Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.18: Kerina Socializes with No Pants On [fM]

Kerina jerked awake when the voices invaded her dreams. She looked up bleary eyed to see a few people walking into the room from the direction of the front door.

"Wake up sleepy head," Brendan called out like he was talking to a kid.

"Wh-what time is it?" stammered Kerina, wondering how long she had slept for.

"Its 8.30 and who might you be?" asked a well cultured voice. Kerina looked up and saw a skinny but athletic guy well dressed with short hair and a moustache. He was obviously well into his 30's. She had only been asleep about 30 minutes she realised.

"You okay?" he asked as she sat there silent, the thoughts going through her head.

"Uh, y-yes, I am Kerina," she said weakly.

"Oh hello Kerina, it is nice to meet you," he said politely, "My name is Greg.

"Hey Greg, who is this?" asked another guy walking into the room. He was fatter, his clothes were not neat or tidy and he had a three day growth going on his chin.

"Oh, hey Lionel, this is Kerina. Kerina meet Lionel," Said Greg.

'Uhm, hi," Kerina said, reaching out to take Lionel's sticky hand and shake it as he offered it.

"So how do you know Brendan? And how come you are laying down here?"

"Oh, I am his sisters friend, uh and I thought I was sleeping here tonight," she say weakly.

"Oh! Sorry to interrupt. Did you want to go back to sleep?"

"Uh. Well…"

"No, no guys," said Brendan, "we are partying tonight, she can go to bed later."

Kerina sat up, sheet around her waist feeling a bit dazed still and sort of foolish now that Brendan had shut her complaints down.

"Yeah, no I am ok," Kerina agreed weakly.

"Good girl, well sit up properly so others can sit down."

So began over an hour of sitting there embarrassed, nervous, hanging tightly on to the sheet talking to different people as they moved between the rooms and came to sit by her and talk with others filtering through the room.

One well dressed guy had sat there about ten minutes, unsteadily drinking a beer. He introduced himself as Andrew and was asking her about herself, slurring his words slightly. Kerina was politely trying to answer his questions, whilst also trying to lean back away from his strong beer breath and his eyes that kept glancing down at her neck line.

He was just trying to tell her what a pretty neck she had (for some obscure reason, which undoubtedly made sense to a drunk person) when a pretty tall black haired lady rested her hand on his shoulder.

"Oh, hi babe," he said looking up at her, sounding a bit sheepish.

"Go and get me a drink, ok honey," she said sweetly to him, but her voice had an edge to it, and the edges sounded sharp.

She was 5'9 with smooth tanned skin, a pretty face, with dark eyes and black curly hair. She was wearing a sexy but elegant blue figure hugging dress, which left her arms bare, showed a little cleavage of her plump breasts, and covered down to just above her knees. She was a dark haired beauty.

"Hi there, I am Elle, what's your name?" she asked as she gracefully sat next to Kerina.

"Kerina," said weakly.

"Kerina hmmm? That is a nice name. The guy you were talking to was Andrew. He is my boyfriend. You weren't trying to chat him up were you?" Elle asked smiling but her dark eyes bored into Kerina.

"N-no…I was just sitting here. He came up to me."

"Well that is not really an excuse. You two were getting a little close. So just remember hands off okay? He is mine."

"Oh definitely, don't worry, no problem."

"Well ok then," Elle said apparently satisfied, "so how do you know Brendan?"

"Oh I don't really. I am a friend of his sister Jane. I was supposed to come over to hang out with her and some friends, but they aren't here and we don't know where she went," Kerina said confiding in this pretty but scary older and confident woman.

"Oh so you are sleeping over? Maybe you should go to your bed room then, these guys will get sillier as they get drunker. A young girl like you doesn't need to see it."

"Well, I am sleeping here tonight, on the lounge," Kerina said weakly, wanting to say she isn't that young, feeling Elle thought she was like a child.

"Oh really," Elle said eyes flashing. She looked around the room and saw there were only two guys over by the TV discussing the best way to hook up a DVD player.

"So what sort of p.j.'s have you got on?" Elle asked conspirately?

"Uh, just this t-shirt," Kerina said blushing as she answered honestly.

"No way," Elle said, surprise showing on her face. Before Kerina could react, Elle grabbed the edge of the sheet and pulled it away from Kerina, exposing her as nude from the waist down.

"Uh, hey give it back," Kerina said ashamed, trying to pull the sheet back.

Elle held it for a few seconds, drinking in the sight of Kerina's bare legs and hips, and her neatly trimmed blonde pussy, all displayed as her shirt had hiked up under the sheet.

Kerina pulled on the sheet again and Elle let go, letting Kerina hurriedly cover herself before the nerds at the TV turned around, which they didn't as it turned out.

Elle grinned at Kerina, "Wow, I would never have taken you for an exhibitionist."

