop and pulled viciously down, bringing her arms to her sides and the tank top to a useless bundle of material covering her abdomen. Val gasped and arched her back. He left the bra straps where they were, allowing his niece some dignity beneath him. The lace of her light pink bra made her look even more feminine. Big as they were, Val’s breasts had more than enough youthful perk to sit solidly on her chest with very little sag. Heat surged through Mark’s body. He settled his pelvis between his niece’s invitingly spread thighs and ground his bulge against her heat. Their lips came together in fire.

Val sighed into the kiss and wrapped her arms and legs around Mark’s strong body. She ground her hips right back into him. She loved feeling his weight on her, feeling his powerful hips drive themselves against her. She felt that rock-hard bulge pressing on her mound and imagined his cock as she saw it in the movie, naked and pumping into her. “Yeah, yeah, more” she whispered, lips moving against his, and she moaned sweetly and wordlessly.

Mark hadn’t dry-humped since he was a teenager. He let himself get caught up in the moment. He supported himself on his hands above Val and switched his grinding to thrusting. Whup, whup, whup went the dull thud of clothed bodies against each other. Val’s tits bounced on her chest, and the sweet sixteen year old beauty looked up at him with hungry eyes, her lips parted. “You are so fucking hot,” Mark growled low, and gave her his finger to suck on, which she took greedily, showing off the skill of her lips and tongue as her eyelids grew heavier and lustful. Mark groaned with pleasure and humped her harder and faster. Val mewled. Her big tits bounced wildly, their tops almost striking her chin. Mark saw a hint of light pink areola peeking above the edge of her bra, and he kept on pounding her. Soon Val’s tits shook themselves free of the cups of her bra, and there they were, naked and on display for Mark, topped with stiff nipples that begged to be sucked on. Mark took his finger from her mouth and stripped the bra straps from Val’s shoulders. Her bra joined her tanktop around her abdomen.

Val looked purposefully down at her tits, and then into her uncle’s eyes, and traced the tip of her tongue along her upper teeth as if to say, “Look. Look what I have for you.” Marked grabbed Val’s tits savagely and Val winced and arched her back. He’d never had tits so big, so beautiful in his hands before. He tugged on her nipples. Val put her hands on his and moaned. Mark relaxed his hands and let the power of his thrusts bounce her breast for him. “Fuck me. Fuck me, Uncle Mark,” Val sighed, her words made staccato by Mark’s thrusting.

It was too much. Mark felt himself cross the point of no return, felt the telltale constrictions in his body, imagined fluids mixing and felt them build up, ready for an explosion. He closed his eyes tightly and pulled his hips away, holding them still. He tried to think of something else. “Shit. Fuck, fuck fuck,” he groaned in his head. No, it was too late now. He felt himself start to come. “Ahhhh fuck,” he groaned out loud and tore his shorts open. Val’s eyes went wide to see his manhood, even thicker and harder than it seemed in the video, come falling like a felled redwood from where it was held vertically against Mark’s lower abdomen. It was connected to the hair below his navel by a long, clear strand of precum. Mark gripped it and immediately shot his load. He cried out in a mix of ecstasy and regret.

His pent-up load arced through the air and landed in a long white slash across Val’s pretty face, through her hair and over the armrest of the sofa. Val froze. He shot two, three, four more ropes that splattered all over the girl’s gorgeous tits. He moaned like an animal, deep and gravelly in his throat. Val sighed, “Oh my God,” her voice trembling. She held her hands uselessly away from her body and saw the mess Mark made on her. She felt like one of the girls in the movie and she liked it. Grinning, she took hold of Mark’s cock and stroked it, milked it of the last of his load which oozed out into the valley between her breasts.

Mark came down off of his high. He’d made a beautiful mess of his niece. But she was his niece. Fuck. He kneeled over her like that for several moments, panting. Val saved him.

“You lasted longer with the girl from Tahiti,” she teased.

Mark broke into a laugh. “She wasn’t half as hot as you are,” he replied, and bent over her to kiss her, mindful of the streak of semen lashed across her cheek. Val pressed her cum-soaked body to his and Mark felt his own warm semen seeping into his shirt. Fuck it. “You’re all gooey,” Mark purred into her ear. “Go upstairs and have a shower.” His tone promised her there was more to come, and he gave her ass a hard, lustful squeeze. Val left him, with her top bunched uselessly around her abdomen, and trailed her fingertips over his shoulders. He looked at her and met her gaze over her shoulder before she disappeared around the corner.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2z4fni/uncle_mark_ch_3_mf_inc


  1. Seriously. You must have a few best sellers under your belt by this point. There’s no other explanation.

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