The PVR Machine Pt 2

"Lila," said a rich, warm voice behind her. It sent chills down her spine. She turned to see the man she had created to please her striding from the forest. He was a massive wall of a man. Almost seven feet tall and with wide shoulders and large muscles. His skin gleamed a dark golden brown, and a long black braid swung down his back. A leather loincloth was hung low around his narrow hips, and his legs were just as muscled as his arms. Sharp cheekbones and a square jaw were framed with a short black beard. Lila almost panted with lust as he came to stand in front of her, and wondered at the fact that she could smell the delicious musky odor wafting off of him, not comprehending how the the tiny patch stuck to the inside of her nostril could be reproducing such a primal, human smell this accurately.

She sighed when he reached for her and pulled her close. He even felt warm. His lips stroked sparks across her necks and she felt fingers stroking the small of her back. She decided to stop questioning how the technology was over-riding her senses and gave into the virtual sensations. She reached up and ran her fingers over warm skin. As if sensing surrender to the illusion, her binary lover began to murmur poetry to her.

"If questioning would make us wise" He stepped into her, pushing her back, the edge of the bed bumped against the back of her thighs.

"No eyes would ever gaze in eyes;" His hand framed her face, and she looked into eyes a rich liquid brown.

"If all our tales were told in speech" His lips brushed against hers, a slight sweeping pressure. He lifted his face away.

"No mouths would wander each to each." he whispered, stroking his hands down her neck to cup her shoulders. He pulled her into him and Lila was enveloped. His skin was firm and hot against hers. His fingers slid down her back, chasing sparks across her flesh to settle in the small of her back. Her breath escaped her in a gasp as their mouths met and he tightened his hold, making her aware of the erection behind the loincloth. She gripped his waist with both hands, his tongue danced across her lips, and she was lost in the kiss. His hands did not settle long and as the kiss lingered and deepened, they traveled, stroking her back, cupping her ass and lifting gently with each firm stroke. She whimpered in protest when he pulled his mouth free of hers.

“Were spirits free from mortal mesh,” he said, and ran kisses along her jaw and down her neck. His wandering hands found the tie to her top, and pulled the knot loose. It slipped away, and his lips continued to work small kisses across her collarbones. His hands slid around her waist to rest on her hips and he drew them up slowly until they stilled, just below the curve of her breasts. He paused in his adoration to look down at her bared breasts. If Lila didn’t know better, she would have thought she saw raw hunger there. The facsimile still made her shudder with need and her breasts felt heavy with the need to be touched. “And love not bound in hearts of flesh,” he whispered and lowered his head. She moaned as his hands slid up that final distance and his warm hands cupped her breasts. His thumbs traced slow maddening circles around her areolas while he licked tiny strokes across the top curves. His beard abraded the sensitive skin, and her nipples were stiff and tight with need.

“No aching breasts would yearn to meet,” he said, then let his thumbs stroke across the stiff peaks. Lila gasped and arched her back, pressing her breasts into his hands. He gave in to her need, taking one of her nipples into his mouth while the other one was played gently across his thumb. He took his time, switching between each breast as he alternated between bathing them with his tongue, stroking them with his thumbs and gently suckling. Her moans and gasps drowned out the bird song and her knees started to buckle. He captured her mouth again with his own as he lowered her to the bed. He stood above her, his eyes locked on hers. He was beautiful and she took her own enjoyment in watch the light play off of his skin and the way the loincloth was lifted by the erection it only barely concealed. His hands were busy again, and the triangle of red silk that covered her mons soon joined the top. He knelt before her, his hands gently spreading her thighs. Lila lifted herself onto her elbows and he took the opportunity to slide his hands up her body to cup and gently squeeze her breasts again. He slid them back down to her thighs, and lowered his head. She felt his breath stir the curls as he said, “And find their ecstasy complete.”

Lila lost herself in the animal pleasure. It did not matter any longer whether it was flesh and blood or a sophisticated hierarchy of code, what mattered was the feelings of pressure on her nerve endings at just the right moment, feel of a tongue being inserted between the folds and the expert strokes against the flesh. What mattered where the tiny gasps and moans as her clit was explored, gentle pressure on the exposed glans, then strong frictioned lapping next to the hood. This was exquisite biological pleasure, the pleasure centers firing like her pussy was a piano and his tongue an orchestral pianist. She writhed beneath his tongue, and his palms held her thighs firm, giving her something to buck against. She pulled frantically at her own breasts, blatantly starting at the way her dark skin contrasted against his burnished brown skin. Sunlight reflected off of the fluids coating their skins.