"What? I am not," hissed Kerina.

"Yeah, right. You are sitting in the middle of a party, different guys sitting next to you all night long, and you have no clothes on below the waist."

"You don't understand. My clothes got wet on the way here, they are drying and the only thing Brendan could find was this shirt…"

Elle shook her head in disbelief, "You are in denial honey." A weird grin crossed Elle's face, "I think I can help you out hon."

"Look, it isn't what you think," protested Kerina.

"Shut up honey. You can work with me, or I can just pull the sheet off again and call everyone in to look… or maybe you would prefer that?"

"N-no don't do that," Kerina pleaded red faced.

"Okay, well then me help you out then," Elle said rummaging around in her bag. She triumphantly pulled out a long thick black dildo, "you never know when you might need one," she said grinning meanly.

Elle handed it to a stunned looking Kerina.

"Ok, go on honey use it. It will be so hot, dressed like that and with that big dildo in you while people come and go around you," Elle encouraged her.

Kerina was going to argue, but the look in Elle's eyes, along with not wanting to sit there holding the dildo, helped her decide to slip the dildo under the sheet.

"Go on hon, slip it in you; if you don't I will do it for you," Elle grinned at Kerina's look of shame.

Kerina blushed redder at the thought of this beautiful girl stuffing the dildo into her pussy for everyone to see, so decided she would do it herself. Under the sheet she pushed the head up to her pussy lips and slowly worked it in between her legs. She had to slide down the couch a bit and open her legs to get the right angle to push it in.

Elle giggled at Kerina's wriggling around and the serious look on her face. She almost gave Kerina a heart attack when she pulled the sheet up to take a look under to make sure the dildo was in Kerina's pussy. Fortunately no one was looking when she did.

Kerina was concentrating on it sliding deeper in her when some one sat down on the other side of her.

"Hi there, what's your name?" a deep voice asked.

Kerina looked into the face of a nerdy looking red headed pimply guy, who looked about 30. He was wearing a pair of jeans, a casual shirt done up one button too high, and he smelt of cheap deodorant.

"Uh, Kerina," she answered.

"So I haven't seen you around before, where do you work?' he asked nervously.

"Oh, I go to university. I am a friend of Jaaaa uhhh," gasped Kerina as she felt the dildo push hard and deep into her. Looking across shocked, Kerina saw Elle's arm disappearing under the sheet and she realised another hand had joined hers on the dildo.

"Are you ok?" he asked her.

Kerina whimpered, "Go on, answer him," encouraged Elle with a look of genuine concern on her face.

"I, I am a friend of Jane," Kerina finished with a funny pitch to her voice as Elle started to push the dildo in and out of Kerina's completely vulnerable pussy.

"Oh, you are a friend of Brendan's sister?" he asked

Kerina nodded her head, "Mmm hmm," she squeaked, afraid to open her mouth.

"Well, my name is Greg, but most people call me Red, uh because of my hair," he said uncertainly smiling. "Do you have any nicknames?" he asked, his stock of small talk apparently drying up.

"Uh, well some people call me princess, unnnnnh," Kerina said grunting, looking again at Elle as the dildo pushed roughly in her again. Elle appeared to be looking over at a picture on the wall, but her hand was still working away under the sheet, shoving the dildo faster in and out of Kerina's pussy.

"I think you are really pretty, like a princess," Red said. "Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked artlessly.

"Oh, uh no," Kerina answered hurriedly, her eyes watering a little.

"I don't have a girlfriend either," Red said putting his arm around the back of the lounge, behind Kerina. Obviously he thought things were going well. Kerina was so confused and distracted, as Elle slid the dildo in and out of Kerina's pussy hidden beneath the sheet there on the lounge.

Kerina looked across at Elle again, worry on her face. Elle grinned and winked as she slowed the pace of the dildo in and out. Kerina was confused and dizzy. Her body was responding to the very direct and expert attention being given by the beautiful Elle, but she was horrified to be like this and to have this older ugly guy trying to hit on her. And to make it worse she wasn't sure how to make him realise she was interested without making a scene. She was so confused!

Red on the other hand had thought he had hit the jackpot. This gorgeous young thing, alone, had been talking to him, hadn't told him to piss off and didn't say anything when he slid his arm behind her. He was a little concerned about Elle, who he knew vaguely and had always intimidated him, but when he glanced at her, she had winked and smiled at him, nodding towards the blonde beauty.

"Uh, Princess, w-would you mind if I kissed you?" Red asked her hopefully.

"Oh, I unnnhhh" Kerina yelped, as the dildo drove hard and deep into her.

Elle looked over grinning, "She is shy Red, go ahead, but be gentle with her okay?"

"Uh sure Elle," he said as he reached over and held Kerina's cheek as he leaned forward and kissed her lips.

