Surprise Encounter Part 1 [Mf]

There's a knock at the door. I look at the clock. 6:27.

"Interesting," I mutter to myself as I secure my towel and head toward the entrance.

I open the door and there she is. Through the dark screen I can see she is lost in her thoughts, but quickly looks up. She studies my outline and discovers I am in a towel.

"You're early. I am not ready." I say as coyly as I can.

"Sorry. I wanted to talk with you before we met up later."

"I'm confused," I exhale loudly, "You wanted to talk to me before we met up later to hang out and talk?"

She laughs nervously, "Yes."

"Well then come on in and make yourself at home." I open the screen door with a loud squeak and I catch her surprise at my body. It is not like it used to be when she last saw me undressed. The thin, lean frame has been replaced by a well defined mass of strength and muscle.

I smile at her reaction; I like how it feels. My lust flares up inside me.

She reaches for the door and I gesture for her to walk in.

I want her to pass by me so exposed. I want to feel her against me as she walks by.

I watch as she carefully places her purse on the glass table and looks around my place as though it were a museum. She studies the posters on the wall and slowly moves to my book collection touching a few random works and smiling slyly. I am lost in her taking in my life and reacting to different items. I forget all about my lack of clothing and just stare for a minute.

She's across the room when I ask, "What did you want to talk to me about kiddo?"

She turns to find me still clad in my navy blue towel and smiles again.

"Um…I was wondering if us hanging out was such a good idea." The smile fades and she studies the floor.

"I could certainly think of worse ideas." I laugh.

I start to walk towards her when she looks at me. She blushes as she meets my eyes. "I just think that given our history maybe being together like this might lead to something else."

And I finally know why she is here. It's funny how much this girl can affect me to the core of who I am. I want her now as I have wanted her for the past ten years and she wants me too. I catch my breath at the realization.

"You worried I might take advantage of the situation?" I smirk.

"Or I will."

"Really?" I am flirting now.

"I'm disappointed. I thought you knew when someone wanted you." She is flirting too. That was a jab at something I said years ago. My lust is fully ignited now.

The clock says 6:32.

"You can be difficult to read at times." I counter. " I worry that our past might be distorting things for me."

"Exactly my point," she stands in the doorway that separates my living room from my bedroom. "Maybe we should stick to phone calls and witty texts."

I sigh disappointed and step towards her. I can smell her shampoo and my heart beats fast. I hear her breath labored as she begins to fidget nervously. She looks down so I talk into her hair.

"Not yet. Stay but a little." I am quoting Shakespeare now, heaven help me. It has it's desired effect though, she steps into me and rests her head on my chest. She cannot look at me.

"I know everything has changed since I the last time I saw you…" She pauses, "but my heart and my head are not telling me the same thing right now. The last time I saw you we were all over each other only to part in tears. My head knows it's been ten years and I shouldn't feel this way about you, but that heart of mine…it's beating like it was just yesterday that we went our separate ways."

I close my eyes and remember a time when we used to be like this. I think of the last time I held her, kissed her, the last time she was mine. My thoughts betray me though and I feel myself grow hard underneath the towel.

"It has been a long time. I miss being with you like this." I confess. I don't want her to go.

I can feel her heart racing against me and I fight the urge to throw her on my bed and ravish her right there. She shakes her head slowly and exhales on my chest. I shudder and suddenly am reminded of our first night together, how nervous she was. She was just a girl then and I was her first lover. I loved introducing her to all the joys of sex in all it's varieties. She was never afraid to try something new in bed and that made me forever insatiable for more. She was so passionate and involved when it came to sex, it drove me wild. I couldn't help but wonder if she still had the same vigor in the bedroom and what I wouldn't give to find out.

I can feel her smile. She has noticed my erection and cannot help but feel empowered. She exhales again on my chest. My breath turns shallow and I am powerless to stop the inevitable. She softly kisses my collarbone and I let out a soft moan. Her hands start at my shoulders and she slowly runs them down the length of my arms. She digs her nails in ever so slightly on the way back up as she moves to my neck and kisses some more. My head is back and I am in ecstasy. I feel her lips and fingertips and enjoy each sensation. I forget how we got to this point and moan louder as her hands trace each of my abs lower and lower until she stop at my towel.

I open my eyes and look at her longingly. I want her so bad it hurts and she is toying with me. I want to kiss her hard and rip off her clothes. I fight the urge and let her take charge of what happens next. She was always very shy about initiating sex, I could not help but take advantage of this new side of her. If someone was going to break the rules of our new relationship it had to be her first. She hooks her fingers into my towel and looks up at me.

I muster the courage to steady my voice, "Isn't this exactly what you were worried about when you came here?"

"And now you see why." She smiles devilishly and pulls on the front of my towel, it starts to give.

"Believe me I'm not complaining. I just don't want you doing something you'll regret later."

"Then perhaps you shouldn't have worn this towel."

Another tug and my towel falls around my feet to the floor. I exhale as a shudder runs through my body. Her hands are now running down my thighs in a delightful motion. I close my eyes as once again as her finger nails push into my legs slowly up until she reaches her goal.
