Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.1: Kerina [f][Fsub][huml]

Kerina was from the country. She had done very well in High School, was skipped ahead a year and ended up in College at age 17. Kerina's parent were farmers and weren't very well off financially. The College that Kerina got into was in the city and so the best they could do for her was a shared dorm room.

Kerina was quite a beauty. She was 5'3 with long blonde wavy hair. Slim and pretty with a flat tummy and striking blue-green eyes. She didn't have large breasts, but they were by no means small either. She had had a few boyfriends whilst she was growing up but had never done more than kissing. Usually her relationships had broken up as the guy had wanted more but she wouldn't do it. She attended her local church and was generally well behaved and quiet.

So Kerina moved to the city. She was sharing her small dorm room with an older girl named Lisa. Kerina soon got used to her routine and spent most of her time in class, studying in her room or in the library, swimming laps in the pool occasionally going to the College's girl's church group and sleeping. Kerina really felt the pressure to do well, since she was younger than everyone else there.

In the first three weeks that she was there, the only really unpleasant thing that happened was that one day she was in the cafeteria waiting to buy lunch when this guy walked up behind her and reached around and grabbed her breasts. Kerina had pulled away shocked and embarrassed as he had stood there laughing at her. Kerina was quite upset and had gone straight to the Dean. The Dean had assured her he would work it out and the guy had soon after been suspended.

There was however more to the story. The Dean discovered the guy that had grabbed Kerina was none other than Warren Farthington, son of a rich businessman who contributed largely to the university. The Dean spoke to Warren and told him that unfortunately he, the Dean, had no choice but to suspend Warren as Kerina had a blemish free record and as there had been so many witnesses. If, however, it was to come to light that Kerina was not as well behaved as she appeared to be, well the Dean could reconsider.

Soon after Warren met with a friend of his who also went to the college. A deal was made, money exchanged hands, and Warren also gave his friend a bottle of clear liquid, a wad of notes and Kerina's class timetables. Warren wasn't too happy still, but figured he could handle having a week off.

What followed began on Kerina's 18th birthday