Elle sped up slightly as Red kissed Kerina, causing her breathing to pick up a little and her face to get a bit flushed. Red was not a talented kisser, but he was enthusiastic and he soon stuck his tongue in Kerina's mouth when she did not immediately respond. She wanted to complain but she was confused, a dildo impaling her and red holding her head. He kept kissing her with a long kiss and the dildo kept pounding her. His hand slipped down and started massaging her breast through her shirt.

Kerina panicked, trying to push his hand away but Elle pulled Kerina's hand away gently and thrust in again deep and rough with the dildo. Kerina got the message and let him keep feeling her, helpless even when Elle reached across and slid his hand under her shirt, giving him access to Kerina's bare breast.

It had all happened so fast, the dildo pushing in and out of her, Red kissing her, then fondling her breast, and Elle sat there enjoying it all, grinning. The two guys at the TV had glanced around when Red started kissing Kerina and were still looking at the TV but were now laughing about something.

Red was getting horny, feeling his cock swelling in his pants, as he groped this little beauty, or slut he decided. Only a slut would let him do this much. Maybe she would let him do more he considered. He kept kissing her as he slid his other hand under her shirt, feeling her other boob.

Looking down, at her bare belly he wondered what was she wearing under the sheet, as he sat there groping her breasts, the shirt now up above her boobs at the front. Elle watched on grinning, as she slipped the dildo out leaving it behind Kerina on the lounge, and stood up. She guided the confused Kerina to lay back on the lounge, letting the sheet slide down a little showing her bare pussy and Red followed ending up over her.

"You enjoy yourself you two," Elle said enjoying the look of shock and confusion on Kerina's face as Red's face changed when he saw the inviting triangle of neatly trimmed hair between Kerina's legs, now fully visible. He quickly undid his jeans and slid them down, his cock popping out fully hard.

"I don't have any condoms, Princess" he said.

"That's ok Red you go for it, she wants it as much as you," Elle said as she walked off to find her stupid boyfriend. She was horny after all this messing around.

"Oh, we are gonna be so good together," Red said eagerly as his lips pushed against Kerina's again, cutting off her response and his cock pushed inexpertly at her pussy.

Kerina wriggled as his cock pushed and slid into her lubricated pussy, unable to protest as his lips covered her mouth and he was too heavy to move. With little experience in these situations, Red had no way to know that Kerina's muffled protests were not the excited responses of a girl who was just as into him as he was into her.

In a few seconds he was all the way into her. Kerina lay almost naked under Red as he thrust furiously into the helpless teenager, determined to give her a good hard fuck (as girls liked he had read in an adult magazine.) The guys at the TV were paying attention now, as they received a great view of Kerina's body being violated. One even was holding a camera phone up.

Red felt himself stiffening up and then released a wave of cum deep in between Kerina's legs. Kerina lay there impaled as Red's cock filled her pussy with years of pent up cum. He pulled out of her, feeling a bit weird suddenly as the horny feeling had left him after he came. Feeling a bit embarrassed he quickly did up his jeans, not wanting to really be bare.

He sat down by Kerina on the couch. She was still laying there legs lewdly apart, breasts bared, shirt around her neck, sheet on the floor and long blond hair spread out and dishevelled.

"Uh, so that was good Princess. Uh thanks," he said.

Kerina sat up, clearly dazed, brushing the hair out of her face, and pulling her shirt back into place, over her firm young breasts. She sat there stunned, panting for breath after the very physical ordeal, shoulders hunched over.

Her pussy was still visible to the guys watching on though and they walked over as Red was standing up.

"Who is your girlfriend Red?" They asked.

"Uh well, I am not sure she is actually my girlfriend. Her name is Kelly."

"Can we have a turn too Kelly?" one of them asked.

"M-my name is Kerina, not Kelly," Kerina said feeling sore and stupid.

"Ah, who cares what your name is, we just want a fuck too."

"Uh guys, come on, I am sort of with her."

"Piss off Red, you had a turn."

"Uh please, I don't want to," Kerina said weakly looking wide eyed up at the guys.

"What ever slut, it's just a fuck. You gave Red one."

One of them moved towards Kerina, but Red stepped in front of him. The other guy stepped around and pushed Kerina back pulling at her shirt, tearing it down the front, exposing her body and boobs again. Red was holding off the other guy for now but the second guy grinned seeing the helpless girl in front of him. He unzipped and let his cock fall out, pointing between Kerina's shapely legs, straight toward her plump young pussy.

In a desperate move of defiance, which mainly worked because of the guys' belief that Kerina was no threat, Kerina pushed up with her knee, connecting firmly with the guys balls.

With a meaty thump he went down, cross eyed and gasping softly. Kneeling on the floor he started to vomit.

Kerina jumped up and ran for the hallway. The first guy wrestling with Red yelled in dismay, but still hadn't got past Red when Kerina fled the room.