When the orgasm came, the world shattered for a moment, and Lila knew why the machine sold so well. Her lover took a few more strong strokes and deep waves of pleasure spread out from her clitoris, she fell off of her elbows as her muscles contracted and her vocalized pleasure was carnal. It was the perfect orgasm, set off by triggering the pleasure center of her brain. It was everything she had ever wanted an orgasm to be.

As the pleasure eased back, Lila was shocked to hear laughter. The man still knelt between her legs and he wore a smirking prideful grin. She dropped her head and chuckled weakly, amused with his obvious pride in a job well done. She was still riding the warm glow down when he spoke again, his voice a laughing purr that set her cooling blood on fire.

“For who is there that lives and knows,” he said, and leaned into her pussy. This time he slid his tongue up and down her lips, cleaning her of her own juices. The second orgasm was deeper and more relaxed. She still flexed and moaned, but she was languid in it, bunching her fists in the sheets and pressing her pelvis into the mattress to open herself up to him, even as she pushed him away from her sensitized clit. He took a few slow laps, cleaning the curls where they met her thighs, then smiled lazily at her and spoke warm air across the cooling skin, “The secret powers by which he grows?”

“Were knowledge all, what were our need,” he said this as he stood again, and his hands created her. Firm, sweeping strokes from the bone in her ankle to the firm curve her ass. He traced the lines where her thighs met her hips and laid claim to the curve of belly. Sliding his hands down the sides of her breasts he gathered her hips and moved her up on the bed, then continued his caresses along the banded muscles in her arms. His fingers stroked her palms lightly, softly. He leaned back and removed his loincloth.

This time it was Lila’s turn to laugh, something she would have never dared to have done at this particular time with a real man. It was the same size as her prototype, but it seemed so different then the pink plastic thing she had pulled from the printer. She reached out and wrapped her hand around the girth and gave it a few testing tugs. The man groaned appreciatively. It felt warm and solid, and soft skin still moved freely against stiff flesh. It felt real, down to the soft thud of heartbeat underneath. Then he took her wrists and pulled her hands gently away. He raised her hands to his lips and kissed her palms, before covering her with his body, their hands tangled above their heads.

He kissed her deeply, and the head of his cock parted the outer lips of her pussy, and she felt her own juices make it slick. He didn’t move though, he held still there, and she panted with the effort of holding back on the need to impale herself on his spear. She indulged in the pleasure of the suspense, and the feel of his kisses working their way down her chest. She balanced there for a moment, taking glory in the feeling. Then, in one powerful thrust of her own hips, she took all the way in.

She shattered again, and the bed rocked with the power of her spasm. She thanked the gods the PVR was soundproof as she cried out in loud moans. Moans she was pleasantly surprised to hear echoed back to her by her lover. She locked eyes with him as he pulled out, slowly, stopping every time her pussy walls convulsed with orgasmic pleasure. It sent tiny aftershocks of pleasure across her nerves, and she nearly wept with the pleasure of it. He seemed to know what she wanted, keeping his strokes slow and gently for long minutes. She languished in the friction, letting herself focus on the sensation of being completely pleasured. His mouth worked equally slowly on her breasts. When he spoke, she felt the vibrations more than she heard the words, “To thrill and faint and sweetly bleed?”

Then seek not, sweet, the "If" and "Why,” his hips sped up as he spoke, and the tension built. When it broke, they came together and his moans harmonized with her cries as she bucked beneath him, her legs wrapped around his hips as he reached beneath her to lift her up. He clung to her, and she felt his cock spasm inside. They collapsed. He rolled to the side while he did so, and she was curled into her side. His hand were still clasped together at the small of her back and he released them to lift one to her face. He traced the line of her jaw and murmured,”I love you now until I die.”

“For I must love because I live,” he lifted her hand to his lips again, and smiled warmly as he kissed her fingers. He then kissed her gently on the forehead, whispered, “And life in me is what you give,” and was gone.

Lila laid in the bed for awhile, ignoring the blue glowing exit icon at the corner of dais. She marveled in the soft breeze, the sunlight and the wonder of human innovation. She also wondered how much of her paycheck she was going to end up blowing on this thing.

Poem is called Because She Would Ask Me Why I Loved Her by Chrisopher John Brennan an Australian Poet