Kerina ran blindly down the hall and opened a door and ran in and closed it. She stood behind the door panting, her chest heaving. She felt so confused and ashamed and now scared the guy would come after her. And she couldn't go anywhere, she looked down in dismay at her t-shirt, her one item of clothing, ripped from neck to hem, flapping open, displaying her breasts and tummy and everything!

Kerina looked around the room, relieved to see it was empty. It was a small guest room and she ran to the bed and slid under the covers. In the dark they wouldn't be able to tell it was her and she hoped they wouldn't be going to all the rooms disturbing people if they were in there. In the dark room, under the soft covers, her head on the fresh pillow, Kerina drifted off to sleep.

Andrew stumbled down the hall counting. Elle had come to him and whispered how she was really horny and needed his cock in her. Andrew was well drunk by now, but could never pass up a chance to fuck his gorgeous girl friend. He had been delighted to find that no matter how drunk he was, her naked body always got him hard.

He turned the handle of the door and walked into the dark room. Quickly shedding his pants Andrew stepped toward the bed, his hard cock ready to do its duty.

Kerina woke up confused, dreaming of the horrible scene in the lounge, getting screwed by that ugly guy as the others watched on. It was so realistic as his cock pushed into her, deep between her legs. Kerina groaned as she woke, rocking back and forward as a last response to her very life like dream.

"Come on babe, push back," a slurred voice grunted.

Kerina came awake very quickly, her body still being jostled as she felt something in her, pushing between her legs, hands on her breast and ass as whoever it was really drilled her.

Kerina jerked surprised, inadvertently sliding further onto the cock inside her and she squealed as his hand twisted her nipple.

The door to the room opened and the light was flipped on.

"Andrew, are you in here? Where have you been…oh!"

Kerina raised her head from her prone position on the bed to see Elle standing in the doorway looking on in shock as her boyfriend drilled Kerina's young pretty and firm body.

The shock quickly gave away to a look of hate and fury.

Andrew looked around in surprise and grasped to understand as he saw his girlfriend standing in the doorway, as his cock continued to push in and out of Kerina's plump young pussy.

"Get off my boyfriend you slut," Elle responded first, marching over toward the bed. Andrew realised what was happening and sat back, his orgasming cock coming out of Kerina, spewing come over her tummy and tits. Kerina lay there stunned, nude on the bed, breasts displayed, pussy lewdly opened for all to see, cum running down her tummy.

"You little bitch, you knew he was my boyfriend, but you had to have him didn't you. Slut!" Elle screamed, grabbing Kerina by the hair and hauling her out of bed.

'N-no, I was sleeping here, I don't know what happened…"

"Spare me bitch. You are so going down for this," Elle said as Kerina came to her feet. Furious Elle lashed out with her palm slapping Kerina a ringing blow across the cheek.

"Owww," whimpered Kerina staggering from the blow, seeing stars.

Elle grabbed Kerina's hair and pulled her out into the hallway, yelling for Andrew to get dressed as she closed the door to the room.

"Oww, let me go," pleaded Kerina as Elle pulled her savagely along the hall to the lounge room. A few guys stood in there now watching what was happening.

"What is going on?" One of the guys asked.

"She fucked Andrew, the little slut. She fucked him knowing he was my boyfriend," Elle yelled almost hysterical.

Kerina looked around the room at the unsympathetic eyes, "Please its not true, I didn't know," she pleaded lamely.

"What do you mean?" one guy asked," you thought you were doing exercises or something?"

"Or do you mean he fell over and accidentally stuck his cock in you?" sniggered another.

"No, I don't mean that, I mean I didn't know who it was, it was dark."

Red stepped forward from the wall, "So you mean you fucked a stranger in a dark room?" he asked confused and hurt.

"N-no Red…its not like that."

"You have sex with me and then go off looking for more, Princess?" he said getting angrier.

"She did you too Red? Wow what a slut," another guy says.

Things started to look bad for Kerina, but Brendan stepped in and after a few minutes discussion, during which Kerina stood there nude, and semi crouched over while Elle maintained a tight grip on her pretty blonde hair, it was decided they couldn't do any of the inventive things they had thought of to punish her. Seeing as she was his little sister's friend, he would be the one who got in trouble.

Kerina was thrown a sheet again and told to sleep on the couch. The light was turned off and she lay there, nude under the sheet on the couch. She stayed awake for a long time, teary eyed and helpless.

Brendan's friends soon left annoyed with him for spoiling their fun and having to keep quieter now to let the little slut was sleeping. Brendan was annoyed that even though she wasn't here, his sister had still managed to ruin his night.

He reminded his friends as they left that though they couldn't get their revenge on Kerina here, once she was out the doors of their house, it was no longer his problem….

Eventually Kerina fell asleep
